Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 03, 1929, Image 1

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VOL 26,. No. 20
NITTANY GRIDMEN Football Only Paying Sport
Last Year, Report Reveals
Puj? Parkinson Leads Smashing:
Second Half Rally of
Panther Team
! football was tlio only paying spoit
Iduiing the 1023*29 season, the annunl-
FRENCIi STARS IN LION , ’*v published repoit of the Athletic As-
DRIVES DURING BATTLE j a 'Sit' ot f^dSf^bulTto!;
—_ |d gioatci gam 'than in the previous
I'orward Nets Only Penn State. Tiatk was the heaviest losei with a
Touchdown as Stahley J deficit of $lO,OOO while ufle was lov
. , est with $.lOO. Baseball, basketball.
Receives lass 'and vvicstling m the ordei nan’ed
j weie the ne\t heavy loseis
The repoit indicates that the veailv
logining despeiately to '•lave oil mto mc fioni all soutcos was SI‘)J,SS7 -1
defeat at the hands of Panthei foci, iqo while the cuirent cxpumhlmc"- j
a valiant Penn State football team | ucrc 721.19 In comparison with
lose in all its might in the lust lialr, tlio picvioas yeai this iccoid indicates
of the annual giudnon battle only to j a Rmn of moic than $50,000 A loss
succumb to the tciuhc ehaiges of the |oC 88,248 52 was incurred duung the
Golden Iloide m the second half and j i£>27-28 season
lose to Pitt 20-10-7 in the final gamei of Oie suiplus, $lO,OOO was paid to!
of the season Thursday. I die Emeigcncy Building fund, to I
The deleiimndd icsistance of die ; ?r=- 1 — .. _i.
Lion foiwaid wall was utteily unable A TIEO CO All! 111/PO
to cope with the smashing line diives j I*K il]lr > MllfW illilfl
of Pug Paikiuson duung the second)
half. The bully fullback scored two i WftMFN ? S AVFR AfiF
touchdowns duung the thud nnd 1 ilvlTlljli O XIV LtllaluLi
fourth quaitcis aftei the Lion team ■, , ■ ■■ ■ j
had sccuied a 7-to-G lead duung the-,. T ,i V ,> , T ~ • , ,
fust hall. Men Lead With Best Individual
Coopei Flench was the mam cog
in the Nittany attack Seveial time >
the diminutive quanciback biokc
awav for long gams before being
thxown by the Panther secondaiy de- , „
few. Yntz Dlcdnth ws also re- Alu,o “l* “vclasos »f co-cds an.
Wimble fot sams th.ousl, the Pit< » fcho ' v th *‘ thc h 'B h “;
j IJJe gigdes foi the second semeslei of
Based around the bi.lliant inns of! ‘ a3t obtained by »omen,
loby Uansa, the Pitt offense aas lea-' fi C u ‘ M oomp.led recently at the lees
deled molTcLtive duiins .he lust half, Jal i °ll te levenl that men students
the Golden Cats scoring only afte. i o' 1 "-' 1 m '"""'.dual scholarships
twenty-uve yaul penalty had placed
them within scoimg distance of the
Nittany goal Thu speedy halfback
failed to gam consistently and u was
- not until the mighty Parkinoon had,
assumed the burden of the Panthei
attack that the .Smoky City machine j
.'waa enabled to.break down-the,Lion
defense ' !
Stahley, Edwuids, nnd Kaplan wove,
powciful factors m both offense and
defense, Stahley scoimg the only
Lion touchdown The Nittanv wmg
nien icpeatedly btoke up Panthei
playe Maity McAndiews was out
standing on tlio Nittanv dolcnse while
Captain Jack Mai tin, playing lus fust
game ol the season in the Penn Statu
(Continued on thud page)
Delegates of Commonwealth’s Plant
Industries. Will Confer With
Department Oihuals
The uith annual llmticultu c
"Week, with vegetable giowcis,. o’*
iluudisls, Ilonsti, and landscape gut
dcneis fiom every section of the
Statu a.tending, will be held hole un
del the auspice. of the College Jc
paitmcnt of hoiilcultuic fioni Man
day until Wednesday.
Repusentativcs of plant industries
will confei with dcpaitment oflictaU
on woik iclinetl lo'hoiticultmc Sop
niute piogiams vjill be olfeicd <n
fiuil giowmg, vegetaLle gaidening.
and floiieultmo and oinamcntul hoili
cultuie, with a discussion of pcisonal
problems "and picscntutions of giovv
ei’h c*.peuience
Faculty membois and piommcnl
growets in the hoitieultuie field wli
addicts tne visi-ois on industiy pio*
gus, Deoil Tialjih L Watts of th.‘
AgiK-vdlu.e School will outline a
piospcclive progiam fot the develop
ment of instmction .uni icocanh ill
hoitieultuie at Penn State M. D
M James of the State Buieatt of Mar
kets will speuk on fiuit and vegetable
Dr William W. Comfort To Speak
At Phi Belu Kappa Dinner
Dr. William W Comfoit, piosulunt
of Haveifoid college, will uddiess tlio
Pin Beta Kappa club of Penn Stale
at an auniveisary dinner m the Slate
College hotel at G o’clock tonight. The
diinici is being held to celebiate tne
ISiird tmimeiMiry of the honorary
scholastic fialeimty ’
The local oigam/ation, winch t>
composed of forty mcmbcis among
the faculty and lesideius of State Col
lege, was fust funned in 1910. Dr.
Call \V. llasek, heud of the economicn
dcpaitment, is ptesident of the local
| Boxing Gains But Regi
Track Records
With a net suiplus of $15,905.GG,
Showings in 3 Classes
Last Semester
Men led the jumoi, sophomoic md
.fieshmen classes, scholastically, ann
of the lust hve places in each clu”.,
Hie men students earned nine com
, paied to six for the women
John D. Hartman ’SO, leads the,
! senior class and entire College vvitn
ian__Hverage_of 297. Others.,in the:
| first five ranking of die senior class
aie Miss Florence V. Kraft, Miss
Anna C. Owens, William J. Sayloi,
and Miss Janette M Burns |
Harry Ligbtstone earned high hon
ois m the juniui class and was close
ly followed by Miss Maiy £. Sevan
Geoige II Young, Geoige Fisanis,
and Miss Miujoue Hathaway
In the Sophomore class men holt!
all but one of the fust five place
Miss Elizabeth E Rutledge, with sec
ond luting is the only woman ro
bleak into the tanking division Rob
oit W William® is lust tn this clas,
Otheis among the Inst five jic; Da*
id M Jones, William Rosenweig, and
Geoige K Davis
Di R. C. Gibbs, Piofessoi of Phys
ics at Coinell university, spoke at an
open meeting m the physics lcctutc
loom last night. Ills subject was
"Some Recent Advances in Atomic
Wanted: Songs and Cheers for Old Penn State
Pain Stale’ll ti tul and tine Hoityu
aic npnntid below an a ynule to
pionpccuc Hour/ wihcrx'ut the cor.-
likniAN* coni/ielition for new Colley c
niniyn and ihcom The wntci'i,
vuini ai appended m the hope that
thin mnynlai nolttc will cnconmyi
undviyiddnutcH io submit noityn
for the competition. You cun jota
Pcun State’ll Halt of Fame! Entci
the Sony and Chcci Compctit tvn!
Foi the gloiy of Old State.
Foi hoi founders strong and great
Foi the futuie that we wait,
Raise the song, laise the song. }
Sing oui love and lo\alty, f 1-*
Sing our hopes that, bright and j
f lee , b j niR MTI’ANt LIO.N
Rest, 0 Mother deui, with thee, ! Eveiy college has a legend
All with thee, nil with thee. j Passed on fiom yeat to jeai,
When we stood at boyhood’s gate, ( ) v *V c h they pledge allegiance
Shapeless in the hands of fate, £nd always chensh clem,
Thou didst mould us, deal old State i , , l ho hooted idols,
Into men, into men I lc ‘ ,cs *' u *- o|, e which stands the
! test,
Slay no act of uius hung shame j it’s tho stately “NiLluny Liun ”
To ono hcuit that loves thy name, i The symbol of*our best.
May oui lives but swell thy fame, S rirnmic
Deal old State, dear old State I , ,
u'. i t ni, i ** a, ‘ to the laon, loyal and tme,
-fmi U,m 1-ulUc llal , Alnm Malol> » lth |lC| wh ’ IUI
* \ and Blue,
VICTORS I’enn State foiovci, Molhei of men,
Come now, clussmon, let us sing, p, K hl ami
Loyally suppoit the team, vietoiy attain.
Wc’ie heie today with our colon* Them's old PiUsbuigh with its
K«y, Punther,
Ready to wm the finy— .. And Penn hoi Red and Uluc:
isters $1,700 Deficit as
' $lO,OOO Loss
which the Association Ins to date
contiibutcd ‘{155,000 This money will
be used m the College building ex
pansion progiam The balance oi th"
piolit was used to leducu the accumi.-
! luted Association deficit fiom $23,-
MC -17 to $l,OBO 15
The report also shows that fo »t
-ball piofits wcio incienscd mme than
SIC,OOO ovei the previous veai and
that ail othm sports showed net de
ficits totaling $-12,777 02 The ex
pense of the gcncial Association was
$l7, 592 119 indicating a decicace fiom
the previous ycai
The income deuved fiom btu lent
fees, faculty and season tickets, and
the net suiplus of all sport* com
bmed was $02,<102 00 EspenJituic
amounted to $31,156 <l3 leaving an o;.
cess of income o\ei expenditures of
Players Prepare ‘Koval Family*
With International Cast
For December 14
The constitution of Penn State’s
Inteifiatcimty Council was found to
ho one oi the most rigid and strong
ly enfotced documents of its kind,
„ . „ , , _ , . i when leinesentatives from moie than
i * a |VCS 0 mia ’ 0 'ampucs,' scvent y toMetfCB ar ,d umvcisities met
1 ( oiinan manage.,, South Amci .c.i.i | at tho Xatlonlll Undergraduate Into.-
plaLinun kings, Flench mauls ami, Ir „ tclmt/ conference held m New
|Amenean octo.s and accesses lend „ c „ C 1 tho .week-end
[touch of internationalism to tho Pern , . , ... ~ . , . 1
I Stale Player,' act comedy. “T„. ' M “‘“ ta Jv.,kpatnck JO, president
I Ttoval Fannie,” to be staged in ol the local coune.l ,ho represented
Schwab anditoiium Dece.nbe, H p ° n " SM ° f'atevnities at the nation-!
0 , a* meeting stated in this connection,
Coach Aithui C Cloctingh began *. , , e .
~ , . , , ", “Penn States method of having a
(he last week of ichearsal 1.0 be spent , , . t . . », ,
m the perfection of character. , ,L- »S contraposed of both stu
pretalion of Edna . Father's and^ c \\«t^“.'^S e S' be, 1 3 "“ 3 f f ° U "‘‘
Ceorge Kiufman's pl»y‘of p] °" s I<,r
•pie; whlch’-onJorcd’a-'snceessful-run'-S'SSnlsaon.ilMiiatormt.valfans on the
on Broadway lust season campus ’ I
Milton 0 Young "» Mis, Helen J i 0p "" ! " ! “ Hc "” ' Vcck !
Bnekuallei '3l. and Robc.t \V Me- 1 Thl! tlcfcllsll 'doliins plan, co-op-
Kune M 2, veteum, of past Phj,.,' and thc “>>olit,oo of
pi eduction,, will shale tho iinicligkt: hell week weic among tho questions
■nth Miss Slurlev Thoipe MJ urn disi -ussi!il at thc conference In the
■Hiss DoroJiy IJc 5 Ml. who mil be ta, ' J at llota ‘‘'nl lushing the nssemb-'
lirst seen in u Pluveis’ pioiluction m ,laK<! "' li “nomnious ■" lls decision
too of the thiee leading fcirinin • ‘hat this idea was pool and should be
loles. ; discouraged i
: The play is not of the «lu,)-st'i.k “It.was decided," Kiihpatuck stat-j
i comedy vancty Lut iches upon ile.- ed, “that the co-opciative buying phur
| emesa of situation foi its lnm.o* jt could bo successful only in such in* j
i vus the opinion of cutics a L the tini • stance, whoie the majont> of the fid-1
of the play’s Now Voik lun, that the ! lci dies not in debt to local mei-’
authois had biought about this hiimoi [ chants, since othciwtso law suits and
by subtle use ol satnc in depicting' unfa\oiable publicity would lesult t
the home-life of the Bairvmoic* family i “Sentiment against the custoiraij
•mder the assumed name of Caiondi'-n ,‘licil' week was \eiy sttong at the
Despite t!ie change of n,lines Elnct meeting,” KiiKputuck disclosed “A
Biii.ymoie. John Bnujiroio, John plar was suggested by Dr. Chuilos \\
Dicw, and otlici me.nbois of tlie ilhi„ Flint, of Syiaeusc unnersity, uhciebj
trioii3 btujro faoii'v t,*i) be discern". l ' qui/rei on fiatemity histoiy and fui-l
in the vauous pints in a heated m -1 leiinlv piohlcius he substituted foi |
guir.ent upon t*»eu icspectivc didiv- tho barb.uons bough house’ticatment
atit ability ine\altnt timing initiations”
Whethei it I»o Pitt 01 Penn,
Haivaul or Cornell,
PJuy the gniw>, eveiv man.
And we will win again
Fight,, light, light, foi the Blue ami
Victoiy will our slogan he,
Deal Alma Mntei, faucst of all,
Thj loyal sons will obey thy tall
I To light, light, with all thou might,
| Evei the goal to gain
I Into the game for Penn State'-,
| fame,
I Fight on to \itloiy,
I All along the line— (Choiuo it
TO I ‘BBS ENT Sjfcon J Number of
Arhuls* Course;
Delegates of College Councils
Find Penn Stage’s Laws j
Among Stiongcst !
Diutmouth, with lndian,
And Yule hei Bulldog, too;
Then old I’uncetun with its Tigei,
Cot null with its Bear,
But speaking now of victoiy,
We’ll gut the Lion's shaie'
— J. A. Leyden 'J
Let him whose pulse with red blood
Undaunted, fiee and stiong,
Whosu heait foi God and count! y
glow s,
Join in oui Penn State song
Together let oui voices luiso
A song \.ith joy elate.
In loyal praise of college days
At Pennsylvania State.
As lofty Nittanv’s crest o’ei bends
The fur stietchcd field and wood.
So high oui hopes and aims ascend
Foi Penn Stule’s future good
Tn pmmil depths fountains be
That beais the mountain’s weight,
So deep foi thee oui loyalty
Oh, Pennsylvania State.
Dear God, who to our Futhei’s
Knit listed Penn State’s fame
Help us while hoi foundation
stands (
To chensh hei fair numc
And as wo fight for tiuth and
What e’ei may be'our fate,
Wo’ll muse on high oui battle eiy
“Foi God, foi home and State.”
-—Dr. S/iiti L'i
Miss Elhcl Fox and Allan Jones
Will Offei Second Course
Number at 8 O’clock
Soprano To Give Offering From
Gounod’s Faust—Appears
In Special Costume
Piesei.ting the second piogram of
the Aitists’ Course, Miss Ethel Fun,
sopiano, and Allan Jones, «.cnoi, wul
present an operatic iccital in costume :
in Schwab auditorium at 8 o’clock
Thursday night. Benjamin King will
accompany the artists on the piano
j Opening the concert wuh seveml
1 tenor solos Mi Jones will smg “Un-
I der the Greenwood Tiec,” by Dunn,
land Giannmi’s “Tell me, Oh Blue,
Blue Slcv” as pait of the fust gioupl
■on the progiam
I As the next selection. Miss Fox will
j give an mtcipictanon of a scene
I fiom Gounod’s “Faust ” In the scene
!to bo picsentcd, the innocent Mar
guerite. netoinc of the immoital stoiy
oi the man who sold his ooul io the;
devil, has just met the appaientlvj
youthful Faust Fascinated by hot,
lomantic c\peuencc, she sings the bal-l
lad of the King of Thale at hei spin
ning wheel. With ihe discovery of a
, cast et of gems, she icvcals hei hojit
in the famous Jewel Song During thii
scene Miss Fo\ will be in costume
and sceneiy’ from the opera will dec
mate the stage
Pidnisl To Play
Mi King will play the “Bal
lade in F. Major, Opus 28,” by Cho
pin, during un mteilude in the vocal
mogram Scenes from Massenet’s
famous oncia “Manon” comprise the
last part of the program, which will
"be divided into portions of the three
[acts of the opeiotta. The action n
| this selection centers about the love
nffaii of Mane Lcscaut, a count) v
maid, and Dos Gieu\, a handsome
cho.ahei. Aftei seveial diamatic
scenes, tiue love ultimately tnumph*
■ Miss Fox made hei opeiatic debut
with the San Cailoi Opeia Company
tn 1927, when she appealed in live
[leading ides as Foitune Gallo’j
I pnma donna soptano Since that
Itune she has aopcaied in production
i foi one season at Havana, Cuba, and
!m the Asheville Music Festival She
; will begin hei second season vvuhjthe
San Ctulos Opeia Company in Jan
Ms Jones his cateei when
he was nine yems old as a chonste.
at St. Lube’s Episcopal Chinch m
Scranton Following a year of void*
svudy al New Yoih university in 102'»,
he went to Paris to study opeia m-
J dot Felix Leioux. He ictumcd hei •
.dusinjf the 1'»27-2S season to nppea.
in many in.poitant cnj?a£cmcni.s in
j concert, orutouo and opeia
I went to s>ee my Susie,
She met me at the (loot,
She told me that I need not tome
To see hoi uny moie,
She fell in love with nnuthei,
Named Amhew Jackson Lee,
So hole’s faiewoll to old tiue love
Faiewoll Pennsylvania Slate,
Alme Matci, fuie thee well,
We now must leave thee,
Leave the home we love so well
llei face was like an oystei,
Ilei loot was like a ham,
Hoi eves shone foith like stais at
Ilei voilo was novel ca(l)m,
Hei half was long and stlingy,
She looked just like a clam—
So heie’s faiewoll to old tiue love.
—Choi us
—Adapted by Hex Mcyeta 'l 4
Wheie the vale of old Mt Nitlany,
Meets the eastei n sky
Pioudly stands our Alma Mutei,
On hei hilltop high.
Flag we love, Blue and White!
Float foi aye, Old Penn State, o’ei
May thy sons he leal and loyal!
To thy memoiy.
When the evening twilight deepens,
And tho shadows full,
‘Collegian’ Starts Contest
, For New Songs and Cheers
Dcmiing to piomote intoiost in
singing and cheeimg at College
athletic contests, the COLLEI.IAN i-,
sponsoung a competition de-ngned
tc pioducc new,* College songs and
cheeis Rules of the contest aie
as follows
1 Any studuit, alumnus m
fucnd interested in the College is
c'lgihle foi the competition
- Cheeis and songs should he
submitted to the Song and Che.i
Editoi Penn State coullrian.
State College, Pa , not latei than
Januaiy 15
3 All contnhution > should beai
the name and addiess of the au
<1 Contiihutions wil l he consnl
eied hy a student-faculty Coaid,
and the authoi notified of the
Coaid’s action
Discuss ‘Limitation to Special
Ability ’ Resolution With
Pill Nevt Friday
Opening a senes of debates on
“Highei Education Should be Limit
ed to Those Having Spot ml Abilities,”
the Pern State debatei s will take the
aihtmative side of tnc question against
Pittsburgh o'utois in Schwab auditn,
lum at 7 JO o’clock ne\t Fudav night
Coach John II Fu//ell will select
two men fiom a squad of fifteen com
petitoi" who aie piepaung speeches
or the topic. Eliminating debates w ill
be held befoie the discussion with
No decision will be given as to the
winnei ot the debate Fallowing the
foimal discussion, an open foi urn dis*
! cussior will be held in which the aud
t icncc will be invited to takelpait
Last vcai Pittsbuigh debuting
teams tuined in a ueditable iccoii’
ir winning a high peicenage of then
seventy oi moie meets The highei
education topic is a rew one foi col
legiate dcbateis, howcvci, and both
teams will deltvci then hist oigan
taed speeches on the subject
Pittsbuigh’s schedule tins season
again includes moie than seventy en
gagements Sevenal teams have al
- faced opponents while Penn
State will hold then second meet with
tho Panthei oiatois
Plans foi the election of a i.ew
twelve-stoiy doimitmv* to be used hv
students of the tollege ol physicians
and suigeons weie tiled tecenllv h
i Columbia umvuisitv *1 he stmetuic
will cost 51,200,000 and will occiipv
:r plot 151 by 108 tect
Lingei , long the golden sunbeam.
On Uiv western wall—Choi us
When the shades of life shall gath
Daik the lu-.ut may be,
Still the lavs of youth and lire
Shall linger o’ci thee—Cbm us
IVIN A(« MN 'I Of) U
To you old State we sing mu song
To theei you on today.
No mattei what the houi will
We’ll sliout oui ‘‘Riy. Ray, Itav !”
With the Blue and White voui
Put the best into the fiav
Uphold the sacicd honoi
And fight to win today
Oh, good < Id Penn State
Wc’ir all foi you.
Duu Alma .Mate-,
U (i all love you
We know you’ll "-how voui le.uless
corn ago—
The chcnshcd Penn State light,
And wullop Pitt m Pennoi Lehigh,
Add to your gient might
We’ll give out "S-s-b-oom-\li-C j
Penr State ”
And Yell “oim* mire
Just as we did in davs of voic.
Majestic Blue and \\ lute v ill float
Nothing will oui line love sevc
Penn Stute! Penn Slate!
Win again today*
Chcei -lu!
Student Leaders Favor
Plan To Improve
Spirit Here
Colletfc Alumni. Umleitfudimlc-..
And Fuciuk Mttv Send
In Conlnlnitionp
Stumglv a campaign fm
ntw ong*. and cbccis |iiomnu.!it In
dent, leadeis huvi im»u>d hands with
the cou.h.ian in its effoil to impiove
the stngmg and chceimg al I’cmi
State alhhtic conic* Is
, Believing l>*nl the lai K ol ‘in il-
Ijrovoling ‘ongs and diems was
largely’ ’c-tpmr-ible fm the downhill
oi singing and dice l mg at tootba"
r\.me> dining Inc p,i*t season, hi u!
"lau'e.’dei Isadoie E iluiklcn Jo,
vat the hist to cnduibc the iojma.ian
The col i.lman plan as outlined to a
giounof '■tiu’eni leadiis la* t mghi i
intended to cue image students, din -
m. «nd fi lends m the College ,o ‘••i**.
irit oiigmal -ongs and chcei to >
.tudcnt-facullv lioaid t . lie elc It I
fill. Bo.ud will ipn-ovi Hu onliibr
. OPS Ol otrci MlggC ,t ( ’l-, fou l‘l 1
•irpio cment
P. miineni utidc’g’.uh it
heaiti'y bad. the plan to mjc.t 'nev.
)lood” into Penn St ite - duel u '
Lions at ithleti. event-, aie M.. ti i
? r.lcAl.ditW ><), piesidiiii < r to
Athletic Afeuuation um b / c ip
tain, P Diuie Baldwin ’ld pie-He. 1
»f Student fjo/uiini'in luch'.ui *.
Maitm ’JO, .(.otball < upturn,
Reese, pies.dent of the jmnm d
John K McClemcnt. * JO. foot! tl!
nnnage., J Neil Stah'ev ’JO. b.idit
bali captain, Wilbui H Zimnurman.
president of the smihumoi Ju,., I
lliendo’e Widle ’’o, pri *»u!yu. of th"
Y MCA, David M McLuuir.'iln Mi
and othe* s.
Submit liha**
\ny .tudc’U, .iluiiiuh oi fiund in
tc. *-»ted in the Col'cgo i> thgndt< f>,
'he competition Ti’• ilmci. a■ i
-mgs should !e •-ei’t i» the Sum' ml
Chcei Editoi, Penn State (oimi.ia
state College, Pa. not kite, than Jan
u.i j I> The (o.itnbi’tior,. shoukl
inn the name and idd', ol th
authoi Each ccmlubulmn will ii •
tersideicd liv the ,iu<b iit-1 at ,lf
Boaid, « ml the ...ithm loliiied ol th
Be u(!\ acii >n
Vllmigmal ,(>’)>:•> and *,« d will 1 '
cuve fu’l coiiMdciation In th( ( i >
if s(,pg imtubution . etlhi i wo >!•,
aril music ol both sh( uld be -.ibiml' I
vo the Romd II only the wouN arc
si'bmittod, am tun ma» In u v
fontiibutois .lie uigcd to
labmate in tliu eifo I , 1 in
Seng* punt d dsevhiir n to.- . •
spe amedlt Di Fi.d Ia •. >** Piln*
w ’t!i the au'noi -uup of ‘Alma M ' o , ’
I <\ Ley di n wuh **\ it loi •, ” i*v! ' !e •
Nittaay r.ion," lit. Meu's *ll v.i Ii
“■lisle,” Coleman Main on ’Ji v.i ‘i
‘Win \gain lodav,” and Di Hd.v i
Rile Sp.uks v ith ‘‘Pum vlvana
State” Of the.' “v’i toit” I is j i i
tit the most ati hum
Like iU>tni v ill In giu” b» lb
i.ulho of snug., and ih'ei*. i.i ti
new ii>ni]KtiU)li \i long tiu>*e 'r*
gt*.t“d foi ihe IJ'Ui'i oi s, ],iinn i •
I> ll c< loi ol Mu it Ruhat I \\ c, til
lianilm.’s'e. W ilhe 1 (* ibm • i
Dean ot Men It V»a iv" .. \ l l
Iliad Cheuk uli i »s ulmi L Her nh i
’lhe Bnaid will b« .elulul hv a gn.up
of student hadu. ,url am mm* l
•• illnn a fe • d n •.
MTMNC i)H\N t (INI LR-. 'V 11 1!
SI \ri; DLP \K iMI M’ lIL M‘s
lb ar Cdv.aid Smidl-. of Hr -ho 1
i.i Mineial liidu**tnes, a.nkMui \..Ct
nlhcial. oi ’he Depaitment ot I,abut
and ludustiii Dip.itlnent m Mt.,i -
ulogv, ml the Slate Ceol(igi-.t Wi*l
resdav on plans fm inopmative wmk
ir the Sihonl ol Mineial lidustius
ne\l yeai Both of these dep ntim n* .
and the olhee of the State liinlogis,
have plans fm tlu edmutmi.H and n
,c ueh wmk m the biiihbng ma. dii'h l
tmmti uction
’IHRLE TVRMI.R’ l)i,U.\ll
\ I IIAI) (TIK \(JO CONN K\ i !0\
' Thun menilai , ol the tth ol Wm
| Penn State ban.m itpu i"iml ll <
publK.tUon at the annual imivent >n
|<l tlic AgiitulUnul < olleg< \i ig.i
'/hum, Absouuted, at;.) Fnila,
and Satuidviv
Wbilmm L Hammukei Mil, . i . >■
in-chief, T. Hei man Patt»a * Jit, In. >
nos, nmnaget, and Daw sin K MoK