Tuesday. November 26. 1929 Varsity So< DEBQNIS, MASTERS , SCORE FOR LIONS Strong Nillany Backlield Holds Middies Scoreless During Snow at Annapolis Burying q Navy dicadnaught 2-to -0 in a snowstoim at Annapolis Satui ilay nftcii noon, the undefeated Lion fioccermen clinched then claim to fust ]-Into'in the Intcirollegiato league bv (cnipletmg the season v.’iih a record unsuipassed by a contendei in the ; cm rent campaign WitJj the lull half-hidden bv a fail of heavy snow flakes, the Nittany de icnse, named by ciitics as the stiong cst in collegiate cucles, held a sinking Navv scoieless, while the Lion foi v.nuls hombaided the Midshipman goabo with a vollev of accuiate shots fiom the slippery field. Dehorns, high-scoring cenlei foi waid, gamed an rally lead foi Penn] StatG with a goal in the Inst qunr tei. Keeping the spheic m Navy tcnitory almost continuously during the first half, the Lions scoicd again late in the second penod. Masteis accounted foi the final goal At the end of the half, the snowfall inci cased, and thioughout the remain der of the game footing became in creasingly unceitam Htndctcd by the flying flakes, the Navy made sev eral diiveN into Lion tenitoiy in the third and final penods McKunc was instrumental in checking the Middle l allies The encounter at Annapolis com pleted the fouith Penn State schedule smeo the Inteieollcgiate league was oiganired. In the interval, the bonteis won 14 tilts, tied 4. and lost 1, to ama«s the highest four-yeai avetaee in the cncuit. Yale, the ncuicst opponent in the current season as well as m the all time standing of the league, lost 4 games, but battled to then fiist stale mate* this year. Puneeton and Hav eiford rank next in oidei with Navy, Penn, and Swnrthmoie following closoh. The present campaign has been Penn’s best The Quakots lost a single game, to "Pehn State, this year, while in the three pievious sea sons they weie defeated nine times In 1920, the fiist year of the league, the Nittany’ bootors won the title. The following yeni a defeat at Uie hands ot Navy enabled Puneeton to lead the circuit. Yale won the ciovvn last yeai, nosing out the Lions by "virtue ot a'wcloTy r ovefPenn, while* the Quakeis tied Penn’State COACH TO CHOOSE WOMEN’S HOCKEY TEAM AFTER GAME The vaisity women’s hockey’ team will be chosen immediately following the mock “Aimy-Navy” clash at 1 15 o’clock Satuiday afternoon on Holmes field. Each team, selected by hockey man | agevs, W A A. piesident, and di-l rcctoi of physical education Miss M>uic Haidt, is composed of membeis ot the uppeiclass squads From the day’s line-up the v.usity squad will he! chosen and announced at dinnci in McAlhstei hall Saturday’ night. Thanksgiving Dinner at the PENN-BELLE HOTEL BELLEFONTE 11 45 to 2 P M and 5 30 to 7:30 P. M Telephone 75 Pi ice $1.25 ALBERT DEAL&SON Heating AND Plumbing 117 Frazier Street MORRELL’S BILLIARD PARLOR Second Floor Opposite Post Office ffr'X 1 • OURS IS THE PLACE l! }nta'ttK.ftfllUmU Whon out for 11 satisfying meal you VL/JJ cannot nJVoid t 0 pos , om jestauiant. Come right m with your company and |) Jinngr wo W, H sene you the best of dishes at niot^elate costi Our restnuiant is fIH most^attiactive, our scivico is piompt LWnni and comteous and the envuonnient delightful. Our bi’cakfast, luncheon and dinner menus are changed daily. Sunday Chicken Dinner—7sc T ilk LAIRD’S TEA ROOM I 1 iKm West College Avenue cermen Sink Navy, YALE BOOTERS LOSE CHAMPIONSHIP CLAIM Penn Siatc holds uncontented claim to fiist nl.ice in the Intoicol legntu soccr league, as n icsult of Haivard’s victoiv o\ci Yale 2-to-l in a hooters battle m Cambridge played jus. bofme the Ynle-Hai vaid footLall clash. A tclcgum, tecened at the Athletic Association office late ves toulav, notified the aiuhoi ities of Yale’s defeat which leaves tf»e Lions as the only undefeated elev en m the cucuit A win by Y.’lc would have pl.i<- ed the Old Eli bootcis m posuion to tie Penn State by upsetting Navy on Satuiday LIONS MEET PITT ELEVEN THURSDAY (Coiifi.mrd )nm jutt pngr) was the ne't uciim of the tcuific Pitt! isteam lollci. A bittei contest wi'h the Westeuieis left the.Pantheis mus teis of the field by an lfe-io-2 count. Encountering an inexpei lenced bat strong Washington and JefTeison squad in then following game, the «*•- lesistable panthei machine chalked un a 21-to-0 victoiy over the Picsidents. The unsubdued powei of the Smoky Cny team was displayed when the Pitt combination encounteiod a Cai negio Tech eleven in then annual bat tle and sent the Tiutan forces to dt stiuction with a tnamc Tl-to-l'l vic toty Coach Sutherland has a wealth ol imatenul to put into the game against | the Nittany’ airav lie will piob’ih’y send Joe Donchess, piospective all- Ameiiean end, into the fiuv-at the left wing post with Collins at the oth er end Tully and McMuulo will pro uably open the game a. the tack'c posts with Rav Montgomeiv and Cap tain A 1 Dimeolo at the guaid posi tions Daughcity will be at the pivot post when the opening gun baiks. Eddrc Bakei will cail signals foi the PniKhei team with the mighty Pug Parkinson at fullback Toby Unnsa will bo at the left halfback position with losh Williams as, his nintnng mate Rooney also will see set vice against the Lions With evciy man on the Nutauy squad in condition foi the contest, the Penn State machine will be at its full strength when the 11\ als nice. The Lions have displayed a poweiful of fense during practices Moyci Kap lan and Earle Edwards will be nt the end positions with Cal Shawley’ and eithei Toots Panaccion oi Red Duvall ilt the tackle beiths Johnny Zoielhi and Du.ch Ricker will icsunic then duties in the guuul positions witn Maity McAndicws at the pivot post foi the final game Cooper Fiench will call signals foi the Nittany nuay with Judy Las < n av fullback. Yut7 Diedrich will stmt in the left halfback position with Red I Evans in the othei ball-eairying post BEAT PITT Nittany ‘ News Stand •Dorit Experiment ■ With your Appearance ISitl I Montgomery™& CoTli | State College, Pa. PITT DOWNS PLEBE GRID ELEVEN, 25-6 Conn Intercepts Pass and Runs 65 Yards To Score Lone Lion Touchdown A clever forward passing attncK coupled with the line plunging of Luch, Panthei fullback, enabled a powerful Pitt freshman eleven to down Penn State’s fighting yearling gudders, 25-to-fi, at Pitt btndium Sat-: uiduy. I Conn, Lion quarteiback, scoied the lone Nittany touchdown late in the second pcuod when he inteiceptod a Pitt pass and laced si\tv-hve yawl-, to cross the Panther goal line un touched Shoitly aftci the opening LitL-ofT, Pitt gained possession of the ball on' tho Linns’ 27-yaid line aftei Luch! had snaicd a Nittany fumble An end mn netted the Panthcis a fust down on the 15-vaid line. On the nc\t play, Reider, Pitt halfback, scoi ed on a pass fiom Luch lie plunged thiough the line to tally the only os tia point tho Panther cubs counted. Passes Bring Touchdowns Tho second Pitt touchdown was scoied by Luch aftci five successive thiusts at the Nittany goal line A forvvai d pass to Saegei, i ight end, had netted the Pitt freshmen lifty-thice yaids and last down on the Lions’ 13- niaik to place the ball with in scoung distance Another foivvard pass paved the way for the thud Pitt touchdown as a toss to Saegai had advanced the ball twenty-six. yaids to the Nittany 14- line Luch scoied thiough center on the ne\t plnv. Taking a Lion punt after Conn hail kicked f 1 orn behind Penn State’s goal, Reidci letuinod the ball to the Nit tany 4-yard line. A foivvaid pass to Hells), substitute halfback, biought the final Pitt touchdown Both coach es substituted frequently thioughm.it the contest with tvvcntv-seven Nit tany plcbes seeing action ISSUES CERAMIC QUESTIONS Questionnanes are being issued to ceramic mdustucs in Pennsylvania by tho coiamies depaitment Replies to piclimmaiy questions indicate gieat mtciest in the suivey, accoidmg to Piof Joseph B Shaw, head of the de paitment, who is supcivising the woik Twenty-four Shop ping Days ’till Xmas Make Your Selections Now Crabtree’s Allen Street CO-EDS make SCHLQW’S QUALITY SHOP your Headquarters Season after loaion, college men register their preference for John Wards. By constantly Increased purchases, they Indi- cate their approval ef the fine leathers, tho correct lines and handsome workmanship that characterize these smart shoes. e ' MEN'S SHOES Inspect These Fine Shoes at THE PENN STATE COILEGIAIn -to-0, Clinching Intercollegiate L PITT COLUMNIST SEES 35-0 PANTHER VICTORY The undefeated Panthei will en joy a 35-i.o-0 Thanksgiving Day least on the Nittany Lion, if tin* piudiction of “The Campus Scout,” I’itt W'icUji columnist, mnten.it laos «* “The Campus Scout” has enjoyed umibti.il in forecasting Blue ..nil Gold scoies this yeai En ema aged by an exuc t foietellmg of the 40-to-0 Pitt-Allegheny mou*, h<; depnited fiom Ins usual pre-game pieuiLtioi) and made hi. estimate tin tho lomairder ot the season on the eve of the Pitt-Ohio State contest “The Scout's” piedictions and actual scoies follow Pitt 27 \V Va (1-27-7 Pitt 12 Nebiaska (I —12-7 Put 40 Allegin'!!.* o—lo-0 t Pitt 27 Ohio State 7—l B-2 Pitt 20 W & J (»—2l-0 Pitt 21 Carnegie G—34-1.1 PENN STATE 0 * YEARLINGS WILL MEET STAR COUNTY BOOTERS Picked Schoolboy Eleven To Oppose Freshman Snccernicn Snturdnv Plaving then only scheduled game, MIN COUNCIL ELECTIONS of tho season, the ficshmnn weed Ravmonl , E Eoit -u E.h.ai.l team tv,ll face an all-stai eleton sc- whlto , :12 „ clli clctta 'I II Kl US g\U t I II *•! ! com sc to Wcslmghou'.c An Ural. ! employees intcicsUd in foiemanshi|i |At .1 pielnmnuy meeting, Piof Cm , G (ilium, of the extension depai tmenl I spoke cm "The Fmenian and Indus juy.” Wit4fclora . f \a/£ATh£R E, report- Ba -to-day- $&8 S& PAIR S 1 iT-Z-WAraHura - • Some peopus have ho MORE RESPECT Fop The TRuTh Than a WEATHER, Forecaster - f If %ou'll diop ill at nui stoic we’ll bo gl.'d to domonstiate the tiutb ol out statement that the ATWATER KENT is the finest indio of its kind foi the mnnev Electric Supply Co. 121 Allen Street Men’s Sheepskins Leather Coats $16.50 Men's Hats $3.95 and $4.95