Page Four 62 PER CENT \T OHIO STATE WORK DURING SCHOOL YEAR Sixty-two pel cent nr fie men stu dent" at Ohio State ilo some soit of woil timing the school jeai to de ft nj then college expenses, Y M. C. A ollieiuK at the Columbus institu tion meal. The ‘Y’ leteivcd -,J70 applications fo. woik and found positions fot 1,11*2 men Nine per tent of these mcr must woik their way thiough school foi the entue four yean, while sixteen pet cent must woik two teats and an equal numbei pa> unc-thud of thou expenses, hguics show ORATORS UTILIZE RtDIO SETS A sending and teteiiing tadio set lias been installed in the laboi atones of the speech depaitment of the Um wsity of Wisconsin, actoidmg to ic poits fiom that institution When used in class work, speeches will be delivered thiough the mitio phone fot the class to hear them Rhctotical stiuctuics, style, and voice ptoblems of the tadio speech will be studied thiough the aid of the set ATTENDS ELECTRIC MEETING Pi of .1 Oivis Kellei, head of the jngineeung extension depaitment will ittend the thud annual Elcctuc Heat ing confeience to be held m Pitts burgh, Noiembei Id and 11. TUXEDOS For Fall Houseparty Fot. Rent or Sale $22.50 up GERNERD’S 110 Allen St. For a Good Meal The Fenway Tea Room 'At Pam State It’h The Fcnnuy'’ Try Our Forty Fathom Haddock Steak Tiie Best Fish That Money Can Buy HIGH QUALITY MEATS Prompt Seri ice Reasonable Prices FISHBURN’SIIAT market- Phone 357—Opposite Post Office If wo are not already serving you, we hope that you will give us the op portunity to do so very shortly. We will take special pride in giving you the very best service we know how to give. The First National Bank of State College LIGHT COLORFUL USmsjf In any event 'wear an AXILILISGATCOIR LET rain, wind or chill sweep the field—you’re dry and warm, bmnrll) 100 * Lcpcrllj nlyled inn wide range of dtsliuclito color*.. For men nii(l women, S7.SO to $25. 'I HI. ALIICAIOR COMI'tNY, SI. Lout* XT * \t.IIO\|OK (I’at I’mti ct Inni.rr Iry*—ull tolor* to mutcli all lycivi SlLl'l’t.US An- lor) «J 30u pnlr. ,hk t» see them. SOPHOMORES OVERCOME 1931 HOCKEY TEAM, 5-0 The xophomoie gills’ team scored its second victoiy in the interclass hockey tournament when it defeated Iho jumois 5-to-0 on Holmes Field Tuesday afternoon Accuiate passing by the sophomore ,clc\en pioicd the outstanding fac loi in the contest while the uppot ilas- guls weie unable to break thiough the winners’ defense No louls weie made thioughout the thir ty minutes of ploy STUDENTS FROM 22 FOREIGN N VITONS ENROLL AT PURDUE T\\ent\-two foteign countries and loit\ states aie icpicscntcd by stu dent on.olleu at Puidue university ihi" somcstei. Students fiom all con tinent". except Austialia attend the Indiana uimcisity while all but eight states aie icpiesented at the insti tution E\eiy county m the Hoosiei state has one oi mote representatives at Puidue ■Sant Experiment • with your Appearance Montgomery & Co. State College, Pa. DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier PENN STATE DAIRY SOCIETY SELECTS EXPOSITION GROUP Appointment of committees -and plans for a dairy exposition were made at a meeting of the Penn State student chapter of the American Dairy and Scientific association held Tuesday night. Prof. Chester D. Dahlc of the daily manufacturing department spoke on the Ice Cream Makers’ convention and tho cattle-judging team gave a report of its recent trip to the Na tional Dairymen’s convention at St Lotus, Mo. PROFESSOR WRITES ARTICLE Prof. Carl C. Gaum of the engineer ing extension department and editor ol the Engineering Extension Nen's has written an article “Problems of Your Personality” which is being pub lished in the Foi email’s Magazine in scual form, beginning with the No* vembci issue. FOR RECREATION , BOWL Also Play Billiards and Pool Blue and White Bowling Alley West College Avenue The Gift With the Year Round Appeal A Kodak OWN YOUR OWN AND USE IT Tho DENN OTATE Ane Jlhoto oho p Phone 400 ' 212 E. COLLEGE AVE. Dining Room Chairs $3.50 Student Desks t0525.00 Student Tables $5.00 Book Racks ' $1.75 Book Shelves $1.50 Bridge Lamp Stands ' $l.OO DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Room 10G First Floor, Engineering B COLLEGE CUT-RATE STORE SPECIAL Friday and Saturday NOVEMBER 1 and 2 All 15c Cigarettes, 2 for 25c $1.19 Carton 1.00 Gillette Blades 09c 75c Houbigant Face Pow* 65c Forhan’s Tooth Paste 37c dor 49c 25c Listcrinc Paste 17c 75c Lot-Lor Face Powd. 49c 25c Dr. West Paste 19c i.oo Betty Fay Face Pow 50c Ipanu Paste 33c dcr ■ 69c 50c Prophylactic Brushes 37c so c -Glazo Nail Polish ___33c 1.00 Listcrinc 69c - J. 35 Pierce’s Favorite Pre- Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic 45c scription 98c Slacomb, jar 63c 1.35 Pierce's Golden Modi* Vaseline Hair Tonic 37c cal Discovery 98c 50c Chamberlain Hand Lo . ... c - tion 37c Acidinc 6uc Squibb's Mineral Oil 75c , , 1(1 Kleincrts Baby Pants 25c Alarm Clocks I.IJ Coty Perfume 77c Hammcrmill Parchment— -1.50 Houbigant Face Potv* sheets, 50 envelopes 31 der 93c Houbigant Perfume 79c THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN | Campus Bulletin Junior and senior activities cauls foi the 1930 Senior Supplement must be turned in at the Photo shop not later than tomorrow noon in order to receive consideration Fraternity refund checks will be returned at the treasmci’s office, •fiom 9 to 12 o’clock lomouow morn- Thcre will be a meeting of all fresh man candidates for the staff of the Penn Stale Farmei in room 104 Hort iculture building at 7 o'clock Monday night. WILL REVIVE OLD MELODRAMA In accord with the vogue started by Chnstopher Morley and his associ ates at a Hoboken theater, the Cor nell university dramatic club will re vivo “Ten Nigftts in a Bar-room,” the old melodrama of by-gone days. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—One pair Ncttleton of ficer’s boots and spins, size BVs, cheap. 333 South Burrowes, Phone 525-J. 3 tpC WANTED—Young lady wants job .is maid. Mrs. John Benner, half mile below Lemont, Pa. Call or Phone 90G.ry.22. ltpC FOR RENT— Large ftont loom on second floor and also single loom. Shower. Board if desired Locml Lane Sandwich Shop ltpC LOST—Alpha Pt Mu fraternity key at game Inst Saturday. Findei please return to 708 East College avenue or call 82-M 2lnll SOLUTIONS—to your Math Anal ysis and Calculus All pi obtains worked out. E\ery step shown Write Doiuan Publishing Co., GlO 3rd A\c. New Yoik City. tf Dazzling, More Drama, Laughter, Glamorous, More Flaming Love, Glorious Spectacular Than The Music. Glorified Girls, Eye- Stage Play—Mammoth Scenes * . « , , n . in Technicolor—The Finest Eye Stagecnns Splendor, That Brings and Ear Entertainment Ever Cheated! « New Conception of tho Vocal Screen Florenz Ziegfeld’s “RIO RITA” The Best Picture You’ve Ever Seen ! CATHAUM THEATRE Monday and Tuesday—Matinee Daily at 1:30 Last Complete Afternoon Showing at 3:00 LEU MORSE has a tricky way of stepping right off the face of a record andbciiigpcrfcetlychariningloyou—it's somclhiugmorc than singing. You’ll find all the fumiliur Morse magnetism dunging both the song hits on her newest Columbia record. One is a lively number in dance tempo—the other a crooning lutimatc ballad crummcd with lots of “comc-along ” Before your dealer wraps this one up for you, have him play these steppers, 100 ... „ i ioc„i, fairLtriitAßrs Holiday V IhoCLßAMiinarui IIIAN EvLn(from“Gcnrge) ~ „ , , . , ( vox irnti . . ti Witllaco Wliilc's bcuntluls) . > ... , „ , . _ . , , l nutl Uia Cominis Uota BoilOMiUr(froiu' George While sauimluu )) Piccolo Pltl ? COLLLUATL bAM ) l oxlrots Viva-tonal Recording—The Records without Scratch students of both sexes have car cd scholsuhhips and cash suflicic: to dcfiay nil college expenses v piesentuig national magazine pu ATTENTION STUDENTS—For self- Ushers If interested wnlc or wi suppoitmg students dcsiiing fas* for details—M A Steele Nation emating woik either tcmpoinry or Oiganizci, 5 Columbus Circle, Ne pcimnncnt may I suggest that many Yoil», N. Y. 11-1-29 8‘ LOST—“The Unwilling God" by Feicy Maiks. Return to collegian of fice. ltp GRAHAM & SONS Established 1896 Watch Our Week End Special Listed Inside Now Showing in New York at $2.00 Prices with Seats Selling for Thanksgiving and Chiistmas. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES HERE! Record No. 1972-D, 10-inch, 75c Lee Morse ami llcr Bluo Grass Boys Record ISo. 1970-1), 10-imc/i, 73c Record ISo. 1973-U, 10-Inch, 75e Harry Reset's Sjiicojialors Columbia “NEW PROCESS” HU€OKJ>S Ilrg U. S r»t. Off. Friday, November 1, 1929 Romance,