'age Four Campus Bulletin j l-'mth ,ut urndidatcs will meet in it> Ft »th oHill* nt o'clock Tues n\ night Bung all thawings foi [ msepailj issue. Fieshman candidates foi Business, i.ige. ami advertising managerships l the Thespian dub aie requested to cpoit at the Thespian studio in the a'-imcnt of Schwab nuditoiium at J(J o’clock Mondn> night. Theie will be an tmpoitant meet ng of the Town Gills’ club at 7 GO '’clock Mondav night in loom 11, labeiul Aits building. Sophomoios who wish to compete foi the editoiial staff of the cot iaGIAN will icpoit to an associate editoi at the u)I,LM.IA\ olhce at once. Sopho inoies who icspond to the call now will be accoidcd the smile oppottun ities as those who aic already walk ing Candidates foi paits in the house pait\ show of the Thespian club will icpoit in Schwab aiiditmium at 5.15 o'clock Monday night LOCUST LANE SANDWICH SHOP Welcomes the Alumni An alliaetive lino of Dog Collars, Leads, Whips, Chains Collars, Locks and Snaps WEB TRUNK STRAPS Csc RAWHIDE LACES 15c Neatsfoot Oil for your Leather Goods The Keefer Hardware ALLEN STREET Welcome Alumni LOOK US UP Makers of Pe-Ro The Ice Cream Delicious S N. ROSEBERRY 'll E. M PEARCE '27 If we are not already serving you, wc hope that you will give us the op portunity to do so very shortly. We will take special pride in giving you the very best service we know how to give. The First National Bank of State College Djmng Room Chairs $3.50 Student Desks $12.50 to $25.00 Student Tables $5.00 Honk Racks $1.75 Dunk Shelves $4.50 Bridge Lamp Stands $l.OO DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Room 10G First Floor, Engineering B Ficslininn and sophomore candi dates fur the editoiial, business, and home economics staffs of the Pcuu Stale Funnel will meet in loom 101 Iloiticultine building, at 7 00 o’clock Monday night All unpaid collegian subscriptions, at c due before November 1. In oidei to facilitate collections, subscribers will please mail oi bung checks to the cot.LU.iAN office ns soon as possible Delivery will be stopped on subscrip tions icmnimng unpaid on or shot tty aflei Not ember 1. A meeting of all non-linteimt} Jewish students will be held at 207 East Paik avenue at 2GO o'clock Sunday afteinoon Dean and Mrs Will G Chambers announce they, will be at home to alumni and membeis of the faculty of Lalavcttc college immediately follow ing the football game tomonow aflei noon at then losidcnce, Gl5 Paik A coidml imitation is extended to membcis of the senior class by the Alumni association to be picscnt at the Alumni smoker and Cidci'pnitv which will take place at 8 00 o’clock tonioitow night in the Aimoiy. DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier Cai** going east nftci the football game tomonow must entei and leave the campus by Township load. Route 250, and paik at the Stock-judging pavilion, and the Dairy bain Traf fic going west will use the Atheiton stieet entrance and paik in rear ol the Alpha Zeta house, and noilh of the Seivice building,’’ announced An diew C. Znigei, chief of Campus police PROF. DORLAND TO TALK AT DAIRYMEN’S MEETING Piof. Andiew A. Borland, head of the daily luisbandrj department, will address the state meeting of West Virginia dauymon at Charleston, No vcmbei 7 Piofossor Boiland has been head of the department of dairy husband- ij since 1919. lie has devoted nine teen yeais to dauv extension, te- ;nrch, and teaching, all but four eais being spent at Penn State lie has scived also as president of the American Dairj Science association Alumni All Photographs of Penn State Buildings - Views of Campus - The Ghost Walk - Old Main - Fraternity Houses, "OENN QTATE lh6 OH OP Phone 400 212 E. COLLEGE AVE. ALUMNI The Nittany Mountain Koffee Shoppe WELCOMES YOU » * '.t' 1 Mile West of Centre Hall Her Voice Reveals A Ne - The Master Love Drama of the Year! laMniiUM TIIE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN . L. A. DEAN WILL SURVEY LAND GRANT COLLEGES Dean Chailes W Stodduit, of the Libcml Aits school, has been appoint ed bv the United States buieau of education to make a survey of the ails and science depaitmenta of the land giant colleges throughout the coaiitiy lie will begin woik in Wash ington, D C, Novembei *l. The buieau of education is making r. comprehensive suivey on the work of the various college departments of lend grant colleges and institutions in the United States in ordei to com pile education topoits PENN CO-EDS HAZE I’I.EBES Philadelphia—Fieshman co-eds at Urn University qf Pennsylvania may well bo termed ‘nickclnuisers’ this jear Rules enforced by the sopho mores demand that the first-year wo men have at. least thiee nickels on hard at all times to pay fines foi breaking fieshman customs. CLASSIFIED SALE—of Old China, glass, crockery, lumps, bottles, prints, coverlets, eornei cupboard, etc, beginning October 25 at 224 East College avenue. ltp FOR RENT—Two fiont rooms on second floor Twin beds Also boaut 221 South Allen. Phone 5G7-R. ltpW FOR RENT—Garage on Paik Ave $B.OO per month. Call G-W. Rich ards AtpW Alumni: Gel Good Meals Peoples Restaurant South Allen Street Earit Experiment ■ with your Appearance Fntgomeiy &Co.| ! State College, Pa. J j Alumni Of Stole WE’RE STILL SERVING THOSE GOOD, HQMELIKE MEALS THE' NITTANY RESTAURANT Allen Street Daa r IWirfr Inr I " i,lins!,rcscri " t,on3 Seivice f\ Cd (X UCilvtl, 11IL. Is The Most Bung Them In Before _ * 3 P, M end Receive CUT RATE DRUGGISTS Important I art Them the Next After noon. " Tins of 50 Cigarettes Old Gold, Chesterfield, Lucky Strikes, special 29c AH 13c Cigarettes 15c pk. Cartons of 200 $1.19 Fatimas, carton $1.59 Cigars All 10c Cigars 4 for 30c IJo\ of 50 $3.75 All 5c Cigars 6 for 25c Box of 50 J $1.98 oc White Ash Cigars Box of 50 $1.75 Toiletries t-v j i i • SPECIAL VALUE Dental and Shaving soc cotv Requisites silver 50c Wms. Aqua Velva __ 35e (i 35c Palmolive Cream 23c COI i„. CT 50c fllcnnen’s Shave Crm. 33c Jc SB**^ 42c Gem Blades 31c 1.00 Evening in Paris Per-_ 50c Ingram’s Shave Crm. 33c fume 85c 35c Evoready Blades 25c 1.00 Coly Face Powder 65c ? 0 «» A ,? los, ir° p B,ades 35c Cutcx Items 25c 1.00 Bav Rum ......... o9c »a. p.ij n>i., 50c Gem Sh.n e Cream .. 29c C o| d Cream 2Jc 40c Siju.bb’s Shave Crm. 34c 50c Vanishing Cream 23c 50c Prophylactic Brush 37c 50c Lemon Cream, Double 25c Dr. West’s Paste 19c Strength 23c 50c Kleanrite Brush 25c 50c Hind’s H. &A. Cream_39c 50c Pehccco Paste 33c j.oo Mondainc Compacts, a c Ipana Paste-- 33c u ook Shapc 89c oOc Pcpsodent Paste 33c , nn r- . . n r . 25c Lislerinc Paste 17c i' 00 Colys Perfumes 75c Gse Forhan’s Paste 37c ooc Woodbury’s Facial Lo -1.00 Listerinc 69c bon 34c 50c Mouth Wash 26c OOc Odorono 39c LOST—Black, Shearer Lifetime l’cn, between Botany Bide"and -301 W. Beavei, at noon Wed. Oct! 23. Re ward F. Frank. 225 West Beaver ltpW SOLUTIONS—to your Math Anal ysis and Calculus. All pioblcms woiked out. Every step shown. Write Doman Publishing Co., CIO Sid Avc New York City. t£ Welcome Alumni Good Anytime! Society Brand and Braeburn Suits and Overcoats New Models Smart New Fabncs $ 3O to S SO FROMM’S OPPOSITE FRONT CAMPUS GRAHAM & SONS Established 1896 The fact, that most every store that handles candies in town has tued then best to secure oui exclusive lines, is pioof positive that we havo the real lines __ 1 25 years buying experience docs it Welcome,Alumni For Meals That Satisfy Come To Laird’s Tea Room * 228 West College Avenue Special Chicken Dinner Sunday —75 c Friday and Saturday Sale The firm of lira & Derick, Inc. lx en deavoring In che In the people and alu drnlx of Stale College a modern drug lore equipped with the newest ideas In present da' demands at city prices, ex racially featuring our own home-made ice cream olilninsUe only in our utorex and made from the richest of cream contain ing no mix nor artificial flavor or color Also n complete and varied line of Inllcirics including Dorothy (iray. Lrenlng In Doris and Tardley preparations We cordially Invite you to Inspect our new slure. requiring no obligation what ever to purchase Friday, October 25, 1929 STUDENT—Dcsues loom m a quic home. Address P. O. Box 21/ BARBER WANTED Crissman Barber Shop Of Our Business Candy Specials 1 lb Jumbo Salted Peanuts 49c 1 lb Spanish Salted Pea- nuts 59c lb Red Skin Salted Pea- nuts -39 c 1 lb Chocolate Coveied Pea- nuts, double dipped 39c J 4 lb Nestle’s Bars, with Fil berts, Almonds, or plain 25c Zi lb Peter’s Milk Chocolate Bars 25c Martha Washington and Whitman Candies Fresh Every Week Hair Needs 50c Dewitt’s Shampoo 37c 75c Wyeth’s S & Sulphur_s9c 50c Rose Oil i 39c 1.00 Jeris Tonic 67c 50c Palmolive Shampoo 35c 1.00 Danderine : 79c 75c Stacomb 63c 50c Hair Groom 39c 75c Fitch’s Shampoo 65c Parker’s Shampoo 39c TtaSSSS latest . PEN and /C PENCIL SETS Other Taikcra •llfuj* ALL NAME ENGRAVED CQLORS - FREE