A Rattling VOL. 26, No. 11 COMMITTEE PLANS ACTIVE WEEK-END FOR 1000 ALUMNI Homecoming Crowd To Register At Armory As Program Officially Opens GOLF TOURNEY BEGINS EVENTS AT 1 O’CLOCK Graduates Attend Pep Meeting • In Auditorium—Will Tour Campus Tomorrow Returning to thou* Alnn Mater fo. a bjicf week-end visit, moie than one thousand alumni and former students will assemble at the College today, lommrow, and Sunday for thou tenth arnual Homecoming celebration Complete arrangements to cntcitain Uic vtsitois dm mg their stay hci» luve been made by Committee Chuu ninn Clai elite E Bullingoi ’2l, and Ins to-uoikeis Alumni headquarters have been established at the Armoiy. and all returning graduates will ie gistci then* •mmmediatcly upon th»n aimal in State College Fraternities and women’s campus ilubs have picpaied to welcome back then foimrr nicnibeis Room icsei cations ior the thiec days also nuw bo obtained at alumni headquarters by guests who ha\c not alieady =2? tuied accomodations Leltermen To Meet The piogiam will open with the fail niumm golf tournament at 1 o’clock this afternoon All alumni are cli gible to legistei foi this event it the caddy house oa the College couise Following the touinamcnt, the Var sity club, composed of ioimer Penn btntc lettcimcn, will hold its annua' dirnei meeting at Centie Hills Coun tiy club starting at 7 o'clock to night The meeting will be presided over by Burke M Heimann 'l2, pie* indent of the group a monster student athletic rally and mass meeting will be held infachwab uuditoiium at 7 20 o’clock tonight Maj Tour Campus Opening tomonow’s piogram, mem ber., of the Alumni association execu tive board w-ill meet in the alumni office at 820 o’clock Many impoilanl business nuttcis are expected to lie discussed at this meeting The board piolablv will consider the filling oi the vacant seciotaijship. “Old giads” will be given an oppoi tumtj to view the change., made on the campus since then undcigiadmite day a when they make the campus touts, v’luch will stait at 9 o’clock t‘>- mmiow morning They will ,ta:t at lrcqucnt inieivals attei that tine nndet the ducction ol guides seemed from the membership of the Pen* (Continued on thud page) 945 ENKO3LL FOR NEW L. A. RECORD Dean StoJdrrl Reveals Growth of Registration In Journalism And Arts Curricula Nino bundled and foitj-fivc stu dents, tbo hugest cmollmcnt evci ic eoTded, have rogistcied m the Ltbciul Aits school, stated Dean Chuilcs W Stoddiut vcstcldav. Ot the total enrollment 022 aie leg istcicd m the 3 upper classes, 277 in the fieshman tlas,, and 12 as special students Commcico and finance lanks first with 211 uppeiclassnien while the pie-Icgal depaitment has 12G icgisteicd. Of the two new de partments organized, jouinul’sni claims twenty-seven and art ten stu dents The ait depaitment will giad imlo students foi the fust lime this June. In hi> icpoit, Dean Stoddait shows! that the school has moie than doubled ip the last ten years In 1919, -151! students weie listed, computed to the 3028 enrollment of 851 In 1911 the guuluuting class consisted of *IG, in J 928 ol ovei lof). The fuculty hns incicused pi opoi tionully Foi ty-eight faculty mcmbeis composed the stair in 1911 and now theie aie o\ci one hun dred. With tiro completion of the new : Libeial Aits unit additional accom modations lor students will be avail able. The ofhee space in the piesent building will be used for class looms All offices aie to be lemoved to the new building. Tho journalism depaitment, iccent ly scveied form the English depntt ment, will be qunrtoicd in the “new” flrttn f&atr A College Denies Accusation Of Subsidizing Athletes Newspaper Account Is Faulty, Officials Believe Belief that the news stoiy covonng the report made b> the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement ot Teaching concerning the subsidizing oi athletes is misleading was e\pieas ed by College officials ye3teiday “The published leport does not men tion the fact that in 1927 Penn State, decided to abolish athletic sholarships, the measure becoming effective in 1928,” Adrian C Morse, executive set ictary to President lletzel declai^d “The investigators for the Carnegie Foundation made thou survey here in 1920 When the College abolished athletic scholarships, the investigators weie notified, although acknowledge ment ot Penn State’s action does not appear in the news stoiy,” he stated Confidence that the complete Car negie Foundation icpoit on college athletics would show that the situa tion at Penn State is quite diffoienc Ctom published exempts was voiced r lata jcstciday by Dean Robert L tl Sachett, ch.mman of tlie College Sen- t: ate committee on athletics and vice- d president of the Athletic Board ot Control. Dean Sackett’s opinion i. o bused on a statement of lo«.a! boaid c members issued late yesterday, I The suivey which has occupied ’ thioo ycius’ incestigation lists Penn State as maintaining 75 athletic schol-j CAMERAMEN FILM CAMPUS TOMORROW To Take Sound Views of Snake, Lafayette Grid Battle, Harmonica Band nctuies of the. La- Sound mo/nig layette tootball game, the*nature cdu cation rattlesnake and lrcshnmn har monica band Mill be taken tomonow when a foice of Pathc News cameia men amve to him actiuties at Penn State. The pnzo lattiei belonging to the department of natuie education is T o be hlmed dunng the eaily pa it ol the morning Cicoige H (Jieen, profes soi of natuie education, Mill be m chaige of the lcptile Professor Green is an c\peit m the handling oi lattlesnakoa and will pci nut it to mn ficely ovci the g'ound As an educutmiial meusuie ha wi'l make it rattle so tnat. audiences vic.ving the pictuie may hear a. tatt ler m action, and he Mill also demon ctratc how a snake i"uy be capliue.i with a piongcd stick Film Harmonica Baal The f.eshtnan hnrmonua lund will La (dined duung the moiling At coiding to Itichaid \Y Is* ant, p’ole-- soi of iiiumc, this bend is one of IV. laigest of its kind in Hie coualiy In the altemoon the detail vi'l pioceed to New Heave* held vheia the Lafayette game will be fiinvd The freshmen,- ‘ophomoie, and Blue bands al-o will fo* m a patt ol tin-, '•cctmn Tins is the fust soand skaten .n which the bands have been fea- Luied. In addition “hoit shots ol tha chceiiug ‘■ection'i > 'ill be taken FRESHMEN CO-EDS ELECT TRIAL STUDENT LEADERS To Select Permanent Oll.ccni Prma Three Temporary Groups Fust tnal olhceis foi firshmen ■ women weie elected at a meeting in loom 100 Horticulture building Mon ■day night. I Flotenec Merges will act as piosi dent foi the two-week peuod. while [Don't Ha/laton Mill hold the office ot [vice piesulent Molly Lai may will officiate as secietaiv, Helen Pollock • will hold the po-t of tieasuiei, while * Kell McCiuckcn will be social chuu man. Befoie choosing the olhceis who will 'scivc thioughoui the vein, iiealm.an women, undci the guidance of E i Louise Holfc'dit/. 'lll, piesident ol the |jumoi class, will elect thiee sets oi Itna' olhceis Nominations foi the second set will bo made at the meeting next week At that time nominations foi a W S. G A senaloi and a W A. A icp lcsentativo will also be mude. : Isabelle Yaekel Ml, spoke about the ' fioshman 'Y. \V. C A. cabinet and called for candidates LION'S PAW ELHCIION STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 ’I BELIEVES Complete Report Will I Alter Situation DfcW R L. MCKfcTT riHups, while the icpoits also stat that the College is one of the instill lions ‘canng foi’ a more oi less defir ite numbei of athletes The lepoit says that Penn State is one of the schools “wheie fraternity chaplci'. may pio\idc icitain ath letic inembeis with room 01 board, or w’lth both, at so low a figuie that the auanßoment can be xegaided only as ar athletic subsidy ” LM. C: SANCTIONS ' RUSHING SYSTEM Local Fraternities Will Retain Present Code With Few Minor Changes When no violations were reported' to’lhtranuiial council during it-> mooting Thursday night, the group t'ecuicd to hoop intact the present code with the exception of a few mm 01 changes Pied C Schwa ci ’JO, picsident o! tic council m iccognizing the siu cess cf the code timing the past lush ing season, stated “It is doubtful if the policies o. the national fiateimtics wul be adopted with the picscnt code wrok mg as efficiently as it has”' Adopt Dancing Policy \ standing lu&hmg code committee waj appointed by Schwerei to which nil changes and new ideas will he ic feued It was decided ul&o that .1 cl ’ck be made on both national «n I lo al fraternity undetdussmen visit ing at uuntes and that a (me of $5 b imposed on any local liatcimty men turned in. Schwcicr announces that an clhnt : will bo made lo solve this problem I with lliq aid and cooperation ot tn» II !•’ C It was suggested that 1 j the plan does not meet with luio’ Uho.c attending dances tue lequested to pciui't no cutting in MLS2UM RECEIVES HELMET Philadelphia—Richly tai ved and painted gaudily to icsemble n shuik’s head, a laio Imban helmet finm tht Tingifc Indian coanliy ol Alaska n the latent acquisition of the Univci -sitv ol Pennsylvania museum The helmet, which was made tmee bun dled vears ago, is constiucted of heavy wall us hide. Rooters Hold Gridiron Pep ~nl° » .« , - so > • rw* • v English litoiatine have foimcd an Rally in Auditorium 1 omght st? ———- . nonneed vcsteiday. -Loyal Nutany student) oml alum-1 row’s game is going to tuin out The club, which will meet once 1* m will turn out to checi lot Coiuhj “Be*” will voice his pro-poets foi a aionth at the home of one of the mem- Ilugo 80/dok’s gud’ion stalwmts . t!successful season and let the audience i )CI , f v ,ill discuss a summaiv of all « pep meeting, stalling at 7 J'i|know that “hia boys” will go in the cntical muteiial published duung the o’clock tonight in the Auditorium, a,[game lighting. ' mon th One of the membeis will pie n prelude to the gume with Lafayettoi Assistant coach “Bob” lliggins, who sent an otigmal papei on some phase tomoriow afleinoon Jscoutcd the Muioon eleven, will givo'ot liteiatuio .it eath meeting. The Hoping ioi a winning scoio, dope on Conch “lieib” AlcCiack- fn ,t Icgul.lt meeting will he held at tudeuts wul open the pep session ( ,„« s squj ,i Dean Aithui It Wn‘- Doctoi Dye’s home 0:1 November J .with singing ol “\icloiy” ’lhis»mim- nock also will be nuiodueed to the n bei will be toil bv Directoi Richiud chceiing section by the chamnan rn r \untie ! XV Giant .mil cl.»i liiulo.a "Muitv" Th , oc , lhcu lIOM ICULTIM., IS 10 EMIUIII M.Anclim,, ht-.ul «t the Athlctis «a 10ns 0 „ thL . A , unlnl u . iy a „., IMiOOUCIS Toll Xi.U.XIM till Delation nnJ cenlei or the team, u-. 1, ,„ ob „,. K om | lnoail . hopei, ot tli. '’'noinno'aat'T Sifckclt mo,ok,it Ll ™ ck ''"' tlK ‘ uny ' Cj l >lol1 ' Ao a opouni atti.iction to Alum-, Hum Loant J, hiickell, pica lent Marlin. “Dutch” Rickei, and n „, hnitieultnie show will bo of t'tc* Athletic Bon id of Conlml, , „i„, m ,Ju >* ‘‘ nn* ticuttmc snov wm »o will be the hist speaker on the hue ,■!* l * S 1 p * 1 held on the second ffiioi of the Hoiti-j progiam It is also expected thU * . ~, , . , icultuie building tomouovv | a piomineat alumnut ot tha Colli*"* j_ j, U,IK \ W,M h * »*l*»'PO’Msd with Displays ol fiuit, flowcu. vegeta wpl be on hand to jpenk lot a tew i j0 ' IcJJU aml l ,l) iuuai songs Hobbles, and culuniiv pioducts of the j minutes about the pep sessions of iheoilcadei llcicklen ard his associ- home economics depaitment will be {past yems. „ jntis also will keep the eiowd pepped nmonj; the exhibits Students of , Following him, Coach Hugo Bez pip with chccis toi everyone flow landscape a chitcctuie have mttinged ide! will tell the aovwl hov, tom >r-; Cc-a.h Ec-dch !o\u to tie cauls •.« special j'hlbitiun ol then we: 1 Disabled Lafayette Grid Team ; E NATA S ToS here 1 To Encounter Nittany Machine In Homecoming Day Attraction Widespread Approval Prevails As Class of 1J)22 Plans Swimming 800 l ‘ALUMNI INTERESTED IN MOVE,’ PRESIDENT SAYS Dean of Men Declares ‘Unit Is> Necessary To Round Out Physical Education’ Widespiead appioial lias beer , voiced by alumni, student'*, and Col lege ofTicials following announcement that the class ot 1922 has icncwed u> pledge to aid in pioudmg a swim tiling pool lot Penn State ' Realizing that Penn State is pia>, Lically the only institution of its sisn'i lacking a natatoriuir populm senti ment ia\ois construction of a poo. here in the near iutme. A commit tee lepiesentmg the class of 1922 has been, woi king stcadilj on the and is confident that with College support the pool maj be completed by 1932 “As a swimming pool is included in the plans for Recieatton hall, 1 b - lieve that the alumni will giv<* than support and interest to the unit, utrl acoidmgly. the pool’s completion,’, Prof Chailcs L, Kinsloc, president of the Penn State Alumni association, stated yesteiday. ‘Necessary,” Says Warwick that a swimming poo] mil be mchiJ- nr/ ,rt nr . SnSr “ xrt punt EDITOR OF RECORD while Director of Athletics Hugo Ber- DEDADTC DDAPDECC dek declared that need foi n pool is KrTyK Iti lltUyD ,VM v evident, and that the class of l‘J22 has provided the stimulus necesscij to revue mtoiet m the moject 1930 ‘La Vie’ Supplement Heads ‘•lt is a %eiy necessary feataie Ntime 2 Assistants For needed to tound out ojr physical' education program^'--'am of Men 1 - -- Yearbook Stall ■Ai thur R Warnock said when asked . his opinion ol the pioject “It is ou' mm to make oui students physically atndcs me being made to ht as well as mentally and mtellee- war(l the completion of the College, tuully capable and, ccitmnly, no man class * and fiateimty sections of the an be called lit unless he Knows how DWW Lu lic Supplement, Fml C. ito swim I believe it should be es Schwercr MO, cditoi-in-chief, an lablishcd as soon as possible as the nounced vcsteidav. next addition to out physical educa- With fiatermty gioup pictuies be tion equipment plan” ■ inpr taken daily in fiont of the chup- That Penn State students aie m-'ter houses, Donald L Wen man MO. nnimous in their desire foi a poo! nhotogiaphic editoi, expects to linsli vos the opinion expressed by Martin the wotk on this section by November b McAmlicws ’.JO, piesident of the ™ Photogiaphmg of honoiaiv iiu- Athletic association He stated that Usmity and activity Rioups will the-* it is the only drawback in the Col- begin at the Photo shop lege’s physical education futilities and Completes Staff that the students would back anv i nt Hv,ilu«U activity cauls have been move to piovidc a pool foi Penn (llslllbllte( i t o the iiatoimti *s, while Stale non-fintcimty men will fill out thu. Estimates covciing a pool reces- cai(h m thcu lehpe atve schools Ai smv foi an institution the sire ol have been made foi the i Penn State place the cost between m , m{i cemo , VOP * cn to luin in !?250,000 and $l5OO 000 l , lcn ta;d - n the ] obby (>I ykAl'-s- o ter hall COLLEGE M. E LABOR \TOIF\ b’chwcrei announced the con.pletn.n RECEIVES NEW I’VROIIEI'EH " r ot tl,e '“"“’V M , iiUiil • talf bv the appointment ol Chillies E Pattcison ’5O and Hotelt A pviometei of special milli-volt p Campbell’3o Patteison will act iu design has been piescnted to the me- a ,i V isoiv athletic editoi, while Cnmp i chamcal laboin,toiy by Thomas G | )e [| has boon named assistant bus - Estup 'O5, assistant piofessoi of me- nc3s manage, bv John L. Bandia.t chamcal cngineciing at Carnegie In- *,jo % bus'ncss inanuge: stitutc of Technology, officials an- .\ Kenneth bchcm.k ’.’o, associate nounced yesteiday editor, also announced that class u,- This instiumcnt is used m the ic- tonans should submit (hen mulcimi [cowling of the expansion of solid bod- to him not latci than Fiulav. ics bv heat Installation will be com- ipleted vvithm Coui weeks, according to .vxmnvoro jPi 01. Aithui J Wood, head of the DOCTOR DTE ANNOUNCES I mcchnnical cnginccung depaitment NEW LITERATURE CLUB (HuUegimt. | Leaders in Lion-Leopard Clash Tomorrow | star Maroon Halfbacks i j Sustain Injuries CAPTAIN •31 - fENN STATE rfOGO‘SsZ'DEki. a a a a densß MSCRACk.E.N ■■ Captain - MFA'JtzTre - -^r/ —{ 'T TO OPEN FOND “ CAMPAIGN MONDAY Officials Obtain W. 11. Tinker As Spcakei At First Session In University Club Opening its campaign foi ?I, r >i , o to meet yearly expenses the Y M (5 \ will hold a dinnci foi division lead ers and cawtams m the Umveisity club at 7 o’clock Monday night Wellington II TinKei, executn societuiy of the mtc-collegiale oi gnn'zntio-i m New Yoik city, will oe the principle spcakei He will be m tioduccd bv J Thcodoio Wolfe MO, jiic-.Klent ol the "A ” Efforts aie being made bv Aiclu bald M Holmes ’5O chaiiman ol the campaign conuniltcv, to obtain the consent of ( ollegi ruthontes fot im* payment of ronti ib.itior* v ith Hu jicgulaj sunestci’s fees rt the begi l ' ning of the sccord tern Draw l’,- Budget Fur hear Publicity leaflets have been punted by the association in which aie pie •■tiilel the v.incus oigamrations an! activities that will be t-ponsoied tin-> \ ,oa- ’lhese vill be dislitbute.l Suml.iv' in Chape! and in the vuuoua chutches Moncv ootained dunng this cam paign v ill be allotted mamlv to th Andv Lvtle lodge, the T hut, en.- plovoieat buicau, and special speak ei, wm> will be biouglit here to lev. lure to Lie laden,, body *\ pm t'en il o will be gianted 1m th piii’ting of the f.oohman himlbook, ~l.uh r published each ye.it and sen to numbeis of the in.o'iimg clus, Ir icvievving the piospocts ol the campaign ILmy AS. Seamans, socie tal v of the ‘‘S’.” .Anted ‘Piospects fot tne laming of tie 1 Ji.nOO Inidgot *ot foi Hus yeti aie biighlei t!mn thev have bee i in piv.- cion ycais With tile cnlhus.usm evimed by the woikei., so fat i.o ihould go ovei the top with ioop.i to spate ” ;WJ\SC WILL BROADCAST LAFAYETTE GRID FRAY SteJirl San-lure's Login Pwgran At 1 V) Oilo'k Tomorrow Kenneth L Holdciman Ml and Chailcs A Wakemun ’ s‘l, loimci an nounce! at statan \VC\E, Pitts- Luugli, will bMiadcist the Penn Stale lalayLite game Horn \(\v IJeave* field nvei stut’on beginning it 1 >0 o’doik loinor’ov The college i.uho stnliun is on the .il. thiee times a v eel. The icmain : nig home football games will be In ond ,- | tege'i lompcd oir v ith a 2d-ln-() vi*- Itoiv The lollowing Batui hiv a Man [haltan lollege eleven fell befote* tn [Lafayette backs, the game ending with the Maioon team on the long end of anolhoi 2.1-to-0 ‘•(.ore Hope, foi an undeloattd -cason, hovvcti, weie tleoLio.ed when a stioug But I mil team captuied faatuiday’s entoan tet by a G-to-fl count. Inexpericnted Team With but thiee membeis of last ye.u's haid-hittmg eleven in the Inn u|>, the Easton mentot will jnesint aa incxpenenccd ai.ay ol gmlmen m to no’row’s encountei Although the forw.ud wall averages l'K) pounds per man, one of the lightest back hcl'ls even to pel foini on a Lnfavotte team will stait the Homecoming Da game 'ine aveiage weight ot the ball o.i!nets is lof* pounds Woodhn plunging lullhack ot the lflJb eleven, is the only weighty back Pvothenbetg will pinhabl” stall at the lclt end with Laol.nn Dill Shu woed at the oihet vvmg position Vandcibush ami Coo', both meinbe. > ol list ve.u’s freshman aggiegaff ‘i. will ocupv the tackle beiUrn E'iia..e\ .lid Dobmski will i>lay tin guaul ju siUons Dobmski vas a membei of the l‘>2B eleven Ucutoi, I'.r> poun . sophon-oie, will handle the cc i..i oust Tclh-i v ill piobably call signds fm the L.-lmi Icam Wilio, an i 1,1 ,| . wt'l he at the hailback po'ilior* if bocolo,/ and Sulliv..n aie unable (Continued on thud page) FRESHMAN CO-EDS TO MEET MONDAY Lpj-euUisswomen Plan Suncrv i-iu.i Of D'sttission C.rm.ps For First A ear btuilenls Uppciclas ,-vomcn v ill take ih.iige o. the it'gulai ficshman discussion «inup' des gned to help licJimau gills meet the p’oblei-is of eveivdnv lilc, Dean Cluuiotte F Hav annoum ed today 'i he In-t of the,, distil>- stons will be held in Dean Lav's ap.ut ment in the Women’s building at 1 Id t‘clock Monday afternoon The meeting on Mondav, at v.linh the co-cds will discuss the topic “T>» ; f)o m Not to Do,” will 1 e Uu Inst of j,. sene', to he held the In si lota davs ,ol ne ,t week and the hist lout dav , jof the v cel, following ’I he gathei | ing, will lie held at the same place 'and houi caui da/ j It i, planned to hold the disui non Iguiup . which vveio m.uiguiated list !ye.u midei tin dnectimioi 1) *nn Hav. [once n mmith Huotighout the ve.u Selected upper kinswomen have been [invited to assist in leading at the j meetings A list ol the discussion gw lip sec tion’, with lefeiences explaining the topu umlei discussion, have been pos-- ed on the bulletin bo.ud in McAllistei