‘wo * :nn state collegian 1 led suni-wtfkl) durlnc the College rear, except on holldnv*, * <»f Tlu I’.ntuvlvonio blatr lollfgo In Ihe interest of tiio iu Mudent*, facult). ntumni, and friend* THE MANAGING HOARD Coogan 31 ’3O Milton M. Rosenbloom ’3O lilnr.in Cider HuulncM Manager A. Menseh ’3O Russell L. Rehm ’3O lanaging l dilor Adverll»ing Manager P Stevenson ’3O Calvin E. Butxvis 30 I New* 1 ditur emulation Manager \ 1 E Beauge ’3O Hem}. R. Dowdy ji ’3O Spurt* Uditur foreign Adrcrthing Manager i at llic Piwloflm S'ate College Pa, n* necnnd claw matter FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1929 THE PUNGHTHAT COUNTS to picdiction, Penn State’s mysteiy football .*lt the sting of defeat foi the first tune Saturdax * T ew lork umxeisitx's not-xxoak elexen icbound -1 1'" e.ulv season lo"i to Foidhnm with mcieascd Sexen points lie nuigm of xictmv. is not u ictiue of the '-.me howo*or On the contimv, Be/dok's pupils cle.uly outnlayed their staunch but sunplx lacked the punch to cross the Inial ue and a (ram the hard-hitting Lion backlield d its wav to within seoung distance only to lose ion ot the ball Regaidles*. the Bezdek eleven messne in del eat and u is not foolhardy to e\- lumplis ox ei moie deadly nxals this season THE ART OF NEGLECT hen a n<>n-«winunoi fulls into deep xxntei, the is u loud splash, followed bv wild thinsbnig of and legs and a possible stona-like descent to ob if the’o n no helping bund near 111 college students lmd themselxes engulfed in so niunv ac social, academic, and othei xvisc, that they feel ke a non-swimmet Dividing one’s time betxveen nous obligations so that the greatest benefit may ixed m the end might be tenneil “The Ait of Nog- ; any student should have so manv uons m the at he should be connected with so manv, oigamza- i> to make it impossible to give due notice to his tasks is a sony situation, but nevertheless a >n one Vt Penn Slate nothing has exei been d to pi event such a condition, no lestuctions be aced upon the numbci of uclixities n student maj except that he must not Hunk too manv sub- Heie theie is no end to what an ambitious young- av, accomplish in the xvax ol campus honois hen, too, the la/y element m eveiv student’s i|i usually piompts him to bcliexe lhat he has too woik to do The mam activities man is ceitam ; larv, but he frequently finds that theie me fai lany demands upon his time, he feels that he is leung m a sea of woik. The only life-line that can rown to either type of man is one that he himself cast, he must learn and practice the art of neglect, ust leant lo dtsctnmnule between that which will leficial to him in lalei life and that which is phun xasie ot time and energy. WHY BE A SNOB? eenuse he advised the June giaduates of Massa- Its Institute of Technology to “Lc snobs" Prof t r Rogeis of that institution unconsciously cd nation-wide publicity oxet night The leading apeis in exeiy State gave the stoiy fiont page Xumeious editors printed editouals on the lent, some piaismg, some blaming him fm his be- Letteis ol agieemen'. dial disngicement with *' ideas pomed into his otllce dailx, most of the toeing ones showing a decided nmundeistanding 1 Ameiica the word snub"means “one who think* It bettci than the axeiagc and behavpg oil that ption” This furtheijnepns tliat ahy ajipearhpco. iciioiitv will call forth lhat epithet fiom'people* .now no bottei. Piofessoi Rogeis was tiying to ss unon the giadunting men that each lopiesented jo amount ol monex, time, eneigv and patience and that the gioup should, obviously, repiescnt tellcctual anstocincx Had this man consuleied c students as a whole, poihups be would have ed Ins phiaseologj a bit stnee theie me manx stu who giaduate “lx the skin of then teeth" But as addiessing a distinct gioup of men, each one •.om lopiesented the sole mitmxov of one bundled who had stalled in the public schools. Why, then, theie not be a feeling of intellectual sitpeiunity ithcimoie, Piofessoi Rogers explained that “Be h" means “Be 11 gentleman ” The woul ffvntleiutni nattei ot inanneis and good breeding A fine en ring mind may be disastiously handicapped b\ the ets of a lough-neck, while a less fine mind max be -■d to success by the light kind of manneis Mi. s puts the thing a bit too strongly, howexet, when nvs that the undeigiaduate manneis of om colleges vxvheie me getting woi«e each yeat He based his intent on his exponent os m a limited number of col- assuming that the same is tiue ot ex’erv institu- But Piofessoi* Rogeis has biought out sexeial un* table (mints Colleges and unixeisities tlnough he United State me gtuduully beginning to leali/e fiom a business point of view 11 giaduate must bo n , 01 gentleman, if he wishes to succeed in his woik. . State has letogm/cd this necessity and has at nglv mcoipoiated m the geneial customs a mle ‘No unsjmitmanslike 01 ungentlemanly conduct be pel nutted at any athletic event” The fact is college giaduates should sense then supononty although, it might cause ill feeling at times, they dtscovoi themselves much faithei ahead in the end. THE LION’S DEN at a wild week-end we had—attending no and telegraphic football 1 etui ns. the soccei gan Someone, it seems didn't enjov the jouinev to New Yoik foi Satmdax’s game. Saxs a dispatch re ceixed in this olhee last night “An esthetic soul of the Penn State football «quad iitmii leaving foi State College today declined his visit to the Big Citv a tail* uic because he couldn’t had any Violets to pluck" (Name of said esthetic soul supplied free upon 10- ceipt ot two-cent stamp No used ones nccepted) Captain Jack Martin of the good ship State keeps a travelogue. Satuiday evening he wiole “Progressed at the into of one naught todav ” Juke a la Dcngler Piof. Define the woid jjorfi]/. Wise one It’s something connected with mctci Wisei Must be a gas pipe Now that the N Y U. game is histmx theic’i little to wony about until the Penn game Except foi xe Daniel. Foi instance, one cub icpoitei is taking a course in Shnkespeaie One night last xvek he wandeicd into the oflice, possessed of a sludiom mien, --at down befoie a txpewutci, and began to hunt and poke, with the following lesult What, ho' And how' Rumor lias it that xestei mght a smnmg collegian plagued with spntes and el fins did invade the wild of Watts theie to answei to a summons charging him with pawing up a campus 1 way astnde bis gear-od mount at xvhat’s o'clock “Stand'" quoth the D-of-M “Go to'” leplied oui pee’ “Pet foicc, I can do naught but that, toi the chans me filled” ‘Exon so, and anon, anon But have xoui word ‘Axe, and so I shall, metlunks” (Attendant, like unto the Life and Death of ( King John, lead 1 in many-colored geai-ed mount by 1 the tlnottle) j “Welcome, ass," said the culpnt | “Hete’s youi rattling tinny mount.” declaieth at- j tendant 1 “Ah, ha' Evidence for the gods,” quoth the | D-of-M. ! “I’m sunk!" spake the culpnt collegian. “But heie's my woid ‘Twas the night befoie the last that we weu* a-muking meiiy with the Meriy Wives of Windsor But we weie not. as rumor hath mfoimed, n-liquored ot the Cat’s wine. Nexoi have xve pnitaken of Measuie foi Measuie ot such But our unworthy mount snoited aril pawed on the campus way, as thou has learned. And «o came I lioie'” “Guilty’, ait thou adjudged,” opined the judge. ‘Know* \ou not the age-old decice that no man shall cause his mount to paw and snoitlon the campus “Long have I hemd of it " “Even so. Then youi lot shall he that of the Pass ionate Pilgiim Go vou fai fiom heie even so far as unto the house of youi site and let xoui tmnv mount paxx and snoit theie Avaunt lascall” We weie almost afraid to punt the above stoiy at Inst foi feat that the mighty Linns would eat puny Daniel .In unknown )>cshmni ranyht on Finlay, night trjjnii/ to yum cn (wince to a.jiatei 111(1/ hmme ‘ Enough a thud *toi y window A fh escape led up to the window It'# lenuukable to nlint ci-tioiue# these jjit'i' mil lesoit jnnt so they’ll have <1 pledge put to •‘IN THE USl\ ERSITY MAN.V E It ” I Mufflers I IMPORTED CASHMERES IN PASTEL SHADES SILK , SQUARES IN REPP STRIPES— -1 OR CREPES IN MORE SUB • DU ED PATTERNS ALL EX CLUSIVE AT THIS ESTAB LISHMENT. , 2.50 3.50’ 5.00 at STARK, BROS. & HARPER NEXT TO THE MOVIES Tmi PENN STaTE COLLEGIain ~ despite e\eiy attempt ihut nHiubc.ivJ‘FlND YOURSELF’ URGES [we do not attain the lughe (Jn-P/7 I nff/c have made to attach the names of the I mm MT\TicTPf>f ,irtliei emphasis to his tr LU eCI oiganizations to the houses Though I PHILADELPHIA MINISTER, , peakci , tatcd that wc havo , jthe name plates outside toad Alpha ( ■■ . ■■ ; for uniestnuned life, and tl This is the beginning of the sec-| Onucion Pi, Svchoi, etc , some people. n Mi. Tillnm Telia fihnnol Vtidionce' ictciving it do not know ho' rn. year for women’s clubs and sot- ins!st „ n Maple ha(liiC ond \ VllUu{ ~ ,r * MatCalU,IH r « I,H Chapol Audience; w f vnnta onl > houses at Penn State One na- To Make Life* Worthwhile . tur.illv asks "Have the\ heon a sue-, . , ncp , , hn ' c ,ccn s 0 cni ,°*l I co , s ,” ‘ j ful to make the houses a success, wh\ ■ i ]) l Ihe gioups ol gnls who lunc tak- . r . tonneiLed We aie self-determining peisonal-i LW er o\ei the houses ha\c in most cases 1 jausen - ,aill people connected .< am j im tj| W e make W added comodorably to the alt. aU,t c- Wlth „ S ''"’ ! |noo>. ot tha places liv contiil.at.ona ■ adopt thcmseltcs cnounh, . flora the organizations’ Lcosimes i to lra >" “ fs "’ 1 ‘ The gills who have been occupants of j “As fur ns can be seen at this time the houses have kept College and j I belie\e the lushing code of this yeai i domutoiy lules. A sense ol dutv to; has been a decided impiovenient ovei the soioiity usually kept the gnl fiom • those ol foimei ycais" stated Miss “pulling" anything. Fuithei, the, Chailotto E Uav, Dean of Women, gnlr who ha%e h\cd in the houses |in speaking of the lushing svslcm us ' ha\e not become so fai estianged Horn ol thr. yeai among tlje women campus activities as was piedictcd when the matter of houses was being} umsideied j vwv w y« But one phase of this fmteimts J vVcIfCG ijD housing has not been n success Ami | m 1 stiange to say, it is what one won' 1 • 8j517V ? consider the easiest pait of all The | MdiWM. o old names ha\o clung to the houses i End Bilious '•Blues”—Quick 1 When renews, irritable, tired ill the lime. bran, iogkj , can't sleep no appo t tt, bau taste, loul breath—best thing 1 for jou r old reh mlc August Mower 1 i l’tps jo i i*,j f.uich 1 Kuusoa luer, r sucitcrs stunach, aids digestion, mo\cs 1 h.taels to dmtnuta poismcms wastes ! This air i«.jj-cseriptum kept the J hale and liL**rt\ \YiH fre | ;r»* up—oi inoiiej hack! Two sizes, od» ami 9Uc, State College EYES EXAMINED All Kinds of frame's. & repair; DR. EVA D. ROAN Registered Optometrist OH'ICF IIOLI.S IJellefonto \\>d 2 pm to A pm Monday bat 10 nmtos p ri Thursdn,, I rlduj Carlinck IJu.tdtKS l.li 1 isl Ulloso Opp. Court Houw Am'iiuc SPECIAL 75c Can of EDGEWORTH for • ‘ 59c WARD’S .. .in the revue it's Pep/ ... in a cigare Bfi 1 al'- Eli Rea & Derick 160 West College Ave. "True merit is like a river; the deeper ic is, the less noise it makes.” There is nothing sensational about Chester fields; good tobaccos, blended and cross-blended, the standard Chesterfield method, to taste just right. But —haven't you noticed howsmokers arc changing to Chesterfield, for that very reason— “TASTE above everything " FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos, not only BLENDED.buI CROSS-BLENDED le the life tl mt is given us |' i Matinee daily at 1:30 excepl ■Boat Experiment • with your Appearance Montgomery & Co. State College, Pa. * Alumni and Students * Taxi Service Night and Day SPECIAL TRIPS CAN BE ARRANGED FOR H. K. RESIDES Bel! Phone 19C Oflice Phom DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR ROOMS Single and:Double LOGUST LANE SANDWICH SHOI 214 East Nittany Avenue e its Jaste f Tuesday, October 22,1! .THEATRE ‘•urday during football sense 1 complete afternoon showing | 3:00: | TUESDAY— I Victor McLaglen,,Edmund' ( “THE COCK-EYED WO t Ul-Talking, Singing, Laugh (WEDNESDAY — Lon Chanej. I*h> Ills Ha v . “THUNDER” Synchronized Picture—Mu* THURSDAY— Charles Farrell.-Janet Gaj . “LUCKY STAR” ‘ All-Talking Romance FRIDAY— | Robert Armstrong, James ( . “OH-YEAH!" j All-Talking Comcdy-Mcli and yet rHEy SATISFV