Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 18, 1929, Image 1

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    \ Isemi^Weeklj
fruit Js’ttitr
VOL. 29, No. 9
Authoiities Design Modern Unit
To Increase Beauty of j
College Campus
Engineers Start Construction
On Foundation— Practically
Complete Excavation
Plans for a new power house to be
elected on the former site of the Old
Mining building, which will cost
$750,000, and will add to the beauty
of the campus, weie disclosed by Col
lege aichitectuial officials today.
The building, which will generate
heat foi all College buildings, has been
designed to meet the strictest i equip
ments of aichitoctural beauty The
most modem machinery will eliminate
dust and gume, and will produce s
minimum of smoke.
Excavation work has been almost
completed and construction on the
foundations has begun. College of
ficials hope to complete the building
by next spnng The J. G. White
company, of Philadelphia, is direct
ing design of the structuie, while the
pichitectural design is furnished bj
Charles E Klaudei, of Philadelphia
The building will be constructed of
brick similar to that of the Recieatio
hall, with limestone gianite turn
ings All the doors and windows will
be of steel The plant will extend
125 foot aloud College avenue, and | Js one of th(J outst „ ndl „ B
wil' be 120 feet long. collegiate foiensic woiks of the *?ai
A smoke stack 150 feet high, con- p enn debates on the afinmativc
structed of the same material as the 1 ant j nega tive sides ol the League ot
mam building, will use at the noit Nations question will be published m
end of the stiucture. The stack, do- the tommg e( | l tion of tetetcolhyiatc
signed to be an aitistic feature of the ( j) e i, (ltcbi accoidmg to Joseph F O’Bi t
* building will be a separate unit. A' eij( debating coach
wall between the power house and thei Thc vo i umc ,j;onipded each &ear_by
stack \wit'Xoha‘ni"plpcs''leadmg—r NobiliTand Nobile of New York, and
the boileis. Space has been reserved c(llte(J by Egbert Ray Nichols of the
foi r second stack to be constructed University of Redlands, includes the 1
latei at the rear of the building at Clght college debates which in the
this end. ,opimon of the editois were notevvor-
Facing Burrowes stieet, thc main It is th 6 Hist time that the Nit-j
cntiancc is gained by a double flight M oratois weie honoicd.
6 of steps A utility exit has been plan- 1 Mam speeches, rebuttals, bibltogta
ned fot thc end facing College avenue, 1 pbica> an d shoit nccounts of thc de I
Above this door a large window wii hate'- will appeal in the publication j
use almost to thc loot of the struc- jji. O’Brien edited thc section duvot-.
turc, flanked on each side by similar |Cd to the College speakeis. I
tall windows. Thc roof, which .to*, Ovrurd Teain
scvunl levels, gives the building a , , .
pyian.ul cited. on this ond the .formative side ol tho losolu
ntt , 1 f rt,, .„.n tion that thc United States.entei the
The cast side of the buildmg w of Nations Wtls <, U p pol ted m
oontam a balcony housing clKtiical the<kbatc „, th unit daily hem
equipment The tui bine used at pres- yea| Albeit j Gaies ’2O, Robert
out in the old power house will bp‘ w Hcfl , , 2i) and j aL | c r. R, t hnida
tinnsfened to the new oke fQi Penn State
Space has been provided foi a new penn Stat(J WUb lut uined the wm
generatoi with 1200 kilowatt tapaci.y nw . a large nmJol ,ty in an audi
which will increase the efficiency or. Q vote> An atten d an ce of ovci
the plant materially The new genei-( onc thousam j m ade this contest the
utoi will be furnished by the Genet- 1 blg hi lgbt of the season, accoidmg to
al Electric company. , Piofessoi O’Brien.
A crane located in thc noith-east The negative side of tho question
corner of thc building will serve both; W as uphold against Temple and Lin
tho balcony and the basement. CoaL co j n umveisitics The Temple en
vvill be stored in a large bin at the gagement was broadcast over station
icar of the building, which will be | WCAU, .Philadelphia, Temple win
screened from the street. The most ning a radio audience vote A JJ-to-0
model) 1 machinery will conduct fuel] judger.’ decision gave the Nittany tiio
to the stokers, and will dispose of the; tho Lincoln debate Gates, Richards,
ashes It is hoped that this equip- and David Kitsch ’3l, formed the
men* will dispose of dust ffcctively 1 negative team
Ita ‘LA VIE- INDIVIDUAL ! UEAN wlu ‘ visit am.iekst
SITTINGS START MONDAY, Dr. Gotald L Wondt, assistant to
the President in industnal nnd Ssuen
tific, will rcpicsent the Col
lege at the dedication of the Mooie
laboutoiy of chemisjtiy at Amheist
college next Ftiday.
Students 1W SI 30 Fee—Will Few:
Fur 4 Photographs
With the* awarding of contract!* fo
photogiaphy work on the 11)31 Lti Vic,
individual sittings will stait Mon*,
dnj, Pusiness Mnnuger Jack H. Eis
nmn Ml, announced yesterday
Four poses will be taken, fiom'
which the student will select the one!
to appeal in the year book Eacl I
student will be lequuod to post uj
fee of $1.50 at the time of the sit-1
ting This fee may be applied to the |
puichuse of photographs.
The appointment card will uuiy i
hflcen-ininute excuse foi any clas
scheduled at the tune of the sitting
Photos of tumpus scenes uie being
taken It is planned'to use them as
In past Lit Vies.
Penn State’s Y. M. C. A. has ar
ranged a banquet to be held Monday,
at the University tlub for forma Hi-
Y members in the freshman class.
Included in the vailed p'rogiam which
Spaeth Discusses Relation X^thlJK
Of Athletes and Musicians THROUGH S ARRENS
Disproves Popular Impression That All Artists
Appear Effeminate and Weak
The idea of a football coach hai
unging his men on the gudiron m the
afternoon and entertaining them at
night with Beethoven’s Minuet m C
or the latest bit of jazz might be
considered odd by sonic persons, but
Dr Sigmund Spaeth, noted music
authority, doesn’t think such is the
Dv. Spaeth has been in State Col
lege this week piomoling the ticket
sale for the Artists’ couisc Several
years ago he coached a football team
at Asheville, N C and at the same
! time directed the musical clubs. In
1920 he lepoitcd most of the nmj'oi
football games for the New Yoik
Tiiiich and at the same time wrote
a music column lor that paper.
That u really talented musician
could be nothing but an effeminate
pci son with unshoin locks and a suit
able subject for pampering at wo-
I men’s club meetings is a view' belong
ing to the age of hoop-skirts and pow
dcicd wigs, m Di. Spaeth’s opinion
“When Padeiewski came to the
United States for his conceit torn,”
the visiting musician instanced, “he
Volume Includes Aflirmatite,
j Negative Talks on League
! Of Nations Topic
Alpha Sigma Phi was found
guilty by Inteifratcinity council
Bo.ud of Contiol of violating ar
ticlo -1 of the 1929 lushing code
Aiticle 4 slates that uftei Tues
day evening, October 1 ut 8 o’clock
fintcimty men shall not bo m com
pany oi communication with fiesh
men at any time until Wednesday
evening, Octobei 2 at 7 o’clock.
As a penalty of a piovcd intiac
tion m a lust offense, aiticle 2 in
the by-laws of Inteifiatemity
council’s const.tution piovules for a
vote of consulc bv Inteifiatemity
counul, notice of which shall be
published in the COI.I.MUAN and
sent olhctally to evciy national lra
toimty at Penn State and to the
national chaptei oi hcmlquiu Ur>
of the guilty fialeimty Aiticle
9 of the lushing code states that
fiatcrmtit'K found guilty ahull fm
Grants Contract to Pittsburgh
Construction Company for
was foiccd to wear his hnn long bo 4'lfin non
cause of the prevailing belief thal Approximately SjOO,OOO
such u custom is indispensable to the - ■
musician’s art The American people „| r j,. V iY ATAY’f’ONNFCT
can not visualize a great musician HIGHWAY MAx CUiMNtiLI
without flowing hair.
"What would have happened if
Pndeiewski had suddenly appeared .n
football togs<• , Local Officials Approve Plans
Paderewski-is now the lone famous , n ,
musical genius who wears his hair Of Proposed Link Road
long His public will not let him cs- To Aid College
In contrast with Paderewski’s flow- ,
ing locks, scanty black han fringes a row stile highway tanning fioni
Dr Spaeth’s head, the top of which. College Avenue at Ncnlh Atheiton
sloped shaiply buck fiom a low fore- sticct several miles into the Baiiens,
head, has little natural protection Ul ]j pass behind the Recreation Hall
But li»is a musician an d affoid anothei route foi vehicles
His body is that of an athlete He after indoor athletic -events The
is moie than six lect tall and has a congested traffic tn front of the Hall
£uild m proportion, a fact that may w ,n probably be relieved aftci com
cxplain why he gained a* place in ath- p) e tion of the load
letics at both Havcrford and Prince- Contracts for the fiist section o'
ton when he attended those institu p lopo sed highway 1 hme been
tlons v awarded to the Ross Construction
“The time will come, Dr Spaeth
continued, “when the musician will be ,
(Continued on last page)
opciatmg with the State department
j has approved plons for the road con
struction. AU necessao peimits toi
'the right-of-way have been granted
. by borough officials.
! Stalling at College avenue, the
• r, , . r, highway, which will be constructed
Russian Symphonic Sonj, Group, ol LOncic t c> W ,U iun noith on Athei-
Will Open Winter Series 'tor stieet and into the Barrens. The
__ Ifns. section will be almost si\ nirlc^
Here November 1 lone
With a rceoid ticket sale icported|
fo. the opening week of the cam*!
pa-gn, officials for the Aitists’ course
sponsored bv the College, will con
tinue the sale throughout next week
at the tieasuiei’s office in the ok l
Beta Theta Pi house
Good seats are still available fo
th.o season, Dnector Jtirhaid W
Giant, chairman of the Course com
jnuttee leports He also expects tc
have the Auditorium ciowded to cap
acity when the Russian Symphonic
Chon opens the couise November 1
| According to advance lepoits, the
[ choral gioup is one of the unusua>
'musical organizations in the
I The chon appeared foi several sea
jbons in New Yoik City, then made r
[ torn of the laigei cities in the country
I Studied Under Famous Composer
The singers aie undei the duration . m nnci
ol Basrle Kibalchich, noted Rusaiar WOMEN DEBATERS
the age of twelve when he was callec , ,
u „„n to lead a luge chou ra h.s hon» . Countl , Holds Con,,-,.10rn
Ho hat, also directed one of tht ;
famous Russian chons, the Archangel l
skj Chon of Petiogiad, and the Chon I
of the Petiogiad Conservatory of Mu
sic. Duung his eaily life, the con
ductoi studied undei Rimsky-Koi
sakoff, one of the foiemost Russiat
Metropolitan eutics have praiseo
the ofleets secured by the choir ir
then arrangements of Russian foil,
songs Among the favorite number/
which they probably will offer herj
aie “Volga Boatmen Song,” Dvorak!
“Humoresque,” and the “Credo” bv\
Doctor MncCallum To Talk Sunda<
O.r “The Quest of Life'
D.. John A MacCallunr, pastor of
the Walnut Street Presbyterian
•huich m Philadelphia will speak or
“The Quebt of Life" befoie the chap j
el audience in Schwab auditorium j
Dr MucCuilum, a native of Canada,
was educated at the Columbia urn \
veisity Union Theological Semina*y
and leceived the dcgicc of doctor o'
divinity fiom Lafayette univcisity
He is the twenty-thnd of his imrnedi
ate family to be oidained to the 1
Piesbyteilun mimstiy. ;
Among the boohs of which he 1
author is “Now L Know” and “The ■
Gieat Paitneiship." 1
Piof. Paul 11. Schweitzer' the
Engmeoiing Research department has
ictuincd fiom a year’s lca\c in Eur
ope whore he received the degiee of
Doctor of engineering at the Dresden
institute of Technology in Germany.
Mdfet of his time in-Euiope was
it at a study of new methods and
company of Pittsburgh by
Department of Highways
■ was levealed to be *5298,107.
| The Borough of State College, co-
To Add Sections Later
I Definite arrangements foi the com
pletion ol the entile highway have
l not been revealed by'the State de
partment It is probable, ho\\e\ei i
I that in scveial years the load will
1 run thiough Waddle and connect with
the highway from Bellcfonto to Ty
-1 lone.
State offic.-ks bcluv'c v tii..t Ru. new
loadway will afford an outlet foi the
small faim settlements noith of State
College as well as a well-traveised
connecting link between two import
ant highway routes
"The new loadwav is anothei step
taker by the State Highway depart
ment to impiove transportation m
Centre county," stated Benjamin J
Eynon, State commissioner of Motor
At Harrisburg—Coach Plans
Schedule For Year
I Questions and policies for the vvoni
'en debateis this season v.eie discuss
'cd at the convention of Forensic
' Council held at Harrisburg, October
i y
Y Topics under consideration for de
flate aic the Colsworth thirteen
’ month calcndai, the effect of the ma
-1 chine age, the Emergencies of Worn
. ( en, and the limiting of higher edu
cation for those specially adapted to
j Negotiations aie under way for de
; bates with Seton Hill, Hood, Untvei
! sity oi Pennsylvania, University ol
'Pittsbuigh, Syracuse university,
'George Washington and Waynesboio
, According to Prol. John II Frrz/ell,
coach ol the team, a tup la being
planned thiough southern Pennsyl
vania, Maryland and Distuct of Co
lumbia between semcsteis.
Sigma Phi Epsilon was found
guilty by Intel fraternity council
Board ol Conti ol of violating ar
ticle 4 ot the 1021) lushing code.
Ailiclc 4 states thut aftei Tue»-
lay evening, Oetobei 1, at 8 o'clock,
fraternity men shall not be in com
pany oi communication with tresir
man at any time until Wednesday
evening, Oetobei 2 at 7 o’clock.
As a penalty of a pioved infrac
tion m u fust offense, uiticle 2 in
the by-laws of JntcrfrutoinuJ
council’s constitution provides tor
a vote ot censure by Intcrfiatci
nity council notice of which shall
bo published m the coi.l.EGlAN* and
sent officially to every national
fiateimty at Penn State and to die
national clmptei ot lic.ulijunrteis
of the guilty fialeinPy. Artie.”
9 ol the rushing code states that
fiutei mties found guilty shall loi
Undefeated Lions Seek
Over Powerful N.Y.-U.
At Yankee Stadium
Telephonic Communication Will Relay
Play-by-play Account of N. Y. U. Battle
In oidei that students not attending the Penn State-New Yoik umvo*
uty football game m Ncu" York tomorrow may letene a play-by-play ac
count of the encounter, telephone communication will be made outworn
Recreation hall and the Yankee stadium foi the returns at 2 o’clock to
mouovv afternoon.
It is probable that the telephone m Recreation hall will be cooncctc I
with a loud speaker in oidei that tba i etui ns may b-' audible to all pre -
out. The diagramatic field with the ran.e and nunibei of each nkryei will
also be used to follow the progiess of t‘m game S-cues ot ma’oi
games throughout the East will be leccived regularly by arrangement
with Western Union
The sophomoio bind will le puucnt at the letuins while entertatn
ment will be provided between halve; Hamilton M Redman MO and Wal
ter G Cott ’.)(), associate footba’l managers will be in change of the re
turns The game will be announced ove* the telephone fiom New York
by Charles A. Wakcman ’l3, foimeily cmef announcer and studio rv.inag
er at radio station WCAE m Pittsbuigh Admission to the returns will be
fifty cents.
The Penn State Blue band will broaucast from station \YI/ in New
York ovci the National broadcasting fmm 12 until 12 30 t/doc’
tomorrow afternoon Results ot the uoss-counliy meet between Penn
State, Nov. York university, and Lehigh v ill also le announced ovei the
Candidates Try for Positions Golfers To Entei Tournament
In Casts of 3 Conuntf At Annual Celebration
Winter Shows Oetobei 25. 26, 27
One hundred ami sixty-three can-j
didates reported at the Penn State
Player studio above iho Auditoi iu*n l ,
stage for try-outs Wednesday night j,
Tnah foi the nest thice shows will
Lo continued tonight at the studio
i Dnectoi Arthur C Cloetmgh. when
, interviewed* aftei the fust tnuls, e\-j
[pressed considerable optimum and
iiopc ’for a successful season He was
especially pleased with the large turn
out ot fieshnmn aspirants" [
The dnector said, "We aie laving
plant, fai ahead this, jeai, and feel
saie that we me facing the Inightcst
Mi'll in the histoiv of the oigamzu-
Uen Judging from the mateiinl ut
hand, oui season can be nothing but
success ”
Trial*, fm .1 Show*,
Tij-outs weie held at thi3 time for
the first thiee shows scheduled fot
pioduction this veai The shows aiej Students PI in Ma,s Meeting
“The Roval Family” to be piesentcdj jhe annual Vaisitv dub dinnei j
ir Docembci, “The Good Hope ” the j JC l to ld at the Ccnt.c Hills Coun
iJanuaiy offering, anti “The c j u t> at 7 o'clock Fuduv night j
'Muidci M>steiv,” a thullei to be ’phi event has been the get-tngcthei
pioduced eail> nc\t >«ai j 4, past \eais foi most of the famous;
Announcement of those successful 1 Pear State athi.-tes, guulunte manag |
ip the opening twnls v ill be posted e Neil M Fleming icnoits i
<>" the bulletin boiud in Libeiul Aits' Student lende.s aie at picsent la>-,
building this morning Fuithct no- 1 ,,- plans foi a mas-, meeting to be
tice of tij-outs will be placed on the! held at 7 in o’clock Fndnv night
boaid eaily ne\t week Pi ei dent Ralph 0 Hetrel has been
Pioi Cloet.ngh, Piof David D asked to “-peak at the meeting, a* veil
Jlason, and Funk S Neusbaum ton- 1 a othci facultv membeis
ducted the tests foi pio>pective pla>-[ A ta.cleiia stvle luncheon will be
t-i \nothei geneial tij-out im <-ei\ed at the Aimoiv Satuidaj noon
actoij* will be held Intel in the sea b\ the State College Paient-leachei
ion association A campus toui, football
gai'.e, and sinokei aie olbei Icaluic
FARM CHATS PROGRAM a ‘, an Alumnae puilv Satuidaj night
,r Gtarge Mcn.oiiul doinutoij
Extension Spc:ialists Plan Top.c, bIMUKS BEFORE ENGINEERS
For M)K \ Radio Lectures
. I run* John R Harwell, e\tensnn
.t.’Kniultuni! cnKinoei, uilchos&ed the
Extension specialists of the . c tool (am , ua , n „j wtinjf <( f the Noith Atlun
,f Airmultiuew.ll , ea , on „ t the Amei.can A.-soua
tntU fioni Station KHKA. l'itUbuiK , \,| J i()n ()f Akiiu . Ui „.il Enginccis on
istarting this wvcl. continuing in j„ Kuial i]j can f !t uLion'’ .it the Muib.i
-111 Apnl 10 tt«st V ‘‘K‘"' a ‘; Ki ; tJ / i ;!chu,ett-. college, Am
' spcnheis vull .llunut- ,U, Mbs i ast night
Penn State men on the luint eh.i.-ij‘
piogiam . , . ,i
Bioatlcustmt: at 12 20 o clock, the
talk* mil continue 10. ten minutes >n I
subjects ot timely intrust to hum- ,
CIS., H.mleneis., oichaidists, daiijmen,
•uni Uvcstocl piodusei*. a-, well as j
con*uim:is ot hum pioducts
The pi o«iurns Hill include MicVi
topics ns, "The Mniket Kkk of the I
Futuie," "The Isiini Woods u hu\-.
uiks Bunk,” "Intel cstuiK 1-enluies ot ( j
Clean Milk Pioduction,” “Oichatd In
sects and Then Conti ol," and "ITc
|Bik Fi\e of Potest Ticv Plnnliiw." j
Who’s Dancing
Mpiin Chi Rho
IMn Lambda Theta
Sigma IMn lipsdon
uml Della Sigma IMu
nl Delta Sigma IMn
Mpha Gamma Rho
j Alumni and foimci students aie
t non making lesei.ations at head-;
jq'iaiteis fot the tenth annual Home-i
jcjnvnt. celemation to be held at the 1
College Octobei 23, 20, and 27. Of-!
litial in chaige of the event espectl
'the largest turnout in lecent jear' |
] Hendquaiteis foi \isilois will be
established in the Aimoiy Fndav af-j
temoon, ard giaduatcs will leg’Stci ,
thc»o immediately uocn armal Al- 1
I umn* tugs wul be seemed at that,
'time and telephone facilities will bej
pioiided foi the guests j
1 Opening the week-end of activities,!
*c2il\ comeis will repoit to the Caddv |
1 hoLa. at the College golf comse to
'icgistei fo. the Alumni to’iinament |
iD' William S Glenn Ji , thaiinu'o:
o. the touinej committee, announces 1
J that valuable pn/ea be avvaidcl
l tt the vvinneis in this event
i r c no mid or covirol
nxLs Tin:r\ kappv phi
Thet.’ Kappi Phi was found
guiltv b. Intel fialeimtv council ol Contiol of violating ni
t cle 1 nr the !'J2'l ui .lung code
\i t ilo 4 stales that nftei I ues
di, evc i. Ilf,, Octobei 1. it B o’ctock,
fiat* i mlv nrn shall not he in com
-1 in. o communication v ith fiesh
nic* at am time until U i‘dncsdu
evenin' , Octohei 2 at 7 o’clock
a penallv ol a piovcd m
fiaction in a lust ohense, aiticle
2 in the h\-luw> nt lilt* lfl.lteimtj
minul’s constitution pimidia i<»■
i* vote ol censuie bv Intelfiatei
nitv council, notice of which shall
ho published in the com.h.ian and
seat olhciallv to eveiv national
fialeinitv at Penn Statu anti to
Inc national eliaptei oi headquai
ter. ol the guilty fiateimtj Ai-
Ude l> of the lushing cotlc states
that fialeimties found guiltv shall