Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 15, 1929, Image 2

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PulilMicil »cml <lurlns ih* Collet.* year, etcept on holldae*.'
it\ MUtlnil. ill The I'immhnnh Male Cnllrße In the interest ot the
lolliko, the otuilmiH farulH. ttlunml, anil friruiN.
James IT Coogan ji. '.JO Milton M. Rosonbloom '3O
/•i i I'djtor In. Chief llualnms Vnnnuer
( htules A lUoneeh ’JO Russell L Rohm ’JO
n i t Mn ,V n “i , ! K . A«l\i riminir Manner
Roboit 1' Stevenson ’3O Calvin E. Bmwis ’JO
.. . Ne«H 1 ilitur ('lriulutinn Mnuneer
Quinton L Beaune ’JO Homy R Dowdv ji. ’JO
Spiirl* I iltliir I nrrixn Adwrtninx Manaeer
associ vrn editors
Jacob L Cohen’Jl Chailes A Schmidt jr ’JI
»* ilium C Mi Eh am ’JI Noimnn B Sobloi ’JI
RcnE Moigan Jl William J\ Uleiich ’JI
I iilcrvil nl tlu t’miliiflirr Slntr (ollrc* l’n , ai urcnnd ela»* mailer
'Die cui ent imp r-.c ..mong the student, that the
fialcimtics would u . » to * , e..< l -p ping it the svxtem
[the iu*-hmg codej oid not v. .:k well this fall is ei
inneous It will take a two-Umds mnjoutv of the tia-
teimties to do awnv with the code.
With those wowls Malcolm Knk|mtiiek '3O. mesident
of Intelfiatoimtv council, spiked the uimot that Petm
State liatcnuties would abandon the pieseM lushing
utile bee iu«e ol wide-piend di-content
The belief that the code was a lempoiaiy measme,
and not a peimnnent institution, was bioadeast bv it
losponsible pnties last swing when the 102 S code was
leM'-ed But. accoiding to the Council's constitution,
the code can be abandoned onh b\ consent of a two-
thnds majoutv of the liatoimties iepi esenlcd in the
council The leels confident theiefoie, that
oiguni7od opposition to the code this \oin is not loi
niidable enough to losull in its abandonment, thus
lengthening the htetime ot what maj evolve into a moic*
desimblo uishing system
M hethei geneinl cultine oi peisonal technical nam
ing should take piccedenee m the student's tune is a
moot question 'The usual contention, of course, is that
the foui yeai, of a college caieei should be so plunneu
that a just piopottion of each may be obtained 'lhen
as the student icceives his sheepskin it will symbolize
both aptitude m his puiliculai jnofession and at least
a speaking acquaintance with what aie known as the
imci things of life, ..uch foi instance, as the monumen-
tal woilvs m liteiatuie, an appieuntion of good music,
and the many incidents that lound out eultuial
backgiound But Im the most p.ut oui student is sat
isfied with getting just half ol his sheepskin, the othei
hall—the eultuial half—being nothing evept a icgiet
table blank
Eoi those students who would lake advantage of
every oppoitumtv to gain cultmo, the College this yeai
has planned an Aitists’ Comae Such oigamzations
and names as tne Russian Symphonic Chon, the New
Yolk Stung Quaitet, Ethel Fo\ and Allan Jones Al
leit Spaldmg, Sigmund Spaeth, and Lawionce Tibbett
ai<* on the list
In addies-mg Intcifiateinity council a lew days ago
Dean of Men A i thm R Wmnock pointed out that a
Penn State man has nevei pioduced a best-sollei, has
novel had a plav on Bioadwav. Cleat engineeis and
gieat agiicultuii-ts theie have been, but no lenders m
the aits 'I his slate make, one wonder it the cans,
can not ho lound in the deaith of cutliua! loiccs that i
so appaicnt m State College The puipose of the Ai
des’ Couise is to help fill the gap At the same Inlei
fiateimty coumil meeting Dnectoi ot Music Richaid
W Cii mt stated that evening* chess might be adopted
loi these pei loi mantes This, one feels, would nNo
help to taise the eultuial lating of Penn St ite
In hi- talk Wednesday night at the Intel fnteinity
council meeting at winch delegates and mesulents of the
chaptens weie picsent Dean Allhit! U. Wamock set
ioith a iiumhei ot piohlems common to many Penn
State fiateunties The Dean contends tint liquoi and
gambling me the vmst foes that any fiatcunitv must
iaci* .ml soaqueu. it it wishes to have a woith-whilc ev-
idence 'lhc* tiuth ol this statement is b-ought out by
the fact that the piesciice ot eithci ol these evil de-
stiovs the umtv m a fiatenutv, and without unity of
thought and action such in oignni7Ution is as u ship
without a Hidden
Liquoi dunking as well ns gambling tends to lowcn
the gencnal moiale of the gioitp in which it ovists An-
tagonism u rated thcnchv among the membeis almost in-
evitably causes u division of the house into two factions,
the “wets” and the “dtvs
Usually theie aie tltiee
classes of men to lie found m evenv finteinity, namelv*
Uiosl* who dunk, those who do not dunk and mo active
1\ against the use of liquoi, and an inteimednitc gioup
who ate pohticallv speaking, “on the fence’’ The policy
m the fnileimtv and the icputation that it is to enjoy
upon the campus theiefore depends upon the ehuiactiu
of the majouty
Gambling, although the lessei of the two evils, is not
to he disiegnidcd entnelv It nm\ stmt with small bet
oi games of ponni ante which do not seem hnimful.
Howcvei, the gambling instinct develops inpidlv and nc-
coitlmglv the stakes aie l.used Someone is bound to
win and the losci will naturally, although not iighlfitl
lv, maintain a feeling of enmitv towaids the winnei
when the amount lost causes him financial discomloit
In the case oi both gambling and liquoi complications
mise and the coopeiative foicos of an oigaui/ation ate
dostioyed The iole of the chapter piesident then k
to cuib dunking and gambling among his biothcis Ho
v ill find it exceedingly difheult at fust hut in the end
he will be levvaided to some degiee loi his honest ef-
Contiaiv 1o out beliefs, an editoi’s life is not rn
easy one We believed oidinaulv that all an oditm
did was icpoit to the ofhee loi his pa\ iheck But it's
nothing of the h! e. we learned to out i.ismav todav
What an editoi dues, ns a matter of fact, m good
will thioughmit the length and bieudth ol the Cillege
kind His title in the nnstheul >hould lead, it ceom •
to u«, Amhassadoi-m-Chief
Stinngely enoiigh, we have been losponsible foi
some of the thorns that have littoicd oui editoi's patii
ll we aien't slopnmg on someone's toes because of
slice! love ol the pi.tcliee, we aie misiepiexenfing the
new-, and the lattei, be it known shows disiegatd of
one ol the c.udinal vntues ol oui piofession.
Withal, wo mean to make amends foi causing
oui chief no little discomloit
Eoi one thing, we v.ote chaiged with lntimatm"
in oui column that visiting patents, Dads, to bo moie
evnet. weie being taved lor some unknown reason.
Quite to the contian. the Dads knew win they weie
being taved, because it was of then ov n lioo-w ill that
thev chose, vein-* ago, to pav one dollai etch veni
foi mcmhcislup lecogml'on m the As-ncmtion o.
Paionts of Ponn State
This willingness to pav, it -cems to us, r
habit of Dad's Eitlie- that oi Dad Ins le lined u
ehoo«e the path of least icsistance
And speaking ol one dolhi bills icminds us that
we weie jolted bv a check—hut not its amount—which
came to us m the mail this morning It lead
dollais and no coifs
Likewise, spr iking ol non-senxo. we aie tlini
oughK disgusted with this hilheito intangille some
thing called Spmt O’, to he moie aecuiate, Lnck
What gets undei oui skin> is the fact
that ceitnin students complain because oui footbitl
eleven is jutted agpinst an unknown team like Mai
shall college
And then those same students choose to ciowil
the sidelines neui the (inish ot the game, ju=t as they
do at schools of les«ei lenown
Moieovei, figuies show that the icfeiee was the
most consistent giound-gainei in Satuiday's setto
‘ls Zat So’" accoiding to plnygoeis, was
knockout But, rcoiding to an impatient culic, th-.
long coiir.t came between acts’
“Let Us Spiu>,” Satuiilav’s Ufni'ci TitW Putoi
nil tell*- us, is the slogan of the Nittanv Lions this
One of oui coiiespondents wntes, howevei, that
the visiting tcam c should and ought to, “spray" Inst
A numboi of li iteimtiox, accoiding to oui m
foimant, plan footuall gimes between the biothcis
ami the pledges
Which, if we iiiaj conjcetui*. is an instance
when the uninitiated might letuin the iush
Peihaps the most novel idea we’ve hoaid of jet
is the one suggesting that ‘tudents attue themselves
in evening dies' jot the Aitists’ Couise, the fust
numbei of v Inch is to be piesented Novembei 1
Foi oui pmt, vve think it v ould belli peihaps to
dispel the *Cow College’ mvtli
Because then wc would be putting on the dog’
(Cuntnuiul {mm Jimt 7»/</c)
, ii’vival of mteiest in the idea is om
thing needed to put it acio-n Tin
'seems to be sup]ilted bv the move oi
(he pint ol the class of
, Sketches and plans have been mad
foi the ntoposod piojoel, College jf
uciuls dedalc The pool, pie>-cnt plan
leveal, will be a natatommi with :
t«trace outside Wide Flench swing
mg dnois will allow the place to be
'v.isilv coaveitcd into an almost oat
dooi jiool
College Oflictuls Help
Piesident Het/el pointed out tha*
we aie piobably the onlv College with
|Sitch a laige cniollment winch does
not have a swimming pool “An> cf
foit made in the dnoction ot socuiirj
lunds foi such a pioject is most com
mondable,” he added, “and the cfloit
of the class of ’22 to curiv foiwaid c
cam]iaigii foi this puipose is most
encouraging ”
Chanman Kemi. in outlining th.
wink of his committee, said, “The
class of 1022 is i.ti!l interested in Penr
State and, cspeci‘i!lv, m then pioposef
cla*s memoual Having -pledged them
High Class Riding Horses
For Ladies and Men
South & Miller Riding Academy
Rear of Haney’s Bakery
FxrcTlrnt V\orkmnnUiit> f.unrantcrd
Have your week-end friends
stop at the •
Penn - StafcrHnteL.
JlO East College Avenue
Across From East Campus
Violet Rays of Sunshine
not “artificial treatment”—make OLD Gold
, a better and a smoother cigarette
OLD GOLD brought about a great change in smoking
habits. It gave smokers a new freedom of enjoyment
. . . without any forbidden limits.
The man who used to say “I can’t smoke until after
lunch ... my throat is sensitive in the morning’*
now finds that,lie can “light up” whenever he pleases.
For his morning old gold has no more throat
scratch than ftis breakfast omelet.
Likewise all those who have to guard their throats
salesmen,»singers, actors, and the like ... no longer
• TVT *" © P Lnrilbril Co, r*t i*(o
Mother .Mature makes them smoother and better .. . with “not a cough in a carload”
ic’lvuh, liihmbcis of our group me
'ookmg foi wind to the iculmation oi
nil dicam’’
Di. Millci, another committee mem
>er, icpoited that it hud been a big
noposition foi members of the clas«
Jo pledge $lOO apiece foi payment to
he piojeit m a lew yeaix aftei gi ul
aalion “Sime ’•uch an obligation
ms been made,” he continued, ‘‘wo
\ill push ahead, and in this fnrwnid
noveniont wc* aie much eneomaged
b> the helpful attitude ol College o r
Iciala "
Pe.sons intei ebled m the movemer
lone to have othei classes within tlu
ust two vems, who have not left
•lass memoual., also get behind thr
novc A lenowal of student tntciesi
n the piojoet is looked foiward to
jy College ofllcial?.
Roboit C Zuppkc, whose University
if Illinois eleven won the Westen
Conference football championship last
jeai, loecnth iccei.ed the fust of a
*ei ics of awatds foi athletic achieve
ment oflciod by Cnllcqc Hutu ni.
wkv Co vou i .
Call vouc I time i
1)J Soaks (foi i
There are Two
to start a quarrel
with a womaM— .
3 "The other is
reu. her the
This is wheie you will
always find the newest
and best in Radios
Atwater Kent
Electric Supply Co.
121 Allen Street
Tending to dispiove the theory that
the women should hold the puise
blnngs, a senev at the Umveisity at,
Illinois revealed that fuileimtios weie
ir better financial condition than the!
smonties on the campus. j
In oidei to picvcnt co-eds fiom
keeping “aftei lioui” dates, Gunnell
college nuthouties have elected IJ
teet fences mound the lowoi land
ings of all Tire escapes aiound doinn
toiy buildings housing women Viola
tions of lules by stiategy last veil
biought about the move, officials de-
Checked Daily with Arlington
Allen Street
117 Frazier Street
Due to our method of buying, we can
supply you with Groceries and Provisions
at wholesale rates.
. -^Fyes^~
General Repairing of All Kinds
Expert Gun Repairing
No Job Too Small—NoneToo Laige 'lf you have a icpaii job, bung
it m ot come in and see me
119 South Fraser Street
have to stint their smokes, for old GOLD is ns free
of throat irritants ns a glass of spring uatcr.
Better tobaccos did it
naturally good tobacco;
extra-prime leaf made irritation-free by the violet
rays of sunshine . . . not by “artificial treatment.”
If you like food that is naturally good, instead of
food made good by “artificial treatment” . . . you’re
sure to prefer OLD gold’s natural tobacco smooth
ness. Try a package ... and get a vote of thanks
from both your threat and taste.
Tuesday, October 15, 15)29 1
Fifteen bundled technical publi
cations in all languages, dealing with -
|Scoics of fields of chemistry, havo,
I been surveyed and abstracted in the
linteiesls ol scientific piogiess by Ihc;
[lepoiting system ot the Amencan
IChemistiy societ\, it was announced
licccntlv b> Pud. E I Cianc, of'Ohm
j Stale Umveisitv, editor of Chemieall
'Abstiacts, the souety’s publication
Matinee daily at 1 JO except on Sat
urdiy during football season. Last
complete afternoon showing starts at
Janet Gavnor and All-Star Cast In
Pnrt-Tulkirg Cucus-Romance
Dolores Del Rio in
Henry W Longfellow’s
S> nchromred Picture—Music Only
Morton Downey, Hetty Law ford in
All-Talking, Singing
ComeJy -Romanic
Charles Farrell, Mary Duncan in
Part-Talking Drama