VOL. 29, No. 7 STUDENTS SELECT HALF HOLIDAY FOR LION-QUAKERFMY Council Sanctions November 9 As Saturday Vacation In First Parley SPECIAL EXCURSION FARE SET AT $8 ROUND TRIP Student Committee To Assist Faculty in Preventing Building Abuse Tho Penn game will be cclebiatod with the annual half holiday Satur day, Novembci 9, nccoiding to a te commendation nppio\ed by Student Council at its fust meeting'Tuesday night. , Special train aiiangemenls fot the game have been completed with the Pcnnsyhania Raihoad. The lound tup faio will be ?GOO states Noms S. Longakcr in charge of auange ments and sale of tickets foi the lail load “The customaiy twenty-four hour fine piobably will not be in effect ovci the Penn game since it is not a teg ular holiday," Dean of Men Arthur R Wat nock announced yesteiday Dean Wainock also stated that it will not bo necessaiy foi students to ic turn foi R 0 T. C. classes or dull Monday, November 11. Announce Tram Schedule Student Council agieetl that more students will go to the Penn tha*r tho New Yoik unneisity oi Syi acusc games With the half holiday l Nmembei 9, students may leave Fn day afternoon, November 8, for a i thice-day week-end, leturmng Tues- 1 day moinmg, November 12. I Leaving Lcmont at 9 o'clock Fndav ! night, the student Lam will airive in Bioad Stiect station at 3 10 o’clock Satuidav morning Dcpaitmg fiom _phjladeliijua at_9 o’clock Monday night the homecoming tiain will ai- 1 live in Lcmont at J. 40 o’clock Tues-, day morning, Novembci 12 The lulmg stating that sophomores shall sit m the East stand duung foot ball games wijl be ngidly cnfoiced , and warning was issued to fieshmcn , to the effect that on Sundav custom aio or except in matteis of diess. By appointing a student committee to woik with the faculty committee on grounds and buildings it is felt by the Council that much of the caie- 1 les*- defacing of the new buildings’ on the campus can be avoided The mcmbei- of the student committee aio William E Nocly “10, chanman, Chnilc C. Tiavis ’3O, Goidon H Pntham ’JO, and Homei R Mathei ■ai. Student Council fclso discussed othe* campus pioblcms and it vas agieed that, meichants should be requested not to sell Fenn State stickois The behei that stickois weie pool ad\ei lising foi the college piompted this legislation ngirnst their sale. DEBATERS SELECT DISCUSSION TOPIC Cli»Uir Subject foi Coatc-l W/'i New Zeilanl Oralun, Heie Earlj Next Month “Abolition of tho July"‘has lit on selected as the topic foi d'-bido ~,i 'b liie Umveisity of Victoua, New Zeil rml, team hoie Ncoombei 7, Pioi .John II Fm-ell ahnoansed vesle.- dav “The debate should ]>iove of mo* than usual intoiest -inae the Nc.v Xealimdcis will hiimil-' the micstior l fnna thy BiiLi-.li unci*',” Pi of Fus /oil dtJaied “They will '"me hoio mi'c mote the bi.lhant um.eisjtnn in^ nl of tno Oxford ti.os Deepen, d Piofej.su. \\ hyte ib a leather and »»' ls U"™- >’> voU ' " lcoluic of lons. oMifuoiiee 110 has c11 ... , . c15tti ’ - , t beai* r Chautauqua lectuiei, and 11,0 appear.inte or the \ i.toun a. u „ „ t , ot . uy Cl , mu ,i, ons two hoio .sone of .1 .cues they i.e uv ,c o.sen.ait.on.,, end v.on.cn-i iliihs jfivmf; at the lendtnß collcros. and „ . ..imci-it-eo oi the K..-t Then '-.clie.l Bw " m Scot!»n u , P.olr.noi Wh.le uU, »ill toko the .isitois aiound the f”"’ 0 10 thi. lounliy p ule ten wol j ( j i.ounf, man. He lcuuncd his A B Fn/7011 Colls 'lectins ~0 >- -,ra r,om lhc Uni'tisity of Chi , ~ , m 181)0, and his M A decnee 1..,» lvnma tomorrow. Question-! of topics. Prttu i-Jate $ Blue Band Wili Grid y Team To Officials Approve Plan For Special Trip Next Saturday I Ela/irg a musical tinil, the Blue Band will accompany Lion football wairio.s on thc-i invasion of New Yorl citv nevt Sntuulay when the Penn State team will meet the power ful New York univeisity eleven at Yankee Stadium, it was definitely de cided late last night. Plain woikod out by a committee fiom the music dcpaitment and fin anco committees from the Athletic Boaid of Contiol and class funds whereby the baud could make thtou trips from an appropriation of shaied between class funds and Ath letic Association funds wcie approved Tnps’uic planned foi the Pitt, Penn, and N Y U. games. Authorities in chaigc of the tups found it possible to make the ‘three by reducing transportation charges Solution of the problem was found | when it was decided to ha\e the band i travel by bus to all the games, i K was fiist urged by the collegian , that the band be sent to the N Y U igame Student Council cndoised the suggestion at its meeting Tuesdav night Consent of the Athletic Boaid ot Contiol to the proposed plan was PRESIDENT HETZEL ' RECEIVES FACULTY Welcomes 700 Instructors and Wives at Reception in Recreation Hall President and Mis Ralph D. Hct entertained moie than 700 faculty member", and then wives at a recep tion in the Rcucation Hull last mgnt The reception maikcd the htbtr time that Picsident Het*’ol has foimally en tertained the entile faculty since his ai rival heio in 1927. Foi the fiiot time in recent yeais a picsident of Penn Slate has been able to lereive the complete peisonnel oi the faculty at one gathenng Untd thi" yeni the nunibei of faculty mem- Len made a large reception impos sible because of former ciowded con ditions With the erection ot the Rcc i cation Hall adequate space has been 'furnished, and it is hoped by the Picsident that the leception vill con tinue ns a custom in fiituie years Digmtarie- Attend Tne gucstc of the Picsident passed thtough a icccivmg line consisting of mcmbe.s of the College Boaid of Tiustec". and then wires. Duung the torma' piescntation, mcmbois of the archest!,- plavc-d scrcial selections on stunged instiuments x Following this, dancing began, and lasted until midnight. The “Vaisitj To-” furnished the music foi the uc- Thc icccivmg l.nc consisted ol Pics dent and Mis llct7el, Mi and Mrs Hem; D Bi o” n of Wdiinmspoit, Mi ..nd Jiis John C Cosgtovc of Johns town, Mi and Alls R W Baldeiton ■ I Philadelphia, Colonel and Mis Wil ber- F Rothiock of State College, Mr Bovd A. Mus3oi of Scranton, Mi and i All- 1 William D Phillips of Washing ton. Mi Frank D Willitts and his j-tlc-., hlibo Allan Willitts of Concord villa BUCKNELL INSTRUCTOR TO SPEAK IN- CHAPEL .Tame" P- Whyte, professoi of onl E glish at Buc-kncll univeistr, will spenl i.efo-0 tne ‘Dads’ Da\” audi ence m the Audituiium Sunday moin- srunnxrs tour orch \rdr n. Stephen W Flclchei, head ol tho hoiticultare depaitment is taking oighteen students on an inspection tup thiongh Adams and Fiankhr. counties nm Monduv The students will inspect the orchuids and packing houses mound Gcttjshuig und Cham- STATE COLLEGE, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920 Accompany N. Y. FIRMENDOWS N. Y. U. Game OHWESTOATON WORK AT COLLEGE BAND MAY BROADCAST WHILE AT NEW YORK Penn State’s Blue Band may bioadcast ovci the National Broad casting company’s network of sta tions' thiough radio stations WJZ oi WEAF next week-end while the banc! ir at the N. Y. U. game m New Yoik city, the collegian has beer infoimed , A telegiam has been sent to Halt Glddings, program director of the biondeasting company, requesting some ,tune on the program from that system Notice has been sent, to the stations of the band’s in tended trip Officials are awaiting woid now fionr Mi. Giddings regarding* a time allotment on,next Friday oi Saturday’s piogram Penn State has becy In th.> ( Te\aa Oil company of New Yoik as i the College in which then icpiesenta tnc will conduct extended oil icbcniih {during the nest few jeai« secured last night J Lawiencc J. Grundei, who gradu- Tho music depaitment committee j ated from the California Institute of pioposed to leave the band membei®-'Technology last June, has been awaid decido whethei the third trip should [ed r fellowship heie tn conduct the bo to New Yoik city oi to Syracuse liesearch foi the New Yoik concern Band members voted Wednesday l Two years ago, oil'leseuich woik right in favor of the N. Y U game , wai started at Penn State by Pi of Many of the icsponsible parties be-r F Gcoigc Ilcchlei, head of the En lieved that the College should return Jgineeung Experiment station, and the couitesj shown by Syracuse um- Prof Louis J Bradford of the me \eisity in bunging their band here. chanital engineering ocpaitmcnt last yea., and sand tha mas,cans to' Borro „ s - Spteinl (Continued on fouith page) A special testing machine was boi rowed from the King«bur\ Machine J n£\ wt/hv « Works of Philadelphia and woik was PP TO PfINVinFR started to deteimine the laws of jout . 1 . HI IsVllJllSLill nal bearing lubrificatron VIA! ATFAWPHADPEC The Te\as company sa\ the oppoi -9 IvLA 111/l 1 vO/llVuiJl> tumt> foi testing and learning the ———- complete histoiy of then oil, and ““>1 Coni** W.H D.SCUSS Fiatermty Infractions , two-yeai fellowship to some graduate Of Rushing Code nnsincv, and icneivc.tha bonn/it o! ° his lesoaich The Board of Control of Interfia- ’ in the Jouinal of the Society of Auto termty council will meet Tuesday nioti\e Engineeis applied for the po night to considci alleged violation.* sitior and was accepted He began; o, the lushing code dunng the pas*. »eseaich at the beginning of this; naming season . vurrostor Chnigos, which m the opinion of the Bonn! cannot be substantiated, will not be considered, accoiding to Mal colm C Kiikpatuck 'SO, picsidcnt o r I the council and a member of th‘ 'Boaid The remaining complaint* v"li be judged the following Tuesday October 22 Conviction on the count of \iolatmg tho code cauics with it forfeiture o! the $3O bond, notice of conviction lr the collegian, and notice to the na tional headquaiters of the guilty fia termt\. ‘Code Is Permanent' Knkpatrick, Aichibald M Holme* ’SO, and Floyd W Kalb 'SO are the , student members of the Board of Con ttol Bi Sheldon C Tannci, of th< Liberal Aits school, rcpiescnts the faculty N “The piesent rushing code is a permanent institut.on and not a ten* joiaij measure,” declared Knkpat uck “It was adopted as a pint of the constitution of the Council m 102 c an' 1 revised last Spring” “The cuuent impulsion unions the ctudcr.t*; that the finteimtics would ictuir to “lend-pipins” if the system d'd not woik well this fall is ciron cous,” the Council head asscited “Ii *'l tal n . t« r hii cl" * ilyofthe win a two-thnda majouty ot to do away with the code ‘LA VIE' ISSUES CONTRACT Junior Annual Business Manage! Awards Eiu'rnving Work Enslaving foi the 19.51 Ln Vic wd which opers> tomonow bo ’done by the Philadelphia Phot The Penr Stute team 13 composed ot Engiavmg company The contijct Rc\foul E. Cnitoi ’.50, Thomas U was awaidoil last week. nreoHmg t Patton MO. and Paul W Waite ’.50 n statement by Jacob H. Eisman Ml Genild W. Munson MO, acts as nltei busincs manager of the junior amnia 1 natc Piofs Andiew* A. Boiland and A 1 individual photogiaphs will be Adam L Beam of the daily husband taken befoie the beginning of th > depnitment of the School of Agn second semestei New pictures of cultuic will coach the gioup. the fiotcrmty houses will nppeui in 0 Ihe La Vic. „ RO. T C lIL U) MSITS FATHER New views of the campus will o tal eii ns soon as possible The spnng Colone' Wailter B McCashcv, head sports of 19130 and the fall and wnto of tho department of Mihlaiy Science spoits of the 19130*31 college ve.ti and Tacticu, visited his honie in Lan will appear jn a special se.’tion of th.» castei Tuesday to attend the mnutv* yenibook. - Jlnid bnthdny celebration of hts DEI* \RTMENT, HOLDS DINNER Memhcis of the dcpuitment of Eng lish composition held a dmnei at an inn neui Woodwaid Wednesday night Unity-three peisons, compnsing al most HI oi the department, wcnc piesent. CAPTAIN CUTLtK RETURNS Captain Stuiut Cutler of the R. O 1 l' C depnitment i etui nod icccntlv fiom Now Yoik City vvheic he was •ailed becadse of the illness of hia Kaopa Sigma (closed) | Texas Oil Company Establishes 1 2-Ycar Scholarship for , ‘ Graduate Student iGRUNDER OF CALIFORNIA i TECH WINS FELLOWSHIP Profs. Hechler. Bradford Start Research—Borrow Special Testing Machine Grundci, reading of the fellowship OFFICERS APPOINT PORTER COLONEL Select Student Leader of U O. T. C For Current Year—Choose 2 Licutcnant-Coldnclb Roteit J. Poitcr M 0 has been ap pointed by the imlitaiy officials as student colonel of the College R O T C unit fo’ this year Waltci C Mason '3O, and J Ruv irond Stitt MO will be student lioj 'enant-colonels of the infantry a-d ingincer regiments Dunne L Queiney 'lO, J Stockton rlolini MO, and Charlca II Hat beige. '3O will he the majo’s in the mfui tiy regiment and Ed\.aid J Walsh MO, J Hilbeit Andeison ’'3o, and Haiold L Ohnmeis MO, have been appointed r.iajois of the cngmeei.. regiment The new officers will take eha'ge oi legimental ceiemonies foi the Inst lime dunng first brigade icviev which will be held Monday afternoon, Octobci 21 CATTLE JUDGING TEAM LEAVES FOR .ST. LOUIS Placing hist at the Eastern States] exposition in judging uyislmc co.,s | th n Penn State cattle judging team) ■ wil l jouirev to St Louis to compete a*, the National Dairy exposition Who’s Dancing T.iu Be!n Uappi Pin Kappa Sigma Thpln Upslfim 0»?te;n SVriTKDAY Alnlu Phi Sijmui Delta Theta Sigma Culteguut GRIDMEN ENCOUNTER MARSHALL ELEVEN BEFORE NINTH ANNUAL DADS’ DAY CROWD TOMORROW West Virginians Show Fast Offensive in Opening Games POWERFUL HUNTINGTON TEAM WINS 2 CONTESTS Captain Mai tin To Continue in Baekfield—Lions Display Improved Form Dctcimincd to maintain a lecoid untarnished by defeat, a lugh-scoiing Mm shall Collcgo eleven, ficsh fiom overwhelming victories over Glcnn \illo and Moim Haivey, will cncoun te. 1 Penn State’s football machine fot the fiist time on New Beavcu field at 2 .'3O c’clock tomonow afternoon Opening then season aga.nst Glenn vnle the Huntington team .tdnunis teied then opponents a ct nulling 10- to-0 defeut The line-eincking Mai shall e’even, uding loughshod ovei thei. foes, swamped Moms Harvcv m then secord encountei With j» wealth of expeuenced line and baekfield matenal fiom which to select h.s team. Coach John Mault betseh has moulded a foimidable com Unatior wltich should test both the offensive and defensive pov ei of the I I3luc and White team Speed and powc. have been displavcd bv tne Mai shall 'ban cmneis dunng the games which tho West Vuginia ug giegation has plaved this season. Marshal! Line-Up Hunte. and Wilson will be at the end posts foi the West Yngimans at the kick-ofi Huntei, a veteiun of last veai’s high-unking eleven, was chosen all-West Vuginia end at the closr* of the 1928 season Roebuck m 1 Kft**ik will | .be calred tc : the tackle positions. Coach Maultbcsch will stait Poitci and Rife at the gunid positions. Poi tei r playing his fouith season ns a mombei of the Huntington team while Rile i> also nn expeuenced hncsmun Chosen as the best centei in the West Vngtni.' confeiente last yeai, Ilcns lev wiP piobubly stait at the pivot assignment although Chuiastinu mav ge* - the call \r evpei icnccd anay of hacks-will face the Lions Smith will pci foi m a* quaiteiback with Dieholt unc V. r oodium at the halfback posts Cap tatn,-Tommy Stall* will hold down the fullback position Rated as one of the ,bjs‘. bioken held iunrei« m tho dm Itnet, W'oodium is piobablv Maishall't !nio't dangoious bill emie. Th fle:' halfba.k totalled 113 vaid, Ir I tinee urns against Glenville Cnp ltai n Staik rias shown to gieat ud -1 vantage in line bucks ] Composing the ic i ei\e baekfield m.i ;teiml Biadshav., Bums, Ghir, Me jCoy, and Alficd will be in shape ti 'ente. the guile if nee led It is piol> ""able that all of the icseive backs will isee setvite tomonow Probable I'en.i Slate Team riu> campus cutics, while the plot of the pla> was lated above the avci age Stage Fight Flu ill,ns ’ Ar outstanding poi formants vas giver last *-cuson bj Geoige *v\ Rob ; t'-on MO, who leappens as ‘Chick” Cov.an, the lig'itng he.o ot the con* dv Ills manage) is pnifujed !> • Eaile C Pc.Jiell Ml. who is irak n., n In -t appcaianto in this pail Mi-s rioience E Sneddon M 2, plav ‘he female lead in conjunction with Mi so Mvitlc Webb M 2 The., appem ao the mihj and Menogiaphei in t'u home of i Fifth Avenue million uic -ractedlv \lthulß Cunningham Ml The pait ol Majoi FitvStanlev, the >ophist’cat'd, vvittj Englr-hman, r loitiuvcd !>j Uobci* W JlcKune M 2 tie also act-. a-> the itfetee in the light .otvveer* a bulking chatillVui phi.ed '■*> Gnet Riemei Ml, and “Chick" Cowan “Did” Mjssci. 0-veai-old k on ea Student spe lie's d.scuvH-’d plans fji having eveij incmbei of the c.ul and suntaiv engmeeimg school join the societv and thus avail him-e'l ot the op]»oitumties olfciel t)E\N TO MSI I ITN\ STVFE Di William S Tm'oi, Dean of tin School ol Education at the Univeisilv oi Kentucky and luimci head ot the imat education ciepmtment at Pen»i State will be the mstiuctoi of the Cenlic countv institute at Rollefonlj niR'K o ci:x'»vs College Expects 2000 Guests Here For Week-end PARENTS’ ASSOCTA HON WILL SELECT OFFICERS 'bilking Movie / .Its! To Sjn.uk At Smokei—Plavcis Open Pros?.am 'loni; r lit Extending it. v ir-cM v climne L> more than 2000 . siting “Dad l ." Penn Stato will open i th it. da, pci mi] of fostr ities in obsen i it c of 1 1. r-nlh annua' colebi«itio» <, t E. thcr.’ Dav at 8 ”0 o'cloc' tonight Rep'acmg the athletic t. min ing of othci m i'j a-, the imeaing even' ot the jmgi in v'.e P •» Side Flaje* s w-ll ptcscnt •Is Z.'t ‘■m !i t ic coinedv success ol la.t .ea . m bchwal auilitonum tins e.enng Assembling ton oi low nun inn/ it 0 JO o’clock m the \i.diloi I'U’i 1< i the ornua 1 im-otinr of the \wju.U l m <>f Paieni-. of Penn State, the "Dad-. v\tH l)c* welcomed ofnualh h, Pie«i dent Ralph D Jlct/cl •'Vnncl J Franklin Shield*., ]>icsde r L oi tli Eoatd oi and Mi M k Masse., picMtLnt of the A* » i.itinn. who v ere to add.a-,, thi im-.ni/, \ ■'! be unable to 'ttend o. uuuinl in li , j'',neb Pi 0 J Oi\p> Ke'a. ‘'.t' .mi • tiojsmei ol the ution mil cji dvet the annual cle't’on r»" » n Ku Ir the io >b\ ot the Vuditm't m Info. an 1 nftCi the meetm;' 2m ticKt fc the football frame \ ith Mm >h ul college .’ill Le flM'ih'Unl to t> “Dae’"’ upon p ivineai oi the annud dues • Ji.nl* ’ 1.. i .<». va |>. Ltd b.\ incinlici of tlu .i'l.i i‘ii /in tne st.i'i, the “Dads" will U-. 11 rro.i .iplhnir\ m! uu" \-ill .mi\j '■ i Stall* Coll‘tri; toiioiiou .r*i«.on’i * i til' Inc* (ill’ll -'l* iia'i'iii’ii "t i"ii neilun v m tin. V.t* l ' ‘ * o ' 'ii'-'i 1 siuC'l l)\ ilk C illiu- V 'll u ...11 Up'- i ihe i* N >\ti '!iv*. 1 ] Open.iv li's ,i alu.. O S,» i\ i'l spe ih .v Ini D.nl'' I* l i*" *i 1 p th. ii’inn U/.u»' io’ rvl.t lie wil \"!t l lilt I*l < fei \ itli ‘•i.uktn I .1 I'.i .'lull, t'u* cum •,< -Minin lx viii'if. k 1 (if tru* **‘..s.* i r ■ Ki n ( ’’lorn! n t.i;Jn, .in ! ’. i.' ,> - \ v local liiuiu -Lib ii >«lni’- 'in Ml ii !i i* •. 11. r.i 't d In l(’i xu i I' >•!'» CiKIliS \\ S\uu ihV lino' ir, t\ Con'.eu- c'" nrn iti'M nl lli.-i, h will l. 1 ! . ['t’s!",! iti V- ‘i tR ci i; a rj l , .’ll . ”’ii ii. I IfCtu’ i ilo h t t 1 .. i .i'l< > ji'nrojirt in u t. *c h< •'f. ]»ii)-i i ' ill. .'ll . IJ. '..11 CM I) l(> II"1 !”l ,UMKC Is TO IJKOADCAST G CiUlvl Kj.ij hta'i n V. il l. ttcno. run;: (him 1 *»i nt. i’< it.l 1 ,{'iimo l!r ilunim \iHclii S’ » m tio*' tluiltk't l it) pi'.ivi statir ,i x\ l*Sf the use nl thoi. ii’lh nlltiUc ! in. or the an Deal Uolii'lt I. Siiul. U _ tli> l- ol i ni'i.i on U'c p.M'