Friday, October t, 1020 SOCCERMEN HOLD INDOOR PRACTICE Forwards Dchonis. Dutton, and 4 Goalie McKunc Return For Workouts Resoitmg to the first mdooi tin!!- of the season because of inclement weathei, Coacb JeflTcv’s chive* u> whip the vaisity hooteis into shape ioi the opening name with Jl.ivciJcml on Octobei 10 piogicsspd slowly this w cek. Abstaining fiom wmk-outs and lengthy °oiiminages tomoniunlv, the Lion socceimen skipped mpe ard went thiough n mock senmmage cm Hie gvm flocn pending div gi minds With the ictitin of Dutton and De boms, rxpciienccd lot wains, and Mc- ICune, foimei plebe goalie, the squad was orgam7od in definite elevens comprised of lending candidates Full I neks llaivev, Allen, and Hutchinson me battling foi lieiths with Ilenszev constantly thieatenmg to bleak into the opening Imc-un Cnptam McLaien, Edgei ton and .Stiinilin, vetman half bads, aie fighting to maintain an edge o*’ei Vneiberg, Shaw, and Claic McKune, (he sophomoie from Smith Afuca, seems to have dlfiltu , - ty in holding his goal-tending post against the nspnations of Tiavi,, who has scveial jenis soil tee on the vaisity squad LIONS TO OPPOSE VALLEY GKIDDERS (Cnuhuiid jiont /■„ P Albert 98c I Whitman’s and Loft’s j | 4l)t Squibb » Sh.tvc Croam 3lc IBraMSgjg !ili>l> Albert 19c Frpsli Evorv Wpplr 1 | 50c Gem Shave Cream 20e Piesn 11,very WecK | | 50c Listcrlne Shave Cream 35c 10c Cigars 4-1-30 , 8 I 50c William’s Aqua Vch a 30c 53.75 bo\ 50 Toilet Goods I S 1 c! f , ,V T '. l ' a “ t ; S,, 'f V^ rCam;i ” l; A " 3c Sjf’ty-,—"S-®" 4 ' 23 Come '» »"•! «*■ orn line of new I | ..0c fl n L< it lent hoi Cream 3oc sJ.i)h lm\ aO Compacts at nil puces 1 1- AH 7c Cißar- -1-1-25 „ . „ i cm <)u hnv 10 51.00 Coty Face Povvdcr__77c g Dental Needs ah l-,. £«.*.«» l* m, I 50c IvoJynos Paste 35c „ ? * “ " 01 Powder 53c B 50c Souibh’s Paste 35c ' ho\ 50 60c Pompeian Rourc 39c I GOc Forhan’s Paste 30c Old Golds, tins of .>0 -0c (»0c Pompeian Creams 41c B SI.OO Listeiine ...70c $l.OO Pond’s Creams 79c B enrh Complete line of Karcss and I 8 50c Pepsodent l*aste 35c „" n , fe coc uuan Fiancee Toiletries B What’ll This Show? Lebanon Valiev I’enn Slnte 'Kiiplnn --le Cunjatb j.M< Milieu l.t I’aitnlvt |run.\ lg Wood jM(.And*ews __o Ainmui Zo elm _ —i g Lcchllmlei Rirkoi _ rt.-._ Kellev rdvvnids le Hellei Mai tin (Crjit) q Albnght Dir Inch 1 b Drub iLivtvev --.i h __(Cn|)t ) Ziippm jLa-ich J - . Njt* | Ofiicmk Pvffeiec, E C Taggart, Uirpue, 'I .1 Thmp, Lmesm tn K 'q Dillenlmth; Field Judge. Paul J! - fniigi re the vquad th*s reason and •’hoiild pie <-ent a lDimiduhle «seoimg thvmt to test the Nttt.uiv defence Condi Mvlm will piohahlj nsugn the wing posts to Cunjiulc and Heli- c both vc lei in ends Hellei scoi ej one of the pan of touchdowns which the Anrville team mmaged to push nuos-, the Villnnova goal line Satuid.ij B.iitolct and Kellev will stait at i i.kle m tomoiiowS fiav. Roth lineM.icn wcie memhei. of last veai s squrd Wood and Lechthalei vill it* eeno t'n guaid assignments Al though Rc*c*e 'tailed at the center I position fm the Valiev team again't. \illanova Svtmdav, has hcen I poiioiimng in capable fashion in thej fieqiient '•riimmuges and it is pos-! sili’e that iie may leeeive the call i against the Lior mrchme tomoirow I For Your Chicken Dinner Visit The Green Room Sunday, October 6th EVERYTHING lIOAIE COOKED E. CoUo'to and Pugh Sited Tonsils Removed Without Operation Safi md Painless Method—No Hospital Operations, Expense or Confinement No Radical Smgitnl Opciution Pei foi mod. No time lost fiom woik, business, meals and pleasuie Go on as usual DR. R. L. CAPERS Osteopathic Physician Tuesday Thuisdav Saturday 10 to 1 Niltan\ Printing Budding State College, Pa. This is the Age of PICTURES Your Chance to Record College Life In Pictures OWN A KODAK AND USE IT T I IP TpIENN OTATE ine IHOTO OH OP Phono 490 212 E. COLLEGE AVE. W.A.A. OFFICIALS NAME CO-ED lIOCKEY MANAGER Miss Knthrvn R Michenor ’"0 has been elected by the Women’s Ath letic association as hockey manngei foi the coming season, while Miss: Jessie 11. Rosenbem ”51 was appoint ed as hei assistant j Class hockey managers will be Miss Annette A Ki viler ’3O, Miss Saia T. Lowonbeig ”Jl, and Miss Jean E Simmons ”12 The managei fm the fnMinun class will be chosen later The nsosunlion will hold its an imal picnic for women students Wed nesday night m the W A. A. woods The picmckcis will leave McAllistei Hall at *> 15 o’clock Campus Bulletin I Gills’ Glee club trvouts will bo continued fiom 7 until 8 o’clock Mon day and Tuesday nights in Schwab nndilmium Today is the Inst day to oidci scnioi class lings. Thiee dollai de posit and sire should be given to Giaee Woodrow at Nita-Nce house Ficshmen and sophomoios will sign up fm the Individuals Tennis Tour, naincnt in Recieation hall before Sunday Numeial awaids will be [granted to wmnet*. All fieshmen and vaisity cios* rnuiitiy candidates aie requested tr [icpoit to the tiack at 12 15 o’dod H. F. BOSLEY. Mgr THE PENN STATE.COLLEGIAN Satuiday afternoon. Snphnmoics foi .second assistant managei s of cioss country must sign up ut the \ A office at once l All fieshinan, sophomoie, and jun ior candidates for the ehtoinl and business stalls of the O'd J him tub diould icpoit to M Alexander Speai, Alpha Sigma Phi, m to Robot P Stevenson, Theta Upsdon Omega, mi mediateh Tiy-out' fo* the Collere Mandolin club will be held in the Aimoiv at 7, (’clock Monday night Student loud- i. ■ ■■■ 1 1 [t*i John R nebcits’fiO. I’inouiiies that| JJOARD candidates who play a nundohn gui- *. v tai, nundoln-eello oi cello have mi J. O© S* 2. t© IT 3.0 O vLxIViIO Lppoilumtv to fill positions The dub is open to ficshmen a-, well av up pei clas=men Resident! throughout the town me lequested to notify the Alumni office ,of any vacant looms which will he snvailable (luting Alumni Week-end , The ycaily suhsci iption pi tee to the Old Mam Ilcll is $1 fm thiee i-.'-ucs : and ‘Jo cents foi a single eopj J. ist yeai’i subsciihers will icccive the fi'st icsul of the yeai flee and can sub ‘ciiht for the lemaimng issues at a sjiecial pi ice FISH BRAND KITCOAT RAIN? WHO CARES? You’ll be snug and dry in a Tower’s Kitcoat CHOOSE ON.E NOW FROMM’S opposih f)ont cumjnn ©ld Gold tobaccos are naturally good .Vtfiey do not require “artificial treatment” When meat or'fish or fowl lias to he made good rays” of natural sunshine... not l>v artificial by artificial flavoring or sauces, let your stoni- treatment. ach beware! Bcwaic, also, of tobaccos that have to rely on “ai tificuil ti eat merit.” OLD gold tobaccos nre naturally good; made lioney-smooth and free of “throat scratch” by Mother Nature herself. Ry the “violet Better Tobaccos make them smoother and better . . . with “not a cough in a cat load” PAST OHIO STATE HEAD j URGES HEALTHY LIVING} ! “Let the c:il.nml\ howlcis and nn *t* 'dioul .iljout the mkiiikci gett going to liell -o List tlml thue'b rt.tngci of Imtimig out tin* ■ Uaungs,” hut I>i Willujh II Pcolt, >oimei pie-.ii|<‘iit of Ohm State ttni !\UMt%. who month colehinUo hr> 1 -ninth biitl.d.n. v ill not he-' iiew r non! of it i An exclusive place for people 'A ho care 101 E. Foslei A\e.—Phone 701-.1 and 207 Pftk A\e.—Phone 717-J Good Tabic Roald and Comfortable Rooms. Club Pnulotfcs, Special Wtvi Nj‘du and Sunday Dinneiv. Fust Cits, Somoi* .Make Resn\alions Now DLANCII CEAMNEH. Prop. JOHN C. GRIFFCKI). Mana-ffi The most popular rently to-eat cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra tcrnitscs arc made by Kellogg in Battle Creek They include Corn Flakes, Pep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispics, Wheat Krum hies, and Kellogg’s Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffce Hag Coffee—the cof fee that lets >ou sleep AiLBRAH t Kn.LCOC CCHPAKV MADAM EVANS Chtinojanl and Cijslal Readei will be <*f the State Cnllenc Hotel October 4th and sth Make Appointments for Readings You can “keep up” in your studies as weli as engage in college activities if you maintain good physical condition. Since constipation is the cause of most ill-health, it pays to prevent this widespread evil. Kellogg’s all-bran is guaranteed to bring prompt and permanent relief from constipation even in chronic cases. It supplies the system with roughage in generous quantities. Just eat two tablespoonfuls every day. With milk or cream—fruits or honey added. Ask that it be served at your fraternity house or campus restaurant. More than three million smokers ha\ e changed to this smoothei and bettor cigarette. No othei cigarette ever won so great a fun-family in so short a space of time. Try a package •. . and you’ll Know why. ALL-BRAN