STATE COLLEGIAN ! vctkh during tlir College ytur ewpt on fcoltdavu, | _ _ ___ _ I’rnn»>ttanla Slute College m tlic IntereM nt the 'T’LTI? f |/|\/?C fl 17 1\J n. faiul(>. alumni, and friend*. I 11 Cl J-IUJIV O L/EtlV run M VNAGING HOARD m 31 '.*lo Milton M. Rosenbloom 'llO ltuninri** Manager Russell L Reiim MO dllnr Adtertlulng Manager jnson MO Calvin E. Bavwis MO Itor Circulation Manager luge ”50 Heniy R Dowdy 31. ”50 llur lordan AdteriWlng Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ml C hnilos A Schmidt ji Ml lham Ml Nonmm B Soblci Ml Ml William K Ulcnch ”51 >CIATE BUSINESS MANAGERS ng Ml Al^L'it J. Mileski Ml ilman Ml Hany G. Wood Ml >MEN’S EDITOR! \L STMT Mmy .1 Adams Ml I dilor Aarnrlntr Editor : MO J.iK-t L Biownbnck Ml t-ditor A**ncUle Editor 1 eclit 'IIO IJ. I oiuso HofTeditz Ml lilor A»micla!e l-dltur u lutciiollcgiute fi,iwnpnpii .‘lssocnif ion nslofllci- Slate (.idlrge, Pa , ua uccond data matter I Itnle COI LHGIAN wcluinwM communications on nny , •< lunreat All lutli'n imut btnr ilio name of the u« euinmununtion* will lie di-*rign riled In cu«c tin- Mill liU or lior nnmi' to lucumiiunj the letter, thti In.luHtul mill n nom ite plume nui*t nu.onipnn> tin. rin. i-illtur ro*trv.'i the riciit to reject till conimlinl.ti med until for iiuliluutlon The C-OI.I.FC.IAN tu-sumoi or iuilmnnts o-qini-iu! In the lot Ur Hot tIDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1929 THE AFTERMATH ite fraternities aie thoroughly disgusted ling code, an unofficial can\ass of the louses last night levealed The dissalis dent Kiikpatnek of Interfrntemity coun s chaigeable to the sub-io«a practices of fraleimtie*. Moicovei, fniluie to report ie code nullified its effect, m the opinion itisfaction cannot bo denied Nor can it the lettei and spirit of the code was vevei, it would be a difficult job to ptove suspected patty. If violation'- weie le ild be found that the most seiious infrac conceined the time limit of a date 01 the nee of silent penods Fuithennoie, a 2stigation would reveal that pinctically ty was guilty of some misdemeanor, how- ixammation would disclose, moreover, that frateimty could prefer sinnlai chaiges 1 moie othei fiateimties Thus stuct ad e letter and spirit of the code would en game of tap: with nval houses. One fra [ prefer charges only to lenin later that rmty had followed suit. And so a royal lukputuck is right It is plainly evident mities me not cooperating fully with the ie code Fuitheunore it is apparent that not he a howling success until the fia it the lesponsibility of the code and eithei religiously or piomise to icpoit all viola- h a spu it of coopeiation is built up, how* 2 must be accepted foi what it is woith 1 all. Penn State is not icndy for a de ; s\ stem, and that is the only conceivable the piescnt plan. SOPHOMORIC IDEALS freedom that comes to a college man at of Ins sophomore year, theie also occuis change in the man’s mental make-up leshimm year he may have been mine 01 ed to the will of upperclnssmen. Sud f this vokc, quite natuially theie is a lenc fciont men the scope and extent of this le but rev escape And in no paiticulni does wreak moie ha\oc than in the man’s mind, Ins ideals nt has been this chnnge with succeeding nf college students that the woid, sopho ; speaking, has come to connote that which >eeoml-ycai students develop physically in ,* like to call, in street paikmce, “h.nd is is the age when the student seems to 0 be m style, he must be a piomotcr of all iventiomil ami tonlinry to established cus orld, the student thinks, needs a thoiough ig, with all the dust of the past to be and new thought moved in The more bril* ly ussumc an tlnuiicun Mn'ciog mind, with iat to attain any high pinnacle of success Ist seek to le different from Ins more staid ich and religion very often me thrown to The student nurv think that he has become 1 pei haps, ,1 cyme Whatever they may be, < tmdcigo sonic change, and quite often for the least it is dioll When one looks bnck rears, and realizes the mistakes and huid Inch such indicnhstic tendencies may have eispective that a few more years of growth development will give the college man is ting home foiciblv the fact that, after all, ios” were right. they weie unsigned, two letters to the >t punted in this issue of the colmgian. cations of campus interest are welcomed 1, but only those letters bearing the sig icir authors me considered for publication Box M HY I WALKED SIX BLOCKS IN THE R UN MY PLEDGE BUTTON A Play by Daniel The Cast A Ti cshnmn Vhdgc A Smooth Apple. \n .Ya High Mogul I Buzz Hymn I’. Ledge Yearlings Scene: Nn Nu Fiatormtv House Act I—Reception Hall Act ll—Club Room Act lll—Dining Room Time 7 p m Wednesday night. (The house if buzzing uith cuilemeut as tin hiothcihooit awaits the annul 0) on expected pledge Tin othecis 0) the Jiolnmtif fonn 11 icceiving hoc. The dom hell lings mid a jieshmun 1 s hut to enta.) Nu Nu High Mogul Greetings. Apple, it’s a pleasure to see v ou A. Smooth Apple* And I’m glad to be hcic Official Greeter* Congiatuhitions, Apple. (O Gpi ant 9 the button 111 the laptl o) hi coot.) (IJiothcihood i/athci\ mound Apple 0 G cs* tlnongh raids, nuuomiiing the viiiik 0} inch ntol hid) A S. A.: I liked the bunch out heie fiom the stait Soon as I stopped 111 the dooi, I felt at home. ( O. G mini milt miothei pledge Tin lure- eoinei is nitiodiiced ) Second Pledge: Congiatulations, Apple, I’m mighty t\ glad to know vou |A S A : The feehn’s mutual. (fJ»o//icis and nlcdgct walh into doling >oni, 1 jingle file when the second hell mif/i. .4 S A end ,tlu ircrom/ pltdgi mt ol the same luhle) X. N. 11 M. Pledges, I want to take this oppoittimty to welcome you into 0111 midst. I know that you ate real Nu Nu matei lal, and that vou will make the fiatei mty bigger and better foi having been 111 it No woids can expiess how happ: I am tint vou .have seen fit to come oui way', and I can only hope that vou will be seicnclv happy. (Applmine puHtih }oi five intiinte s Then ron• Ic> sa/aiit (till t s ) Second Pledge llow many bids did vou get, Apple’ A. S A. (proudlv). Only ten llow many did you rate’ Second Pledge Just this one Moral One button 111 the lupel is woith two in the pocket. Penn State Seal Stationery SPECIALS in 60 Sheet 50 Envelope Boxes SEE THESE Keeler’s CATHAUM THEATRE BUILDING TilE PE'NN STATE COdl-EGIAN Co-ed Chats CLUB GIRLS IN THE M VICING 1 Tonight doses one ot the most m ■> tensive seasons ot rushing that gtils' lelubs and fialemities have ever spon !«oied Re-tiicted is to the amount of money that, could be spent— le | stneted ,ns to how that money might ,be spent—still the oiganized clubs have given varied and unusual enter tainment for their lushocs. Some of these iiiMiees have been entertained in some way 01 another cvety night this past week; thcv’vo been shov.n cups and aw aids, been told of wondeiful alumnae, met all the advisors but piesumably have not been actually’ approached about pledging ._OOiciiil Giieti Foi a few davs now these guls will be left to themselves to weigh the ments of the groups and to de cide with which they will afliliate Om ear nest pica to these gnls Is that thev considei the gioups as en-j titles and not ns individual*- If a good fiiernl or Big Sister does hnp ■ pen to belong to a club but if the othei guk are not those with whom vou would be contented to spend the iest of your college life don’t 10111 just to save the feelings of that par ticular girl ,If she lies vour intei -1 ests at heart she would lathei sec you happy with a gioun in which vou aie interested than disappointed with 1 another CHICVGO AIRPORT EMPLOYS 1 CO-ED AIRPLANE M ECU VNIC Employed as a regular* mechanic nt the Skv Ilarboi aupoitan Chicago, Miss Helen Mnvurc, one of. the few co-ed giiuluntei from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is ’the (list woman airplane mochnnic in the countiy Besides this'occupation Miss Mnv :inc is a legukn pilot and was the lust woman to make a solo flight at [he Chicago anjnut She is now eon jideung commeionl flying. The Blue Moon Continues its excellent luncheon service East College Avenue W.'C.'UcCLiNTIC Rcpiesenting RICIIMAN BROS. CO. Suits and Overcoats $22.50 Tuesday Noon Until Wedneadav 10 p m OCTOBER Slh and !>th Home Made Peppermint Patties 49 c Pound Box Soft, Creamj r Centers Plenty of Peppermint Rich Chocolate Coating REXALL-; DRUG STQRE Robert J. Miller CSWARTIIMORE SCIENTIST ilicconlinc to notice lccoivcd fiom thoi r\Tti(XZOTIS uCuttQi constiuction dcpaitment nt that in-, . , r J STUDIES ARCTIC GROWTH! Simmon. JkYTYiy ITIVCLCt@S I Conciete woik on the stiuctuio will ± Q • Ttctuimng fiom the snt.imei e\-'l*o finished in about thiec weeks At SpOYtS SCLTICttIGYy pedition ol the arctic legions made the present time coneiote has boon _______ as a member of Captain Donald Mac-! pouted foi moie than thuLv-li v*i Millnn’s p.utt, Hi Samuel C Pnlmoi, stones A now thnpol on the each- The annv has invaded the liclcl of bnlan/ head nt Sw-uthmoie college, 1 edial plot was made iceent women’s spoits! .mnounccd last week that an unusual iv In a ■?c»00,0()0 gt ant 1 torn the H -T Colonel Waller B. MtCaskey, com-,collei tion of floweis ha l been sectiud Heinz estate nmndei-in-chief, apptoved the plan of on the tup thioujrh Baltin Land I using Ilolmus field, upon which Penn Foi moie than two weeks the litt’e! State's Amazons hul cavoited bithoi - nil-binnmg slop in which the tup to, for dulling the cadets aftei the was m ule was caught in the ice field depaitment of giounds and huikhng Olhei scientific woik accomplished decided that the now Mmeial Indus- on the tup included a stud> of li \ lues building would advance into U life in the aictic and nn olweivation 0 T. C Icmtorw The nulilai vJ of bud hie. ! |sei7uie was sanctioned In* Miss Manc ( Matinee dnil\ at 1 w except on aai- Iluult, wstiuctoi 111 physical edttea- CONSTRUCTION WORK IIhGINS | urdn> during football season! tion for women. OX I'l’l T SCHOOL BUILDING jcomplete af'ernonn showing stmts il Leadeis in boll) di\isions of atliv- 'tl.OO. itv agiee Unit shot mg the lolling Stone voik on the C.ilhoiUal of, i fciufuee may mciease attendance m Learning at the Umvoisitv of | itts- pftiDAY—Matinee at 1 30. women’s athletics as well ns bolstci bmgh begin this week, and wiii T , „ linteiest in M.liliuy Science be completed in about liftcen months,, Ann Hardmg, Leslie l'cnton m | In the meantime, passeis-by air ~ 1 “PARIS BOUND _ uie bcuildihed bv cusp shouts nl com ind Horn the dull nun nets nmißl- 1 mand fiom the dull main jv», . | cd with shnll encomajrmE cues fu>m j mcing co-eds “Time out,” and “Get that hall” will be nitenupted bj, “Left, nrht, ntntoon halt, one, two, Unee” HAVERFORD ABOLISHES ‘STUNT NIGHT’ CUSTOM A Tlmeifoid custom of long stand ing went into the diseaid this ye.u when the fieshman class it that in stitution was initiated into the spmt of the college without the usual, hoiseplay and hazing in^epaiahle. fiom past “stunt nights” j BEAUTIFUL ALAMAC CARDS { MAKE SELLING A PLEASURE j Sellinit ALAMAC UiHiUna* Cw < , Jhe Alamac Compani Dept, 6S 6 Vanck Street New York Facing; Front Campus Both are lines of national defense THE Mississippi was a menacing flood. The telephone was the first line of defense, for over its wires the work against the flood was directed. Maintenance crews performed the same service as did tele phone men in the signal corps in the war. In the daily life of the nation, just as surely-as in emergency, the telephone t A nation-wide sjsten of inter-eonueettng telephones “OUR- PIONEERING WORK HAS JUST BEGUN-’* When It’s Time for a Haircut tiv the Sanitary Barber Shop 10S Frazier St BARBER WANTED Take a Look at the new “Bostonians” in the Colleg'e Boot Shop window. We have a complete line of Men's Shoes which range in price from $5 to i?l2. Look them over before you buy. Anything wrong with your feet? Ask about our Foot Comfort Service. College Boot Shop Allen Stieet s meets an ever-growing stream of demands. To do this successfully the Bell System’s expansion program embraces trans-oceanic telephony through the ether and under the sea, to ships at sea and planes in the air— ‘and above all, wire facilities that will carry the voice, the typewritten word, the picture to every corner of the land. BELL SYSTEM Friday, October A, 102 b All-Talking Drama j SATURDAY— I.ola Lane, Paul Patio'm | “THE GIRL TBOM II VVANA' ] All-Talking Mjsk'rx-Koniiiiu.u | MONDAY and TUESDAY— Matmcc U.jil> at 1 30 j Eddie Qudlan, Sallj O'Neil m “THE SOPHOMORE'* j All-T.ilkmc Ccin’cdj-Ilom »nce