Page Si, PROFESSORS WRITE 3 HISTORY BOOKS Dr:. Thchan. Malin,. Dunaway Finish latinary Work in Favorite Subjects Thl,e membets of the College hm hin Dt Francis J. thlo Di Asa E M.•utm, and Di asland P Durnmay, ate at piesent tompleting book., dealing Mai, the , nbiett, m nitwit they specialise All of the authors hope to complete then' Dub !.ear Cabin, tug n ht. aty x (irk I;ich Is e In gait helot e the World War, Di. is engaged in a critical le t isles` nil Danslation of Ilehnold's "Chi °lnca tun," zi,lnch he is pi opaline for the Records of Civil- I, anon sells., published by Columbia In t.anslating thi, story of an ini tial last pha,e in Gm man detain'. omit, chan has employ ell great 1 10 to !clam the atLliaie language 11 111.1 winal. The slum kis one 00 tin cc u iu.h he plans to ti mishit,' on I r • 11110 • IllbJeLl 111,1 Wilt COIISIIIIIII time catei pat tof his lifetime. A orhs on State Iltstor> Di. Mei tan it completing the se, 1 , 11 I %Aerie 01 lus "History of the n.ted States" The second book ir ill deal v. th the per and bets, con a,3 and 1021 discussing hi:Am leal ear o e the Civil War up to the ,sent Mar tin will receive a len:e 01 akarece for the second semester 1.1 order to templet? this mod: by cal Septomhei Dr Donau .1.1. 14 iratlienug material 1 "1 1 . fOl .. A Social History of Penn •tl~.:i„~” The Look till! deal ex- THE NITTANY RESTAURANT George Kepreos, Proprietor WE TREAT YOU RIGHT Both day and night , No ieason fin a frown Ito and Dunk yam fill Pa . .; your bill and hung You. fuends nioun' I ;6 Allen Street Slate College, I'a Tonsils Reirmed Without Operation and Pnii , ess Method—Nn Hospital °potations, Expense 01 Conlin in,' t It aka , . Suigteal Ope.ation Performed. No time la.,t lion south, business, meals and pleasure. Go on as usual. DR. R. L. CAPERS Osteopathic Physician Tta.sday Thuisdoy Saturday 10 to 4 Niitany Printing Building State College, Pa. TRY Martin & Kreamer BARBER SHOP Four Steady Barbers East College Avenue Phone 152-M elusively with the development of cultural, educational and religious aspects of Pennsylvania history. The spread of customs and manners in ' Pennsylvanta will be discussed also I I Spending the summer at the Con glesslonal Library at 'Washington, ID C , and at the libraty of the Penn sylvania Iltstolical society in Phila delphia, Dunaway has collected a large amount of research material for his work. STUDENT TRIBUNAL TO MEET 7:30 TUESDAY The fist Student. Tribunal meeting of the year will be held in the Vaibi ty Hall lectuie loons at 7.30 Tuesday night. ' All students who wish to ye - I titian the Tiibunal for exemption :horn customs will present themselves at this time. Untamed Briiin in Lion's Lair Jolts Language Savant Meeting a hear in civilized tenacity 1- an merit to be classed ns ...wiling to Di Geolge Winn of the Getman dernainent. who encoun tered an untainted bruin recently neat Vleasant Gap. D. Wurfl aces dining dawn the Cantle Ilan mountain towaid Pleas ant Cap. when he was astonished to oliiene the liege animal climbing atom,. the side of the mountain "I meter thought would see .1 such asl ti ' " sleek instiuctor • ' hat," &elm ed --. It mas quite an expel tome" "The bear v,as a big hijack fello% I didn't put him on the sailea," he adc id, "but I should say that he weigh ed about 300 pounds He seemed big enough, anyway." "If you aced a witness," he contra act' chuckling, "you can apply to Ptof Candidates for the tenor section of Harold F. Graves of the English de- rim Glee club report in Schwab midi ' pertinent uho was with me at the:lmam at 0 30 o'clock Tuesday night. time." I Candidates for baritone and tenon The bean sons lumbering along in Isections report at JO o'clock Wed ! c cleaned space on the sole of the;resday night. 'mountain when On Wuttl, accompam , =p_- red by Prof. Graves, caught sight of AP fr,shrurn candulates for thud him Baum did nut seem as Interest- nr.sistart football manager !dense re ed in his observers as they time m port to the Recreation Hall at once him, and Ire soon thsappeated into the ! —o— AP freshmen who lose their hand - ;book- and all those so h o wish extra ' , aloha may procure them in the "Y" het for fifty cents apiece —o— Campus Bulletin Fieshmen wdl report in Schs MI look at fieshmen handbooks but may auditotium at 1.30 o'clock tomonow' cot take them from thou minims, au aftei noon for them mg Practise p uo, LOI ding to Martin S. McAndrews '3O. to the game. Imesident of Student Tubunal I=l=l CDLI tGI N deliveries will begin.with Cosmopolitan club nimbus in good )m ooxt issue. subset ate. may oh. standing me tequested "' et ' in the; tam this issue at the COLLEGIAN offite M.lthoilibt Student Centei at 730 o'clock Monday night. The meeting will he devoted to selecting is new faculty. -0-- 1 OST—Acticia fraternity pin, on Lo- First meeting of the Penn Slate Lust Lane. Finder plenty notify S he he'd in Schwab and. Lee Steinhauer. Phone 171 ltpW tonne, at 0 30 o'clock Sunday The society fon Adsancement of Juda- Bring, soul ftateinity shingle to ism Is a religious mganization fon us We flame thorn and the pr,ce Ilehiew students. is light Old Main Art Shot , . —o W-ltp Students may qualify foi ege golf tom nament beginning Tiles- LOST—Lost June, - an Alehoiestu pen Lay. Qualifying sound mill end the E. M. Remind if ieturned to Satuiday, Octobei 5 En-; Collegian Office ltpW GRAHAM & SONS Established 1896 fry r pound box of Betty !Olen Chocolates this seek•end $l.OO Quality —75 c Smith's Tailor -- Shop Dollar Dry Cleaning Fall Patterns in ail - shades of Brown At Prices From 1 ' • $25.00 to $60.00 . „ . ..i PRESSING ' REPAIRING 131 Allen Street THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Limit. mu,t sign up at caddy house befoie qualifying. All students ate eligible to compete CLASSIFIED FORD—I 929 model dark blue sport ioadster; run only 1350 miles; in excellent condition; only 8 , 125.00. Call 86. ltpW IVANTED-13onrders and roomers at Harter Club. Two blocks from Post Office. 114 W. 141ttany. Phone 46• J ltpW LOST—In Liberal At ts Building. Blown leather tobacco pouch, Dun hill, oilskin lined. Reward if return ed to C E. Robinson. S. A. E 9-27-29 2tp W Budge lamps, shades, pictures, tap esti les, and all the other things which make the students room at t., active. Old Main Art Shop. W-ltp LOST—Phi Lamb° Theta fraternity pin. Imtials J. R S. Finder pleave call 260 Reward. ltpW FOR SALE-1924 Ford coupe cheap Call 409-R. WANTED—Student with experience to work for board-12G Miles street BARBER WANTED Crissman Barber Shop TEXT BOOKS New and Second Hand Art Materials Drawing Instruments Fountain Pens Student Supplies KEELER'S A PEN MORE PERSONA than a pledge pin (\ , ‘ 1 , :( Nk A pen made to your order. Your choice of points. Your choice of holders. Your choice•of color, size and style. You select the point and holder sepamtely then the dealer instantly, perms. nently joins them to make your `.41" • IMHZ lEVAPHAR.P GD.V/14977..tet:'01), FOUNTAIN PEN Never before such individuality! And a Wahl Evcrsharp Pencil, standard of the orld—to watch your pan in color, style and oritit.e ability Over at the Wahl. Ever:harp ikalsre Sec them now. IS= I=2 SCHAEFFER WATERMAN PARKER ' .. ALL Cathaum Theatre Bldg. Friday, September 27,