VOL. 25, No. 64 FRESHMAN SOCIETY TO INSTALL GROUP EARLY NEXT FALL PM Eta Sigma Accepts Local Chapter—Sets Standard At 2.5 Average ORIGINAL FOUNDER PLANS INSTALLATION TRIP HERE a Students Will Join National Honorary as Members 'Of Local Body Phi Eta Sigma, national fleshman honointy st.liolastie fraternity, will install a chapter at Penn State early next fall, t was disclosed by the com mittee of faculty members and fresh men who tecemed nottPcation from the mothet chapter at the Universtt) of Illinois Thirty of the thirty-three men elig ible for the local f niter nay similar to Phi Eta Sigma, which was established recently, accepted bids to the local and gill become the first members of the national society next year After n prolonged discussion and comparison of standards in other Col-' loges and Penn State the eligibility grade was fixed at 2.5. Faculty mem hers who communicated oath the na tional organization and who were in fluential In securing the cheat. in clUde Harty W Seamans, Y M. C A. secretary, Registrar William S Hoff man, and Dean of Men Arthur It. Warnock The committee of fresh men who were in charge of the acti-1 turning is composed of Wilbur, II Elm- , merman, chairman, Rail K Rush,. David F. Young and Benjamin J. Con-. nd. Freshman president Chu cite Christian gas also at the head of the lompany, Mr neorge Lange, vice. movement. mosident of the F itch. Ice Com , Society Organired 1923 pony, Mr Erin Fuck, president of Thomas Ankle Clark, Dean of Men the Frick Company; Mr A 11. Baer, at the UnIVCIbItY of Illinois will lie- sales manager of the Fisk Company, company the installation committee Mr, J H. H V 0.14, president of Vow, hi- a the ricw chapter Dam Ircorporoted, Di 13 P. Harrel, Clark is one of the founders of the tn.' of Union College; 31r. Harry Sloan, I rginal chapter at Illinoisa advisciiy engineer of the Colter Conn- PM Eta Sigma originated at the 'EDITORS PREPARE laany, end e ident of thM Willis II Cal rim, pre., Carrier Engineering Coi- Univeisity of Illinois in 1923 us a 50. , : clay to encourage and rowan! Mgh 'OLD MAIN BELL' P°"y stu scholastic standing among students of An member of the faculty or ar, ; dents interested in refrigeration the fieshinan class Recognition of : invited to attend the meetings a the the - north a the' organization came Collect Moler invial for First Issue of the founding confmence, .nd espe.a . ri . y the trip to universities have petitioned the moth quietly, end since ten' Literary Magazine To Appear I the nature Study camp, at cl o'clock er chapter for admission Penni - During Freshman 15'eek Thursday afternoon Infer minion State's chapter gill be the eleventh. concerning this outing may be oh I University of illissomi was the filet gained at the contemn. headgear- I Mato ad is nog being collected for tel in Val say Hall, beginning, Weil mstitution,to express a desire to have the next issue of Old M B aw ell, the nesdav, June 19. a chapter of Phi Eta Sigma on its cam- College literary magazine, huh ill Several pieces of epaulet. for ex pos Univeisitv of Michigan, Univei-'College during Freshman Week in hibition purposes have already been city of Oklahoma, Dun, ei sity of Wm- eS ptember :installed in the Mechanical Engineer consm, Huron university, Ohio State' The ietning and incoming staff 3 log Laboratory. They include a unit univeisity, De Pansy university, 'will collaborate in preparing this in- conditionei for bl ip rig aropeily George Washington university coil rue. The manuscript will be mepaied =dined cool air, into a loom, and a Catholic university followed " en after berme the end of the semester and new device for ranking liquid an at sent to Grit Publishing company for a tempeiature of minus 200 delve. Sponsors Smoker, Addresses ltainting during the summer Fahrenheit When tile fraternity becomes active Thiough financial difficulties the The visiting engineeis will lie boas at Penn State, freshmen attaining an third issue that was to have been is- ed in Varsity and Watts Hull, and average of 25 at toe end of the frost sued this year could not be to them gives in the Woman's Buildmg semester may join the society. Those Plans ale being dawn up, however,' Athletic Director Hugo Derrick has gho do not cam requited grades at the so that the co issues may be distributed:consented to plkee the tennis corn ti end of the lust seniestm, may still be- nex t yen,, and the golf course at the disposal of conic eligible by laming then marks Editor-in-chief Llewellyn Mitstifer the visitei during, the smond semester to gain . 24, in expluining the non-apperriance At the informal ' and "Three to, Jack" by Snail as Miss Sat ah P. Wanted '3l, odl mascot as her openinp, selection hw typical x ater song•, "Chinese Bunt Song" and "Hindu Love Chant" "'I he Little Damsel" by Novelle still conclude he. altering A planoloile solo, "Conceit Etude" lit MacDonell, l,e given no a pi ano solo ho Miss Helen Lachenineyer of the musical department Edna It Selections from "Tannhauser," the 'Roderick '4l, mill sing two soprano ,diamatic opera by Wagner. will be .ado., "Macklin Song" and "The; played by the Penn State Little .S•ni. Puny Pipets." I phony orchestra. Populai in:mhos still be presented : In the after noon a band concert will by !be in enented on the front campus by Mai that J. Gobrecht 'BO, 1 5 , 0 up of nuu uu h n so l os with , the College military band. A tmilignt test. YOB ice conducted by the Y. M. Patteison 'JO "Wedding of the C. A and the Y. W. C A will follo.v Painted Dolls" and the theme song , ham in the day A musical recital from "Desert Song" ate the titles of he selections will be given by the music department The Girls' Vaisity quartet will sing SnndnY night Serum class day eseicises stillbe "Indian Dawn" and a newt, folk song held in Sehmitb auditorium Monday "Doan Y 0 Ciy M u Honer." The pet_ held with a sports program piano colonel 01 the quintet is Miss node,. ed for the afternoon. School retell. ieh , Mi s s W ent'' , Ma" Dicta oh, and toms to alumni and parents will begin Mis, Louise 0. Worst '32 at 1.30 o'clock in the afteinnon. . . Closing the progioni. the College! The alumni dinner fot seniors and Symphony on chestra edl present an- guests soil also he served In McAllis other numbec. Ballet music from to hall at 6 o'clock that night Pre "Rommunde," an opei a by Sehubeit,ltlolls to the Commencement reception, pill be the title of then second I MB, the Playas will offer a comedy drains II t: to &hn nb auditetium. Serry-us PRICE FIVE CENTS 638 Seniors To Receive Diplomas During Services OBSERVE BACCALAUREATE EXERCISES NEXT SUNDAY Program Lists l'rocession and Reception Among FA ents For Commencement Penn State's sixty-ninth graduating i Class will officially pass from the Col lege portals at Commencement exei ,eises in Reci cation hall Tuesdaj morning, June IS Approminately 638 seniors will re eine diplomas at that ceremony, will!. nearly forty athanced degrees will be ~ +lvied Commencement activities will open for the group next Friday Ruth the opening of spring HouNepart les Baccalaure to services will be oh coned in Schwab auditorium at 10.30 o'clock Sunday mining, while belmet icceptions to parents will be held Monday afternoon The Commence ment ball Monday night 1,111 climax the week-cad of activities The Commencement procession will form in front of the College library int 911 o'clock Tuesday morning and !march to Item cation hall for the ex eimses The College band sill, lead 'the line of graduates. Follow mg the band sill maich the chief marshall . nd mnishall of the !College The assistant rnarshalls end nisi-J.ols of notions schools till be next in line, while the seniors, candi dates for advanced degrees, faculty !members, deans, trustees, and pros,- : lent till follow in the older named. Among the marshalls Lester M. IZook will represent the School of Ag imulture, Silts and C. Ci uni, the School !of ChcousW and Physics, and Miss Helen L Gem the School of Educa -1 two Frank W. Warnm will lead the 'engineers, F;lll‘aid P. Ilawlons, the liberal artists, and John Ituzicla, the miners These persons hare been se lected for excellence in scholarship in their reqpeetne groups. Sonar(' C Hibler, Charles F. Kin dred and John J. Bon man has been chosen as assistant marshal!, The.c men ale appointed lot excellence in military science arrange Commencement Program Following the mocessional into the hill, Piof John II Ftiizell , acting chaplain, will delicei the inocation The lion. John A II Keith. State so pm tntendent of publie mitt action, null -peal, to the glailuating class on "The (..ri.duate set MN Society " Degrees will then he awarded by Piesident Ralph D. Hetzel to seniors and athancial student, Captain Rot f Rouse of the military department will piesent C 0111111 1 ,41011, to reser, MI ems of the cla.ss of 1525. The benediction will be gat en by Prof Fiirrell, and followed the ie. eubsional Dining that tune the Col lege band still pla} "The Blue and White" The School of Engineering lends with 180 gimluates, and the School of Libel al Arts is second wdh 155. One hunched and fifteen will ginduate ft om education, and one hundied from agneultuie. The School of Mines and ' Metallurgy will graduate twenty.fice, while slily-thice will go from the School of Chemmtry and Pin sues. Robbin', Band To Pla), The Rev. DJw. id A Stanch will delt,ei the Baccalaureate sermon, while Pt of. Fiitaell will pronounce the imocation and the benediction Special music has also been arranged by Dae.tor Richard W. Giant, head of the musie depaitment