'age Four Between Meals pep up with CANDY Quick energy—that's what candy is. Along about so A. M. or 3.30 P. M , half way between meals, how it peps you up to last till meal time. Good for you, too we'll say! All your favorite candies ate here— GRAHAM & SONS Est. 1896 "Sweden The Day With Candy" Campus Bulletin AD of the lust sound matches in e intelfruternity tennis toutn.unent hedule are to he played off by Sat •day aceottling to Louis H Nieman 0, manages. 11==1 911 candidates fot checi lead., in t to the Ainicity at 7 o'clock Mon ii night. -0— The annual room dianing for no ren students Null take place in the oology lecture room at 6 30 o'clock funday night. See notice posted out ale the Dean of \Vernon's office ton ming this matter. -0— Fteshman candidates Lot the edtt tial of the COLLEGIAN Mill IC ort in room 11 L,hctal At is at 7 'clock Monday night MI Franklin . Bannet, assistant piofessot of .mnahsm and James II Coogan 'O, edttot-elect of the COLLEGIAN Mill peak TRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ALBERT DEAL & SON Heating AND Plumbing 117 Frazier Street The Parisian Al Jolson Comes To You— ~ ~~~' i '''g Appbuttons Lot looms in Watts Lot next September should he tiled in the Dean of Men's office not later than June 1, 1929 DRUID ELECTIONS Fred Brand jt. '32 Robert A. Burton '32 Julius Epstein '.31 Robert S Footo '.12 Edam W. Lantu '32 George T. Lasith '32 Alfred E. Lewis '32 William P. Lohr '32 Robert C. Snyder '32 Caved A. Stoop '32 THETA ALPHA PIII ELECTIONS Miss Nolen Bucknalter '3l Miss Janette M. Burns '3O Paul 11 Caughey '3l Arthur R Cunningham ',ll Miss Eleanoi E Dutton 'JO Anton Bradt '3l Untold F. Jones '3l Guy W. Knight '3O Chailes B Kray '3O Miss Mary F Kuitz '29 Nally G. Lackey '3l Miss Anne E. Mellmger Philip K. Roos '3O Edgiu F. Sadd '2O William M. Schell 'Bl Leon P. Skinner Frank A. Yalano,itch '3l WRIGHT & DITSON TENNIS BALLS 3 for $1.25 REPAINT GOLF BALLS 3 for MOO Golf Clubs at all prices KODAK FILMS The Athletic Store Student Supplies of All Kinds Save while you have a job, and you can spend when you haven't. THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK PI LAMBDA SIGMA ELECTIONS !edited "Forensic Dcclaniatlon9," and ' Norman L Ainold '3O lin collaboration with President John M. Thomas "Bible Readings for Lawience N Bello. '3l 'Schools and Colleges." Charles lilnliarczyk '3l 1 o Geiaid J Stack '3l :UKRANIAN YOUTH SIGMA TAU ELECTIONS Piof Julius E Kaulfuss Chalks J. 'Yoder '29 Edward W Borden '3O EdnaLd C. }holmley 'JO llowald J Eyrnan '3O Karl A. Grebe '3O James I. Jewell '3O Fled A. I.alley '3O Hatold E. Roush '3O Donald L Wellman '3O . ESPENSHADE PLANS Ilvman speed, but now he hasa I ost completed his 'four years of study. TRIP TO HONOLULU, And he has supported has mother, toO: _O---- _ i After graduatlon tills year, Hyman wall step Into the world of journalism (Costumed from first page) shade will tenth only six hours a week PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS in English composition He will mal, the experiment of trying to stimulat his new students to do sonic. crentn. Prof. Espenshade's textbook o Rhetoric has sold mole than 100,001 copies. His book "Pennsykam Place Names" was published severs' cats ago by the College. lie ha. TALKING! day and Tuesday Matinee Daily THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN EDITS NEWSPAPER -o (Continued from first page) d icer unfinished in New York and took , his mother to "Boston. Theie he sup posted his mother and paid his col lege expenses by the income from vac lious jobs. Ho was a messenger boy !tot a telegraph company in Boston. I Ile dressed windows in Boston stoles. , Ile gleaned bits of,news for the Bos- ton papers. It was hold plugging, ANNOUNCING THE OCCUPATION OF OUR NEW LOCATION Today SPRINGER'S BARBER SHOP Screens and Screen Doors Made to Order DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Room 106 First Floor, Engineering B SENI~ RS ! Keep You in Touch With that he has (beamed about so much, that he has lend about so much, es pecially in his tarmac of all books, "The Life and Lettcis of Joseph Pul itzer." CLASSIFIED WANTED—To paint fraternity coat of alms on shekels. Work on oil shekels guaranteed. Call 24-W, ask for Smith. ltp FOR RENT—Six room house Palk avenue facing campus. Steam heat, hardwood fools Occupancy July 1. $40.00. Gaiage. Inquire Richauls 6-W. 2tp WANTED—Job m fiateinity house, housewoik Can furnish reference if 'nanted Phone 256 of write Miss Lillian R. Low, 224 East College avenue, Stale College, Pa. *lt FOR RENT—Rooms, by week or by week-ends. 123 Noah Bamold duet. Phone 114-N. s_l7_Fo_tf LET THE COLLEGIAN SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR SALE OR TRADE—Last year's FOR SALE—Public bale La Vie. Call }Walsh, 474. Itp household goods and stun ruture.-114 Pugh street, WANTED—Passengers to Phandel- Gm . . plus or Nose Yolk, leaving State College Wednesday noon, May 29,1 letutrung Sunday June 2. $BOOl found tup to Pluladelpha, $lO.OOl lound tup to New Yolk. Call 1.42.-Wi m evening. , 2-21-Otp STATE COLLEGE BAKE SERVICE That's Our Specially ' , RUSH R INCOMPANY IN C. PROGRAMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Large or Small Simple or Elaborate We GIN c You What You Want When You Want STOVER'S SERVICE STATE East College Avenue STERLING SUPERIOR SER VI Gas—Oils—Ale mite Kelly Springfield Tires GUY Z. ST Friday, May 24, 192 LOST—Green, Pother fou between Methodist chore office. Donald Haag insc Loin to 404 Allen street.