Tuesday, May 21, IJ2 Wyoming, Lock Haven Win Trac SEMINARY RUNNERS BEAT KISKI, 83-70 "Clinton County Trackmen Score . SVA Points--State College Wins Third Place While Wyoming seminary was oust ing Kiehl from its then-year grasp I j.ir the prep school track title, Lock aven high' school scored kilt points Flo win the high school tiack chum ! ,Inonship at the annual Penn State Ontencholastics on New Leaven field Saturday. As only Wyoming and Hiski put ~in an appearance in the plop school class, the competition developed into a dual meet between the two institu tions. Lead by PoLaski, high point morel, Wyoming trackman garnered OS points to Ifiski's 70. Lock Haven had little difficulty in annexing the high school mown. Pea body high school of Plttsburgh placed second with 2.1 points while State College's 22 earned thud place Al toona scoted 10S point. , to take fain th. Three recoils were - woken and one equalled by Itiski doling the meet. Running the mile in 3 minutes 34 I. seconds, the Saltsbutg relay team set a new time for that distance The former iecotd had been established by Itiski runners in 1927. The State College quartet was second in this event which ttas open to both high and prep school trains. • Millet of ICiski ran the 440-yard dash in record time when he coveted the distance in 51 seconds He bet tered the old mark by more than a second He also equalled the 220- yard tecold of 22 1-6 seconds while Stockwell of the same school set a new high Jump record with a leap of 5 feet 8 inches Potoslci captured individual bon ors when he scored 22 points in win ning the pole vault, high and low 1 hurdles, placing second in the century dash and tying fa)._ first in the broad jump. Martin of Lock Haven and Coulter of Peabody proved the only double winners in the high school events The Clinton county boy won the shot put and discus while the Pittsburgh ',inner took first place in the high 'land low hurdles li Win Field Ei,ents i t In the high school competition, Mc 1-.Closkey, Lock Haven, won the ham - Trier throw with a heave of 133 feet with Steams of - State College third Smith of Lock Haven threw the jave lin 163 feet 3 inches to capture fist place followed by McQuigg and Eng lend of State College. Suium, Mrll herm, jumped 20 feet 4 inches to win the broad jump while Eisenmann of State College was fourth The high jump was won by Alooret of Lock Haven at the height of 5 feet 5 inehes Milligan of Peabody cap tured the 100-yaid dash in 10 seconds ,at. England of State College lan the mile in 4 minutes 37 seconds while Whittaker of Altoona and AleQuigg, State College, tied for first in the 440-yard dash. ' Rmhell, Gregg Township, won the half mile in 2 minutes 4 4-5 seconds and Ryon, Lock Haven, annexed fast place in the 220-yard dash His time was 22 and 2.5 seconds. Lock Haven high trackmen placed in fourteen events to amass their substantial lead over their nearest competitors. Welsh of Wyoming Seminary toss ed th4ishot 45 feet 5 inches to win that event in the prep school class. Wel non's throw of 125 feet annexed an other first for Wyoming in the dis cus event. Homora, Kiski, captured the hammer throw, while Gutowski of . Wyoming won another first when he threv, the javelin 165 feet 1 inch. Moses, 'Wyoming runner, scored an other five points for his team in the nine event His time was 5 minutes 5 1-6 seconds. Jayner's time of 2 inmates 11 seconds gained Kiski fast place in the 880-yard dash. Until Wyoming Seminary won the title Saturday, Kiski had ieigned su preme for three years. In the meet last year, Kishi was first, Potomac State second, Altoona third and State College fourth. - SWEATERS, KNICKERS, GOLF HOSE, SHIRTS and NECKWEAR GERNERD'S Dry Cleaning Pressing $l.OO 35c WE HAVE FINISHED MANY OP THE COMMENCEMENT NUMBERS OF' PRATERNITY PUBLICATIONS DO YOU HAVE YOURS? The Nittany Ptg. & Pub. Co. YEARLING STICKMEN DEFEAT SOPHOMORES By conquering the sophomore stickmen, G-to-4, the plebe lacrosse men won the that of the annual freshman-sophomore lacrosse scraps Friday afternoon Charles and 13eIlleld scored two and three points for the yearlings while Don Lewis accounted for three markets for the 1931 team. YEARLING BATTERS TO ENGAGE BISONS Close Season Tomorrow Afternoon At Len isburg—Lose Sy raeuse Bottle, 10.3, Saturda) Playing their last game of the Ben son, the Nittany yearling batters will engage Bucknell in a return contest at Lewisburg at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Coach Houck is undecided as to the 'lineup he still start but it is probable that the same men who defeated the Bisons in the first game here will stair with Gates pitching The Penn State batters will enter the game with a record of one win and one loss. An expelienced Spa case team accounted for the loss by defeating the Lions 10-to-3 on the New Beaver field diamond Saturday afternoon Piling up a three run lead in the fast inning as the iesult of a base on balls, a double, a fielder's choice and an overthrow by the catches to third base, the Orangemen were never headed throughout the contest. Gates, star Penn State pitcher, though hit hard, stiuck out eleven op ponents Fishil, Syracuse center field er accounted for foul of the safe blows registered by his team mates. Elliot, opposing hurler, yielded nine hits and struck out seven batters. Penn State scored two runs in the third inning and one in the ninth. The visiting aggregation increased their lead by gemming two runs in the fourth, one in the fifth and four in the ninth. DORSETT RECEIVES TRUSTEE POSITION Gov. John S. Fisher Appoints State Grange Bead To Post After Health of Mr. Wise Pails Governor John S Fisher has ay -pinata Mr. E. B. Dorsett; master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, as a College trustee to fill the past vacated by Ms. W. S Wise of Meadville. Mr. Wise is retiring because of falling health The post to which Mr. !Dorsett has been appointed is one of six which are filled by the first execu tive of the State. He was granted this position Los the interest he has shown in the welfare of the College. 111 Bassett will speak here dosing !Flumes's Day tn Schwab auditorium the night of June 19. He spoke here incwtously at the ground-Sneaking ex eletses of the Grange Immortal dormi tory fos women last summer. Governor Ftshel also reappointed Jessie B Was fingers to the Trustee Bawd. illy. Waringet is a graduate of Penn State and has been a trustee for several years STUDENTS 'WIN PRIZES AT DAIRY EXPOSITION At the seventh annual Penn State Daily Exposition Saturday afternoon vatious contests mere held in mlncli students competed for prizes and lov ing cups donated by cattle clubs and breeding associations throughout the state. The clean collie production contest was won by Arch G Hug '29, pies- dent of the local chapter of the Amman Dairy Science Association, W. C. McCLINTIC $22.50 Suit Man Factory Representative. The Richman Blathers Company, Cleveland, Ohio, will he at STATE COLLEGE HOTEL Monday 6 P. M. to Friday 10 A. M. MAY 20 to 24 Also Pine Selection of TROPICAL WORSTEDS Call Day or Evenmg LIONS COMPLETE EASTERN INVASION Lose Third Contest of Trip to, Worcester Team—Penn, Princeton Win Falling to register a victory dul l:1g the trip, the Penn State baseball team completed an unsuccessful east ern tom when they lost to Holy Class, 12-t0.1., at Worcester, Mass„ Ft clay. Bunched hits in the second, thud, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth inn ings insulted in Holy Cross tuns. The lone Nittany tally was scaled in the ninth flame when the Lions started a belated rally Lockald stalted the eontect for the Bluo and White batters and was le heved by Kepler in the seventh per. iod Stokes assumed hill duty in the eighth and finished the game. The trio of Lion hullo], allowed fifteen lots throughout the contest while the Nittany batters got seven hits from the offei ing of Ile bei t, Holy Cross twitlm. The Penn State score was made when Limey singled and stole second and thud tenses An error by Herbert on a hard-hit ball by Salt/man al load the second baseman to count. An error, a fielder's choice and a single resulted in a pair of Holy Cross runs in the second period while a taro of one base blows allowed an other Worcester tally to cross the plate in the third. Another marker was added to the Holy Coss total in the fifth when Shirks doubled and Hurley and Ry an lint safely Tlu•ee tallies were added to the Worcester score in the sixth. A run scored in the seventh inning brought the count to eight. Three hits combined with costV err on by Diedrich and Saltzman resulted in four runs in the eighth period and brought the final count to twehe runs. E=l A revised batting older failed to defeat the Princeton nine in Thurs day's game, the Lion team losing by a some The I , littany ion sins scored In the fourth frame when Diedrich drove out a Duple and scored on an error by the Tiger backstop. Fry twirled the entire contest for the flue and White , batsmen while Layton pitched for th Princeton ma chine. The Tiger b tters obtained nine hits while seven afe Mons was the Lion total The- Princeton runs }Yore scored in the third, fourth, andtsixth innings A triple and an error by Saltzman re sulted in the fist Tiger score An other run was added to the Prince ton total in the fourth while a pair of runs in the sixth brought the total to four. SHOEMAKER BROTHERS Local and Long Distance Hauling GARBAGE COLLECTED ' East College Avenue .0,000 USERS itifillD PNOW 10011 LIAR STEM' FOR PUEIPAIIIIIS Tr 'cm want a refrigerator on which you can depend •-,11.10 t h at operates without mhng, without need of costly repairs,theCcneralElectrießefrigemitor will he your choice. Such service is not merely promised —it is guaranteed. Among the 250,000 users of General Electric liefrigeretoni, not one has ever spent a dollar for repairs or service. The General Electric Refrigerator keeps food always safely below the 50 degree danger point. In operation it Is quiet, automatic, economic. Its hermetically sealed mechanism is dust-proof, per manently oiled and placed up on top , lea% ing a maximum amount °femme in the cabinet fo r food storage. Its all-steel cabinet is warp-proof, built like a safe for durability. See the new nil-steel models at our di.. play rooms and let us tell you of imager payment plan. Prices are low, starting with 8215 at the factory. GENERAL (6 ELECTRIC ALIA.STEEIL IiteriItHGENIATOR ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY Peoples National Bank Building Phone 7-J cram 0E71414 STATE CI3LLEGIAIT Titles; Holy Cross Nine Downs Lions, 12-1 LIBERAL ARTS-CHEMISTS' TEAM WINS SOCCER CUP By defeating a team leprescmting the Enginceling schools, 2-to-0, Wed nesday aftei noon, the Liberal Ails. Chemistiy and Physics hooters won the lint inteischool soccer trophy awarded by the Inteicollegmte Asso ciated Football League. , The Libeled Arts-Chemistry and Physic: team had previously defeat ed the School of Agriculture boaters, 5-tmo, end Alines and Meta Norm., :1- tn-S. Thu engineers had conquered the agriculture team, 1-to-0, while the latter fought the mines and metal luigy clmen to a 1-to-4 tic. LINKSMEN, SUBDUE CLINTON CLUB, 12-3 Coach Rutherford Enters 3 Plebes As Ndtany Golfers Score In Es ery Match Scoring in c‘cry foursome, the Lion lirksmen vanquished the Clinton country club of Lock haven 12-to-3 on the College course Saturday after -110011 The Lock Nolen golfers garnered . .21 points in one foursome and tallied point in another. The Nittany squad cawed the remaining encount •crs without allowing a score by their opponents Thee Penn State freshmen were entered in the match by coach Bob Rutherford Hugo Bezdek, Tom Weicliel and Warren Shepard were drafted from the cub squad for the informal fray Bezdek, who was run ner-up in the All-College tournament last fall, distinguished himself on Sat urday by making the eighteen holes in 78 strokes which was the low medal card for the afternoon. ' Bunting, Leonard and Jackson tied with Bee for the low score honors. Weichel recently joined the hole-in one dub by holing out an the seven teenth hole with his first stroke. Quigley, of the club team, also turned in a mad of 78, equalling the best ef forts of the afternoon. Five foursomes competed in the meet, which is the last encounter for the Nittany golfers before they leave on then• Eastern trip Friday to oppose the Sucuthmore and Penn varsity lout smiles. The Garnet battled, the Quaker hnksmen to a 3-to-3 4eadlock in a match early in the soasC•t' In another meet the Swarthmore varsity defeat , ed Villanova 8-to-I. The Garnet golfers are lead by co captains. Robeit L. Testwuide and William Ranch both 'of whom ate sophomores Each captured then• singles match in the Penn meet and paned to annex the doubles from the Quaker linksmen. ' Phone 530 ; ~c . , NITTANY COURTMEN DOWN GETTYSBURG Captain Butler, Barber, Metzner Win Singles—Lions Score Doubles Matches Annexing another victory to keep their record clean, the Lion courtmen defeated a Gettysburg team 6.tad on the Bullet courts last Saturday after noon. Pi.ul Bmber, Captain Butler, and Johnny Metzner scored wins in their singles contests, while both N it tany doubles teams won. Jack Barber, the only Lion loser, was defeated after a hard battle Opening the meot, Paul Barber downed Captain Hood of the Battle field team in straight sets. He took the first G-to-3 and followed by win ning the second with the same score Lions Win Doubles Captain Ed Butler easily vanquish ed his opponent also in straight sets, 6-to-1 and 6-to-0. Johnny Metznei completed the run of victories ay downing If. Koch of Gettysburg 6.t0-3 and 6-to-0 in two fast sets. The only loss of the afternoon was suffered when Jack Barber was de feated by W. V. Lauer. Jack lost the first set f-to-3, but came back to win the second 6-to-3. He dropped the last set after a stiff battle 5-to-7. In the first doubles engagement Captain Butler teamed with Johnny Metzner to defeat Captain Hood and W. Lauer of the Bullets G.to-4 and 0-to-1. Both Nittany netmen were in good form and worked together perfectly. For the first time this season Paul Barber paired up With Ted Wolfe, to defeat the Gettysburg pair Aumiller and Koch 6-to-2 and G-to-6. Wolfe did not get a chance to play singles as thr Gettysburg team was incom plete COLLEGE SEAL NOVELTIES GRADUATION GIFTS Crabtree's ARE YOU • Patronizing Our • • - Advertisers The business men of State College, in every ad vertisement they place in our college publica tions,[ are making a bid for your trade. They show interest in the• college by supporting our campaigns. Tell the merchants what you want, give them your business, and help them to bring standards up to the point for which they are aiming. WHY NOT Patronize Those Who Are Interested In You FRATERNITIES ENTER I. F. C. COURT TOURNEY Seventeen fraternities will com pete in the interfraternity tennis tournament opening this week an nounced Louis H. Niernann '3O, managei of the tourney, yestei day. Each team entered will be com posed of three men, playing two singles and one doubles match. DR. ILLO HEIN TO SPEAK ON ANATOMY TOMORROW Di lo Hein, assistant professor of botany, will timelop the subject of the human Imily in a talk before the Pre-Medical society in Room 4, Mc- Allister hall, at 7 o'clock tomorrow night as one of a series of lecturers scheduled to speak Letoe the mono Office's of the society elected at the last meeting were Evan C. Reese '3l, president, Cordon H Pritham '3O, vice-president, Eugene A. Reichatil '3O, treasurer, and Miss Mary Romaker '3l, secretary. EDUCATOR WILL SPEAK Piot. Clarence S. Anderson, of the School of Agrtculturc, will go to Coatesville to address a group of vocational rural education teachers, who ale taking a special extension couist, at then regular semi-weekly meeting. FURS-FURS-FURS Looking Incurs No Obligation To Buy It Makes a Difference When You Buy from the Maker Nuns Manufacturers' Biggest Show Roam Sample Fur Sale State College, Pa. Deal Madam May 20, 1920 We base made special amangements with one of the long estab lished FUR HOUSES OF NEW YORK CITY to ha,c then peiminal representative at our store on TUESDAY and WEDNESD kY, MAY 21 and 22 TWO DAYS ONLY with a full and complete line of 1929 and advanced 1920 models in FUR COATS Also latest spring FOX SCARFS and CHOCKERS embracing every desirable style in every wanted FUR You ale especially invited to visit our stole on the phone mentioned date, to inspect these FURS, and we assure you of a nosing of fatty to fifty percent, if you ate interested in a pui chase non, You can also trade in your old FURS with us during our unusual FUR SALE of sample FUR COATS. We give vuu a specially meowed cold stoiage hag during this special big FUR SALE at this time, so come °ally and get your first choice at our stole. Toms Duly, RATAN 8: COMPANY West College Avenue Successor to L D FYE State College, Pa. Telephone lilt SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY re.ge Three HORTICULTURISTS HOLD MAY PARTY THURSDAY One of the prablems confronting; esulent Horner and his nilmonstra lion will be thrashed out in hinlesoue fashion by faculty membeis of the de partment of hotticulture at their an nual May petty at 5 10 o'clock Thui day afternoon in the &Inn tment gar dens. A mock Congtesstonal committee I consisting of Pi of. James E Knott, Mi. Richard IT Sudds and Mr Milton T Lenot udl conduct an tmestiga ton of the need foe farm lel mf aspects of the question ill be consalmod In a jocular mann., us hen ditiment monitions of the faculty tun ex: mined by the mvesttgating com. mate°. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS CANDY & McGAUGHEY Dressmaker and Millinery For BUILDING and LOAN 31ORTGA.GES EUGENE H. LEDERER