VOL. 25, No. 34 PRESIDENTS FALL PREY TO NITTANY. COURTMEN, 38-33 Washington and Jefferson Five Gain One-Point Margin In First Half BOTH QUINTETS DISPLAY WILD PASSING, SHOOTING Stahley Leads Scoring Column With 14 Tallies—Robinson Cages 5 Goals 9 Displaying a ragged Wand of bas ketball throughout the contest, Dutch Hermann's pupils experienced diffi culty in subduing Andy Kerr's Red and Black quintet, 38-33, in n slow game Saturday night After twenty inmates of wild pass ing and shooting on both sides the Presidents assumed the lead with the score, 15-18. In the second half the Likuis regained the advantage which they had held near the close of the first period and retained it until the end of the game The Washington and Jefferson passers ,ere in posses sion of the ball during the greater part of the first half. Staldey Leads Scorers Slappet Stubley, hard-fighting Nittuny guard, playing with his us ual effectiveness, led the scoring list with six field goals and two foul., Robinson, left forunid of the Wash ington contingent, was next with five field tosses, while Hoskins, visiting forward, placed thnd with two field throws and four penalty shots. Rein hold and Sanders accounted for seven points each. Although each team scowl thitteen field goals, Penn State pi oved superior in foul shooting. The Natany quin tet made good twehe out of twenty foul shots while the Plemdents sedated only seven points Limn seventeen at tempts. Robinson placed Washington and Jefferson in the lead at the opening of the game with a long field goal from the side court After five min• utes of slow playing Dick Remnold scoied first for the Lions with a foul goal. Jack Maness tied the score with another penalty thiow and Skip Stubby caged a short shot to give his teammates a two-point margin. Mc- Kismck's foul and another long toss by Robinson again placed the cwincrs of the Red and Black at the head of the scones list. Captain Lou Reilly tied the count once mine by a penalty thiow but the wily McKissick dribbled under the bas ket for two additional tallies, making the Kole, sto 7 Stahley leveled the count with a short field goal and again McKissick came to the font, this time with a foul shot. Dick Ronk°ld scoied from beneath the besket to 10- %one the margin in the Lions' ravel Paul Kiunnine ieplaced Reinhold at foiwaid and on the next play Stahlcy scored from the side lie was fouled while in the act of shooting and made good one of the penalt.os Hoskin., caged a foul and with minutes of the half lemming Coach Heimann substituted Steve llamas for Art hock ut sight geaid. Kerr's Men Loud at half Sanders, President tenter, sank a foul goal to increase his team's stele to ten points, but Maress and Stallley reti.liated with one and two penalty shots respectively as the final Nittody tally of the half Captain Cdchtist sent the leather sphere through the mesh from the sole of the floor and was followed in rapid succession oy his teammates, Sanders and Hoskins, uho accounted for a field goal each The count at half time stood Penn State, 15; Washington and ieffetson, 16 As play resumed in the second half neilhet team showed num ovement caret its previous action. Passing and shooting of both vane whit and d was not until several minutes had elapsed that sem ing activities began. Steve llamas Sunnily cut loose undo the bus (Continued on thud page) • Calendar S 30-0 00 p in.—Ptesulent's re tephon tot miti-semes tau graduates at Wow of PLesident Ralph D. lieteel. Tonight rn —Mid-semester com mencement exercises in Schwab auditoi IMO. Dr. him tin G Brum baugh will adclicss graduates. D RISe-ma-Weekly , . .„ I -: <4a,i 7 !:3->: \ , • 1 rmt a r it o ,--,,-, ~'"..-,1,43'- 8. - , FORMER NITTA REPUTATION A Ken Loeffler '24, distinguished Nit tany basketball and baseball satel lite who starred with such luminaries as Mike Palm, Glenn K4Binger and Johnny Reed is attlacting the favor able attention of sports writers to himself for his reco.4 as basketball coach of Geneva college. Since graduating Ken has returned to his college-day haunts nuinerous times and last year directed the sum mer coaching school here in conjunc tion with Herb McCracken of Lafay ette. Their course proved so popu lar that they have been signed by College authorities to take charge of it again this year. • Accepts Geneva Offer When Go 'McMillan resigned hid position an Geneva coach, the Geneva college officipls we.: in a quandary concerning the situainin. Casting about for some capable mentor to in struct their athletes, they came to the decision that Loeffler vould fill the bill and offeied him a contract Ken accepted and has since organ ized one of the best basketball teams in the history of the college. IW team recently came into the limelight by defeating Vest Virginia after the Mountainecis had defeated the strong Pitt quintet It is generally conced ed by sports writers that the Genes a AMERICAN ARTISTS TO GIVE RECITAL Present Fifth Course Number In Schwab Auditorium Saturday Night VOCALIST AND VIOLINIST OFFER JOINT CONCERT Appearing Los the rust time in a joint recital, two talented young Amen= ainsts, Miss Jeanne de Nault, contralto, and Miss Sadah Sheehan, viohmst, inn' Present - varied concert program in Schwab auditorium Saturda3 night under the auspice, of the Y M. C A. notes tainment comae and the department of music. Both al Lists come here under the direction of the National Music League of New• York City. Miss Such• an soil! he accompanied by At thin Reginald, conceit pianist, while lilts Irene 0. Grant, instiuctor in the music department, will act as =inn paniht for Miss de ',lnuit.. I=9 Miss de Nault is a Canadian, and hes fast study of music was cart mil on in Ottana and illontleal. Iles concert sock also began in these two eitica, chore she made ninny apnea,. ances as soloist with conceal musical osgamsations. Lutes she continued hei musical mees undm the tutelage of W. Di =- mond Fife in New Voile city. Soon the talented singes appeared in ma , toils and recital stride in the inctiop ohs and in several cities of the East She has filled numinous concert en gagements and has appeased with music clubs in many cities. Miss de Vault has been the guest soloist with the Mendelssohn Chou of Albany, N (Continued on third page) COLLEGE OFFERS TEXTILE SERVICE Purchasing Agent, for Mon) State Institutions Mitlie Use of Test Apparatus More than one half of the stew ards and purchasing agents tot Penn sylvania institutions are taking ad santoge of a testde testing service which is offered without charge by the College, it was announced yestei. day by Mts. Pauline lieeiy Macl,, in charge of textile chenustly and national chairman of the testile sec tion of the American Home Economics association. The service, Mhich was stai ted too yeas s ago, is c‘tended to the state institutions in order that they ought obtain the best value in pm chases It is the fast, attempt any college or university has made to serve state maintained institutions in such limn = and the results, as shown by ie poits winch Mrs. Mack bas meowed, hose proved successful One institu tion alone in shown to have submit ted 150 samples dining the past year. Sheets, muses' uniforms, mum., toweling and blankets ale among the numerous samples of te..ttles which the College reeenes from the institu tions and which it tests for tensile strength, thread count, weight per square yard, escesstve "loading," and content. STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1929 Y STAR BUILDS GENEVA COACH Former Lion Star 1=it!ll ggiegation will finish fast in the (inference of wh , eh it is a member. Dining his first year here, Ken node both the freshman basketball rd baseball teams and scent out for (Continued on third page) SUMMER OFFICIALS PLAN 350 COURSES Prepare Studies Ranging From , Kindergarten Problems to Scientific Research • OFFER ENGLISH, FRENCH AND "MUSIC INSTITUTES Thiee hundred and 'fifty courses of study, ranging ;I rom- kindergarten problems to adnaneed studies of the sciences, will be offered at the twen- Oath tamnal_Collrgc -nArrter seesaw to be held July 1 to August I. Among the coiascs to be armed ale art education. dramatics, notate study, home economics, physical edu cation, land school adimnistation. vocational education, anti chemistry and phlsics Tine° sepal ate insti tutes, English, French, and music, will be conducted as pelt of the session Special Courses Gisen As a special couise the Piogressne Education association will conduct a Once-week,' institute in the princi ples and practices of pi ogi essive edu cation. Three one-week courses will be given by outstanding leaders in their respective fields Rui al school ailministiation will be discussed in a sik-week Louise on the subject. A week lecture by each of see plenum:it authinities will con ktituto the cativo: Dr Satan bI Stinchfield wll con duct a clinic on speech colt action Iles insti action sill 'include classification of speech distil:barna, us well as (Continued on third page) EXTENSION HEAD PLANS COURSE FOR PLUMBERS National Organizations Support Department In Offering Ventilation Study A course in heating and ventila ting especially assigned fin iegiste:- ed plumbeis and those intimately con nected rith the plumbing bade, is being (acted by the &mai tment of engineering estension the course is especially at langcil lot use by mos tei plumbei associations which air in terested in securing special binning for then menibeis Tbe new cease, which has the full support and co-operation'of the Nu bond 'Platte E tension Bateau of Evansville, Indiana, the Plumb. s' Association of Pennsylvania, will be presented in evening classes in Nal ions cities thioughout the State whets theic are sufficient numb.., to take the work Heating and ventilating, ,team !a lms' mathematics, and plan i eading and sketching etc the fundamental subjects of the Louise, all of them be ing coisideied front the piactical point of view The i»ogiam calls for thirty-hoe two-hour meetings of each class DR. DUTCHER SPEAKS Prof. it Adams Gather, head of the dcpaltment of agrieultmal and biological ellemistly, addressed the annual agricultural meeting of the Uniontown Rotary Club, the State Vegetable Growers' Association at Harrisburg and the Philadelphia County Medical Society last meek. GRAPPLERS SECURE 2 FALLS IN 27-0 WIN OVER ORANGE Eisenman, Long Gain Throws In Overwhelming Victory At Syracuse LION LEADER TRIUMPHS WITH LONG ADVANTAGE Nittany Matmen Start Training For Lafayette Contest Here Saint clay Penn State's fa',t-stepping wrestling team gave a weak Syracuve seven a 27 to 0 defeat in the Archbold gym nasium Saturday afternoon, Eisen man end - Long scoring falls. The Lions were apparent victors Dom the tinily stages of the meet, Every man with the exception at Campbell either threw his titan 01 had at least a five-minute ime advantage to Ins cied,t. Campbell, opposing 'Jamieson, one of the strongest men on the Orange squad, played safe du, ng the °Mile regulation bout, neither man going to the mats During the first extra period neither vas able to scenic a tune advantage but in the second period Campbell un leashed some ieserve sti ength and non by a time advantage of 1 minute and 51 seconds. EZ12131 Eiseman and Long had little di f.! I ficulty getting their decisions by fallsa Using a half-Nelson and aim lock the I , former thiess his man after d minutes and 56 seconds. Captmn Cum, n!t'i I whom Eiseman was scheduled to urestle nes declared ineligible and Woodside took his place The bout nas held up tot a few minutes soon, kfter it skated. A head injury to tm 'Eiseman as the two bumped heads, in an attempt to secure a hold, thew blood! and the referee called' tulle out anti the Hound mould be dicissed. (ContmuLa page), BERGMAN SELECTS SPECIAL PROGRAM Military Ball Orchestra Head Dedicates Composition To Annual Affair Friday Mmov Belgnuin', otthestia, popu lm WelAtek Aall onteltamels of Pats burgh, has ananged to plesent a spe clai prom am or dance ni,mc nppio imate tot the Militaty Ball. all• Col logo function In Recacittion Hull Fu Heeding a list of ..elutions will he, the Lli," a compwation . Iv preparation for the annual State rittcn In Bei glean acrd dechtatet, the annuid affair heir "Mai eh or Int`"t,°// e Ma t e Glee Club Contest to the Vagabonds" "A E. F Medley be held Fi Feb, on, y 22 in Cal- Waltz " and othei songs possessing acme Hall, Pittsburgh, Dilettoi Rich- Gi ant is .electing the men Co: 111111W:ram theme will be into , - I an! W %Pet ,ith numbei s The I the °sent by having the cand,lates inns e will be augmented at van win hing individually the numbers to in time , . by bugle calls sod, as assembly, u.'ed to the coioi recall, and taps In addition to the pi ire song, "Songs oUp of v..to, neeo l d- Sly Mother Taught Me," by Mon al., ing ae t.sts appeared here Sri the flint , the Penn State Glee Club will sing as time at the Senior Ball last yeal its choice song "To Ai ms' by Mon- Since that time the oi chesti • Iran dur Its college song Dill be "Blue achieved .‘ national reputation due to innil White" (.0111(TI t lit °whilst nom Wolistei Ilall , Following the contest in Pittsbin gh, ht Pak', igh i ado, stations With the songstu s «ill give 0 conceit in the possible inception of too inns , Johnstown, Slam da.„ February tans the nicliesti a comp, ising ten E..?ecial numb. s consisting of ipai un seen in addition to the leader, till be I ha selections by Miss Mar thu .1. go thic same as the one that played here 1 1,, et.ht 'go , 'en/Z. I W the ViumtY Qnat a veal. ago I tit, and a sleight-of-hand pei for ma nce An alit:ol%e dance ;napalm will be , by Bob. t G. Thinsher '3l, o ill lie drill ibuted to the guests. The coned. ',resented. The song. , uwJ in the is black with it golden eagle embossed I contest will be r client.' at the conceit upon it, the conventioal militaristic Iby the entire club 'Largo" Lion symbol A gold second page showing Dvinak's New World Sy nipliony svtll beneath the cover templates tile riled l also be sung. Frothy Editors Emulate Predecessors In Annual Issue Dedicated to R.0.T.0 I.,^ss vehement than then jesting pi nlccc.aolo in attaelo, veibal, w it. ten and illustrated, on the College It 0 T C, fun-makers make the best of their °ppm tunity in the annual 11,1ilitely Ball edition, roe ealed to pub], ryes yotei day. An espresvon of complete satisfac tion lights the lace of a front-eocci Newton(' of Elie con Stroheini or seine equally distinguished einema soldiel as lie gain, 11\eillyat his my th ieul sweetheal t, m whatever she is called in the Old Weild The norm, In the opinion of commis males, Is chstinetly professional in charactet Fiothy's nit statf 5101 es its biggest hit in the current issue with a wealth of doom illustrations. Not the least noteworthy 1% n pictonal version of Gus Stomp nod his nulitaristic week end accomplice by David R. Bevan '29. Tatirgiatt. Twin-Brother Act Fools Wily Houck "Leo, here conies Epstein and he's not limping," a joyous second assistant boxing manager informed Coach Houck Friday afternoon as stolid youth walked briskly to ward the Recreation Hall sing The face of the Nittany mentor virtually glossed because the prom ising bantamweight, who hail torn ligament in Ins leg on the eve of the western Maryland meet, was not etpected to return to varsity ranks until this week But Leo's :ado: turned to dismay when the 115. pound pumhei, limping, step ped frown behind the advancing form of Ills twin Mother, Philip. Philip is enrolled here for the second semester and, having no thing to do, he decided to wink out with the boxers, Julius, the Lion bantamweight, ewplained to the :maned Nittany coach. 3 TRACKMEN ENTER PHILADELPHIA MEET Bill Cox, OlTenhauser Vie in Mile Special at Meadowbroolc Games Tonight BATES, FORMER LION ACE REGISTERS FOR SPRINTS Amid a ';alai' of 01,onpic, intet collegiate, and national tack cham pions, three Penn State men, pro ducts of Coach Nate Cartmell's tiger ous training, tall vie Lot honors in the annual Meadowbiook Gaines at Philadelphia tonight. Bill CON, light of the Nittany tied. and for• two years intercollegiate ctoss•country champion, in company with his teammate George Offenhaus traseled to the Quaker City, fol lowing competition in the Millrose Games at New Yorl. Satui day night AL Fates. formes Lion trackman who finished thud in the Olympic broad jump, also has enter.' the Philadcl phir classic Cox and Offenhauset both will stall it the Overton mile, while Bates is scheduled to compete m the invitatior spent. Geroge was formerly este, cd in the famous Meadow brook 060, (Continued on thud page) GLEEMEN PREPARE FOR ANNUAL STATE MATCH Candidates Sing Indis idually As Director Grant Selects Group Personnel A two-page spread depicting the Milani, Ball "As It Should Be" and 'As it Really Is" created a fa,olable she in student tanks .liareph T D'Aqostino 'ti. and Albert F Bell collaboiated in its ',iodation. The ,eri,e and al:wine description dedi sated "To Glace" is another inteiest ing item on the issue Not to be outdone by then co-work el., Cecil Libel inan and Elilmaid G Lein 'B2, Join heads in an illustrat ed satire entitled "Marl Time." %tun also contlibutcs vivid sketches of "Mown Sugar" and "limit Chocolate" A luhe-usum assault on Penn State tialitions, the Student Tribunal, the College Adiannstiation, and It. 0 T. C., all in the same editorial, and a yeu-and-no treatment of co•cds, eons plise the gienter pot Lion of a newly aL La:l;M edam ml page, 'COLLEGE TO CONFER 80 DEGREES TONIGHT CORRECTION The President's reception for mid-year graduates urll be held at the Preside It's re.alence this after noon front 3 30 to 5 o'clock Instead of Friday «Rem,on as announced in the last issue of the COLLEGIAN. STEVE HAMAS MAY JOIN BOXING TEAM Former Heavyweight Champion Expected To Don Closes Against Temple WOLFF-BELOFF BOUT AS EXHIBITION IS PROPOSED Although the inteicollegh.te ham pion of too veins ago denies the iu wor, thole is etery indication that Stese llamas VA don the padded glo‘eo, if not foi the Penn meet Sat urday, againr,t the Temple heavy weight in the Itecieation Hall ring the follonmg neck Friends of the Lion athlete, nho Ispues to the unprecedented feat of winning ten letters, believe that he nrraous to join the boxing team Hama:, is untualb eel lain of his let ter in bast etball, it is said, but be ould like to stay s the cow t team until the end of the season limb for Action The Nittany hearysseight, who en tered the inteicollegiates at Sylacuati 'in 1927 on a moment's notice and an ne‘ed the title, has donned the glen es ,in p.actice sessions a number of times this year and is in fighting condition. It is likely that llamas will entrain !for Pittsburgh with the basketbr team this week-end, and peiform snitn both the boxing and court tennis here irelmun y 23 Since the basketball team tours New York state the same week-end the mitmen encounter Georgetown and Navy on successice nights 'n alien rings, that is the only possible conflict in the demands for Stew's set vices The court season closes here March 9, the Caine day that West Viiginia's mit team in‘ades the Lion tan A dial meet v. nth Syi acu away Match 16 precedes the hosing into collegiates, v hich will be held lime March 22 and 21. With the addition of llamas, Coach Leo Muth could have a formidable ti in in the heasyweight•clauses Then 'Alta tv MeAndieus would display his ftstie v.aies in the light-hravylueight ch,tuion nHe C.•PLun Alhc Wo lf guaid, his inidille,eight eiosn An R elterv. eight C1111:001\ a etui r to the honing ran'.., is uncei Lain bccause of pal rota! op noqtion It itli Chuck Robb ilcclai ad fm into, olleloate eoripeti- Von, the loss of Cal dent insult! ha .1 .on cte blow to Penn State's champion ship hopes Unless Wilfot d chould flash u.pi of-' ed fvm, the nalaitaz of a Irelteit. Litchi will pi esent m• ny difficulties 'I he only t molt addition to the 1 la-pound, .mks is lank Davis, a I/101111,11g %PI RAN contender two yeai ..go An- . other aisle scho may qualify fm the bei th le Kant Cn Lipp of last }cal'., fieshinan team. I Boni Cason], who gars a a efel.ln NV ester n Plan yland Indite eight stiff opposition in his motet collegi ite de (Continued on thud page) PLEBES TO MEET PITTSBURGH FIVES Will Engage l'anther Cub+ Frulas Carnegie 'fedi Saturiln) on 'Erin With 4iti,ll) Resuming practice Ist night after r respite alTinded by heal eNanuna-! Lam meek, roach Lai iy Cullom io nit lug Cr ahman coml ma.' Cages for the encoan'••is with Ihe Patti and G.irargin fe.n plel•es during Hurt annull invasion of Pittsburgh Pii-! Ala, nail Saturday. Us.atr ill m ith the result of the Badmen tilt Coach Conover will at tempt to develop a smoother monking condonatom than either of the too used ir the Bison contest Since none of the freshman are out standing, selector of .r lust team depends upon the 'Mowing mode in Tim Lice tonight and minor row. Taney, Snyder, Tomb, Fletcher or Davis com prise the group of fan m a. d candidates. 11:ngle promising geoid, has left school and Besdek, Wilson and Cooper remain to contest the guard positions. The trio of centeis, [lined, Hamil ton, and Hammond till bane action m the opening contest, and too of these MO to be et wen to make the law. PRICE FIVE CENTS BRUMBAUGH WILL :PEAK Ex-Governor, Now Head Of Juniata College, Announces Topic GRADUATION EXERCISES BEGIN AT 7:30 O'CLOCK Program Lists 72 Seniors and 8 Advanced Students as Mid-Year Eligibles Degnees en al he awarded to son out> - tmo semis and sight advanced echo!- , ars at the sideenth annual mud-near ' Commencement commons to be held Stimali nuillton,um 730 o'clock tonight. Thin ty-fiee of the Lemons ale candi dates for the degree of Bachelor of Ails, thnty-seven will be pant ed the Bachelor of Science degree Of the athanced (Tepees four me for Masten of Ants, one Muster of Science, one Engineer of Mines, and tm,o for Doctor of Philosophy. E2II=II Fiiat honors lot the gunk:atom !class stele awarded to Benjamin 13. Dam. Nellie Bustin, Kathrin E. Ful ton Louis Lee, Sound Pedersen ana Gladys M Quigg Tnose leceiving second honors mem Eurene W Donald W Campbell, lie , e M Coast, Robot It Notion and John M Urban The School of Libeial Atti lead, aith to ent-foil. graduates, tne School of Engineming is second to enty-one Snteeo lease the School of Education, six the School of Agli coital°, and Ilse horn the other to,o schools Commencement Sneaker The Commencement addie,s v ill be dehveted by the Horiorable 'Alai tin G. Brumbaugh, memdent di,Junmta col lege and Cosmos gos error of Pennml ennui The sperlsei is noled fm hi, work in tne field of education and lot his executne abilities EN:gate:no, Brumbaugh is a grad uate of Juanda college and Unn.ersdy of Pennsylvania Se, nal orals ago he w a, awarded the degree el Doctor , of Laws by Penn State as well as tint ' cr.its of Pittsburgh Luray Franklin and Mar , hall, and Smrm , Fauna utter city hat also confer red &glean upon him The liorm.ble Alr Brumbaugh ha, t vire served as president of Juniata. Ile first recened the office in 1895 and tem:rued until 1006 Ile has ...iced in the same capacity since 10 . 21 Ile N,IIS fowler tupelintendent of Philadelphia public schools and pro fessor of education .t the Unive.city of Pennsylvania For the term 1015 to 1510, he ban the goNerno. of Pirn , *Wall At in e,ent be , a Inembe3 of the State Bawd of Education aad uciase io ,onal work. Ile is the .uthot of several boo'.. and pamph lag and the edam of the lanuncotl Edacattunal amens Program for 'I might r,etatise of thr• ;Aden death or the lion .1 .1 Millei, pie ,ulc•nt Judge rd. tho !Alan,' tone t or .\llr•ghmry couhtn, Jadge II %%alto!) Mita.h , president of the Doan! of 'I instee., null be unable to mewl° at the Com m cement ova caw, P.emdent Ralph D Helen] cull late 'fudge Mitthtll s plate at the teleiannie% and cull Len ten the &glee, noon the grad:rite,. Fallen, mg the academic, nrou.staon Nor. John II Fi u✓oll, noting f olleno Lhaplann, will offer the nolo, aU•m. The ..ucht.nce and Lla, cull thou Join in singing "America, 1 he Beautiful.' renewing the , unit, the ginlo' Van , aty Qua. Let will gin e We numb. "My Lu•ly Clilo" by Clough-Leightel and "CypNy Lone Song" by 1.1et91 _ 'mho/ tlnheis of the gnat let art Misl Edna It Itodella '.:l, and Ma, Sala 10. Wo.ltea.l 'all, buptanoi, Sutt (Contlnued on thud paw-) Today -- The Bullosopher Discusses— Prociastinattion—Why? Editorials 1. A Current Events Test 2. Psychological Possibilities 3. Collegiate Definitions - - _