. ~, , , .: I,o' . P .; l ' l 4 TA'' Colgate's Lions F ' G Teeth . . i i• ~- - . .• ~ •-• i,..--'f.:-.Y.tt/ A.: . . '''' t s i 9.,. }•.•\.;.. : - ...f . ,•• • ,:••••7-('‘/40.6••:•‘,:: VOL. 25, No. 31 NMANY PASSERS VANQUISH MAROON COURTMEN, 49-27 lHazess, Reinhold Head Scoring List As Penn State Five Unleashes Attack BOLLERMAN TALLIES 9 COUNTS FOE COLGATE Captain Reilly, Stahley and Koch Show Defensive Prowess In One-Sided Fray Penn State's smooth working bas ketball machine, unleashing a whal n and passing and scoring attack, ove,- whelmed Colgate university's cage warriors, 49-27, Saturday night in the Recreation Hall Saturday's defeat was the second in succession fog the Maroonmen who loot by one point, 30-29, to Bucknell Friday night at Lewisburg. Coarh Lloyd Jordan's charges gave all the appeauinceo of staging a comeback in Saturday's game when they started scoring activities with a foul goal In the next few plays Colgate gained a margin of one point but the Nittany five retuined to the play with a selics of baskets before then opponents could get undo, way again. The Ma roon dnbblets tied the score once dur ing the first ten minutes of the open ing period but wet° forced to trail Coach Hermann's pioteges though out the remainder of the contest. Maness, Reinhold Star Jack Maness and Dick Reinhold wets the tao high scorers of the game and were by fat the most outstanding play ers on the floor Mares, led the Nit tany scoring attack with seven field goals during the twenty-two minutes that he tins in action In the first I alf the isintillating sophomore tossed three field goals but tins also charged aith three personal fouls. Bernie Jacobson replaced hint at the right forward post and remained in that position until the middle of the sec oril—vislt when Morena again entered the fray, scoring four, more double deckers. Dick Reinhold was not fat behind Ilasess in the scoring line, accounting for five field goals and thice out of four fouls Continually on the ide¢ for scoring opportunities he more than once slipped away from the opposing guards to take a successful shot at the basket. ndll). Stalllcy OuNtanding Captain Lou Redly guailled Bollet man,center and captain of the Colgate team, in a praise-u of thy !flannel and t.coied one more field goal than the latter. Lou accounted Lot fout two pointers while his opponent who tow ered Mime him, dropped in three bas kets and title° fouls. BoHeiman, with nine points lino high scorer for the ilfatoon Skip Stahley and Alt Koch played with their usual effectiveness at the defensive positions On numerous oc casions the two Lion guards broke up well-directed Colgate thiucts and pie yonted unwarranted scoting on the part of their opponents Shippei toss ed the leather sphere into the mesh three times and made good one out of tuo penalty attempts. Koch Joined the Nittany sensing tanks with ono field goal and two fouls. Colgate Takes Lead Shortly after the game stinted Don ache. Platoon left remold, caged a foul goal to place Colgate in the lead by one point Dick Reinhold tetal hated on the next play, however, with a short toss flora the court to revelse lhe maigm. Captain Bollerman's field goal from neat the basket gave his loam the point advantage for the sec ond and last time Stithley and Rein hold returned with a double-decker each float the side of the floor to inal,e the score 041. BoHeiman gemmed another point, this tame on a technical foul, .r, Cy cushy replaced Monier at tit., Platoon right guard position. Koch tossed two fouls and Capes tetaliatecl with a pretty cut shot. With ten minutes (Continued on last page) 40 Faculty Members Attend Farm Display Forty =labels of the faculty of the School of Agriculture attended the meetings of the thiacenth annu• al Faim Products show at Ilan isburg this week. Addresses by toenty-nine of those attending from Penn State mere a part of the program Dean Ralph I. Watts and ENten• mon Director Milton S. McDowell of the School of Agriculture are mcm berg of the State Farm Pi °duets Show commission which is tesponsible for this gathetung. Nine others of the agriculture school hold °dices in the subordinate poups of the organ ization. Intelligent College Canine Imitates Sage Professor Standing in a come of loom 108 University Club with a pair of spec- Lades on his nose and a pipe in hls mouth, a small brown and V. hit°, wire. haired, stumpy tailed Pup was doing his best to look dignified. Jiggs, the dignified one, is a puie bred fox terrier and is frequently seen following his master, Di Edwin S Rader of the agricultmal department about the campus. Ile is officially registered as "Jiggs" Reidel, College pup, Penn State 1926-10. WuWing to the dog who was sturd ily holding his pose Doctor Reider said softly, "Jiggs you're the handsomest and darndest foolish pup I ever did see Theme isn't a professor in tor u s can hold a candle to you when it comes to looking wise." town Unhappily, on going over t, Turning to an interested sisitoi this particulin breed, he met with a I Doctor Render said with Pi ide, "You tit I own think it but all that my pct. very smelly be eeeption fat a didn't 1 W months afterthat there was no living has teamed has been on his on in- happen to t. Pot thatkind of a c ittative. When I acquired him in with him and he felt dreadfully hurt ' 1920 from Colonel Dunn, one of Ross, "I named him Jiggs after the come volt's Rough Riders, who was stations(' chn,,,,tet." declared Doctor Reidet, at Boalsburg several years ago, he °because he's bringing up lathes. Be ! could not do a single tricl Now he i foie I acquired him I wasn't getting comes to me and practically pleads to out-of-doors often enough but with be taught how to do things. Once he ,Jiggs to tug° me, I get plenty of IS given a job he does it *yell, setting, flesh air now He is bunging up me a good example." !father and making a good Job of it." RIFLE TEAM WINS I GRAPPLERS TRAIN SYRACUSE MATCH , FOR FIRST MEET Undefeated Nittany Riflemen Engage in Competition For Arca Trophy NIMRODS SCHEDULE FOUR CONTESTS, TWO AT HOME Official tabulation of the targets ex changed between the Penn State and Syracuse rifle teams after a tele giaplue 'meet last neck resulted 'in the Lion shooters being declared the winners by a sem° of 3608 to 3590. The victory keeps intact Penn State's skinning streak. The Nittany riflemen have not been defeated this year. Cornell, Wil liams, C C N. Y., Maine, M. I T. and It P. I. are some of the tolleges they have met thus far. Third Corps Area Titleholders The Lion marksmen are now engag ed in the compeliton for the Third Corps Area championship, which in cludes the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D. C. Victory this year will give Penn State permanent possession of the championship trophy having won the title the pimt two year, Captain Roy T. Rouse, coach, is optimistic over the chance for victory. In a telegraphic match Saturday, the team will encounter the represent atives of Rutgers, Columbia, North Dakota, and the Georgia School of Technology. Shoulder-to-Shoulder Matches Four shoulder-to-shoulder contests ate included in the schedule; the in tercollegmtes at Pittsbuigh, Navy at Annapolis, and Gettysburg and Lehigh hem This is the first year in the history of the sport here that total teams still be met on the home Lange. `Prayer Yearning For God,' Frizzell Tells Chapelgoers "Can the model n man play" was the suhtmt of Piet. John It Fi 'melt of the English dep.iitment when he athltelsed the chapel aJoemhlage Sun day morning. "Modern mon can pray," declined linofcssur Fruwell, "pine ding he knows what propel Is Any person willing to model Ills own ployets of ten the Lond's platen can play con sistently, but most people say it so often that they don't Icahn of what it consists." he continued, "It a moment of stiess," asserted the speaker, "even scoffers will break out in player. It may sound like pro fanity but it is in nudity , a player gone wrung." Continuing his subject Piofessoi Friczell stated that most people hose been taught from childhood to enter pleas in then players and thereby have gotten the idea that the pm pose of prayer is merely foe asking. I "That is the wrong attitude," as- salted the speaker. "True plater is the reaching out of the soul for some thing outside and highm up from our universe. It is the 3cainmg of the soul to find God." - _ STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1929 A look of desperation had been giadually cnetcoming the dog's face while his master sins talking Fin ally, the visitor pitying his predica ment placed a piece of paper at his feet. With a look of gtatitude Jiggs snatched at the pipet, placed it at his owner's feet and with his cars %vig il:lg expectantly awaited his appro bation. A pat on the head sent hun into a frenzy of joy. In reply to a question asked by the visitor Doctor Roulet asserted that Jiggs never baron cats. "Speaking of cats reminds me of an incident that occurred two years ago," he said. "We were out in the woods one day on one of out excursions when Jiggs thought he saw a common house cut under a tree. He had been trained to be Slimily with eats and had struck up a friendship with seveial about First Team Remains Uncertain As Coach Speidel Revises Line-up in Practice FINAL SELECTIONS BEGIN WITH BOUTS TOMORROW Rest moments will he a novelty Los members of the Lion %nestling squad during the remaindel of this week as Coach -- SPeidel puts his charges through a series of dual matches in preparation for the opening of the season with Ohio university Saturday in the Recreation Hall While the test Saturday is not ex pected to he a difficult one the Nit taoy 'imam it taking no chances Un certain as to his starting line-up he has been wetting against each other the too most promising candidates for the same position, to learn then abil ities Although dual matches between a piebald° first team and those con tending Los the positions on the sat sity have been held since the Intel class scrap, nothing definite has de veloped. As a final test to secure the strongest man for each position a regulation meet will lie held tomorrow afternoon. The winners still owlishly be those selected to sseal the Lion colors in the opening flay Dearth of Heavy a eights Still !aching any real heavyweights Coach Speidel has changed his candi dates mound until he has formidable men in all of the hea‘iel classes Fut. ther e‘pelience in the heavy classes is expected for the second meet when Cranmei, logical heavyweight repre sentative, will be eligible. Low schol astic standing last semestel prevents him flom pal ticipating in the 51 en mg tilt In Saturday'. contest it seems likely that Peas ce will stint as heavyweight, Long at 175 and Campbell at 158- pound classes With the ictuin of Clannier, Long will go back to his regular position at 158, if he is able to displace Campbell, and Grantee and Peatca will cony the heavy weights Emenman seems to have the edge in the :45-pourd class although Stein, pliady soplionwie, has shown input development ditung the last week. Robley and Cowell ale having a meiry battle in the 135-pound divi sion with the twiner conceded a slight (Continued on last page) American Association of University Professors Elects Dr. F. L. Pattee Di. Fled Lewis Puttee, in Dresser Five men, pioniincnt in national omei itus of American latelatui e, was.and international atran s, were elected • elected to membei ship in the AMCII-I to membership at the meeting. 13e cnn Association of University Picifeb-Isides Doctoi Pollee those elected cycle sots at its annual meeting in New J 111. Cotten, to onnnent educator and York City recently. editor of School and Society, Mimi- The association is a group of overtioial magazine; Vellum Kelley, of the 0,000 protease. of recognized col- I National Beseech Council; J. C. Mei loges and universities thioughoul the: iam, n membei of the Cal negic In- United States. Those who have 1119-Istitution at IVashington. D. C, and L tinguished themselves as educators S Rowe, head of the Pan-American but have ceased to teach are elected Union and leading autlim ity on for ts honorary nieniheiship in the or- eign telations with Cential and South ganization. I American countries. _ MARSHALL WILL JOIN MAJOR LEAGUE TEAM Ranking a. one of the best for watds in collegiate soccer clicks, Dick Marshall, captain of Penn State's undefeated 1928 booteis, will tey for a position on the Beth lehem Stccl team it N. 34 announced recently Maishall nits been a member of the Nittany soccer team fm thine years and is -onceded a place on the mythical All Ammican soccer team by a majmity of college soc cer coaches GLEE CLUB ENTERS CHAMPIONSHIP SING Songsters Will Compete With G Pennsylvania Colleges in Annual Conte.l TO TRY FOR PERMANENT POSSESSION OF TROPHY With ti,o legs on the cup offered by the Pittsbuigh Pies, already won, the Penn State Glee Club will enter tne third annual State Intercollegiate Glee Club contest in Ciirnegie Pittsburgh, Fuday, February 22 Seven colleges and uniimmties, Carnegie Tech, Pitt, AVarhington and Jefferson Allegheny, Juniata, Buil, nell, and Penn State, have entered the competition. Songster , . Victorious in 1927-23 In both 1027 and 1021 the CoPeqe songster , . cineiged ‘ictormtr, A sic tot, this year will give Penn State permanent possession of the cham pionship tiophy. The wink' of the College chorus in the 1028 contest was highly pi mood by tinivoy Gaul, music male of the Pittsbuigh PlO3O, and one of the out standing music authorities in Pitts burgh Director Grant Organizer The purpose of the competition is to cneouiage male voice singing of the highest excellence among the college., and uniNetsities of thi . Common waalth " Richatd W Grant, dnector of mu sic, 'ens responsible foe mganicing the colleges of Pennsyhania into a competing group and is piesident of the State Inteieollef,nate Mcsic Coun cil Suvilar state and regional sings will be held ban een mole than one hundred college glee clubs in all see. tions of the country. The active dneeting of the compe tition will he in the hands of a com mittee chosen fr on, the alumni of the institution. entered. Penn State will be represented by P R. Bossetrnan of Pittsbutgh MILITARY DANCE HEADS SELECT BALL PROGRAM Committee Chooses Favor With Black Background and Army Insignia Selection of a pi egi,uo combining a black bachgtound with a milit.ity insignia stamped in gold upon it has been made by the ?Main.) , Ball com mittee fin Ohs second all-College dance to lie held in the Itcci cation Feblusny 13 It Ohs fi atetnities signify then im p:twat of the calming sisteni used by the Senior Ball committee, ar iimgements will be made fat its adoption at the military function. inaninaltun will be obtained when the f ratei mho thaw fin booths. 011isials lit change announce that special ieseivattons lire being made in the mutter of booths fin the min tram nay student °flaws and guests The committee has completed final angeinents with Deaey gman's Webster Hell °idlest.. and a definite el:naiad, has been sigred In °ldol that the acoustics of the Hall will be implored in time work has been .taited and it is e pected to have the shell completed a week in advance of the dance Lull 13ititt. EMINENT AUTHORS WILL LECTURE AT ENGLISH INSTITUTE Joseph Hergesheimer, Vachel Lindsay and Others To Conduct Courses STAFF INCLUDES POETS, NOVELISTS, DRARATIMS Dr. Otton Lmte, Former Penn State Faculty Member, Chosen Director Si eminent !cantos and watch base been chosen to constitute the staff of the summer session Institute of English Education according to plans piepaied by Dean Will G. Chamber, dircetoi of the session. Di. Oiton Lose. head of the E'n,:- I,sh depaitnient at Miami univocal., has been chosen dii ado, of the Insti tute Doctor Lou° has been foi man 3 3 CRIS ducctor of English in the State depot Intent of Public Insti uction, and star last sea a menitei of the e ten sion staff bete :Umbers of Faculty Heading the list of autholities, Jo seph Heigeslimmei, PulesAvaniii novelist earl shmt stony wiitei, null Conduct a noun SC on "Recent Amen can Fiction" The winter is a con tiibutoi to the Saturday ENening Post and other magazine, as uell as author of many books, including "The Three Blank Pennies" One of the first lectuieis of this comae will he Eduard Dasison, Eng lish poet. LH Davison, Al Ins vas here during the Inst. English lust,- (Continual on third page) DR, W. F. DUNAWAY ADDRESSES CROUP Teta to Gamma Mu. 501..al Science Fraternity, in University Club ORGANIZATION INITIATES NEW STUDENT MEMBERS Dr VI Ryland F. Dunauay, piores• sot of American histmy, addressel 111.11i/01s and pledges of Pi Gamma Mu. honoietv sooial sclera° fiateint ty of which he is mesident, on "The Floral Racial Staain in Colonial Pennsyhania" at a dinner in the I.lnivosity Club Satin day night With this !cello°, the Penn State chapter, .Inch was organwed last yeah, began its activity in social sci once ieseaich work Two objects ale included in the program dhai, n up by the officials of the society They hope by ananging lectures on topics !elating to the social sci on..., to pi o‘ide oppoitunity foi the e•ehange of ideas and computing notes among the campus scholais, who have hum cal hl on investiga tions in history, economics, philoso phy- and the political and social elites under chscoulaging uhcuni stances. It Is the nom of the in ganiza tam to interest m a and women stu dent,. of weal. ng nhalat ship in the possibilities of research In thin 10. spective fields These pm sons will also be gn en an onion tunity to ad d! ess the membel.ahlii .mil the pub- Facult: , nimbus who i month joined the hunouuy f r.xtel nay ale of William V Dennis of the agi i• Lanni al econonins dep. l mont, Charles C Pete, s, °lessen of edu cation and do eLtoi of edticator al I e bea I Lil .1111 i DI Hem} Alden for of the department of Instuly and poll t cal silence OU,e,s N, ho s Ole admitted Roland C Bur ton '2l, Cai m C. Cul -lan '29, Eilwni d II Hawkins '2", John M Ut bon '2O, IV ilhanl A. Rolm tson 'Of , James 'l' Wolfe 'JO, Retta 13c,t0 '29, Alvin R hienbeig '29, and Jack It Riehauls 039 Tribunal To Take Roll At Freshman Meetings To eectne a huger attendance of fi eshinen at class nieetingv di node measure, will he tal.en In , the Stu dent Tri!mid to punish time who fad to attend, it was announced .c.i terilay by Geoige Delp '2l piesalent of the Tillman! A plan has been suggested whet u• be. the ft esbinan handbooks may he used us a means of cheek upon those not attending. Uppmelassmen and fratermVes ate asked to coopetate enfolung attendance at the meet. tags Trustees Decide To Raze And Rebuild Old Main; Start in June Work Wil JUNIORS PLACE NAMES ON 'LA VIE' GRATIS Since the La Vie treasury has been found adequate to bear the aeditional expenditure, Jurnots have then names inst.] bed flee of c' ha charge on one of the two an rual. which each one will teem, The photom aphis section of tainru.3 scenes has been completed and the indicidual pictures v. ill be placed on a light blue background Lim& red by a Grecianant& Two poems wibentted by Scott F. Geosey wdl be used as main di- Indus BOXERS FACE TEST ; ~ tlet,ton of the Boilld of Tat, IN OFNING BATTLE. tees, Old Mato ,111 be completely 1 . it. tr. , tout dots n and teloult Guth the ttentit- I ete.l limestone of the 70-) eat ohl It; uctut e Retlnsti Junto mto I. Is Impressne Record of Western ,Lbcdalul to Ao t tally to June Maryland Augurs 111 I The t. estee, hale .tutho•wed then at chtLeetutal cotton. ttee to in nerve For Rmgmen : plans and ~ pecificatton. fot the mon- :struttion of the building Pielinnnaly TEAM SELECTION HINGES ip i tis id o u f ae tl r in of 'Co i l , l h em , ll;l l, l , lt ‘ et h t, ,,, Cha l 19e, the Dnaid, and nuil. ' n ' ig " ON UNCERTAIN WEIGHIS .PP/ °%ed be !pldn., ale non being diann up Present Plans Scleet , on of Penn State's m; :r Ind team to the piesent plans, the remain in doubt until the ere o. limestone of the old structure willsic the opening meet, Coach Leo Houck used m ,ehmithme, and the general admitted last night in Ins pie-semon constvuetion lines of the building or ill star cv of the 1029 ring c. ”P'"" Le retained There will be fetter Three triumphs in a row for the floors in the flea edifice, but it will La Western Maryland main. augur dl for the untested Lion bmeis when topped by a 150-foot clad. tower Student .rctrsrtres and the College they confront then southein ma's in admnistiation will ha centered in the the Recreation Hall ring Satutila3 , rebuilt Ohl Mute Student Union night. Three 1-3 %millets, met VII- Perm and emit Military Institute, quattets, student publiention and other Georgetown, bloadCast the apparent actiritrea rooms, a large lobby, health strength of Dick Harlow's charges. , set rice dispensary, cafetei or, campus societies inciting room, religious, as- Tough Foe ; Ir vales center, and thcatriurl rehearsal "Westet n Maryland nill be a tough hall are nouns of the featuim planned assignment for the first meet," Coma for the reconstructed building. Houck advised, "and I doubt if the, Slart 11 ork in June team I'll scut against Haile, 's ! Lunch will be knov n until late in the' , 3 .fl but the fist t,O flow, or the olesent building hale been sac a t ed. • "Weight is my biggest e bl ei„ , ” IL m eApetted that the ictonstruLtum k be slat led aft, Comment,- e continued. "and the unceaamtv weight confronts in almost e‘ely meet in June, " hen `l'` e- e c a n h e Pi" - , ided for the Writes still class That question may e.en !VON , the pe,onnel of the team in doubt , housed et the beddin g - - - until Saturday moining " The order in enhich the homy weight ho‘ois entei the loped ale. Saturday night centois about Captain Mho olff. If the inter collegiate title holder qualifies lot the 100-pound bet th, he hill probably oppose (,eor ge =t==3=!tl ,iable sllnt of one-i ound knockouts (Continued on ]n•t sign) CONOVER WILL SELECT PLEBE FIVE TOMORROW f:reNch May Flad Final Selection Difficult, Col Candidates Drplay Prowess Coach Lai tv Cono el, tomin low ingnt, will select the walling quintet which urn °wise the But:knell fie m iner 111 Re, cation Ilall Satuiday af tei noon no I , e °diming . conte,t of .1 font -game chtalule Since pi actice started seveial v (.12.1, • ago, Coach Cones er has line r Died a ' n imbet of pi oimsing Wave, Flom n glom, of twoot.;-fool, lm null choose the best fise Du, inq the pa, sev ca al days, matked Itt ogi 0, has been shoun by the mann of toe plebe. to mustcu ng the fundamentals of the game The seinaindet of the tulle will he used m dcveloping plats and di fen9ve tactic, ido.a. of the veal h•ag, al° ,Moul event , / inal,hml •n .Laul Coat., Conovel LIMO, he wall have some foully in making lus halal scion 1.1011 Thus Lau, Brandt and Hamilton have been evenly inalehed at a onto, the uiamale chouc home.: a loss-tl l , be fiwon Vle two POI' the fm U. 111.1 Ins. SlirllOlolll , me Joni oinb, 'fancy and 'Nai , te., all of have lem shine' ag clovetopmont. hell ,elealon malt le A. um th, aemil or the no cost too day, of m annanage Engle. 1.1,4.1,, Chapman, Shaun }bop:don and \Val on eonliaa 0 II sestet of guards fa ma what), Coach Conovei in, all nuke hate lanal eholte Engle and 13e7de1,, along walla Hamilton, fi,vdm,. and Tomb hale been the most pow°, ul quintet aiming ',wale°. JUDDERS I'LACE SECOND Penn St.thP, poultry Judgolg team won second pia." oolong ore college.; unopetn.g at A'adison Squin e Gol den, .lonualy 18. Ralph P. Allinneh '29. was the only nietnl,e,. of th,„ team to win an inchvolunl in we. The Penn State team of foul men was "...Idled by Mt Ettlett 11 Callenthtch June Daze Old Main PRICE FIVE CENTS 'APPROVE PRESENT PLANS Use of Limestone in Present Edifice Authorized 150-FOOT 'HAVER MAY I SURMOUNT STRUCTURE !Specifications Include Activity I Rooms. C.:felt:Ha. Lobby Atte,. int estnratton, elhelnig found madtlsable to attempt "oust! us thon of the land-otro thi ough lute I emit, content of the in t,ent These h,e 11111117 clack:, due to foundation sottl•neN, and entire IL consttnetion is•II be n.,ssitty pr u, clod part]•, by State apin opt lion and Outwit pledge, to the Col lege emelgent y building fund Adds tsonal building u ill depend upon legis lative appiopriattom, 111,tor) of Old limn The fist u mg of th_ presort build ing was erected no 185.), and contanual dornutoly looms, labclatm roe, cla,, nouns, and adranwatalloo °fat, In Decembet, 186,1, the At name was completed and ,matrted for setenal years the only building on the cumpu,. Woi 1, on the tone, of Old Matn, us it now stands, was lintsbed in 1604. For many ,cams OHS 11111101 innove ments um e adde.l mold 1014, a stone Lettuce ~as built at the Snort cal inua. SE, uul yea, ago the building I , out 0l the po tote a, a men's dot ow • It.(her tot' Vl,ll ago the attic and rttof 0,01 we, condemned and abandontd for genet al use DR. BURRELL RECEIVES APPOINTMENT BY fiTATE Lh .I.thin !ell, cooks-co of otational education and clitectoi of eachei's Tiaincrig . estop oon, nas at otved appolictimut by tin. State aunt Eclutation, to study corn, pondonte instiudion DoLtrn Millen mill ii.vestwate In tl 051 ion 14, m.ul toloo c ;hool the mind States Spec awl alu.ntion wall is green to tho twining and con 1111011 of Lemke, done thiough cot e coondeme tout., Today The Bullasophei Discusses-- 'Tl•c Show On" Editorials 1. A li4 thing Spell 2. An Indoor Track Meet?