Friday. December 7, 192 W 0 M 1-1, N ETIQUETTE W EEK Yes, again the \V. S a A spon sors Etiquette Week—this year in all town houses as well as on campus Again we are deluged with folders, posters appear in mass production. speeches arc c..haustiye and e‘hausting star v,vs of the subject All this being the case the question naturally arises, what's the use' ) Will the careless people remember any of it after they are no longer exposed to a,rapid fire of folders, posters and speeches Tl‘e folders are greeted us usual with "just the same as List year's" and the sane thing was said last yea] As a matter, of fact this }oar's folders differ from last year's by two sentences (The committee will present a few fold ers or a cast-off poster as a reward to anybody who can discover them. What's the use? yell, it might have sonic effect on somebody At least it can't be said that over} . body hasn't been es posed to it. Yes, Etiquette Week is here again GIRLS MAKE - PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES AfeAllistei 1101 l Chnstniag Party, all Old English festivity 'which is an nually olmei‘ed ll\ the moinen-sEnd ents, is being planned for I)ecembei 12 tinder Ow chnttm.imlnp of Pence Ankeny '2(l 'line loid and ladv of the mason, gn Fe selected Stem the Senior clays, The Keefer-Nolan Hardware "The 'Winchester Store" Two $5.50 Bendel Racer Sleds Chen allay the day berme Chi Eery school child entitled to one guess SEE OUR WINDOW 5: CHRISTMAS TOYS IN the race for making money, the importance of accumulating it in bank is often forgotten THE PEOPLES - NATIONAL BANK FRATERNITY JEWELRY ..?. Alm ny s Makes C1111 , 4=15 Brighter Ihop to zil Ihe Brandi Slore of •!: .1 . - ..1 ,17. ... ,!. L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY .:. :f. At Slums Clothing Store ••• ii! . .. *.Z. A wonderful nay to clear up you' Chi Mutes Gift troubles ...1: X 4,•:-:•:-:,:-:-.t.x-:•.:-.1-x•c-x”:”:-:-:-:.:-:-.:-:.4.:-:-:-:.:-.:÷:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:•:.:-:-:..s.,:i: Soft Coal Baskets For Fireplaces 22 1 / z inches N. 35 1 / 2 inches N. 9% inches (Inside Dimensions) $5.00 BACK WITH LION'S HEAD - $1.50 Back NI special mono'gtain can be furnished as desired by customer DEPARTMENT • OF INDUSTRIAL. ENGINEERING First Floor, Engineering B with then guests from neighbor ng 111111101$, representatives of the other classes, will make up the lord's table IA poet, cardinal, Jester ,, , and her olio scull also be in ,ent and a group or carolers from the Girls Glee Club snit ,mg Christihns licians. The candle- Ilight, the bare tables deemated with cAmgreen,, and the quinnt costumes 1,11 combine to create 11. bpical Old English atmosphere Culr•enmmlttee ell:mown e• I talde—Janc Clazk '2'l, costumes— Auer Boye '29; &math-Jos—J(3ooo - 1110.henut enteltamment—Jo seplone Lees 'BO Archery Is Added To List Of Sports According to Physical PaWaitron en thusiasts, archery will be a prominent sport this cornier A target Is being mode and bons and arrows have al ready made then appearance Mac tice nail be held on Holmes frtld after : all the equipment lies been procured Basketball practice began in the • Armory last Monday night at scene o'clock for the freshmen and at eight for upperclassmen Inter-dormitory game, will begin after Christmas, and will be folloned by inter-class games Public Stenographer abs.R .1. C. MILLER Idolkone 1 11-3 ;: Theses Alanusenots Reports CHRISTMAS GIFTS .;: Co-Eds Suffer From Vacation Anticipation Penn State has just sunned non than period and 1%111 soon be un del going another one The tenon "stil -1 need" and "undergoing" c. invite sick seas at disease, do they nor , Yci they scent fitting in so much an this ful at mound saention time ott 11,3 like, a (coin. take any other disease, &thinly symptoms accompany the oatiorm pet rads in its progress. rust there ate :calendars with certain 1103 s enendeu by emphatic and umnistahable r rng; In sonic cases, perhaps there ale ha.- or es ((11011 tine wall and queerly cumin,n each day there seems to he one les., figure Nest there is a mad rush at repro ts, exams and 1110111e4 The aug ust professor x ' delight m getting or such bother some necessities berme the perrods of recess The final and most pronounced symptom Is the questron, "When are you le.rvlngl" floor shady nsl,s everybody else this S' • f‘t '?1 01 0 1 0! .04,1r.VOLV.ANNANN•160 , 0:0006%t • % VIAN.;%••% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1•• ' ,11 - • CLEANESS .DYERS 131 ALLEN STREET Free . Delivery SPECIAL Suits cleaned and pressed $l.lO Heavy Overcoats Top Coats Open 7:30 A. M. to 6:00 P.M EAT AT THE PENN STATE CAFE BETTER MEALS ..„ • FOR - --- L \ E§S MONEY Variety and Quality .With Every Meal • itii E. COLLEGE AVE TIM PENN STATE COLLEGIAI4 question a handled tallies a day fan the lent few days Nobody inel tc nmonbcla—they ale S. I Went own, 'wag then nun tune of depilate. Pi/tally Um packing of hags, the Feranabling fat bones and ,atation os Itant stahonely make list net s‘n am! tnexnennwe Chrndmnq gifts Boxes at $l.OO and at Mr. Ohl Thant At t Shop. Itp -1 ...::-~:,., .......:•i WATCHES FOR CHRISTMAS HANN &O'NEAL'S :i:' l '::. Opp. Front Cznipto. ..:1 ('hone 61G This Changing World TO:da — y, you can see big build ings erected noiselessly—by electric welding. The structural steel worker is 'dropping his clattering ham mer for the electric arc. Silently, swiftly, rigidly, economically, buildings are being fabricated by electric welding, which knits steel with joints as strong as the metal itself. Building silently! Nothing seems impossible in this elec trical age. Not only in building construc tion,but in eveiyhuman activity, we instinctively turn to electric ity to add to the comforts of life and to eliminate the wastes of production—another evi dence that the electrical industry is maintaining its leadership in this changing world. c : LNJ _ Jil __L ==MMMtll2= A pencil put Peary on top of the world ®TITER explorers had peat personal courage,unlinutedenergvand vision untrammelled ; and failed But Peary had one thing more. He had the gi asp of every denil —ac seen in the care which guided the pencil in his host-cramped hand. Afcir each•day's march he calculated a methodical course to make sure of aA mitton.ruzde Jprem of t 8, coo ,000 mter-ronnertifig tetopboat: "OUR PIONEERING WORK - HAS JUST BEGUN" Not only industrial equipment, bur &Marx refrigerators, Mkzian Lamps, and little motors that add to the comforts of home, are manufactured by the General ricceric Company. All are identi fied by the G-1 monogram—a symbol of service. ELECT •IC \ , ~ ....„,t.,t, : ,, ,"1 , -:,. w•P:' - i — ,,lv.:A., , ';'• : -, ~.: V ,t z fs' '-,,,,.,,,,,, -- ... , N. . 7 1', s fz • ..-. -- ' lt; , :: 1 / 4 ‘- "V're,:' , , , ‘'S.....?;iiet ‘;,,,' ' "." -, ..4...... ,' ; -4 ~,,, ~_t,- - -., , ,-4 ,40,zi 0 t0.§.8 c' .. , : . ",-Avt - I' . • - ..''' , ,:]' 4) - t WO lc \.-.k_Nit , u;::*, , ,,' , 1-4 ' 4 " - --- ~V ~:te,,, - gl tm ; 7 6 Pt.-.. 4 ta.4 -~ , , , ,tit l - t. 4,:::,...i . 11 the nett day's progress to the Pole. To face each day's t eckoning as :t it were the most important of all days is characteristic of men in the telephone industry. That viewpoint, expressed in the vai ied terms of applied science, lab citatory research, financing and man agement,guides 13e11 System men in their respective fields of public service. BELL SYSTEM I'.„ islt C'? MEM f . .;;*