VOLUME 25 PART 2 didete—Herbert Hoover, the Repubhean norm nee, as he lanced when a sophomore m 1894. It was at Stanford that he met Mrs Hoover. Probably they strolled together wader the picturesque arches and the charming winding drives of the Palo Alto campus Nat urally, Stanford is proud of its illustrious alumnus who came there as a poor boy and worked his way to an en. gincering degree—and then to fame and fortune. The should be an inspiration to all undergraduates. Of course, there are not enough presidential nominations to go around, but that problem can probably be solved by some brainy student. II / 0 ,114 Sj putt a r ',,5-7,,,,,-,,-:,-,.: ,_ ,„_:.., Editor, L. H. Bell, Jr WZ=EI STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1928 Totirgiatt. Business Manager, Wilham S. Turner NUMBER 12 J Ottaway, of he Umveralty of he largest in the sod Underwood)