by trips honie" Thrs toot in all elections Such students Notices should get in touch with their local - - • county committees Sol work atound the polls on election day Any student who is intemsted in this work can find out the name of the chairman in the county in which he uses by applying at the campaign office in Old Main. A list of county leaders wall be punted in the COLLEG IAN in a future issue. nap°, tent business rocellag an State Poultry Club ,tll be gut at 7 o'clock shall, 'a i Hatt -0- Mill be a mooting of A S C L at 7 15 o'clock m Room 200 -0— of fieshmen and sopho gm ml candidates for troth • night at 7 o'clock in loom Main. Lion Soccermen Down Maroon, Tie Haverford (Continued fioin first page) lest Tao nose goals were hiel.eil during the final two periods. r Declares Bond endment Needless After a one day tesi, during ninth Edgerton was under the care of a doctor, the Lion team played the flineiford eleven to a two extra per iod scoreless tie game. tinued from first page) utlook Encouraging s an encouraging pionuse of the next biennium, College belseie It is pointed out, that abut the Pennsyhania 'liege needs is assured sop- a building program mhich duie for eight or ten years, State official can force the future legislatures In play, said Coach Jeffrey, the Main Linos appeared identical with the Altoona Shops team, which de feated the Lions in the opening fray. E\petience gained in that game en abled the Nittany elm en to success full!, repel any advances on its goal, but in the meantime continuing an attack on the opposition's line. Issue workers hate declared .at the campaign that only like the passage of Amend . 2 can give assurance of a cleat to finance the sustain ling program necessary to nn State on a pat with her nd-grant colleges This state as repeated more strongly sing of the Cot m nor's action. r Fisher's statement, how•- proof of the rising tide of •entmnent in fat or of State it is asserted Both halfback lines mere on n par. neither allouing the other to do any sensational playing. The Penn State forward line, however, proved to be much stronger and many times ad %rimed the ball to dangerous terri tory only to base it returned by the flashy Idaserford goalie :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: •sernor's statement seas issued .nse to Mm Johnson's inquest State esecutne acquaint the smth the facts conceining the sed bond issues to come be e electorate nt the election er i! DINE WITH YOUR FRIENDS I=l will be granted to all stu I igtble to rote, rot absence en PENN STATE CAFE Everything for Co-Eds SCHLOW'S UALITY SHOP 110 E. College Avenue STATE COLLEGE, PA. :1; * From all over this State, and farther yet, students flock together at Pennsylvania's own Temple of Learning At home they enjoyed the benefits of gaseous fuel, many realizing its value only since it is not available. But "Campus Life" need not be "Camp Life." The luring radiance of a hard wood the can be let y well (1 uplieated—lebb all inconven- iences by a gas RADIANTFIRE I : THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Heating Experts Hold Annual Reunion Here (Continued font first page) mont. Pt esident Ralph D. Meted and Dean Solicit L Sackett will address the assembly at the banquet. When the representatives gather Friday morning they will listen to the addresses of Mr. B. J. Sayles of the Calorismg company, Pittsburgh, Dr. John H. Hall, of the Taylor- Wharton Iron and Steel company, Mr. Wallace G. Imhoff, president of the Wallace G. Imhoff company, Pitts burgh. At the concluding session of the conference addresses will be made by Mt. Samuel Arnold, who is an en gineer and sales tepresentatave of the licroult Rlectrie Melting Furnace company and Mr. F. W. Warner, Jr, formerly research laboratory assist ant ssith the General Electric com pany. CLASSIFIED KNIFE AND SHEAR Sharpener— Best approved method used. Satis factory work guaranteed Frater nity and club work specially solic ited. Elwyn F. Lewis, 615 West College avenue Bell 456-J. LOST—Folding kodak. atrPenn game Sec. ND, ron 19. Return to W. F Helt, 117 East Beaver. Renard 10-21-2tp FOR SALE—Under good duplicating machine. Apply at office of Dean, School of Engine°ling, 204 Nov Mining building. 10-12-2tp Central Pennsylvania Gas Company IVANTEDecond-hand study tables. LOST—Parker fountain pen on Mc- Call 21. - ltp Allister street between Prospect and Fairmount, Fu day afternoon Call Miss L Bell at 339 ltp FOR SALE—Upright piano w ith player, best make, good condition, baignin. Call Alumni aka. T ... f KEEFER-NOLAN HARDWARE CO. .. :!: f Headquarters for Guns and Ammunition :i: i: X J. The New Dry Back Caps, Coats, Pants ... - ' COMPLETE SUIT $15.00 =: .;. .t. :t• 1 * $ Dry Back or Your Money Back 3: t-H-:•++++++÷÷4.÷:÷:-:-:-:-..÷:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-x-x-:44-x-H-R-H÷:4. Have you ever tried asking your Mends? Any man who wears John Wards will tell the same story. • -The leathers in John Wards arc choicer, wear Letter. The fit and work Hotwater at a pre- determined, co n - 9 tan t temperatui e 1!:!IIIM=1111!Ell able ,with a gda Automatic Hot-Water 'System PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS cj.otnWead - tweivs Shoes 4444 -x -x4+++4444.44+44-:444+4444++++44444-H-144 -x-x-t .1: _ _____ CATERERS Order your Meats fOr the Week-end Fishburn's Meat Market Where Quality Prevails Cooking, frying, baking, coasting, Inoiling— done the scientific way—assures the student meal , ' "like mother used to make them" GAS RANGES With Automatic Heat Control and a Money-Saving Feature—with The Insulated Oven Tuesday, October 23, 1928 !-H-x-x-c-:-I , :k-w, , :-:-:-:-:»x-: