Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 23, 1928, Image 1

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' nut - tit
VOL. 25, NO. 12
Graduates Will Enroll
In Armory Office
Upon Arrival
Week-End Entertainment List
Includes Athletics, Mass
Meetings, Smoker
An influx of more than one thou
sand graduates and former students
of the College, who will gather here
this week-end to celebrate Penn
State's ninth annual Alumni Home
coming Day, is expected by Edwin
N. Sullivan 'l4, secretary of the
Alumni Association
Immediately upon arrival, alumni
sent register according to classes In
the Armory Reservations for rooms
have been arranged by the associa
tion for those who have failed to get
accommodations for the week-end
A 3-day pogrom of caned events
has been arianged by Mr. Earl B
Stavely 'l2, chairman of the commit
tee, for the exclusive enteitamment
of the foimei students The activi
ties of the week-end will begin with
a golf tournament for the alumni on
the College course at 1 o'clock Finlay
afternoon The links competition will
continue until Saturday noon.
➢lass Meeting
Following the golf tournament the
Club r eomposed of all alumni
who hose won a varsity letter at
Penn State, will hold its annual din
ner and meeting at the Centre Hills
Country club at 6 o'clock Friday
night A student-alumni mass meet
ing has been scheduled for 7 o'clock
that night in Schwab auditorium The
program will include short talks, prob
ably by President Ralph D Hetzel and
Coach Hugo Bezdek, and mum by
the College band. The mass meeting
will conclude Friday's events
. Three athletic contests will preside
diversion 'for the "old grads" Satur
day morning and afternoon. Penn
State's soccer team will oppose the
strong Syracuse hooters on Old Beav
er field at 10 o'clock in the mor sing.
At 10 30 o'clock Coach Nate Cart
mell's championship cross-country
team will race against the speedy
Syracuse distance men over the Col
lege 5-mile course
Varsity Versus Syracuse
Al the thud athletic engagement
with n Syincuse university varsity
temn 'Coach Hugo Herd° pack of
Nittany Lions will meet the formid
able gridlion amity of the New York
institution at 2 o'clock Satm day af
ternoon on Nose Beavet field Of
the si-c games between the two rivals
Syracuse has won four while Penn
State has emerged the victor only
once, the other contest insulting In
scoreless tie
Special exhibits prepared by
lous schools of the College will be
open to the inspection of the gradu
ates Satin day Dunning. The Penn
State Pouthy club will repeat its an
nual display of different bleeds and
‘aiieties of poultry fowls in the Stock
Pavilion Thursday, iday and Sat
Alumni and alumnae will gather in
the Armory at 8 o'clock Saturday
night for a geneial 'fleeting noncom.
mg the ploposed $8,000,000 Bond Is
sue for Penn State. TliC directors
and prominent lenders in the cam
paign, to secure a formable popular
onto for the amendment, will give
final instruction to the farmer stu
dents berme the November election.
With a pretzel in one hand, a mug
of cidei in the othei member, and a
"Dry Slitz" between the teeth of the
old "grads" will assemble in the Arm
ory at 0 30 o'clock for the annual
smoker and calm party. The visitors
ill be divided into theu• respective
dames and each group will, at some
time dining the smoke•, give its class
yell. The program committee has ex
tended an invitation to the faculty
and the senior class to attend the
smoker. Stunts and other innovations
rill be included in the entertainment
ogi am.
Following the general meeting in
the Atmoty Saturday night the
alumnae of the College will hold
their usual get-together in the Wo
men's Building.
Bell Ringer Tolls
Memories of Wild
`Rats' in Old Main
Joe, the Old Main bell ringer, who
has been in the College service for
more than twenty-eight years prob
ably knows more Old Main lose than
any other College employee. He has
enjoyed the pm ilege of watching
ninny of those spirited Old Main rats
who formerly ran wild about the halls
transformed into mature men of se
date mien and mild manners
"Yes sir," he says, "they were some
boys. You should have seen them
Hallowe'en night. When they got
loose they tore everything up One
time they went out and got old bug
gies, vegetables—anything loose that
they could lay their hands on and
filled up the wells formed by the
"An Arizona cowboy came to school
here. This boy was meek enough to
look at but he sure had a fire under
neath him One night the boys
thought he needed a little hazing so
they went over to the Unitersity
that's the University Club now, where
he was stayan' to see what they could
do Well, he met them nice enough
but when he saw what they was up
to, he pulled two guns and made tkein
climb through the transome."
Powerful,-Heavier Hillmen Buck
Opponents' Line for Five
Touchdowns, Safety
Displaying a brand of football sa
ior to that of Coach Hermann's
charges, the Syracuse yearling grid
iron machine, fired with the spurt of
victory from the opening kick-off
until the final minute of play, handed
Penn State's freshman eleven a de
cisive 35 to 0 defeat Saturday it
The Heimann coached gridmen were
within scoring distance twice but each
time they lacked the final punch to
push the oval across the goal line. The
Nrttany plebes were helpless against
the powerful and well aimed blows of
the heavier Syracusans Three tum
bles on the part of the Lion cubs at
critical periods during the battle en
abled the Orangemen to tally the same
number of touchdowns. The ragged
tackling of esery Penn State player
gave Syracuse a great advantage.
Syracuse scored its first touchdoun
in the opening quarter after the Nit
tanyites had plowed then may to then
opponents' 40-yard line. A bad pass
(cons center caused the Lion back to
(Continued on third page)
Eight. Penn State Graduates Sort e
As Overseers of National
Timber Regions
With 8 graduates son ng as sup
ervisors of national forests, the Penn
State school of forestry is represent
ed In many of the federal reserves of
the United States.
Mt Andrew Hutton who graduated
from Penn State in the class of 1914
is supervisor of the San Juan nation.
al forest in Colorado. Norton
Cope 'l5, IS in change of the Alabama
national forest and. Mt. J. T. Yar
nail 'lO, IS in charge of the White
Mountain reserve in New Hainpshne.
The Whitman National retest in
Oregon is supervised by Mr. John C
Kuhns of the class of 1912 while in
Virginia the Natural Budge forest
is controlled by .Mt H. M Seats 'l2
Penn State is represented in Alas
ka by Mr. R. A. Zeller 'l5, superin
tendent of the Ketchikan natio'hal
retest. Mr•. R. W. Shields 'll, is In
change of the Shenandoah finest in
Virginia. The Holy Close national
forest is under the supervision of Mr.
H. L. Bolden 'l2. The lotter forest
it located in Colorado and is a te
nter at 1,213,000 acres,
W.1177.'T4.1M‘71°6-41r7r5n41731T0211s , .
Under the auspices of the Penn
State Playa's, Tony Salg and his
maisonettes ',ill present "The Ad
ventures of Chlistopher Columbus"
in pantomime nest Wednesday night
in Schwab auditorium
Mr Sarg and his company base
been on the road for nine seasons,
plesenting appiosimately 400 per
formances each season. They ap
pealed hole twice before. In 1022
'Don Quixote" was 'Armed, while in
1025 "Treniute Island" was staged.
Industrial Representatives To
Discuss Experiments at
Annual Gathering
Representatives from every import
ant electric concern in the United
States will be present at the second
annual industrial electric heating con
ference which will be held here to
morrow, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, announces Prof. Witham R
Young of the engineering extension
department who is in charge of ar
Dean Robert L Sackett of the
School of Engineering will preside
once the first assembly of the officials
tomorrow. Addresses will be made
by Prof. J. Orvis Keller, head of the
department of engineering c‘tenmon.
Met C. E Russell of the Philadelphia
Electric company and Mt. R E Tal
ley, president of the George J. Hagan
company,of Prttsburgh.
A motion picture depicting the de
velopment of Industrial electric heat
ing will be shown
Second Da)'s Program
The meeting Thursday includes
talks by Mt. W. B. Wallis, president
of the Pittsburgh Electric Furnace
corporation, MI J. E Finales, of the
Simples. Engineering company, Mi.
E L Crosby, president and general
manager of the Detroit Eleatic Fur
nace company, Ali R W. Belles of
ton Duquesne Light company, Pitts
buigh, and Mi. N It Stanscl con
nected girth the General Electric com
A banquet and motion pictme are
scheduled for the evening's entet tam
(Continued on last page)
Complications Delay Production
Of Junior Annual—Collect
Fraternity Fees
With the work of the staff of the
1930 La Vic progiessing rapidly, the
task of publishing the annual will he
completed in the shortest possible
tune, according to F. Bruce Baldwin
Although delayed for a while by
unforeseen complications, the board
by intensive work has regained the
lost time Many of the individual
photographs have alicady been taken,
while most of the fraternities have
Paul the 5 dollar fee for the new
fraternity cut The ant staff also has
begun to function
Baldwin announces the appointment
of Silos Catoline S Haller '3O, us
music and dramatics editor; Miss
Eleanor E. Dutton '3O, and Miss Sue
K. Mattes '3O, as women's editons,
and Miss Louise Fitts '3O, Samuel E
Dent,len '3O, and Donald L \Veirman
'3O, to the photographic staff.
Penn State with an enrollment of ple university rank second and thud, i thud. Too other colleges non vast.
3,600 students and a teaching staff of 1 respectively. ;mg were established in the same year
375 tanks fortieth 01 respect to size us , Tim largest college
is Columbia
am. la, Penn State The oldest school In
the weld is the University or Pavia,
compared with all the colleges and I tersely of Wise York City which has , founded a , 8 05
Univeisities of the United States, of 135,000 students enrolled and 1,500 i - '
i In Canada, the Unsity of Mon.
which there are more than six hurl., teachers on the staff, while Buena herd is the I t and ti. Univei
dred, according to the latest stet's., Vista, a co.educational college at'
, !tle% of Toronto ' are' rin ' d Laval ' are sec.
tics taken from the 1027 edition of , Stolen Lake, lowa, is the smallest girth I S
land I thud
the Educational Directory of the U , 21 students and 16 faculty memb ''' L
P i r .::i i npaison of college enrollment,
S. Bureau of Education. Ness York university is the beCO,lll
I '
1101 the years 1022 and 1521 shows
I largest, and the Unn ersity of Cali..
Among the 08 Pennsylvania col- , that the attendance of the institu
i fornla ranks thud.
loges Penn State holds fourth place. Huns of higher learning has nearly
University of Plttsbuigh is the larg. ' Haivaid Is the oldest institution,doubled Thole west 270,000 men and
cut in the State since it has more than having been founded in 1636. Wit. 108,000 women enrolled in 1022, and
10,000 students and 800 teachers. The ham and Marv, established in 1493 in 1921, there were 410,000 men and
University of Pennsylvania and Tem.', and Yale, IR 1701, come second and 1245,000 women. -- _
State Executhe Will Set Aside
Building Funds inßudget
For Next 2 Years
Students Can Obtain Necessary
Excuses To-Cast Vote at
Home November 6
Governor John S Fisher, vonarg
Ins opinions Friday conttining the
proposed bond issues in an open letter
to Me Alba B Johnson, president of
the State Chamber of Co.nmeree, de
elated that lie is prepared to set aside
funds in his budget foe the next bi
ennium sufficient to miry do the Penn
State building piogram as outlined
The Bond Issue is needless, he assert
ed, since current revenue w'!! meet all
requneinents for the College
Containing the State College situ
ation Goo ernor Fisher stated that he
"prepared to include in the bud
get for the nest biennium sofficient
money for the general fund to con
tinue the building mogram on men
r greater scale" than it has been as
a result of the $1,000,000 approprir
(Continued on last page)
Strained Muscles 'Mir-, Prevent
Louis Lee From Entering
Syracuse Encounter
Stunned leg muselei may pievent
Louis Lee, second winking Nittany
haulm, horn flaunting the Blue and
White toga befoie the eyes of an
Alumni Day ciov.d Nchen Coach Nate
Caitmell's team of championship hill
and-claims oppose the pick of Syia
cuse distance men heie Saturday
morning as the opening clash of the
Lee has been inactive for sevelid
days The doss-country couch be
lieves that Lee's condition will be I:u
-nloved only by a sustained lest v.hich
it may be necessaiv to prolong for
another week, thereby eliminating lum
from the Syracuse encounter
31eisinger Trails Cox
Cluck Meisingei continued his rise
as a distance runner by dogging the
heels of Captain Coo throughout the
length of the course in Saturday's
trials. The fleet.footcd Lion leader
put on a finishing spurt to obtain a
lend of 5 seconds mei his pursuer at
the end of the Ire-rule grind
OlTenhituser completed the circuit
in third place with a tone of 26 min
utes and dl seconds, ten ~econds
slowei than Memingei Detwiler
nailed fourth girth Itehers, Ma
dill' finishing in the older named and
qualifying to represent Penn State
no\t Saturday.
Coach Cat tmell announced last week,
that he had teceived a communication!
flout Lonnie Kittle, a member of the
vaisity eons-country team last yea!,
stating that he is planning to hung
a team of Nanticoke high school att.'
lutes hole to encounter the ficshman
/tamers on Satuulay.
IS .1.11 1808 men scheduled to pass
m review at the first for motion under
arms of the year yesterday afternoon,
the Penn State R. 0. I'. C unit mus
tered a greater number of men than
ever before Of this number 1014 ar e
enrolled in t'9 infantry regiment.
while the engineers claim 794.
The unit is the largest in the Third
Corps Area, which includes the states
of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Vir
ginia The regiment of engineers is
the largest student engineering regi
ment in the United States.
Score S• 1 Victory Over Lafayette
And Fight To 0-0 Finish
With Haverford
Ar 8-1 victory over Lafayette,
Thursday, and a 0-0 tie with Haves
fold, Saturday should gne the Lion
soccermen an outstanding staff to
welds the Intercollegiate select crown
this season
Penn State in both contests dis
played a powerful defense while the
offense functioned smoothly although
v °ahemd by the loss of Edgerton and
Allen because of injuries
Little trouble was emmilented in
overcoming the gieen Lafayette train
It was in this game, honevei, that
Edgerton ironed an injury to his
left shin disabling him for the le
maindm of the game and finally caus
ing his remotal from the Ila‘eifoid
Lafayette Erratic
Playing a loose game, Lafayette
made many oilers in their kicking,
insulting in an injury to Edgerton
When Edgerton and a Lafayette for
waid sidle playing for the ball, the
latter, reaching the point first, made
sill lunge, only to miss the ball
entirely, and stoke an old sound on
the Lion halfback's leg
After a delayed start in the first
quaiebt the Nittany offense began to
function and three goals were kicked
as the end of the period fleeted The
second polled found thiee more point.
addd to the Penn State some. With
r commanding lead Coach Jefflos en
tried his substitutes at the half-tine:
(Continued on last page)
President Hazel, Deans Walls
And Stoddart Address Meeting
Of Land• Grant Colleges
Three menthols of the college staff,
Puss,lent Ralph D Hetzel. Deans
Ralph L atts and Robett W. Stud
dart, urlt paiticipate in the l2nd
nual convention of land-giant colleg
e. and univelbities to be held in the
Willutd Hotel, Washington, D. C
Nor ember 20 to 22.
Di Ileteel will gne a special le
poit on "The Radio Ptoblem" ham,:
the e‘ecutive body of the association.
Adds cooing the section on nalical
tune, Dean Watts will speak on "Re
cent Tiends In College and in Connie
Entailments" "Engineering Estes
mon in Land-giant Colleges and Um
veisitics" will be the subject upon
v.hith Dean Steil(lart of the School or
Libel:ll Ails nill speak
The following faculty menthols ate
on the comnuttees of the association:
Dr. Retool, Dilutor Iddton S McDon
ell and Di. R Adams Dutcher.
Event Starts With Gala
Street Parade at
6:00 O'clock
Dr. Rebel, Dean Warnock and
Athletes May Address
As a means of espiessing its gi at
dude foi the mannm in which Coach
Hugo Berdek's football team, although
failing to i client last yew's sictoiv,
upheld the honor of Penn State in
the glidiron struggle with the Um
s eisity of Pennsylvania Satuiday, the
student body of the College will as
semble in the Schwab Auditorium
foi an athletic mass meeting at b Jti
o'clock tonight
Promptly at G o'clock the two
B 0. T C bands will meet, on Co-op
Coiner and still probably proceed in
opposite direct.ons on College averse
for soseral blocks Flom College
asenue the musicians will turn South
to Fanmount avenue and then to Al
len street where thcy will meet en
masse and match to the Schwab
Illanaging Editor of "Collegian"
Conducts Second Class
In Course Tonight
Freshman candidates for the edi
torial staff of the COLLE(111 \ mill at
tend the second meeting of a ine
weeks' instimition course at 7 o'clock
tonight in Boons 13, Liberal Arts
building The topic of discussion mill
be "Nests Repenting," and a thorough
outline of into, am p inciples mill be
Appsommateli. si,ty fieshinen se
speeded to the call for editotial men,
which ,15 issued last meek As
sembling in Rooni 11, Liberal Ai is
building on Thursda} night, then sidle
addressed I* Prof Franklin C Ban
ner of the department of journalism,
mho emphasized the napoilance of
journalism in the held of morld's act
-1,114, stiessing, in pal titular the sat
isLetions and reminds ohish conic
to the jam nalist.
The part played by the could!
in the actiNity of the College mas
presented in a short talk of melcome
to the candidates, by Lours H Bell,
Jr., editor-in-chief of the publication
Ho outlined the place mluch the fresh
(Continued on thud page)
The Mannino, .I.stsled I, Musical
Trio, Offer Second Number
Of Y. NI. C. A Course
A,. the second number on the annual
itf C A onto! tainment LOUIhO, the
Mat meets, concert dancers, edl Siin 0-
Sent a in ogo ant of "Di am-Dances"
n Schscuh audttouum Fuday night.
No, ember
The mogiam, given by the thiee
islets. :Ultimo, Ilene and Phyllis, .-
..stud by the Philharmonic tam, mill
consist of a poop of eighteen num-
I ens including sevelal musical selec
-I,on, by the tam.
Although among the youngest of
tie MAO conceit dances, the Maimems
Pose been giving pupbhe romanc
foi mote than four }eats Pot
thee successive yeas they have been
dance soloists with the Mete Yolk
Symphony oichesti a, tenacity direct
ed by Wallet Donnas:h.
Thc:, hose els., established n Dunce
A tt society, which anus to and young
dancus and mosaic a pm mascot en
i,mble of m ofessional dam.. The
Manuelns cleat° then own dances
and design then costumes and effects
Among then achie‘ements ate man
donee compositions us "Alachua:ay"
inspitedby a visit to Fours factoiy.
Repulses Gridmen, 14-0,
With Smashing
l'enn State Defense Braces in
Second Half To Withstand
Varied Quaker Attack
Penn State's Some but !newel len,
cid gLdu on elc unable to oil',
stand the fullous aocaults of the
Penn bails, bored in 14-0 defeat be
foie the vetman Quake' machine Sat-
Imlay afternoon Too touchdowns,
both scored during the first half of
the encounter, side the Philadel
phians' margin of t ictiny
Paul Mtn ph:, Penn's bald-cunning
halfback, tallied the • in.hal touch
down in the first gnat tel of the game
when he shd off light tackle for _!
yards, after a sustained °Away
dine hail bc,in temporal dy halted by
the instilled Lion defense Pennsyl
tunkes other Paul, Captain Scull, oil%
lirmonsible foi the second and final
tally when I, inteicepted u Nittany
pass and splinted 70 yinds to tnc goal
Following Pus e Penn State
aged a detc•mamd but losing bat
tle. Time and again the Philadel
phians' famishing offense cats led
then within sti thing dint., of the
Lion goal, only to be turned back by
time opponents' Letter defense The
Nittany offense• on the other hand.
Was unable to penetrate Penn's for
ward mall nice to the slightest de
glee. Plunges by llamas, Collins.
Diediah main halted Wail little gain
Morph, Shunt,
Mat the V.. 14 Penn's post tons,-
tent gt ound game, Ile reeled oft gain
aftei gain tht ough Penn State's line,
anti x‘ as tesdonsible for half the vald
age earned It the Quaker backfield.
! The tangy Penns} It antan twisted and
squtoned lis way thtough holes to
rattan" the ball trto Lon tetotoQ
Ilts toitchdoun in the fwt quatter le
stilted ft oat a lanfe-hke On ust
tht cough right tackle after he ftal , cd
a to Ole% \
Unable to auk ante the ball through
Penr's vowel fat line, Penn State es
sayed a foto alit pa, attaCk so 1101
1160 1,101,1 tnatlequate Out of id
passes attempted 5 cut, ended tot a
Gain of 01 taut; mhile M e
coated and 10 state grounded
Delp liteks ow
At Dog-captain Cann ge Delp kit Led
to 1t0...b100m at tht 'Jolt of tne
battle and the Penn tullback n eta, nod
_he pigskin 10 >an do liefoic he iaa,
tackled Its Panaecion Mut pht, gain
! ed l {lntl, at Ocelot and Paul bull
'coifed he, NIIIN trinough night tackle
lot 5 sands Paul Man oh , nob to 2
mole at center and On thy font th loon
Captain Su II lacked In Joe :Villcn who
was dui ned on the 2'3- od line Mil
'el lot left end fon a 1-vend glen on
the lost phis and a felled Its , tosen.
bloom Ndlc. pontcd out, the Penn
:nal hoe and the ball oab pot into
dap on the 20-> aid mail.
On a fake Rosenbloom gamed 2
dg at Lenten and Mut phi made a
in St Canso tif WI a 9 .1111 smolt tiound
nett end, Ilamag `ADM/1W; hen
lIIA/011t plunged tin °ugh t .tht guard
fun 1 told, and on the nest &nun a
pas., She: en to Scull, ute, on minded
Seen ca!, , ,e-I a ' , lunge tin ugh
nand hat sta. ImPed by Ztoella arum
a gain of 1 sand Scull kneked to
an out of boon (Is un Penn
(Continued on thud page)
Tod ay
1. Faith
2. Men Wanted
3. Knights of the Open
I. Are We Afraid of, Lit