Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 29, 1928, Image 2

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    Penn State Collegian
Published semi-weekly during the College year by students
of the Penneylvanla State College, in the interests of the
College, the students, faculty, alumni and friends.
WHEELER LOnn, JR '2B ... , .... ,
R. AI. ATKINSON '2B .. ... ..
C. F. FLINN '2B .
WHEELER LORD, JR. '2 . ... .
L H. Bell. Jr. '29
H. E. Hoffman '29
W . .1 :\lcLAucni IN
C. McConnaughey '29 J. Ii Belli '29
The Penn Stole COLLEGIAN welcome, conimunlentlons on
an> subpar of continuo All Alters mint bear the mime of the
sender Anontinous couttnenkotions nit olliretordeol In co, the
writ, does not nosh Ins or his tonna. to al company the letter. this
fort should he so liolltoted nod n nom de mime must 1/“.11..0' Inc
eiiminunieotion The editor rovers., the right to tieJert all oonimunliii-
Oohs that ore &moil unfit far publientuin Ti, COLLEGIAN +names
no reilionslbillts for sentlmoitto eetrctaed to the Lotter Bois
All copy for Tuesday . . Issue most be In Or *Moe by twelve o'clock
Bombay MLitt, and for Frlday's mut, by twelve o'clock WedneudaY
Cheek. and moon, odor netninc n payee other than . The Penn
State Collegian . ' not be to.Lentc.d for amounts due this new-
Culneription prlee• 1 , 200, mmoble before Demoslier I. 1027.
Telephone 202.-W. Bell
0001. noun II 00 o m n 00 00 m I 00 tee 00 0 to
Office. NUM, Printing end Pinglobi, Cu Building. State Col
Nu. Pa.
Entered at the Postale, State Colic., Pa. RV second ele.te matter
TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1929
With the college year fast fading, concern over
final e aminations, graduation and honor points serve
to perplex the student mind to such an e•tent that )
thoughts of everything else seldom occur Yet, in
the midst of all these conflicting emotions which con-1
statue a veritable last-minute collegiate sesirl, the•
overburdened student ought not disregard Presidents
Hetzel's simple but sincere plea for co-operation In
the ancient sport of 'getting out the sole'
In a request statement addressed To Every Penn,
State Student, the Press emphasizes the necessity of I
sering one million favorable votes to get the amend-1
ment approved. Without the aid of the student body
such an end may be hardly attained There is some
thing picturesque, something appealing, something
impressively devout in the action of a college student
pleading the cause of his Alma Alater—sornething
which cannot be duplicated by the most energetic
efforts oh the most shren d politicians
With such latent powers at his disposal, the los al
Penn State student, as Presy Hetzcl suggests, will
have an opportunity to do a great service for his
college Unanimous negligence or indifference might
prove lamentably fatal to the proposed Band Issue,
while thoughful co-operation, ssillingness to serve
and achieve and earnest effort in ads ertising Penn
State and the Bond Issue at emery opportunity, great
or small, may prose the determining 'actors in se
curing the desii ed end
Let a friendly conversation serve as a sales talk
for the College and its need; make Cs cry friend and
relative a sure vote and every acquaintance a promise
Opportunity knocks but once—every five ye,trs Now
is the tune—
A cold reception is an event most discouraging
and oftimes fatal to any ambitious enterprise because
it indicates somewhat certainly that,the enterprise
is either unwelcome or unpopular But when the
project, whatever it may be. is reasonably worthy of
a warm reception and receives one that is none too
enthusiastic, then the receiving audience is either
ungrateful or negligent—or, perhaps, unappreciative
Such has been the case of the Old Main Bell, Penn
State's only purely literar) magazine Such was the
case upon its appearance only a few days ago Al
though it was not greeted frigidly, it was not received
with an enthusiasm that would encourage or inspire
greater efforts from future staffs It was not sup
ported with the heartiness that reassures the publish
ers that their project is worthwhile or even practical,
nor was it sought with enough interest and eagerness
to•insure its backers that, their really commendable
product was duly appreciated.
It is discouraging to realize that a magazine su
perior to even tlfat which, two nears ago, was awarded
premier honors in a competition of Pi Delta Epsilon
sponsored magartnes must suffer tmsupported. The
most able faculty critics have sung the praises of the
Old Main Bell and pleaded for its longevity Student
publishers hone toiled long and earnestly. But for
what , For this display of , seeming indifference and
Students may yet rally to aid a worthy cause.
With them lies the poser of dooming this infant to
an early grave, with them lies the power of nurturing
it to growing manhood—a staunch addition to the
Penn State publications family Shall it be life—or
It's a long, narrow pamphlet, resembling a Metro
politan time-table, but opening ever,so much more
humanly and containing material infinitely more in
teresting It's a bible for all classe+ to carry at all
times where it can be easily consulted in time of doubt
—which is in time of need. It's a leaflet, the contents
of which must be devoured and memorized until it
becomes a living part of every student.
It's a gift to be appreciated as a valuable com
panion for the summer months It's a booklet with a
gospel which must be spread throughout the State
land accepted as one desers ing serious consideration
Its a catalogue resealing, among other things, the
interesting fact that Penn State is treated only one
twelfth as generously as the average State college.
It's a dtction,uy of terms which ought to attain a
familiar place in our vocabulary for the next Si
months; a catechism containing a plea for higher edu
cation, a miniature textbook for practicable argumen
,tation , a question and answei libretto, a !flannel of
llature procedure; and a eatable Penn State
i President
Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
It's a Its ret never to be discarded or cast apon
the giound where it ..annot take root, but ant to he
cairicd nearest the neart that should enfold its con
tents--is this Won, erLs Handnook tar Penn State's
eight million' dollar Bond Issue. Lt's the Bible of
your Alma Mater. You arc the Morker'
H. P. Mileham '29
L lihtstafer *29
Business Manager
Ad% ertising Manager
Ca eulat on Manager
Sunday sport accounts of Penn State athletes
solicit congratulations, sympathy and admiration
Indn 'dually, Stese Hamas, product of East Rather
lord high school, deserves the gripping hand foi his
athletic achievement, never before attained, in earn
ing four major letters in one year. The versatile
,Monsieur Hamas accomplished the seeming impossi
ble by securing a N. arsity football post, a berth on the
basketball team, an assignment with the bo,.ing squad
and a place among the Nittany weight men
Three columns to the left, the press announced
the downfall of valiant Bill Cos, whose killing pace
was slackened to such an e \ tent by the rain that
Littman. Harvard star, was able to best lion by a
final thrilling sprint F.Acepting Offenhauser's recent
surprise victory in the mile, it was Bill's first defeat
iin intercollegiate competition Nate', speed and
'weight merchants secured enough points to place a
!deadlocked third with Cornell—a commendable show
ing considering the caliber of teams entered
Even the lacrosse team and its followers are to
be admired in spite of the defeat the tomer suffei cd
lot the hinds of the Army twelve. Throughout the
entire season, the stickmen bake met ads ersity in an
'unusual may—without disgust or discouragement
'Their spirits have been the highest, their co-operation
ihas been unselfishly given and candidates have under
;gone their athletic paces with full en;oyment Such
spirit became contagious so much so that that
thandful of loyal rooters which have sworn allegiance
, to the cross swingers even tollowed them to West
Finally, a word must be said of Coach Sezdek's
ball tossers, one of the most able combinations in
years Saturday's otctory over Lebanon Valley mark
ed the thirteenth win in fifteen starts Few colleges
lean produce a record more happily broadcast Few
(student bodies, to fact, have more reason to inflate
their bosoms in pride for their various athletic rep
The Ballosopher's Chair
'Bundlers: I hate to iernind you, Bullosophei, but oalnk. you slapping to class 3 esteulay '
"Snutheis. anything is possible these pte•sununs.
doss Tin ecstatic, uallang on an, us it Hale; pos.ibli
'that's uhy sou thought I ,as skipping along."
ISnuthers But l% by all the sudden eestaey. if you \sill
!call it that" Just because the photogiaphet spoiled that
, plint 01 sou
"No, not that "
anther, A,o you exempt Item examinatmns, 01 dal you
uaLeed In .alue,mg a um on's ,tandug in the nunathon
"No, don't be stlly "
.nether, Hate you a job for the ammo, that atomises
small Lot tune, at has the lib, any tetmeted its pleasing
nantial statement"
Nenhei , Smith. s, neithm."
.nouthers Did 3on make anothen honor society on Lunde
quo, old cal fon a handful of honor points°
"Not on en close, companion"
:outlier, Oh ,maybe tt,ss as that punk letter muth the
, ffensise air of pet fume--
""Ah! . (Vhat blues"
.nuthers. Bliss"
'Yes, (sslyspei) she loses met"
There is a
Committee Launches
Bond Issue Campaign
(Continued from first page)
euppoi t by Iradm s throughout the
Other inembeis of thi% committee
are Rohett IV Bahleiston,
11i, Clai a C Phillips, Wash-
Inqtrin, Pa; Ambrose N Diehl, Pitts-
Inn gh. Ilaiold D Diown,
pmt; Anthill W Mitchell. Elie, John
11 :4 And, no , Philadelphia, and
The active diiectoi of the campaign
is Dda.ud I: Hibshman, assistant to
the Piesident of the College, mith
Di!maid N Sulliran, alumni secie
lass, as assistant ilnectoi, and Dean
kithai It. Dci neck as campaign of
fice manage, Mi. Hibshman has
chaige of the county oiganwation and
lime alietu4 obtained (Mailmen foi a
docen counties and started them at
Mi Sullivan mill hese clung°
of the alumni campaign, and mith
Mi Hibshman mill do most of the
tinseling incident to ingammtion in
each county Dean Wainock rs clii-
Ming the student °nits
Publicity mill be centeied in the d°-
ointment of public information of
mhich Don M Ciessmell is dnectoi
The Litter states that the coopelation
of in my campaign woilsei mill be
reeded in this division.
Speakers Bureau
Dean Charles W. Stoddart heads a
now created Speakers' Bur eau
uluch is intended to supply speak
et: to sell ice clubs and miscellaneous
meetings during the summer and full
The group enh•ted mane volunteers
the Irma, messing last night ashen
President Ilet/el presented the Bond
Issue plans to th, C Mere 't ff Or
ganization add riablant, aosistant
urn be pros ide4 by this bureau also
An important group Itorking for
the success of the Bond Issue is the
research committee headed by Dr
Charles C. Peters It has been ,ork
leg for six months and has prepared
r large number of suluable charts and
data showing the relation of educa
tional conditions at Penn State and
tithe, Instautions,and states
Tirc heads of these various disisions
compose the Bond Issue Cabinet, the
entn o group center ins under the lead
er ship of President Detre) Cabinet
meetings at e heuig,held at regular in
tem als, and nn Friday afternoon the
Fire Insurance
%,'N w 4N14,-" , .1 ." .14 .1
Present Your
5 Fraternity
With a Clock
000000.000:^.000000 ,
Have you taken the opportunity
§ which our Annual Commence
ment Sale affords?
See Our Window
125 Allen Street
iA. C. LONGEE - -
Porch Swings
Seventy-two inches in length
(extra strong) - $lO.OO
Sixty inches in length . . . '5.00
Department of
Industrial Engineering
Room' 106,'Engineering B
group met for two hours with mem
bers of the trustee committee
Publicity Is Important
"It is a publicity matter from be
ginning to end," declined Mr Bay
aid as he heard reports from the
group chairmen, and gee favorable
comment to the pi ogress already
made. "Relativel3 fen people have
knouledge of the proposed bond NSue
amendment, and it is mu duty to in
foi m them of it and the College needs
so ns to get framable support The
best publicity is that by mad of
mouth, and cony student, parent,
alumni and faculty worker, will hose
plenty to do this summer and fall"
Newspapei publicity for the piesenr
will tube the focus of general news
trios without specific mention of the
Bond Issue until lute summer or early
fall in ordes that the public nay be
kept lammed of the ninny avenues
nl college Ms ice, and to save an
nouncement of the mole impoitant
farts until such a time as they soil!
rinse most effective with the sotera,
a short time before election
The county oiganizations sre held
to be one of the most impoitant -fea
tures of the campaign It is in these
groups that
. the direct responsibility
toe the campaign Will be centmed.
Chairmen are being selected nth
gic,.t care, largely through per,onal
visits to the county by Mr.
man, du ector of this phase of the
or orl .. Alumni, parents and friends
01. the College are being selected as
diairmen. These groups mill have
direction of the distribution of pub-
STARS. Bra s,
In The University Manner
"Always The
Same" says
Charleston, S. C.
February 10, 1927
Lanus E-. Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
I've done a lot of pipe smoking
There's hardly a brand or a blend that
I haven't tried out at some time or
But speaking of smoking tobacco
that brings real enjoyment, and never
changes, I want to say that there is
just one tobacco that gives me real
enjoyment m my pipe—Edgeworth.
I have used Edgeworth Ready
Rubbed and Plug Slice for over the
years, 111 all climates and under all
conditions, and I Ilnd it always the
same. It is always mellow and moist,
and its genuine flavor lasts. There is
no bite or parch in Edgeworth, and the
quality, whether you buy it in small
or large quantities, is always perfect.
Thanks to the manufacturers for
their wonderful product, and I hope
that Edgeworth can always be obtain
able by the undersigned.
Guy B. Beatty
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
hctty matocial, canvassing votes, en
listing support of county locators,
scheduling College speakers and on
ganilers, and on election dny inem
bens will see that 4o far as possible
each ‘oting pi comet has a Penn State
vol hoc on the job
.Dean Wan node, as campaign office
nianagei, will hoop an active check on
.dl acti‘ities in the field, Immo In
quests fin assistance, speakers, coigns
mot 5, publicity, litmatme and all
such aids, and will gonmally proNido
campaign stimulation
Fifty Teachers Enroll
In Nature Study Camp
Fifty enrollments of nature study
teachers rcpresentmg nine states Mere
reported Nesterday for the nature
camps that .ue to he conducted in the
Seen Mountains as a feature of the
.unriner session Professor George 12
Green, head of the college nature edu-
Lotion department, declared that one
bundled remit be prepared to enter the
the amps, the first of shall opens
on June thenty-eighth for three weeks
Non-Fraternity Men
Lion at home with us ne\t yeah.
Ne,Nly futn=shed looms in a phi
%ate home. Use of club loom
and pallor, Victlola and Piano
Make hems ations for next se-%
mestcr nou.
Reasonable Places
512 W. College MRS. HARM
Day Is
Bargain Day East College Ave
Men's Suits All One Price
$2:-.' , ..:05ii.‘'
Plus Fours
at $5.95
White Linens
at $2.95
Men's Riding
Black & Tan Whip
cords at $3.95
Men's Colored
Suspenders at 89c
Athletic Underwear
at . 79c
Men's Dress Shoes
Black and Tan
Actual $8.50 to $lO.OO Val.
$4.95 and $5.95
P-R-10.-/VI-Nl 9 --S
Starts Friday, June 1
Lasting 10 Days
Tuesday, May 29, 1928
Nittany Theatre
George Bancroft, Bleb n Brent.
Wenun Pon ell en
Added Stage Attraction
and his Banjo Boys
Toe .d Acrobatic Dancing
Special Prices adults 10c, children Ti,
Florence Victor, LoreHl Young in
Matinee at 2.00
Wallace Rem, 14, mold Halton In
Added Stage Attraction
and Ins Banjo Boy o
Special PriLes adults, 10c. children 2'i,
Milton Sills. Doris Kenyon in
Sue CArol in
Honest Prices
Men's Sport Shoes
The largest selection
in town at'
$4.95 $5.95 $6.95
Men's Collar
Attached Shirts
White & Colors at
Collegiate Caps
at $1.69
Men's Neckwear
at 89c