..... • .. . ......:.,,,.:.:.:..:-:..:-:..:..:.,...:..:...:..:..,..:- H..x.+4..:..:••:• T READY FOR EASTER Flowers, II ose, Lingcre Gloves, Scarfs EGOLF'S 1 ,1101 uses, Iran I.lllllel hn iutel •Ro fo: Ithe female chorus, Donald C '2'), Dorman C Stauflei '2s, Robui i3l !fipple '3l, Mom C Dainhart. '3l, Ralph 7.. Wilcox Shelooad Snoth '2O, and Clllll-111.V 31. NM Iran dl '3O, nab Robert 11. 3atik,on '3O, and Frank F. Monis '3l, as alennate, Fr oust Close '2s, Wrllurn• Alt. Clement, '2b, Clunks II Hatton '2I. ClaNton Stottle '29, Adolpil I) I ley ,' /0, Walton 31 Von Soy. ' 11, Charh, ns Will Enact londay Evening lued from Oral page) esiatsses n dune to be and attolthogly a , ...tatted tot, .aal .111111,111 g 1 01.11,- 11110 1 11 the , in_ll xhnll O s 0010 the „-,t l a, S Ilarpet '.fl, And ‘Vtlluun I.' lick '2 , , h. , 1 I „ ~,,,hi 1,„.,1 lit 'Lonlpt :se the mule group 110 i 101 • 'p ~,••1111 11011,. Nittany Nine Engages ft"ltrir Six Southern Teams n!, to da t. iv be 1.. WO, LI, th it (Continued from first page) 111 11 I litli hsi non I 0 0 1.111.‘n clot vdl encountei the linseli diet nattier tin plat in Ilelle- of glen college on Thutsday, last :as iii4ht the di nnottists Yeats chanipionn of South CalUlina to t'l,d ulclptua .0 d ' , tag , - A I net the lath!, tilt the .1107dekiana le 1. •I'ligalas night ' still engage the Randolph Macon bat altleStlaN night the, will tine; attists Ft idas and flnal4 wind th a inoiltutton in Wilkes-, op the tt 1p unit an encounter ngainbt wed lit showings in S. in- CiAngetosso museistty at Washington, !lath* night. in Sunhats. U C, Satut day. The Lions will then tight and Pittsbuigh the I taut n to State College tot the rust londav, Atoll si,teenth home gime of the season nab Juni of cities .bound Sct an- ate college, April to elith inpeting lot the date ol Set etal other nspilants hose Sc. I It is plobable that ti 3 tog out d tilt on New Dense! held shoolng m Johnstou 0.1 in connietttton tot hot the on the Nit tecoth folloned In line in tatty nine Included among these ale no co Altoona the ne.t l Paiana, Sturgeon, ' , ley, Gaon. Du• which the club 0 ill total 0 chanan and Ted Wolfe liege Ain il ',togs -eighth ~ anted the date fin the of "Donestle You," hoe 'I to het Salts officials state that alit)- { tabets rot the Philadel ng inns p, tme Ditto lie' COaLll DASH! I) ttlasoll ate rot .155 in lit sciang hue at site c lob I hey nine also font William Is at siplui Co, atetnits SOUTHERN SCHEDULE 1 c.tcrd.* lin, er,it% of Vii glint t J... OI I 4 Itct me ChouChoultt t, I at L tt t.lmt ttt tip , thetttt c W Sht,t‘tt 2s. and Italt,ll t Is '2b, ,1.1111.111 g ales ttt the elm! anq of the 1,1 1.111 e. I 1,44 m College Height., at .t l. - thictio,, 011 1)91 .1 w Faun See Eugene Ledet . flew, 111.1111.0, liller .1111011 g: Kcal ht. , 11% de, et Ind thratelt New Designs Penn State Rings, Pins, and Keys at lITIMI ca..; H tme•ttlt 1 owl i s lan olhual, hate kt. katt,l 111 In '124, Itttbert '2ll, Kben 11 Pcult '2e, Ha.. mush '.lO, l'hltrat Sathl '2l l , I, 'rice 'JO, Donald Vllll Nelda A ll'atellithl lath•o '2O, 11111 ton C Young' '20,1 t 111 Stoll 'sl e, it , Plulatlelphla 11.111lItIg V.llll 1, a ouLtunit the ,t etc_ CRABTREE'S Allen Street \- wont //- be bored if you keep fresh and alert by eating light foods for breakfast. You will gain all, the nourishment you need, plus energy and vitality from hr- tided Wheat ITH MILK OR CREAM lung 7 15 p m—" Pet She Gar den"—Wal t en B. Mack 730 p in —"Punch fa, in and gu•- 7.00 p m.—" Our State Covet n. men t"—Dt Jacob Tauger 7.15 p m —"lndustunl Mimeo" 7 30 p dn.—Music and nos s item Sunda) Nlornmg. 11 00 a ro —Otg•m Chmlotte liott Ttlestia3 Night EMI=I;=IIE9 Actlvaties"—T I. Man 713 p —"Spring II vitaon Dauslng"—A. L Beam 7.0 p —Timely farm and gal- 700 p m.—"ki tdicial Arnim anti Ivoi %"-1.3 man Chalkley, Ji. 7.15 p in—English Ithnature talk —C 0 Ridenour 7 30 p In.—Musa. and nun., Item:, Agriculturalists Plan Student Mass Meeting lldls counts club in the evening fm a banquet. In addition. to the speakeis n he cull be guests of howm at the latter meat, esident and Min Ralph D Doted,' and NI. T. Phillips, pi etedent of the State Council of Agmultuie have been nested to attend Besides the usual speeches, the committee has as ranged a numbei of unique sm.; prises Todd) Duke Unlver.lt;„ To maim ''take Folc:t college• '1 horsda, Eton college l'rtd.* Randolph-N1...1 t. college Sattirtl.t) G .101 gcto, n unit et bay THE PENN sTk_m COLLEGIAN_ Student Committee To Aid in Bond Issue Data IMC RADIO PROGRASI Thumb( deli hints; music Tosiurroii Night den hick; music Wednesd,Q, Night (Continued from first page) DESKS Typo% rile', 21" x :18" ---- , -- $lO.OO Single Pedestal, 2S" x 44' 12.50 Single Pedestal, blab top, 30" x 43" - 18.00 Double Pedestal, slab top, 30" x 52" - 25.00 Department of - • Industrial Engineerini, , Room 106, Engineering B VALE \ WIEII\ P . 1. ; fo r . < 7 \'' s COURSE /, 1 11 . \v, \ :•-"n- ...:___-r ~ t - ,- _.....- 1! l':- , ,h,"! t • --Q, I ; tj \ Y ,_ ,= • I \ \ \n-_l t I '1 2'i 1 \ ArAlk 4 ; ' , !1 ' 1 Wercvcr you go—on campus ground —at football game —in snappy roadster—no matter what outdoor activity—there you .”.ill see Sawyer's Slickers the unfailing choice of collegiate style setters throughout the country. Distinc-` tively cut, Saw3rer's Slickers not only look well but give absolute pro tection against rain.sleet ands:now. s‘ 'c 0 1./0 0'‘ . ° ..iint:ier's :Aitken , ate obtain. /t able at men'. stores. lather davitm.andoleparimmi,tores. IN4P (hi )aura—TODAl. H. M. SAWYER & SONS EAST CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 111 SKEIN OF GENUIVE 011.1.0 CLOTIIIM: .SIACE Ills) (Continued from first page) - one plan to tall, mei the otteAlon riith etei y ander gi ad tulle undo. Wool le, anothei to tan a condoned meet ing of the sectional loembet, t I/II d to hold small glom/ th.t:h ,, Migr mire nmt • UndOr con , oletation Start AVurit After Eider 1 !Hough this not ‘Olll.ll Ai ill start inamallately often the Mulct taca lion, the tommittee cynechs to plain thoroughly eying detall of the bond Issue to the student body, shins mg each Penn State man why the College lo deceiving of on eight-mil hon dollnL autumn notion and getting 111111 enthused nail the min ement "It 1 , 4 hoped," +tated the commit tee (Ammonia, "that by infornung the undeiglailuate4 in dub manner, the issue 11111 V gain it- decided impetus hen each student katns it is bpi ma soma duty to aid in Lounging the dollni iipploin lotion to Penn State, and that lie is e‘pected to IiNLOSS the inattiFruith all of his fi lend, and tclatovev upon letui lung to his home fm the summer mutation" The appointment of this Lemma lee come as a duce, lesult of onto, made by se‘mal of the Lampus bon EASTER FLOWERS STATE COLLEGE FLORAL SHOPPE .-~•F~:•ir.. r... e orary fraternitie, and sodeties, to President Ralph D lletzel and Dean Warnock to help in the intification of tho bond issue To become eltectme, the bond issue in uhes an amendment to the State constitution which mimics the ap proval of the ,oteis. The measuie was list introduced 111 the Genmal Assembly in 1923 and passed both houses at that tone. It wns again introduced in 1926 and pnssed both houses with small opposition, but be. cause of some technicality, it was decided not to submit it to the people until 1928. nlernity houses for rent—ever nl lotatlon4. See Eugene Lcde"ei General Real Cstnte. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—One double room on second floor and one single room on third floor front. Phone 101-01, 118 North Atherton. • ltp GERNERD'S :i: A new line of four- piece knicker snits have arrived. :i.. $30.00 $35.00 FRENCH DRY CLEANING Pressing Repairing :i: ......-,,,, .sAGOAG...V,tiv, TIFL'• travels at a mftyclip these days, in college as well as out, and to be among those who finish strong, you MUSt be properly heeled. You may start out briskly enough on hard heels, for instance, but the con stant jolt and jar of uncushioned steps w ill wear you down Bet ter get onto rubber—for rub ber gives, and lifts, and helps. ,/,„ FOR SALE—Londontonm tuxedo, size tween Varsity Hall and Co-op. Ste thirty-eight, aide bottom trousers. turn to Dom, Greenshields, Varsity Wit be sold to immediate buyer for Hall ltir fifteen dollars cash Call Mrtstife 9' FOR RENT—One side of ' double house situated on Erwin avenue. Inquire at 107 South Barnard street. Bent reasonable. .lip LOST—Pair of ss hite-gold rimmed glasses on Pi day afternoon be- WHY NOT USE-- PURE VANILLA Your recipe neser says "Imitation," bu t "pure Janina." Special $l.OO full pint REXALL DRUG STORE Robert J. Miller Proprietor STEP LIVELY! _ . s. ...! ..... gd O S I , SO IIC i y rrr M=il IL°foot, Shan foot, *rngfoot. men! Stria fir out and hark ei,vin. Yore eeni t beat the way it feels Stepping out ou WING! 00f H111:15 Best of all, get onto Goodyear Wing foot Heels. They are all fresh,-live rubber, full of better cushioning, longer wear, and latest style. More people walk on Gooeoval Wen& foot Heels than on any other kind. Your shoe repairman puts them on in _:or 'is. Just say, "new Goodyear Wingfoot Heels C) * p ) -1& ac , , ,, ex• %Zo",,,, c iarea l ".o o 4 1 / 4 Ut, ..... „. R Tuesday, April 3, 1921: "Always The Same" says Pipe-Smoker Charfusion, S. C. February 10, 1027 Lams & Rro. Co., Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: -- I've done a lot of pipe smoking. There's hardly a brand or a blend that I haven't tried out at some time or other. But speaking of smoking tobacco that brings real enjoyment, and never changes, I want to say that there is just one tobacco that gives me real enjoyment in my pipe—Edgeworth.. I have used Edgeworth Ready Rubbed and Plug Slice for over five years, in all climates and under, All conditions, and I find it always the came. It is always mellow and moist, and its genuine flavor lasts. There Is no bite or parch in Edgeworth, and the quality, whether you buy it in Small or large quantities, is always perfect Thanks to the manufacturers for their wonderful product, and I hope that Edgeworth can always be obtain able by the undersigned.•- Guy B. Beatty Edgeworth Extra High Gradc Smoking Tobacco "ma k & ,,Arinsit IrirATE *Alf te,oll