Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 16, 1928, Image 1

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    VOL XXIII, No. 46
Nittany' Boxers To Compete With Strong
Foes at Annual Tourney---Captain
Wolff Returns to Team
Seven strong mit teams of the East
will attempt to Nsiest the intercol
legiate living title from Coach Leo
Houck's string of punchers in the
ring of the University of Pennsyl
‘ania Palestia at Philadelphia to
night and tomorrow
Press dopesteis pick the Nittuny
team to successfully defend the ring
diadem, with the Navy maulers offer
ing the stiffest competition. Neither
team has been defeated this year, the
duo battling to a 3-3 draw at Annap
olis early in the season
Nat), Lionn Deadlocked
Each team has soon two intercol
legiate boxing clowns and both con
testants are expected to give their
hest eshibition of the year in an ef
fm t to break the series deadlock. The
Lion mittmen triumphed last year and
in 1921, while the Middies conquered
the field in 1925 and 1926 One of
the other of the teams were runneis
up in the years they did not finish
Threo champions of last year's
competition is ill defend then titles
nice the week-end, Captain Allie
Wolff in the 160-pound setto, Stele
Hoots, in the heavyweight encounter
end Captain Gamin of the Navy in
the 145. pound match.
Houck Announces Line-up
After a week of light teaming,
Coach Leo Houck .has.decided' on. his
battle array. Frankie Mahon's stiff
knee has shown improvement and he
wall enter the 115-pound preliminaries
Ills opponent will be Plater of West
(Continued on last page)
Dr. Reuben W. Shrum, Bucknell
Graduate, Has Excellent
World War Record
The chaplain of the Presidential
yacht, U S S. Mayflower, Reborn W
Shrum, ginduate of Bucknell
sily and Plinecton Theological sem
inary, still address the chapel audi
ence in the Schwab auditolium Sun
day morning
After being graduated from Buck
nell with the degice of bachelor of
art' and rim the Princeton Theo
logical i,ciiiinitry milli the degree of
doctor of divinity he was assignee
the pastorate of the United Presby
terian chinch at Jersey City, New
Just a short time after lie received
the assignment the United States en
tered the World War and he resign
ed his pastinate for a commission in
the United States Nat v, his first nav
al post being that of chaplain at the
Natal Academy, Annapolis, Mary
The spealcet was ttansreired to
the supct•drradnnught Arkansas as
chaplain, and in 1922 he received or
leee to Join the U. S S Pittsbuigh
where he sorted in the same capacity
Dean Sackett will deliver the sec
ond of a series of four Popular lec
tures, being sponsored by the School
of Engineering at seven o'clock Mon
day night in 200 Engineeling D upon
"Problems in Astronomy."
The lectute, mhich still be illus
trated, will deal with recent astonom.
teal zinc! scientific discoveries. Sun
spots, the formation of stills, the
moon and the planets will also be
Engineers May Attend
World Pailey in Tokio
The American committee of the
World Engincei log Congiess which
is to be held at Tokio in 1929 hos
tendered to the Engineming School of
Penn State an official invitation to
attend tho meeting.
TVo invitations we.: recened by
this school, one written in Japanese
sent by the Engineering Society of
Japan, and the other from the Amer
ican committee. ,
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Dean Warnock Talks
In Old Chapel Today
Arthm It Warnock, Dean of Men,
will address the weekly engineering
assemblage in Old Chapel at four
ten o'clock this afternoon.
The dean has chosen for the subject
of his address, "Real Property." Dean
Robert L Sackett of the School of
Engineering declines that this is a
topic on nhich all students should he
informed and etends an invitation to
other students to attend this lecture.
Arranges Dual Encounters With
§yracuse, Bucknell, Pitt
And Maryland
With a serio of six outdoor meets
looming before him Coach Nate Cart
melt is casting a watchful eye on his
prospectire-track-modfield oon, oho
mill begin to wait out on the field
and cinder path - as soon as the
eathet permits.
Three dual engagements sit home
mail, the record for nitcts held beer
since the Nittany trackrien hlise been
under the tutelage of. Coach Cartnsell
On April teeny-hi sr. the Lion cinder -
men mill meet Bueltnell unnersity
lure while on - Apra oath
and twenty-eightl. the Mee and White
squad mill enter the Penn Relays at
Dual matches mith tht Univeisity
of Maryland, May fifth «ad the Um
sersity of Pittsburgh's sorsa.), and
plebo teams, May both at
Stnto College commete the contests
at home. On May ninete, nth roach
Cam tmell's charges mill compete pith
Syracuse assay and on the following
neck-end, May twenty-fifth and tam,
(Continued on third page)
Grange Will Start
, Dorm Construction
The Penn State Grange %till start
the building of Its proposed one
hundred-room women's dormitory in
Atm' since noel ninety thousand &d
-ials of the hundred thousand dollars
necessary to start malt has been &-
toady pledged and tho officials expect
little difficulty in securing the re
The gills mho ore Intel eqed in the
Grange have made a large quilt and
arc cansassing the fraternities re
ceiving donations and putting in re
turn the names of the contributors
on the quilt. The quilt mill later be
placed in the new dormitory. The
proceeds mill go entirely to the din m
y fund
The Pennsylvania Stole Grange As
sociation vall hold their annual con
sention here neat fall providing tae
new dormitory is completed at that
tune. This gathering is usually at
tended by mole than fifteen hundred
people and is expected to be a good
advertisement to both the College and
tho local Grange chaptel.
Prof. Friszell Requests
Oratorical Manuscripts
Students espectung to com
pete in the fourth national in
teicollegiate oratorical contest
on the Constitution arc request
ed to submit manuscripts by
March twenty-third to Prof.
John 11. Frizz.ll in his office on
the fourth floor of Old Main.
The final tryouts will be held
immediately after Easter The
subject must deal with the Con
stitution and the talk should
not exceed ten minutes in length.
Lax rence Perry, Nen York City
Syndicate Writer, Will
Attend Affair
Conunittee Pins Distribution of
Booklet Showing, Year's
Sports Events
With the addition of Lawi once
Perry, syndicate ranter of New York
eity, to the list of speakers, plans
are nearly complete for the first an
nual "S" banquet to be held by the
College next Saturday in McAllister
Hall. The list of speakers includes,
in addition to Perry, Bill Roper,
Princeton football coach, and Presi
dent Ralph D. Hetzel
Besides the Penn State %amity let
ter men mho roll attend, thirty-fire
high school and prepaiatory school
athletes hale been united. The Tune-'
Lion will he held during the meek-end
of the interscholastic basketball
tournament and it is planned to in
(Continued on third page)
Will Portray O'Neill Tragedy,
"Beyond the HorizAin,"
' Nell Saturday
Following theh dramatic triumph
of Saturday night, the Penn Stay
Players me prepating for their next
production, Eugene O'Neill's "Be-
Nom! the 'lemon," to be given next
Saturday night
The play IS n tragedy which pre
sents nn unusual trend of etents in
(Continued on third page)
Who's Who Among Party
Presidential Possibilities
Charles Curtis—Age OS Senator
from Kansas. Pledged to perpetuity
of conscrsatne Republican doctrine,
the high proteetite tariff system and
mononnial busme .s administration of
government. Said to possess that
combination of statesmanship and
political tact It hieh seems so essential
in successful conduct of our national
governmental affairs Universally
liked for peisonal qualities by friends
and opponents
Charles G. Danes—Age Gd—Presiint
ice-president of the United States.
Of the Roosetelt. type mid hated and
lased as was Theodore. Firm believ
er in practical methods of "putting
across" ideas ',lnch he believes are
sound and right Is rated by many
Republican leadersas a possible
compromise candidate should those
actively engaged in the ninnies be
unable to make the grade
Herbert llooter—Age 53—Present
Secretory of Commerce under !find
ing and then Coolidge since 1521.
United States Food Administratoi
during world star and famous fin ic
-lief stork Sorted on COIOIIIIIO Riser
commission, unemployment conic; once
and Mississippi valley flood relief
Ilas moved Ills ablity at co-operation:
in cabinet
Frank 0. Louden—Age 67—Former
Fos ernor of Illnom. mete
of economy and efficiency in govern
ment. Has definite plan for hand
ling of the smith. crop and is the
champion of the farmer. lion de
clined more offices than lie has coot
held Including a cabinet position an
, der Harding and Anitins.milor to Great
Britain under Coolidge.
Frank IL B lilts—Age 57—Senator
from Ohio. Ile betimes that the big
issue in the conning elections soul be
the continuance of the policy of the
government dm eloped during the past
sp. tears under Coolidge The party
must 'standen its record for economy,
for business-like administration of
government and for safe foreign pol
icy To an unequivocal dry.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Mat
Team Wins Fraternity
Crown in Close Meet
By defeating Tau Kappa Epsilon,
13-8, Sigma Phi Epsilon captured the
interfraternity wrestling champion
ship Tuesday night, with the outcome
of the match in doubt until the last
event when Miller of Sigma Phi Ep
silon decided the issucl* pinning Cut
tis to the mat
The meet was featured by too falls
In the 135-pound class, Alva Tomb
'3l, of Sigma Phi Spsilon, downed
Socisford in fifty seconds of the
second extra period, while in the 115-
pound division, Rudy of Tau Kappa
Epsilon, threw James Tomb '2D
Nittany Wrestling Team Lacks
Formidable Contestants
For Major Berths
Three Champions Will Defend
Laurels—Packard Faces
Stilt Opposition
Tilde ideal celebrities ill emerge
from the rank of this season's mat
artists and teams will real each other
for highest renown, when the epee
scntath es of eight institutions com
pete in the wresthnginteicolleglates,
today and tornorrov, Pt, Princeton.
Seen major titles will be at stalce
in the tournament, Chico of which
will again be threatened by dump
ions in last vou's e‘ents
Penn State, after expel ienting, a
season of five s totems and two de
feat-4 enters the classic with a team
of mined ability, but markedly lack
ing in individual stalls Captain big
get and Packmd, outstanding main
stays of the Nittany aggregation, may
he conceded only the most meagre
possibilities of attaining distinction.
The foi me still pal timpate in the
(Continued on Clued pagei
A. Victor Domihey—Age 55—Pri,-
ent governor of Ohio. Only Ohio gov
ernor to he elected to sene three
times in succession I. in sympathy
uith enforcement of all lanes and 00- '
alterably opposed to the nullification
of any part of the Constitution or
statutes. lavors appointment of a
bipartisan tariff commission and to
make such a commission function in
I best interests or all people
James A. Reed— %go fit—Senator
from Missouri. I.avors dounuawl
rev ISM of tel iff Stands for a Lugo
national progiani of inland uateruuy
Ides elopment to be finanaced by a bond
i.sue Ou Warding figui e 111 1,1,1 N -
ninth session of Congress uhrie ne
'brought about ins cbtigation of pin
mai y and elcetion e•penditures of
Alfred C. ltitclue—Age 3:2—Present
governor of Maryland Broke all
Ipreceilt its in that state by achws mg
re-election and then completely as
tounded everyone by winning a third
term election. Champion of State's
right, local self-goverment and arbi
tration Believes that if prohibition
is to remain it should be enforced.
If that is impossible then it should be
changed Considine.' next nun if
Smith does not receive nomination
Alfred E. Smith—Age sl—Present
governor of Neu Yolk unit nosesms
font th ten in Attitude on prohi
bition plain to even one. Ad% ocatev
libmalisation of Volstead Act to per
mit sale of light* wines and beers
tins pelsonal characteristics admired
equally by both opponents and sop
porters. Was not blessed oath a lib
eral education but is s, ell-versed in all
political alTokrs.
Thomas 1 Walsh—. Age f6—Senatoi
from Montana Sprang into momin.
once as invc:Algator of oil ieeSeD•
the 1101i1 in that line mils eharactet
wed by his rigid devotion to high
standaids of responsibility in public
service. Ile is sold to be a man of
such courage and character that Is
nlmost unparalleled in the public hie
of the nation.
Coach John IL Fri tell Names
Brester, Burt and Hood
As Lion Spokesmen
Contesting Forensic Teams To
Discuss American Foreign
Ins estment Policies
The forensic team of Ohio We3lm
an, outstanding debating tints ersity
in the Middle West, mill oppose Penn
State's aMrmatise trio at eight
o'clock tonight in the Selle eh audi
torium The question for the debate
still be "Revoked, Thnt the. United
States should cease to protect, by
force of arms, American till in
sestments in foreign countries c .eept
aft°, formal declaration of scat "
Prof John. If Plaza coach of
the NitLsny team, has selected Ken-1
neth Hood '2% Wallace R Brouster
29, and Seth . L Burt '2B, to rem esent I
Penn State.
Tao men cm :11011y aflthated a Ith
(Contamea on last page) •
nut-Going Journalists Select L. /1
. -Bell, Jr...W..5. Tamer As.
New Executives
Elections to Lhe editorial and Inist
ne, staffs of the Co!futon acre an
nounced by the E,.ecutite Board 9
terday. Louis 11. Bell, Ir. '2O, any
elected editor-in-chief and William S
Turner '29, business manager, uhile
Lleoellvn Mitstifer uas named
noqstant editor, Harry I'. Sllleham
'29, managing editor and Herman E.
Hoffman '29, associate editor.
Bioone, Seleel ions
Al the same tom Paul C. McCoan
,iughey '29 reccised the position of
circulation manager and .1 llouard
Reiff '29, the preition of athert,mr
manager Appointments as Jun
ior business managers were reccisell
by Cohan Ii . Moots '.lO, Remy R. Jr. "RI, Russell I, Rehm '4O,
and Milton M. Rosenbloom '.lO
As junior nev.s editor, the 'timid
elector] 311.111, II Coogan Jr '2O,
Charles A. Mensi.h '3O, Louis II Nie
mann 'JO, William ll SLlnnnerer
Robert. P. SteNenson 'BO, .ind lien*
Thilenfeld 'BO
bLn Agnes E Geary '2O, N.. as ileet
ed Nultman'y editor, lb, Man gal et 01
Mere( r '29, as,,tant edam and Be,
sle I Wolf-on '29, ase,oelatc editor
The Junior stamen's ne,, editors are
Mt, Helen F Faust 'BO, Miss blur tha
Gobrecht 'BO, and MI, GI nee 01
Woodrum '3O.
Club Officials AmmonLe Cast
illembers for Play of '
Road Production
Us, than Leo ecel, m ill he neccs•
silly to pet fed the doming part of
the coming Thespian shoe, announces
Al White Jr Phllndelphin dancing
instructor, elm is coaching tins year's
In oduction, The clan us mos reduced
to sixteen in number girth three al
ternates, early this week.
The :nom, as a whole hit, mastered
numbet of dances to date and Kl, -
ci al indi, Waal members nie actie
ing 'special dances. Song hits are
also to be included on the tepettotre.
Select Pin) Cast
Poi the cost of the play the Club
officials have selected Anton Earth
%IL Bertram D. Holderman '29, Ellen
21 Peel, '2B, Hainld P. Itouvh
Edgm• P. Stahl '29, Bobcat 11. Tice
':10, Donald Von Nelda '29, J. A.
Waterfield '29, Jackson Wheatley '29,
William C Crissv.cll '3l, Harold W
Shill '29. and Mlltory • G. Young '3O.
Students and Faculty
Vote on Ten Leaders
Court Team Cancels
Annual Alumni Game
Inc basketball game bctuecn Penn
States sandy lice and the Alumni,
scheduled Inc Satuiday night in the
Ai mor.), has been cancelled because
of an Insufficient number of giaduatos
Nlr ilo mere able to :elan n and on ac
count of injuries suffered by Coach
Dutch Ilmmenn's player., Cy
gien and Lou Reilly base ieconed
let, njuiles and Stoic llamas has
again forsaken the cage Inc the
slum.] cicle, this tune at the Phil,
dolphin bo,ng mten.nlleglates
li 111 Proside Recital As Fourth
Number of Winter Se' ics
Sunday Afternoon
Continuing the %Intet cornett so
les, the Mandolin Club, i.ndei the di
rection of - Paul Q Talents '2B, still
present the foci th recital at Oa et
thin.' O%INA. Sunday a'tem noon in
the Schttali auditorium
In addition to the nuinl , eis vh,Ci
mill Is i lON 14Cli by the Club as a
whole, there still be,moral banjo
soles by Damn' A .100(9 a, teen
as selections by the bait!' section and ,
sting; sestet
Classical and Popular Music
Pah elatontal c • numb• r
ntc on the program as annot.nced
the Club, the tir.t pant of the program
~nz denoted to tiny., an I •hi Inttnr
cilennhts Inning of a mm•: popular na•
The group will set them stringed
instruments m attmn by planing tht
old fasonte, "0 Sole Mi," and "A
Stroll Through C.nin," follow in„
whirl, they will present "Ca,otte" by
C;unpus Ilonornr) Group Offers
Prinri For Best Stones
In Two Seelions
A tildel% mideneld Intoss,t among
the •student bode in the lately announc
ed 1011111.111,10 001110,1, 10011 ,t•ie4l by
Phs Mu Sigma, local honorary osui nal
sstic ft aternit t, o, 11011001.1 by John T.
Vandenburg TS, chairman of the com
mittee m charge
The contest is lilt 1.111 11110 1.110 ses
lions All 1.1 01111,11 u rams:, compose
the first, 1111 1,11111 nod thr•
.01011 includes fea .tones .nul shart
stories, and shot t unit les. Prl, s
11111 he onl.en In each 01.11, of urating.
The In ,t plan s be ten dollart in
gold and the second, half that amount
Act anion; to the ',Kano, or ihe
Laub...4,, all niann , i mid.., must be suit-
nutted 11, Apo d first. to John T Vllll.
clenburg at the klisha Gamma lion
house Each orttele must be 111 lenst
lateen hunch ed 0.01 ds In length and
tt peolitten Berm e a 111170 101 he
nit m dud nt other division there
be nt lens( three entices.
HMI ibnis .re Lnuted to Otte
script and must nil, name, addres,,
and clo , s In 4, luck competing Dr.
S The, Eslostrd li. Muhl heck
and Professor Colvin W Beebe v.ll I
judge the entrieo.
Who's Dancing i
Alpha Zeta (Closed)
Nita-Nee (Sigma Pin Epsilon aluaed)
Alpha Zeta
Sigma PI
I:appa Delta Rho
Pi Kappa Alpha
1 --- Go
To The
Three thousand blots haw been
printed and placed at ‘ant.igc point. 4
about the campus In prrpaidtion fork
the straw cote being conducted toda4
and tomorrow to date, inine the pm , ' t
creme of the students and faculty SAT,
t^rning preudential chow rs in
coining n datm' pinta , ' udinlbit
A bile( tt1111111.11.3 of oath of th, •
randglnt es i , gin en °Neu here ii
.: ~.,
iwale Fite Dommrals 111111 ft li .. ,-
publitan4 comprt, the list Is 1 ts,
I sons u ill tmei,e the coinitlet::.;:An of
i the local balloter, m the eleAtli - to,lav
And tomorrow the tammtieqm M.-
,ng ,pon•ored by the Collfirty.
Foetal), Student lotolS4arate
It is reque,ted that etikii`ot,r de—
ignate on the 1, ',
illot ban r fnnultt
member or student. and 40, her male
or female by undo llama ,l of the
four group ton, on tlol l bs ot. In
tins, el
tst tile 1 Ott lull be iyfill d f 11 .,,
four e1.;.,,e, the vmmen •,t'idimp and
the men students and the Vl,lll - nt ['lr.
ult.!. membm. and the mtilq , All;
Six ballot bo‘es ha.: betNilleltd
it ,E, many point . about the ,anuk.
Co-op Corner, Ag list!, Librury,' , AlLL
\lain, Engineering and Liberal A
.early [net } iCalilllq colic re or
ten mix in the country tc pi.ounng
antnnlar poll Requits of line 'Penn
State (len Lion coil be publenhtd in the
next edition oC thin, nenvaper
plete tibulatton, lain he not to other
college nen‘paper, a, meil an, onngso
linen and dolly paper, throughout tin
Sunilors of }lather Coolest Will
Compete in Annual Clams
mina tihnuld run high uhen
the NopholllolV4 .111,1 fr“h111. MOPE
fin the annual lank mins% bong
iwitip at wit.," lock lutialay night
in the Amory
Sun isms, of the elinnnution, held
rig hit in thi Near eill %rat' their 11-
..peetne numeral, in the mieount,
Simi Coach I 1, has not &ruled
yet Twit it hat men 1 , ill enter the tinsel
the Collo, mg nre only Prob.
in we ft vault. thoat
I Ito or Ilitstton toll battle nth Tang
/10i of the sophomores Miller or
Itengltanni null oppow nltrty,
alphontort leantnnineight, n. hilt in tht
lan-pound do won MD I y 01 Loth
v ill light Hut ntshy In the voil
ter-is eight group either thole of I;ty
out,. Pill fill, 3111 U, l,rupp or
tier, in mill rata the run; nt,ntin,t
holly t 0 the 160-wound tilt, v.hile
Fapbm Mill pi ratably encounter
Sr outset r m the tifepountl mutt+.
Campbell of tho flo - hnion outline?,
scull no doultt engage hogun tho lslO
heavy V. rissh I
The plobt ltoyer, Mitt nil] poi co
nt then in the utte,(l4o, Inalth ly ill bl
Z/Vl . il a 4 ban. Up, pi ores
next Satin day at Gnohe At atlonly
Engineers Will Hold
Third Annual Parley
Latter Part of May
Plans for the thud annual I twin
et, toe r .tension cons onion, to hr held
at Slate College Mar twenty-fourth,
loon% -fifth and to en la-sixth,
.pally mount: completion. /II vord
nm to Profe , mot William It N'tiong.
oboe man of the committee which et
in chat go of the affair
• Mane pi eminent speakers and au.
thoritics have been scheduled to ap
pear on the mogratii Among Ihm
number air C S Ching, supervisor
oi Indust.' nil 'detains of the United
States Rubber commit* ; E. N. Wig
ht% gene. al supeuntendent of the
John T Lewis and Stallions commit, .
Toseph JI. lan lan, assistant to the
pi content of the Bethlehem Stu] cum
pan, and 0 II Gains, seam 01501 ot
apprcntiers of the Philadelphia
of the Emma] Electric company.