Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 17, 1928, Image 5

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    Friday, February 17, I:V.ri
Actors Will Present Mystery
Melodrama by Willard
' Next Saturday
Jackson Wheatley and Mabel Reed
Fill Leading Roles in
Modern Offerin'7
An their dmil pro 1u..t.,n of the
school yea, the Penn State Playms
11; went "The Cat and The Can
a, " a mystmy melodrama in three
act^ by John %Maid, nest Satuiday
nigh.: in the Auditorium.
This play, under piofessional man
agement, recently tan foi S our lion
-4.1.1 nights at the National Theatre
ir NossYosk env, and since then it
has played almost continuously on the
told tinder the dneetion of 0 E Wee.
Me Wee, ulio is a poisons! fiend of
Professor Mason, has given the Play
em ninny salvable hints and sun.-
oe.tions tonemning the staging of
the play The presentation here
teflon that of the original cast an
melt po.m.ble detail.
3lystery Is Keynote
"The Cat and The Canary," in ad
dition to a shroud of battling nit s
carries girth it an an of con
stant 'tenseness. A maniac at large
keeps the audience in espedienev of
e‘i , hopper, ngs, and the repealed ap
pearance of shadowy foies and glue
r,ne bony al ms adds a touch of the
sum natal al
The leading male character is Inlay
ed by Jackson Wheatley '2B, who
takes the pant of "Roger Cio "
31ahel D. Reed '2B, takes the femin
ine lead as "Annabelle Nest" The
ienmindei of the cast is as follows
Helen Buekmaltm as "'Manly'
Pleasant", Kenneth L Holderman
'3l, as "Rally Blythe", Edna Yolm
'3(!, as "Susan billsbo, Annette
Hannon '29, as "Cicilv Young", Hai
old W Stull '29, as "Cnailes Wilder";
Aithar 11 Cunningham '3l, as "Paul
Jones", Flank F Mori is 'Bl, as "lion
thieliv", and Edgni F Sadd '29, as
"Pattar , on "
Stag‘ manager for the ploiuction
Enk L Swylcr '4O, and he is as
eistc.l Hv Alexander W &law '2O,
and Waltel..ll.Glaham-'3O -Walter-
C Bodyeemb '29, is property man
ager, assisted hv Eart Sle '3O
K Haifa. in '3O, is electri
cian, Untold 11. Garoniik '3O, ether
nianag,ei, and Miss Sala Hatt.
28, has charge of the costumes.
Seniors Contract• for
Dance Program-Favors
(Continued front first page)
committees, 'Much me deem talons,
John C Belhold; programs and invi
tations, Carl L Lang, and publicity,
12,, 11, Hassel
Pot mulTt,on of preliminary al
]angementa ale in full progress now
ith the announcement of all com
mittees No contanet Lot deecnating
el the Atmoty has been au aided as
et but the &holstein company, .lach
had chalgc of numerous other jabs
hoe, has made n bid for the con
Orchestra ,Posstryilltimi
Napolefin's erebestin, with the
miginal Memphis Five included; has
entered a hid for the dance musk
contract ()ther orchestras which ale
being considered 'by the committee
ale those of Deuey Belgium', Blue
Steele Jan Garber, George Olsen,
Jean Goliikette and Guy Lombardo.
With a full athletic card scheduled
for Satut day, Starch tenth, week-cnd
plan., me complete foe the Serum
You Get More
Out of a
Than You Put
Into It ::
THIS is true in more
\says than the interest
+ you receive on your de
posits -
.4. YOU ENJOY the full +
Y benefit of the experi- x
.:. ence, organization, Mid- 4.
+ ity and energy of a li:
t strong and completely 4.
: equipped institution. *
ALL transactions handled t
in a business-like manner.
3 : The Peoples
National Bank 4.
State College, Pa- .4:
Echoes of Juvenile
Give Metropoli
shill wee, proclaiming I
thin points of into est in - an Altoona
evening new vpaper doling the past
remester has given Co-op came, the
pee'. and Om neteryttie sounds at
a meti opolitan distinct.
"All about Lindy's tettun home
ant , ohy the Piondent said 'I do not
c , Vl2O to tun,'" shrills the boy in a
voice that m said to can> to Puck
atcmue. "Read about the aog hold-up
nt State eallege—too pins !old up it
And the main gazes inquiringly
into the eyes of a man oho goes un
lice.lingly upon his way. Unabashed,
the boy turns away, once mote oboist
mg his nesor ending sing-song os
ho crntinuee to sun this stay and that
in an attempt to find a purchaser for
his mat..
, Se.cral months ago 'little ibinyl
Schilling and sevcial companions do-
Ball guests The winter sports car
nival includes wrestling, hosing and
bisketball contests. Cornell trill
nicstle the L , on rnatmen and the
Temple mihtmen will meet the Nit
tany the anon's.= In the
e‘ening P tt's whiilwind gingers will
encounter Coach Hermann's Blue
and White courtmen
College Men of United States
Select Chicago As Site
For Meetings
A nationwide effort to bring alumni
of colleges and universities into closes
contact has brought the al pointmcnt
0, des.gnation of hotels all the
I - nine:pal cities of the country as cen
t°l, of alumni activities, say olliceis
Os the Intercolleg, ate Alumni Ext.-
:: or scisice, which is the (mooting
hem , of the mganizat on con pri,,ml
ci 'alumni secretaries and editors of
c:Pege rublications of mme than one
hundred educational institutions mho
Rio participants
The most recent selection of anothm
hotel as an intmcoolegiate alumni
meeting place by the Intercollegiate
Alumni Extension .semee sins that of
tim -Aiierton House, Chicago, -which
is now designated ns as Intel ellleg
late alumni hotel
Thr aim of the extension set vice
has been to promote the welfare of
its members in all possible V4'll.}S, and
us a part of that pi ogram designation
hote's iesultel from a belief that
they would be curteis for former col
legians w hese la. , once was not pm
nascent and mlio have few facilities
foi carrying out the fiiendslups tot in
nil in college years. One of the.eea
•oes that the Allerton limn° was
Compliments and Best Wishes
Save the middleman's tax!
‘l7flY pay an - extra profit measure. You get skillful tai-
V V to a middleman when Loring that holds the cut and
you can save a ten-spot or stylishdrapeinthegarmentas
more by buying long as you wear it.
your clothes the Q
Edward way?
I.‘ And, in addition,
, by the Edward
In Edward Clothes
i q ‘i, 4 ' \ method of selling
. ~..,, \
you get the finest ~, direct to you ...
You,fabrics obtainable. 4-. :".1 you get the
man's profit! middle
' ••• I:, • ,
get authentic
styles as worn at the v C
leading colleges. • That's why you
You get a garment can buy a Suit...
that fits you and 1 ,; 4 , , Topcoat ...Over.
you alone... made 1 coat or Tuxedo
to your individual ' at such prices as
* ' $2B" Li $3B"
Exclusive Agency
"Made for You"
ews Salesman
an Aspect to Co-op
Med to °wand their paper business
anti inoidentally to add a few pennies
to their income by engaging I a that
occupation peculiar to boyhood—sell
int papers on the stied
This seas no sooner decided upon
one Saturday night than the Noung ,
eels went to Co-op and certain Penn
State students lonesome for their na
tive cities were coon listening to
^unda that brouxht a thought, of
The State Celege news boss hove
adopted. honever, one thing for use
in their business of mhich metropoli
tan. "" hose never thought.
'l'n.,e things me toiler skates
Agked if this business was very
plaspeicus and m hethei he was =k
m, much money Hairy grinned from
ear to em as lie ,ien'ied, "I'm not
risking much money but I'm having
i- air ful good Lam"
sc'ected as a Chicago center tot alum
ni is ',at theme are now more than
cno handled colleges repmesented in
le,adents under the Allerton moor, 95
pm cent of them classed as permanent
indents. More than fifty per cent
et the hotel guests are college giail
cater, to \V W DwNor,
manage,. The demgnatioir of the
Allerton House as an intercollegiate
ell mni hetet will greatly facilitate the
convenience of Chicago alumni esti
n ated at twenty-five thousand in that
city and will he an aid to alum?.
,parsing t'imough Chicago who 'wish
renew contacts with tomer class
mates. it was .belle,ed, in making the
Full records and duectories of ah
,zl l alumni pours ail be kept on
lib at the Alleiton House and will
he asaikaole to alumni residents of
Chicago and those visiting there, it is
announced. Thus far thcie base been
:alty hotels in the United States des
ignates as intercollegiate alumni head
Football suits for Varsity aspirants
are being d.sti dusted daily from the
Tiack House Candidates are request
ed to apply these for outfits and locket
assignments before seposting to the
Stock Pavilion for the light drills
Coach Besdel, expressed satisfaction
',Alt the lasge number of new men
oho e trying for this yeses eleven
Woilsouts mill be held three times a
week until wasin weathes permits
outdoor walk
Barber Shop
Corner Pugh & College
... • 4 t
~ ,, e )
EN .4
See t he n v
Split.r fades
and It lea
Election of Scholars for Year
1928 Will Take Place
December Eighth
Literary, Scholastic, Qualities
In Addition to Athletic
Ability Considered
The 1928 election of Rhodes Schol
ars will be hold on December eighth,
and students must file their applica
tions stab the Smeary of the State
Committee of Selection before Octo
ber twentieth, according to a recent
announcement from Frank Aydelotte,
Amm 'can Societal.) to the Rhodes
Tiugtees and President of Suarthmoie
A Rhodes Scholarship, the most ens
eted of all undergraduate auaids, en
titles the holder to three )eats of
study at Oxford university. uith an
annual stipend of DlOO (about S2OOOl
Rhodes Stholais are elected vithout
(summation on the basis of their
records in school and college, and no
restriction is upon then elmici.
of I,tudies
To be eligible a candidate must be
an unmarried male citizen of the
United State,, between the ages of
nineteen and twenty-fh e, and must
have completed at least his sophomore
year in college before the time he
gne3 to Oxfoid Ile must then be one
of the men chosen to represent Ors m
stitution in the competiton Schol
ms selected on December 8, 1928, tsdl
go to (Wind in October 1929
The qualities which will be consid
ered in making the selection are lit
A New Way to Buy a Vacuum Cleaner
~and Save Money!
Let us tell you how you can buy one-10 days trial
Three dollars dorm and• live dollars per month
, li for eight months
This is the best (lifer eyer made in the Vacuum Cleaner Line
~ ~ "~•
army and scholastic ability and at
tamments, qualities of manhood, truth
courage, and moral (nice of character
and physical ',Agar us shown in out
flow sports or other ways. Excep
tional athletic prowess is not esqen
tin] to election
Purpose of Scholarships
The, Scholarships were created by
the will of Cecil Rhodes, the famous
South African statesman and capital
-1,,t, who died in 1902 Theu• impose
is expressed in the terms of his st dl
"I also done to encourage and to',
tei an °pm eciation of the athantages
uhich I impli-itly believe still testa
from the union of the English-speak
ing peoples throughout the merit!, and
to encourage in the students front the
United States, . an attachment to
the country fi oin %Ouch they have
sprung, v.ithnut, I hope, withdraning
them on their sympathies hoot the
land of then adoption in With."
' , tallier information and applica
tion blank.; may be obtruned from
Dean Arthur It, Wainock on from
Piesldent Flank Aydelotte, Amman
Secretary, at Suattmore, Pa Full
information about study and life in
Oxfoid is supplied especially for Ano
mie:in students in "Orford of Totla,"
published under the direction of the
Alumni Association of Atomic..
Rhodes Scholars, by the (Mold Uni
ersity Mess.
Famous Quartet Will
Present Concert Here
(Continued front first page)
Since is first public concert in Oe.
tuber, lON, the Quartet has plated
in more than live hundred Amelican
cries and has given mole than two
thousand concert 4 on this side of the
Atlantic. Its major operations have
been confined to the United States,
but each season it makes a slant tota
of Eut one
European Tour,
Foreign conceits of the Quartet,
uhich include London, Milan, Venms,
Rome and Paris, bring its European
WE STATE it as
our honest belief that
the tobaccos used in
Chesterfield cigarettes
are of finer quality
and hence of better
taste than in any
other cigarette at the
... and what's more—
A loud, prolonged wad, seemingly I until tine \ plored gmt upon
of - ome one in dire agent, broke the eninpuo, A num°. of ,th
silence which pi evaded in the opt- low listened for the expr
emus learn e room on the fir 4 floor of .11,, , ,0t ening some clue
c I Mae Hall about eight-thiltt o'clock activi Hon of those oho
ir or fling I lent v shoes i fort dden region
donned noisilt in the r corns (ter head l liens y shoes stomped
' In the lecture loom rt co,mopoliten ;en er the floor, oho, e with
el cup of students comprised of pre-1 itt that the students NNOI
coeds, tits and follower of I agree that a tei clinic ha
n seelluncous other curl mule we) e prcgr nsa, pen hapo. .1 pill
giving studious attention to the se, r. w onanit "hair- pu , ing "
sets of Zoology as esplamed by an an I pit.ful scream, son
accomodating, profes.or of the set- 11,0•0 f tit one part of
011212 soothe:
Many a collegiate cll. jerked ryincliv Then finally, a co-ed
up, and the beam to catch any recut- 1 e planatiqn to the fe
ones of the anwai ianted noise which, bunk her. Ile looked 1
!areal din, to a c0n..., of vat raus parsed the 00111 to h
ippinians. came lion the second 'loll anon the cntne gt oup s
This Ilan, as It, as the Penn ,St,te I 'o the pui , nance of km,
E:3.5 can aseeitara, is inhabited by .1 1 Their catio-ity ,as
cm tats wild ti be called co-eds This I the load, wei a but those
!legion is, and alums ha, been dm- ti s,ecper mall mind,
tog no past, a comparati,ely unknoun I looms stole being cleaned
total of concerto up to mote than fit e I CLASSIF
hundred Last season the musit 11
quartet plated for eights-nine Lon-1 FOR Rr; \ r—Thn !loon
eel is in the United States. Tins 1,111 122 rt street. I
the quitt" tun make its eighth t ,It bath, hack porch. C.lll
to the Pacific Coast
Included in this sermon', ,hedulc SAI 12-I.titomohnk.
one thn cc conceits each in New Yoiu ice Coach racellent
Chicago and Bnoton, ton each in Loks and ions like
PhiladLlphi 1, North unpton and In-i equipped s ucnfe
dianapolis, and thine in Ilat ana, Cuba once Cash on ten one
.Annual eng ngements include eight- Patterson street, phone
con surer. ssit e conceits at I\ Os col-
lege, Auto., Neu Yrelk, stlenteen at 'AUTO:MOBILE; FOl2 SA
Westin°, school, Con-1 "21, touring 8100. 3
ncetitut, sixteen at Williams college, good. Too nen tile,
W illiamstown, .11.1,.n.liu,ett, and , 1101
teen at the Peabody institute, In Itan
(mune, Maryland, , nd Mlnneapohs,l PATRONIZI: OUR AD \
The certainty of correct style is
important in the young man's
selection of shoes. When he
wears Johnston & Murphy,
Florsheim, Stetson, Crawford,
sor Walk-Over shoes he knows
they are correct.
Priced $6.50 to $14.00
Oppositc Front Campus Sine
~v 1