Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 27, 1928, Image 4

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    rage Blur
Established 1896
Beautiful Valentine Packages are now
being received. Six big lines to select from.
Wrapped for mailing.
Conover Shifts Plebes
For Carnegie Tech Tilt
(Continued from first page)
Jinni/UM 110,t,, all Mall IJ .111 d RVY.•
n Ids at the :hooting pu-•trons. Sul
SaLltznean and Chuck ‘N ,lham, at
guard complete the pet,onnel, of te
nerve quintet.
It bile foul teen gnia, et.., t main on
the squad, Lou men h tee Icon placed
on the tot and Ind end one In the
me! g oil to milk:, Ed Br oo nlee has
lacer disqu tidied tuaux e.l Leper
gvtets tthdu Cr ay Fm cy, Bellefonte
high school slat en a, fenced to tee
tdrc mdchniteb hour the squad on
acccunt of un ut) to hie foot
practice la,t uteri, Sul Saltzman
mare num ed .scummage
Wedneeda), but edl soon return to
the cunt t
Forty =not" of 111 ell set manage
vn Tuesday. Wei/nu/4 and 'lhut,
n.thts coneluded the motkonts for the Allot a cartel respite Mote
the final Collins. the yeatheg, Av.'l le
sue., Inattleo o 1 luteday.
Schedule k plum ed
Cr aduato 6lanager Kerl M Flem
ing hnn apprined the plebe c rge st.hed
tat for this 5c..../11 ( \nal it 6 have
been signed an I rent out Mr tine fee...ln
man manage, - William K. lackon
'2b, for the Mons mg engagements
Feb trs fourth, Car Ingle Tech at
borne; Fur,' carp ninth, Carnegie Tech
. , Fen nar v tenth. Pitt'lbue gh
anal, February ighteentli, St. Fr an-
CI, CO:lege nt home, Fehr u.n y tuenty -
h (Or. ,ophounn e-f esh man 'scrap;
'March third, llutknell at home,
March tenth, Pitt.borgli at borne
J. A. (Pop) GARRISON, '27
Phone 571-W 129 Frazier St
New Woolens New Styles
, New Patterns
$25 to $6O
Cleaning Pressing
~,.., ...*„.•„..., • , .... *.........................................................................„.„.,
A Program. Unprecedented!
The Highest Priced Feature Ever Offered in a Theatre
America's Celebrated Jazz King
iv 0- W H Irk*
(Himself) 4iv
_ and his
Famous:Concert Orchestra
Thirty-two Marvelous Entertainers
Hour Concert by Whiteman Three Complete Shows:
and l'hotoplay
2:30 6:00 8:30
All Seats Reserved =Zile' Thursday, Feb'y 2
Ticket Sale at Box Office starting Saturday, January 28, from 2:00 to 4:00 and from
6:30 to 8:30 daily. Mad orders filled, Admission $l.OO, tax .10, Total $l.lO
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000( •• • •-• . •• • * ..... .
Dr. Cattell To Speak
At J. F. C. Conference
(Continued from first page)
ithia." the official neuapapei of that
po.s.tion tic has held since
Ines in toniunction with his duties
as munie,pal statistican
As the nutihoi of two nose's and
'many magazine art..cles of en econ
01111s and political natuie, the Pluto.
bus non n reputation as n
muter of moat Both books mere
nutters at the opening of tiro Present
contuiy. \Vh'de traseling in Europe
sear, than tmenty teals ago he con
tidiuted a nun lies of special articles
to English journals undei the pen
oases of "Fianem 11 Ilards."
Doctor Cotten rece,sul a compie
hen ice education en pus etc schools
of the United States, Engiand and
Germany. In 1017 he ads =aided
tot. <logic° of doctor of science by
Temple unisersity.
\Void was reeened toy the Council
late Yesterday afternon that James
1) Lie Ingston of Nest York City mill
esent the National Interfratei nity
Conference in the conclave lime Ile
ma% formerly national president of
Delta Pi fraternity and in 1917 ins
channian of the national intertrate,
may group. Ile mas graduated from
Columbia unnersity in IS6O
The general committee toe the pro
, .:.
... .:.
.:. .:.
That term paper neatly typed on a Corona— -,
X those notes—those last few points that may be needed I.
•!. :='
_: The Corona, the Leader in Portable Typewriters
* •:.
Carlisle W. Taylor Music Room -.
j ..
* Compliments and Best Wishes 4.
:---~:••:-:-:-:~+ --:~x--:-:~:
mulgation of the conference, an
nounced ~)esterilay that the formal
dinner sill be hold at the Centre Hills
country club instead of at the Uni
versity club as previously scheduled
The tone of this event is Tuesday
night, February SON cab.
A pledges' erecting, a mass-meet
ing and sr. luncheons for the chief
Okra's of the different fraternities
are .scheduled for the three-day par
ley in addition to the smoker and the
Colorful Decorations
Will Mark Soph Hop
(Continued from first page)
cover the side Balls Southern smilax
and birch branches will enclose the
Elatetruty booths which still flank
the dancing floor be decorated
ultli bunting and birch branches
barbel by smilax and oak branches
Identification =sigma mill be placed
at the entrances to the booths subtle
the committee hopes to devise
lighting cffetb to add In nonce to the
A crop} e‘tendmg from the camp
us walk to the Armory entrance with
cocoanut mattme, underfoot will pro
vide the approach to the dance floor.
Buoklet-Program tallorx
Thirty-five pages of College pic
tures in half-tone and College songs,
bound in black pondeted gram calf
skin four and a half by EIS and .1
half m ow, will sem C as combined
booklet-program fat ore A genuine
Is 017 binned pencil will be attached
to each booklet by a sill, cord of Col
lege colors
Not cl and unusual musical hits and
specialty acts by Rea Nichols and his
Five Pennies and the Charleston
Chasers under the direction of Don
Vol hoes n ill feature the dancing Pro
maul for the underclass formal.
Tickets for the affair still sell at fr e
dollars a couple.
Boxers Open Season
With Green Terrors
(Continued from first pace)
jury has healed Leo has dec ded to use
him in the light heavyueight scrap
against Eked,. The inteicollegiate
175-pound champion who on 111 reality
a uelterueight has been ieducing his
poundage and is in the pink
01. condition. Thice first-ruund knock
outs this year is the record of likens
of Western Maryland. The husky
Southern lad satin packs a nicked
light hand punch, has been fighting
it the 160-pound division and would
' limo met Captain Attic Wolff had not
substitutions been made in the West
ern Maryland_ line-up.
' With Bendick fighting in the light
heavyu eight class calm Wilford or
Tioruck wall handle the 195-pound as
signment against Captain Nouns of
Western Maryland Both boys have
already tasted varsity competition,
each fighting in one meet last yeas.
Wilford has been sparring with File
gar all year and has shown maim,-
meat over his work of 1027. On the
other hand, Baruch has been working
hard and has developed his knowledge
of hosing. lie is mote aggrassne
than Wilford but the latter alas no
dsturbing left Lib that mill cause
trouble for any opponent. Leo Man
make his selection today.
Captain Mho Wolff, with an un
broken string of victories, will oppose
Klepac, a mein comer to the Western
Maryland team. Because of the ree
ord that Ekaitis, the Green Tciroi
middleweight has compiled this year,
Leo may shift Allo to the 175-pound
slam and Btralick to the 160 pound
The unlimited meight bout mill ice
'Afar*. 31acAndreus and Weisbock in
Quality Meats at their best now
Just call 220 or 320
, - Tuxedos for Sale or Rent
For the
Sophomore Hop, February 10
Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feelin'?
The Smoother and Better Cigarette
.....lot a cough in a carload
action. The latter is another nee:-
toner to the Western Maryland team
as Is Mae Andrews mho will partici
pate in his first calmy bout toner-
Wednesday and Thursday, Leo ex.
tended the practice bouts to Tour
rounds each to increase the endurance
of his boxing pupils. The entire squad
will go through light eabsthcmcs to
day and will weigh in tomorrow at
ten o'clock This is the first appear.
once of a Western Maryland boxing
team at Penn State.
Student Council Hans
Campus Improvements
(Continued from fast page)
definite notion was taken by Council
on these matters bons ever.
Discussion of the honor point sys
tem led to the decision to invite a
College official to a later meeting for
the purpose of gaining a better un
derstanding of the systom before tak
ing any action. A measure strongly
adsocated at the meeting vats the
posting of students' grades by each
department as soon after final mnn
mations as possible. The move mai
obiveted to, hots ever, because of the
embarrassment 'which 'would result
from snaking public the names of
students with low grades. Action on
this matter ens deferred, also.
Per the purpose of providing an
appiopriate setting for concerts and
chapel services in the Schwab auditor
ium, the Council appointed Carlton
II Brace '2B, to investigate the need
and advisability of purchasing a cur
tain. Vacancies on the Student Tri
bunal were filled by the nomination
and election of John G Lung Ten '2B,
Louis D. Reilly '29, Robert G. Whit
more '3O, and Martin S. MacAndiews
Lion Passers "to Pace
Quaker City Courtmen
(Continued from first nage)
Litwawk and Joe Feinberg will guard
Reinhold and Delp.
Donner, Temple forward, although
ha is playing his first year of college
basketball, is the outstanding playci
of the Owl five, being an ahurate shot,
an ambidexterous passer and an ex
&lent defensive player Captain Lit
wack, high scorer of the Temple drib
blers, runs a close second to the fresh
man star for individual thonms. Coach
Jimmy Usilton has a wealth of sub
stitute material an Irwin, Jepson,
Pohimkin, Kraaeslci, Wooley and
Temple Pro‘es Fast
he the games so far this yeas;
Temple's fruit quintet has promd a
fine ,passuat combination Bounce
passes, hook passes and overhead
throws, all with accuracy and speed,
halo been the noun factor en the
team's early season wins Coach Usil
tor's courtmen are well-drilled in the
lice-man defense
Irons Prepared for Frny
After a week's rest the Nittany
cagemen ought to be m prime condi
tion for the tray tomorrow night. If
Coach Ilermann's offensive machine
functions as nen as it did in the Get
tysburg contest Saturday, the Cherry
and Wbito iloormen will find the Lions
ono of the most formidable opponents
they have met tins season. A short
TrHE GOOD WILL of a customer
'ICL is a valuable asset.
GOOD WILL is acquired from
GOOD SERVICE is obtained
CO-OPERATION is working in har
THIS BANK is always in tune
CIG Ar „
f ..:7TTES
rhrtv e , 44 -
Friday, January 27, 1928
illness kept Captain Whitey Von'
:Leila from practice during the early
part of this week, but lie •wilt prob. -
ably be in condition to start the gamC
tomorrow. If the • Nittuay leader,,
should sutler a relapse, Eddie Baron:,
wilt occupy his post at guard
ROOM foi rent at 117 East Beater.
avenue, opposite Postoffice. ltp '
ROOMS—Two double rooms, wall 01
, vithout board. 816 Bast Beaver
avenue; phone 572-11. 2tp
LOST—Wallet containing mamba-
ship cards, drivers and owners cards
etc. Fades call IL S. Russel-230
East Foster avenue. ltn
LOST—Silver Wllst match Ultil black
leather strap=, last Thursday be
tmAten Chemistry building and lab.
oral Arts. Please return to Mont
gomery's ltp
EXPERT mending and plain sewing
of any kind except dressmaking.
Will also take Cale of children dur
ing afternoon or evening Miss
May Love, Apt. 5, Snyder Garage
Fire Insurance