Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 06, 1928, Image 3

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    Friday, January 6, 1928
Katherine Holbrook '2B
Assistant Editor
likhed A. Webb '2B
Junior Assistants
Agnes E. Geary '29
.1 Margaret 91 Mmeel '29
Bessie I. Wolfson '29
Rifle Team Starts
Matches This Week
.The Girls Stale Tease twill shoot its
fast match of the season against
George Washington .unneisity this
1 At present the schedule Is as Sol
January 7 George Washington U
January 21 West Virginia U.
January 28 Drexel Institute
February 11 Gettysburg
February 18 Unnersity of Oklahoma
February 25 University of Delaware
March 17 Cornell University
ltlaich 24 Cal negie Tech
March 21 - University of Maryland
'Beta honorary women's
science f into nay, had a meeting just
;berme vacation m hich was in the
form of an inspection ti m through
the Engineering buildings where vat
ions "stunt" exhibits had been pie
pared for them They were aLso shown
the new sheet car, the telephone ex
change, and the ladle department.
With the beginning of the year
comes the nous that the Grange fund
for the now uomen's dormatmy has
reached the ninety thousand dollar
/mark, whirl mall enable them to be
gin work on the building as soon as
conthbons permit rn the Spring.
The Grange has been working on
this fund for more than a year, and
as rt nears its goal of one hundred
thousand dollars enthusiasm attempts
to attain it m the near future are
being made.
New Year's Day Resolutions Disrupts
Usual Routine of Girls' Dormitories
The girls' dournm ms mere not ill
Most of the inmates did not even thin':
they 'nose ailing, but there were sonic
anxious souls who wondered if the ab
animal air of goodness that floated
about was not the mockely of some
internal fever They investigated, and
after several days spent in making the
diagnosis, they sagely pronounced it a
"false alarm" and nest then way
College Ice Cream
i: 138 Allen Street :
On Co-Op. Corner
Late Orders for La Vie
Portraits are now
• ready for delivery
Town . Girls Will Hold
Closed Dance Tonight
All Town Gals who have not done
so already ale asked to sign up on
the list at 'Dean, Ray's Mike umnledi
atoll if they exPect to attend the
dance at the Alpha Chi Sigma house
tonight, so that sufficient refreshments
nu* be provided '
The 'gals' \the deed not yet wad
their fast semester clues are 'urged
to do so at once, as this as the pnce
of admission.
Campus girls, and boys other than
nnemberg of the Alpha Chi Sigma
fraternity are asked to note that the
dance is closed.
Professor J. 0. Keller
Joins Engineering Tour
Piofessor .1 0. Keller, head of the
engineering extension department at
tho College, will be one of three mem
beis of a faculty in chaise of an en
gumming tom to the industrial coun
tiles of Eulope next summer.
Public utility industrial executives,
engineeting students and instructors
snit .make the trip to England, Ger
man}, Belgium and France for the
purpose of studying industrial and
commeimal conditions there. Pro
fessor Keller is to give a series of
lectuies dining the tour. N C. ma
former head of the Penn State en
meeting extension department, and
now dneetor at Rutgers University,
will have charge of the trip.
Dr. John Cornelius To
Address Chapel Group
(Continued from first page)
Lion for himself in international
His lectures throughout the United
States and his writings concerning
international and inter-racial On
tions have made lum a well-known
figuie Last spring he made an ex
tended tour of the western states
Interprets India
Conceining the work of Dr. Cor
nelius Bishop F. B Fisher of Calcutta,
India Niritet
"Only an Indian can interpret the
soul of Indian to Americans and John
Coinchus is the best man now in
America to do it"
That is the medical way of saying
that New Year's Day has come and
gone, and left behind it the resolutions
that Ness Year's Day usually inspues.
So for a time fat girls will go candy
less, lean girls wit get up for break
fast, and all wcik will be done on time
Then the resolutions will seem leis
and less &suable and finally go the
way of all impossible things.
Dean Wend is Varied Life
Warrants Recent Honors
The life of Dean Gerald L Wendt
has been one of varied experiences
and warrants the honor which he has
received by his selection as director
of the Battelle liemorial Institute.
BOrn in Davenport, lowa, on March
it, 1891, he was educated at the high
school of that city and later at Hal
yard, where he received the degree of
A. B. in 1913, and his A. M. later and
m 1924 his Ph D. degree: After.grad
uating he was engaged in research
study at the radium laboratory of
Profesor Jacques Danne at Gil, neat
Paris. In 1916, he became junior
chemist in the United States Bureau
of Mines and took part in the develop
ment of the American process for thi.
extraction of radium from carnotite
ore at Denver.
Dean Wendt then taught for a yea
at the Rice Institute in Houston, Texas
and in 1917 was appointed instructa
in chemistry at the University of
Chicago. His service there was in
terrupted by the war, during which
he was commissioned as captain in
the Chemical Warfare Service and
was in charge of researches in the
laboratory established at the American
University in Washington, D C. Re
turning to Chicago after the mar, he
was promoted to assistant and then
to assamte professor but resigned in
1922 to become assistant director of
research for the Standard Oil Com
pany of Indiana at the: Whlting, In
diana, plant.
In 1924 Doctor Wendt caineiliere as
dean of the School of Chemistry and
Physics and at once began orgeniza
lion of the division of Industrial Re
search and acted as its director for
two years He was also active in the
organization of the Institute of
Chemistry of the American Chemical
Society and was the director of the
first session, which was held at the
College during this past summer.
' Dean Wendt is best known for his
researches on the chemical action of
radium rays, the ozone form of hy
drogen, the active forms of hydrogen,
nitrogen, and chlorine, chemical re
actions in electrical discharges, the
Dry Goods
West College Avenue
1 27/EfirPL - ' WEDNESDAY
Matinee Daily at 2:00
Added Stage Attraction
.1 Instrumentalists in "The Land of Mah Jong" ..
.t. t
+ x
_Special Prices: Adults Children ,5c •i:
measurement of hydrogen ion cor
contratlon, the thermal decomposition
of tungsten into helium, and his
knon ledge of the chemistry of petrol
eum 1 efining.
Players Prepare for
Second-Greek Drama
iConlintiCa from first page)
ttactue effect on the stage. The
men's costumes will be rented from
a theatrical firm:
Complete Lights
An entirely new system of light
'l4„has been completed, and together
with the scenery, which has been built
for this 'play, rs ekpected to add con
siderably to its et:recta, production.
Because 31i Ricker will graduate
in February, there ',ill be but one
showing of the play
Tickets will be on nate at "Whitey"
Cgusser's beginning January 1.1111-
teenth They ndl sell for smenty
fne cents and one dollar.
Students Return From
Volunteer Convention
(Continues Irom first page)
who presented then religious difficul
Questions that-vitally concern the
•Chrtstmn world today, such as, "The
Weakness and Strength of Chustian
Missions," "Foreign •Missions and the
Fuftno" and "Inter-metal Co-opera
tion for a Bohol 'World" were freely
discussed by ',aims group., at the
conclave. Topics of the college c impus
store also brought up at the conven
WANTED—Expmenced cook desires
stork in hateinay house. Call 360
ask for Mis Shado, ltp
Toon Camassms Will Report
On Progress of Drke For
Dormitory Fund
Attainment of its lift...en !minimd
dollar quota as a contribution to the
fund for erecting the Grange Mem
onal Dormitory Lot women will be
the purpose of on open coveting 01
the Penn State Grange tonight at
seven-flinty eclock in Room 100 Holt
to ts. W. D Phillips, trustee of the
College and member of the home
ccone.n.c ecinunittee of the Pain
Sig loange, will he the piint. pal
.peakei at the meeting Dean
Ch rr
lotto E. Ray, Ellen Buikholcki,
dent of the Woman'. Student
Cc -
ernment Asset alien, and IV. F 1011
past Mostei of the Pennsterani
State Clang- 1,01 also addl.-, the
gather m;,
Coma,. State College
Daum: the last fe day; the f..,-
alt 3, student orgalaution, and toy ^. -
people hate been (amas.ed by a
special committee of the local I.lg,
4, hall 1% ill make a tenet t at th,
The MM. ,t' u:tul a %sillt
$250,000 of $150,000 1,111
alsed by bond.. To date, Grang.
throughout ale State hale cn, , e
nPorco,inate4 $OO,OOO fm the gift to
tha College .ind ac eour Is the IV
mauling $lO,OOO ha, , a.en t u ed
building opinatuong will begun The
local Grange eNpectf, to I use hftwa
bundled dams, flee bundled of u
have aliemb been collected b 3. the
Laic cf cock books and
Gift to College
According to the al Lhitect% plans
In the dos auto! the, c null be a tat ge
central bolding of this cc and - a li ili
stories Is ith tno vnis t-,o Stolle., in
he,ght It Hill be ,ittiatell oil
:llLAllistel Hall ass I Evel2.n Caaagn
ant it 5, twinned .odl bo the linc.t
gift that the College ha, loin, 1 19
Fire Insurance
,`" .
Distinguished by a favor that places it first
jr is a natural pride that Camel feels for is indeed the nq, rind qualities of per
ils triumphs. Not only did it load the feetion that are to be found in the
field shortly after its introduction. It choicest tobaccos grown. And the art of
passed steadily on with each succeeding Nature is aided by a blending that un.
year until today it holds a place in pub- folds each delicate taste and flagrance.
lie favor higher than any other smoke You will more than like Camels.
ever reached. Camel is supreme with You will find a solace in them eveiv
modern smokers. smoking hors•. Their mildness and
Obviously, there is a quality here mellowness are au endless pleasure.
that particulat smokers appreciate. It "Have, a Camel!"
11. J. IZEI - I“.ILLIt i0.4.1CC0 LODII•ANY. V. , 1. - .N.STO'N•ALC.3I, N. C
"Oh! Will It Rattle?
Co-eds Are Ratt
That e,en tie subjec,t to all
I tT., of animal pq‘Lhology, and that
the, of the fan sex ate also human,
p 1 °Ned by the incident ahmh 01--
tossed in the name Study depart
ment in Ino Old I‘l.a.n Ju-,t befoie
holloo:ng the usual glace out 1...i.,- of the slttrted student, while
v titan:: neat lone; Ica., ut e‘lulml•,
not Led that the Is telsed !oolong tattle
,n,he a, as nut in its usual place. At
I , mensie Team Stalls Extensi‘e
Schedule in February is ith
Nev. Jersey Law School
Ir pieliatation fo, .e‘en dehates
td3 sehcduled and se‘ct al 'mat
c,hich ;to kiln; auangeil, the car
tOl s mill itihme Enact Le
h,,d t eel, announced Viol John II
coach of the Warp, cotes daN
'I he next 1011,10 10011 'hill be on
y ttnth ',hen the Penn State
chtn , es hill dchate Nel%
1, .tt \e,‘ on the
"I',. , ohed That the United
cease to protset Arne!,
c tr un e. to cots nn fo,elgtt counties , "
ihL 11,,r0t the teem
5t1 3 d. ,u-, the acme topic at Pm:-
GL tr.c. Ijatdunettdn unt% el-It, t,
ttd tno ncat opponent enaountu ed
e A hen en Febt uaq teghteLnth,
.ho ctatot, alll ag.t•n debate the
Quality Meats
i rAittemzt. ut it ADvcitrismts
Page Three
Did You Hear It?"
ed By Empty Cage
this 4111111111,1^, (11,0 s el s It Is as teal ell
the animal had escaped and ,as pn,-
sibly at Clint set p moment in the act
of tangling unh some innocent Old
Main loiterei
As in the musics, ,escial limns
elapsed and one of the piofessors
from the atension depai tment
tmnod hum a top to t
nit me he had taken the snake mot
alubition puiposes. All student feats
n eve thereby allayed and beauty sleeps
tesumed then Ramon ascendancy
Amel.eart investment tocVen% in the
Audthn nun
On Febt uaiy tuentv-seeond, the
Penn State leant iii!) begin its oust
mn trip at Marietta, Ohio, and on
,LICCC.,I% o nights debaters t eiesenting
Wooster, Western Risen e and Ohm
ll e,leyan trill be mit by the Lion trio
At Woostm the team is "'ldled ht
Pt of Enter son IN M diet, foi nteilr
a ntembei• of the Penn State faculty,
%Onto at Ohio Wesleyan the squad is
in change of W Rot Dem, fui merly
a a acuity difoator hue
A mils tenni is being selected by
Piote,oi Brinell to deoate George
Washington inn onion 014-
31.nelt second in the Atalitoilunt
on the foreign iine,tment question
LOST-11 allot contaltolor a sum of
mono, and iat 11,, Int Judi tu: (II .-
's I teen, 1' ludo please I clam
to C. 'l' Haupt df . Alpha Gamma
Rho, of the COLLEGIAN °thee A
um and Is offered
quality pencil
in. the world
Superlative in quality,
the world-famous
give best service and
longest Wear.
Elan orkds.per,lo, $1 00
Rubbercods.perdo.l. 1.20
'cold Co., 21S Hill Arc.,ILY
•kelsof UNIQUE7I. Lea
}n z,.`t.,~Fdd