~.... 1 Notices 1 The Penn Stale chalitit of the Ann einian A.:mina:lon of University Wo men, Neill meet at the Women's Muhl mg, December eighth at eight o'clock in the waning Sal,la A Vought, the College Lanatian, sill glee a talk on nes hook, and lune an eshihit of nen edition, at taus electing. IMEIMI An addi ebb Lnt3o.l "Phy,es Ap plied to Wood Utiliza , tain" Hilt be gus en b 3 Piot' liu old S Ne,mh of the Faiebtm Department at an open meet nig of Sigma Pi Sigma tonight, at eight In loom 28 of the Ph 2 sic:, build- I=l=l Thole %sill be a Joint Imeting of the men aml ,omen •tumont- of the olass of 1910 m l'ie Bull Pen tonlgat bec en-hfteen o'clock. IMI=I Cluistina, and Nett Yeat's cards from J cents up Special State Colt loge acid. at the OLD MAIN ART SHOP ltp ==l The Pre-Medual secn.t . ;. oil meet in room I lkAlhsten Dalt tomonnott et ening at set. o'clock Di Joseph E DeCamp a ill speak All ine-mods ale tit lied to attend this meeting tclueli Is .1 gat)]. ing on the students negistened in the Louise Ache hate automaticallt become metnbet> upon titan negnsti.ntion. STAFF OFFICER INSPECTS STUDENT REGIMENT HERE Colonel Deems of Third Corps Area Visits Penn Slate R. 0. T. C. Units Tito. ough inspect Lon of the se,en tot n hunched 11101 111 the Alldea It O T C egunent of the College, tot - m mg a pet rod of too dat s, was com pletes todas be Colonel Clat max Deems, staff alines of the Thud gulps ea lw.ulquat lets Baltunoti. It was its thud ..nnual nc,pectlon olalt to Penn State nuldaty organtbatton, and he declat ed that the student s esp. meat made a most fa‘otable names ion. Colonel Deem, 1s making the commis Of the tuent,fout college R 0. T C urn, in the al., naJudmg institutmns m Penn* Is aina, Mankind, Vuguva and the district of Columbia. Perm Stale is bllidlng MI a place on the hone. toll u hich last ear iceorded Lehigh, Johns Hopi..., Clem getoun Unit Pennsp Mu ttatt College, Staunton thihtat y Acaden*, gmla Pole technic and. Vlrginia MUltaty last: tote an outbtanding PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Fire Insurance EUGENE H. LEDERER Remember Dad ::1': A Box of Cigars Sweet Shop ALBERT DEAL& SON Heating AND Plumbing 117 Frazier Street SMITH • • LOY Siioi . • 1, , E CIUSIN e Agency; I Value! \ Our huge fabric purchases scientific production methods —direct selling enable sou to have a suit tailored to sour Indtvidual measure at less than the usual price of reads.madcs. $28 75 and $38 75 EDWARD CLOTHES MADE FOR YOU Lana Grant Colleges Honor Doctor Hetzel (Continued from first page) •ociation, for it is this group that acts Os the steerng committee of the asso ciation It meets frequently between annual sessions, and passes upon all matters of policy affecting the land giant colleges of the country. Since these aie colleges founded and partly supported by the government, close contact most be maintained with olfi culls at Washington. Dr netzel's team on the committee is for five )eal. President Het?el recently visited the Unn eisity of Illinois and Purdue aniversitt, both land grant institu tions, making a study of some of their new bindings Ile also addressed the Penn State alumni in Chicago and this week meets with alumni in New Yolk and Philadelphia The Penn State president is also a member of the board of directors of the State Chamber of Commerce and attended .1 meeting of that group in Whams por t last week. "Old Main Bell" Sales Campaign Will Start (Continued from first page) t of a nature perhaps nosey before seen in lollege literary publications. It is also stated that poems, stones and other =tot at of milliment neon lh still have a chance of acceptance for his number if placed in the hands of either the edam-in-chief at the Pi Kappa Phi house on John N. Miller 'JS, at he Phi Kappa Sigma house Some citticmois of the periodical by membeis of the English department Come On Down For the Christmas Present L. G. BALFOUR Has It In His Jewelry Line at Sauer's Clothing Store "Come on in and spread!" Comrs day when your family pry themselves loose and send you a box of cats ... cake four stories high, turkey, candied orange peel, fudge, and other good things. The cry goes round. Your friends gather. Wash down the cats with "Canada Dry." This ginger ale has a delightful flavor . . . tang to it . .. dryness ... sparkle. It has a subtle gingery flavor because it is made from pure Jamaica ginger. It contains no capsicum (red pepper). It blends well with other beverages. "CANADA DRY "The Champagne of Ginger ✓I/er" I.draer ,ported from Canada and by,llol rn fhr II s 1 by Camay Dry Gengry Incorporntrd, 11'M 4381 birrel York. A' 1 fn Gynada. / / .11cLoni1Ithn Liniftrd. LJ a blukcit 1890 TPOON • DRY .. • of the College have been solicited from prominent faculty critics in an effort to bring the student to teahration of the real merits of the magazine. "Penn State might have continued to function as the Farmer's High School that was chartered in 1855 if there had not been those in its early days who visioned a largei intellectu al life than that which could be anal- Pheil in a mere trade school. Today there ale still men of vision who base glimpsed a wider intellectual bmizon than that of the present and who are earnestly straying to advance•the lit erary tastes and standards of Penn State by building up a worthy med. lam of expression through the ON Main Bell. Whomet helps on that building program, either as a contnb utor or as a subscrabel, alt substan . natty in carrying on tile traditions of Penn State "—Piot. Wlllum F. Gib bons. Professor Esoenshode "Judged both from - its purpose and the quality of its contents, the Old Main 801 l desmses a heartier recep 4ion and a more geneious support than it has had. The "foolish gentle men" get their full share of ceeogni lion Wlq, should sue not also give the "serious gentlemen" their due" Why should we be so slow to adnut that skill in ailastic literary eeptes non is as seasonable and as legitimate lan aim in college education as a well turned witticism or a well-played game? As a major activity, literacy aspiration desers es as much consider ation and encouragement as forensic of dramatics or athletics. As Prince ton men, Booth Tarkington and Henry Van Dyke are better known today ev en among people who are athletically minded, than any Piinceton football heroes, V. hose fame has glossed bright it for a brief day, only to be snuffed out utterly sin months after gradua tion."—Piof A. Homy Espenshade. Play tl dark and ,eyl l on C YlT ' F ' ol;P ' s7l ' Mat e can put ever a ladne ors 3ou THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Dr. Fred L. Pattee "The Old Menu Bell would be a omel et to any college It has as much of variety as even a Poe could de.sne. The poetey is Mame the avetage of undergraduate verse. The fiction I lend on the whole lendable, and what mole cnn one demand Dom undet geminate fiction' The dramatic nor'. is dieter and well-done, and the cute clone beelhant Penn State is en the the oes cf a literal, rot real let the good work go on "—Dr. Feed L. Pa t°, lIIMENTI "I hose spent some nave plcalont moments in reading the Old Mani Dell oral have found so much of compell ing interest between to covers that I (1.110 in this way to send my best Mashes for success to all those who have any responsibility in so meintm mus a venture Being directed, as I believe it to be, tomaul the accomp lishment of so fine a purpose, I can understand why it has won for itself You Can Get It at Metzger's Camels, Lucky Strikes & Chesterfields 2 Packages foi 25c Large Assortment of SMALL TOYS Suitable for XMAS PARTIES 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c L. K. METZGER got the idea from Tito Schipa," says Vincent Lopez Noted jazz Icing, with his manager, George Wallace, during an intermission of dance numbers at "Casa Lopez," rec ommends Lucky Strikes. You, too, will find that LUCKY STRIKES give the greatest pleasure—Mild and Mellow, the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. Made of the choicest tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process—"lT'S TOASTED"—no harshness, not a bit of bite. "It's toasted" No Throat Irritation-No Cou a foremost place in the tanks of the very best student magazines. An ef fort to keep it on the highest plane on the past of its board of publ,ca lion cannot fail to operate toward making the magazine a credit to Pt Delta Epsilon, to the Pennsylvania State College and to every contlibu tor vio is so fortunate as to attain recognition in its pages. thy hearty commendation to its sponsors."— Piesident Ralph D lfelzcl CLASSIFIED LOST—A black leather vest-pocket note-book that opens °offense. A Tiffany prodoot Well finder please 1 eturn and claim leo-aid? Yap Chu-Phay, Phone 235-111. 21p LOST—A Morn Stetson bat contain ing initials C K G at the Sigma Phi Sigma house Saturday night Finder please return to C K. Geary, Phi Sigma Kappa. Phone bin ltp Allen Street IF YOU ARE INTERESTED—In sell ing Ohristmas cards call Walter E. Fausel, University club Sales readily made, commission liberal. 2tp LOST—Valuable Cameo pin On campus between Old Main and L. A. Friday morning. Reward.—E. R. Geissenbanner, Stone House, East Campus. ltp GARAGE for rent. Call 323-y. 611 South Pugh street. -, ltp FOR SALE—E flat King saxophone, tenor .banio, banjo-mandolin Apply Post Office Box 353, State College, Pa 4tp ATLANTIC CITY, N. J PRINCESS HOTEL OCEAN END SOUTH CAROLINA AVENUE There's No SNOW on the Boardwalk Winters are Mild and Delightful SPECIAL WINTER RATES s 3Druly, $ l5 Weekly up, with all meals; 51.50 Dly. up, Eu. Pl. There attractive rates offered to college ateldentv Shot% tour Matriculation cande to Wont , ' rate The above rates will also he effective aver seek-ends and CilltlhT6lAS HOS Henning water In all room, Steam beat Capacity Sao All white Ice s, Mimic. Dancing 13Ooklet and road mar free IVire malenationa at hotel eiprnar 24th Year llgr. PAUL C. ROSECRANS, Owzer-11 VISIT THE WORLD'S PLAYGROUND MADE OF i THE THE CREAM oF TOBACCO CROP Tito Schipa, Chicago Civic Opera Star, writes: "Any cigarette that can give ex. treme pleasure without in the least injuring the, human voice is cer tainly a great boon to vocal artists. That is why I prefer 'Lucky Strike' cigarettes." Tuesday, December 6, 1927, FOR SALE Refi igerator, kitchen cabinet, dining room two 9x12 rugs, two leather ro, leather sofa, beds, etc. Ingun West Beaver avenue. STUDENT WANTED to tone boarding. club. Write or mqu 12G Miles Stteet LOST—A bunch of keys on a untilt an identification turd atta Finder please Detain to Evan sell at Omega Epsilon ro RENT—House with SIX r bath, hardwood floor, steam all Improvements Inquire West Beaver avenue. lIIMM