New Things for Houseparty NEW NECKWEAR $1 and $1.50 BEAUTIFUL SHOES $6 to $8.50 TUXEDO SUITSS32.SO NEW HATS . . . . $5 and $6 AL'S SHOP® Notices 1 The Nosembet meeting of the metican AzsoLiation of Linnoisily 'amen will be held nt the Women's tulding, Thu,dai eiening, Nevem r tenth at eight o'clock Nis Lions ill speak on the subject, "Problems bi out tommunity muse" Inspection of the Penn State It. 0 . C unit Al dl take plate th, t eat on ecembet fifth. annount, Colonel lenlyd McLaughlin Office.' tan •rnu Tot junior, who bane enrolled the advanced It 0. T C course are n hand, and mill be d•stttbated °thatch The Depot Intent of Public Inform on. Room 175, Old Mani, ,ould :in mate hating a copy of the sports ct.on of the Philadelphia Public Led 1, of the Sunday, Octobei 16th is e, lot it, permanent files This is o contain., a iepoet of the Penn tne, pat t of which is printed on the vets° side of the hitt page Any udent hating a copy of this issue ould confer a fates on the depart ent by bringing it to the olfice. inging Revelers Will Appear Here Saturday (Contutued from first page) her unit etsitl. man in the quintet ttendea lona State Francis Luther and Waled Glenn Ong the tenet and has., while Ed Fireplace Wood, STATE COLLEGE FUEL & SUPPLY CO Phone 35-31 ATTRACTIVE GIFTS For ATTRACTIVE GIRLS at CRABTREE'S . ...... . ~•..•. , ~ - . YALE HARVARD ... PW , ....2,0N DARTMOUTH COULD PRINCETON DARTMOUTH CORNELL•PINNSTLVANIA• COLUMBIA sTRACUSE 8R0WN( . ........C,1510RE TUFTS AMHERST SWARTHMORE TUFTS ENO% • ALABAMA LLLAND STANFORD CALIFORNIA COLI ~..„ MR GEORGETOWN COLORAD OWN !LORIN* “,,,,,, --"Ro,A ~, -.. , .1, CROSS FORDHAM e fi ge * pot BUT, lERBILT PENN STATE =Zen All VERMONT lS VIRGINIA MARQUE .- ELL ..r r" . " . ;‘ ,RIZONA PENN STATE IA •COLUMBIA E WILLIAMS NEBRAIRA N AND STANFORD 4 AGARA RENSSELAER m OWN FLORID% AND CINCINNATI WAS lANA PURDUE ENNSTLVANIA COEUI FAH • VERMONT , LELAND STANFORD ELL DREW% iC A R ,, T , O , vf ,, N L tLOM D A AVM BOSTON 11 , A ,, S ~ W 1„ A AA / f t , EL I .HN S HOSE TIC plack IA calve eat Semi buntelly or weight end. COLLAR lloW wm g AL o f old.L • . , . • HASVASO•COLGATS DARTMOUTH VANDERBILT PRINCETON STANFORD ANNLRST•HARVARD COSOATS•DASTNOUTH ,TECH OHIO STATE WISCONSIN TARS GONEAGA SOUTHERN WAEASH•VERNONT•TECH . OHIO •WISCONSIN Others $25 and $45 WHITEY MUSSER'S Samlle of Marvin-Small° Victor is cold fame will attend at the piano. Tichety Go On Sale Tickets mil go on sale at the Mu sic Room tonight and tomot row nights front SON en until nine o'clock The puce is Used nt one dollar and iitty tents. Fraternities, and clubs , may even e block tickets by phoning the Y. M. C. A hut Tuesday afternoon front one until five o'clock. These group tickets must be taken Tuesday night of they ',Ain not he %Mid. Lion Trips Colonials In Listless Encounter (Continued from first page) to play the second half And with the Colonial men inspited by their fast half defensive success, the bat tle piommed to be a mole thrilling one. Mahoney kicked to Stehman who retained the ball twenty-sin y olds to his ten-lard line Too shalt end tuns bs Clapper and Stehman and a puny pass fiont Stehman to Carey gained a hist down on the 46-lard line for the Hatelietmen In the too folios, ing plays Clapper catried the hall to v ithin a feu feet of another first down but, preferring to kick, punted outside on the 19-said stiipe A long fotwaid pass, the first mote of the Lion offense, sins heaved to I "You can get it at Metzgers" „ . Specials for This Week 3 Cakes Palmolive Soap, 25c Palmolive Shampoo Regular price, 50c This week, 39c $3.50, Ersbot Lamp, $3.00 Our Regular Price on Camels, Luckies, 2 f®r 25c Chesterfields - - L. K. METZGER 7 - s COI I I GI HAI I .41 amik r . THIS SHIELD IDENTIFIES .4- , clUiCz co ieIiREL OTO.I VCOLGATE BU • v. ASHIG A T GATE OLIVA OUCK TTE WAST. COLLEGE HALL DINNER SUIT ENSEMBLE rao, N r ~11 ALOO.IG C M oum RN I.lcnN O.R TNWR ILT rE .. ‘ 'HE lapels are rounded to the %„,,,) curve of a penny and are faced with dull grosgrain. The lone button and the pockets are placed low; the jacket is well rounded at the bottom and silk lined; the trousers are braided along the sides. Silk Tined Coat $35 Braided Trousers • INDIANA P UT. WAS N LL DE PA RST DOS ON • A COLGATE OLINA DUCK TTE H ASHI !TRIM N All ALARIGH To complete the DINNER SUIT ENSEMSLE. College Hall sponsors the Chesterfield and the accessories illustrated and described. . . . - GOWAN lOWA VANDERBILT TZDAS TENBILIIDDL • UTAH venw , RNBLL DUMB RUTGERS DOWDOIN GCNTIL GRINNELL DC P NIA VAL? KANSA, TULA. ICENTUGDY LOYOLA MANED, 110, / / 7 7 SHIRT Surf borom or one,two or three stud Meet Your Friends at Whitey's Delp but found repose in the arms of Sapp, visiting halfback, who made his nay to the 20-yard line before he was finally brought to earth. Stehman failed to gain at center. Sapp tossed a pass to Carey who gained eight yards and another short one to Deily who returned the ball 26 yam's from whose gain was but a few inches. Clapper went wide around left end on the next play after a lateral pass ifrom Saunders but fumbled. Mlle Wolff was aim t and scooping up the ball reversed its direction by cal *mg it almost to midfield after a spirited dash llamas Crashes Through A steady Lion match toward the goal line proceeded as Steve Damns, showing improved form, crashed cen ter for ten yards and a fast down Roepke added fine more yards and ilanuo counted anothet fast down Thiee short line barks, followed by a fotuald pass to Lesko and one to Delp, brought the Lion for ward line to within nine }axis of the goal line obese Roepke fumbled and Dials ct plover recovered But the eager Lion seas not to be de nied his touchdown fin Steve llamas dotted off left tackle 22 yards for the initial score after Clapper had kicked from behind has goal one to the M.- yaid stripe A puss loom Roepke to Lungien was the only play preceding off-tackle dash. Rocpke missed the extra try point. Roepke Scores Second In lees than five minutes after the L•on fullback had crossed the seining shine, Johnny Roepl.e added Susan pi:atm to his second-place total by skating right end after a blocked kick had placed .his colleagues in saw ing position George Washington had executed only three plays before the tide turned for the second time. Clapper and Lehman crashed the cen tral district for seven yards but, un able to gain, attempted to kick. Les ko burst through speedily on the play and coveted the kicker completely, blocking the ball and pouncing on it HAT Black I eh or dub,. \ SUSPENDERS Pbon, black or • . black and ohm. WAISTCOAT White on. button double b aaaaa ed tee black outdo b d. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN near the ten-yard line. From there. Itoeplce carried it across the goal line in two plays Another tally by the blond leader discredited in the early past of the foul th period when Penn State vas penalized for holding. The Lions bad pilgi , mmaged to the 20-yard line by %attic of Roephe's long ieturn af ter the lack-cff, a beautiful one-band catch of Rcephe's pass by Cy Lungren and a long end sun by ftoepke. Short Lne buck; paced the Nittany backs in a position to score once more. It was then that the Lion captain scored in vain A pass to Lesko was ground ed as the Colonials received the ball on deans Passes rained all over New Beaver Field as the Washingtonians, facing the season's fast reverse, madeqsan tic efforts to score on an overhead ofiense. Fan fors and passes from Sapp all found safe repose, three in Casey's aims and too in Pesrs's sm brace The next pass, however, di rected to Carey, was intercepted uy Hanson An exchange of Punts Prov en advantageous to Penn State On the ne‘t play Wolff, who had fumbled and was being hounded by Colonial linemen, heaved a forty-yard pass to Delp It sons grounded but a moment later awes ded to the Lions because of interference with the recesser by a uniting lineman. A pass from Roep- Ise to Delp placed the ball on the ten yard line as the game ended. Mahoney Agam Stellar To Rag Mahoney, bully center, Roes much of the credit for squelch ing the George Washington offense Iles ing a toying game, the giant piv ot man figured 3n plays directed EATLAND RESTAURANT The place to get REAL FOOD at REASONABLE PRICES ALLEN ST. , - - THESPIAN VAUDEVILLE FRIDAY EVENING AT SEVEN O'CLOCK In ACTS of scintillating vaudeville. Magic, tei skits, brass quartet, marimba, jazz and the fastest dancing duo in college circles ITIS CUSTOMARY---for House Party Girls to enjoy the fall variety production• This year's combination is the best in the Club's history Tickets at Floral Shoppe Nightly Admission 50 and 75 Cents through every pomtion on the line. The vaunted "lay low" play of the Washingtonians helped pile mamas of beef on the soggy field but was no seal factor In stopping the Lion of fense. Penn State's listless play gave no indications of the championship cali bre that many Pennsylvania papers have been boosting. However, the score was not true proof of Rena State's power. The Lions gained sixteen first downs to four of the George Washington clan and gained twice as much ground as did the in vaders from the District of Columbia. 'The Ime-ups• Penn Stale Gear. IVashinglon Slabley I.F. ~,,"y Balmer L.T Porter Reynolds L B Hartzog Parana C AtheY Hastings R.O Boldmen McAndrews R.T Cromhie Curry It Carey Dgeran! kid Loneman Whitmore N E I Clapper Miller It If Stehmen Cram F 11 Sent, Touchdowns—Penn Mate Hams. Roenke Point after touchdown—ltoenke (Ware-kick) Substitutions—George Washington Sanders for Clapper Penn State Gm... Micas for Helmer. Martin for Reynolds. Mahoney far Parana. Ricker for Hastings. Panamion fur McAndrews. Lmko for Curry Lungren far. Pinealn. Roenke for Strobl, Wolfe for Ed ict, Hamm for Craig. Plueura fur Lun4ren Referee—E C. Tomoart. Rochester Um.' pire—Dr K N Kaltenbach. Illinois Lines. man—F J. Cronus. Dartmouth Field Judge —S. C. Holdernms, Lehigh Ttme of periods —Fifteen minutes t PETER P. HASSEL ± t •:. SIGNS .i : Phone 1093 118 S. Gill Street ...;: .:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:4-:-:-:4 M ~ *'~~~! SHOW (Distinctive) AUDITORIUM Votes To Help Solve Religious Difficulties (Continued from first page) noire to ascertain comprehensively the emiet student opinion concerning the campug religious situation Co-opera tion of the entire student body is re quested in making the venture a sue ces Three thousand copies of the ques tionnaire wet° prepared far distribu tion It was believed that defening their collection until today would al low sufficient time for serious consid elation and solution of the problem. Will Formulate Report After collection, the quesionnaires cull be tallied by the committee ,a re pout formulated and the entire ques tine considered at a joint meeting of the student committee and the fecal remesentatives, C. C. Berryhill '2B, V 0. Sehmneier '2B, L L Gwm '2B, VI J. Gorman '2B, C. H. Bruce '2B, and Wheeler Lord, Jr. '2B. HARRY SAUERS The College Man's Shop Tuxedo Shirts, CoHari and Ties OVERCOATS $40.00 and $50.00 NOW $35.00 SOCIETY CLUB HATS . $5.00 Suits Cleaned and Pressed Harry nSauers Tuesday, November 8, 1927 CLASSIFIED LOST—A white gold ring beano; "J" Lost between Fraser Allen streets. Return to - Delta house. Reward, LOST—On campus, a brown to with gloves in pockets. Finder II ratan to COLLEGIAN offic, PULLER BRUSHES—W. W. Ho• berry, Alpha Zeta. Phone 123 WANTED Washing for Families or Students We Call and Delive Phone 353-W