r':.ga N,.. Pcnn Mate Collegian Published semi-wee:ly during tl a Collect= yen: by students of the Pennsylvania State College. in the interests of the College. the Ltudents, faculty, alumni and friends. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD WIIEFI FR LORD, Jo '2B It M. A.Tor‘so.; '2B C. F. Flax , : '2B TEE EDITORIAL STAFF Vitirrinn Imp, In. '2B Br' J, \its ICArt.A. , . '2B II 31 kTI.INSON '2B IV. S THOMSON '23 P. II SMAITS '2B NEWS EDITORS L. H. Dell, Jr '2 , 1 11. E llofTman 'JD F J. Laird '29 THE BUSINESS STAFF C F Ft IN:N . '2B .)011% FrTlo , l` . '. 3 II B ; rr: • W. J 31 L:'( Business Manager Ath erttsing Manager Ca culation Manager Circulation Manager SF I , I It 13‘.1 ,- EsS MANAGERS P C McCona—, lg. '2.0 J H Reiff '29 \Y P 21Itai•ht S Turner '29 The P. nn het, COI CIAN ..hammer enrotnunlt %Omni on nny .uhfo tof canto e tte. rent All h tit neot lour tho name et the ndt r 'A 0,111,14 etennetreentzurn te 8 , 1 doreenrded ease tee reer dor, not 1,1.4i1 ill. Or her nen, to neenn puny the 1011, tho fnet lentil In to oollentol and norn de plume otudt nconnento the • • .81111.111((,11,11 (AI or r,..nrom rl On In Inn t all C41111=1114 0". donno x ur fur NAO.,. TI. COI IF GIAN mourn. uu innon,n3 WO, for ren.lnn WI co ',red In thn Lett, Bat Huhn et a' am an t ', , 2 att,ol,l, larore 14,tanther 1. 1927 Let. rad rt l' 'Ord% e, St de Collo.. ratot second-alma matter Ilittana Printing and l'uldlalurt Co Building, Slate Cul- We, I'n Teleu4one 292-W, Bell. Ogee Ilaurn. 11 00 a at In 12 no at 4 00 to 500 a en All eons fur Tu.catt x Falc nmt.t. be In the office by ttevlte teekbek STltubly tottht. and fur I rids, a Itsue, by lttelve o dock NbcdnestbtY nittla Chetlte and MMICV oreen nnnuntx n nnlee other thon "The Penn Store Cotltt.lan ' stilt not bt.. M.Cl.{.lkti 101" ncouunte due this news• Managing Edam Thi, Is , uo Ncv.. Editor Tim, I,,ue FRIDAI. SEPTEMBER 30, 1027 HELLO DAD! Per tie seventh successive year, Penn State reaches out a film right hand to clasp the hand of "Dad" in a genuine welcome as hundreds of fathers of Penn 'State students acme on the campus today and tomoirow for what has been set aside on the College calender as their meek-end The week-end is significant for two reasons it shows to all those mho make this institution possible. the inside workings of the "plant" where forunate sons snend lota of the best seers of their life, it en ables any wno base not had the same opportunities as their sons, to bask in the sunlight of undergrad uate life and for those whose lot it was to go to col lege. to mace', again the peculiar joys that only a campes can give Business won ins should hove been left at home by the visiting fathers. To them falls the opportun ity to enjoy all that the College and the student body, together, crn offer in the way of entertainment and real hospitality The Nittany Lion roars a mighty welcome as another delegation of Dads invades its lair At the conclusion of this week-end visit, Penn State hopes to add irany inore names to its eser• gross mg Ist of staunch supporters. A REMINDER Within the short space of one week, all roads throughout Penns)loan,a will lead to State College and hundreds of members of Rotor!, Clubs from every section of the state will be leaving numerous firesides in order to "see what they shall see" during a brief sojourn in a collegiate atmosphere as offered in the Navin} Valley. Until that time, the local Rotary Club committee is bustling around making last-minute preparations to handle the expected throng And beneath all the preparation is grain :illy corning the icalization among members of f'enn State's student body that the Rotarian convention will he of a vast intangible salve to the College Af ter all, that dawning realization is the student's own way 5f prerai ing himself and his colleagues for the occasions , A convention of Rotary clubs,witHin",a,hundred mile radius was hold in this comniunity:aligost eight years ago but it was conducted along a smaller scale and the total attendance did not exceed one hundred and fifty The enthusiasm and pleasure, it is said, that was displayed by those in attendance was of such proportions that the sit is still discussed by those who made the trip at that time. A gathering of twelve hundred is expected next well. watch will be the largest gathering of Rotar ians ever held in this state. It is to be remembered that eve; y visiting Rotary Club member holds a re sponsible as well as successful position in his own local business community and that every one that is impressed by the possibilities of Penn State is an other booster for the institution There will be rosily visitors who arc totally unaware of the various phases of the College, whose ideas of Penn State arc greatly limited—the result of insufficient or improper advei using The success or failure of the Rotary Club con vention rests solely upon the student body. True, a well arranged program will be offered with prepara tions complete to every detail, but the inspiration that every Rotarian should carry away with hint will be furnished by the living part of the College, its ,tudent body Each student can do more toward the success of the convention than any amount at s‘stemntiaed programs. The student is the thermo meter of the College—if the mercury of his enthus iasm soars to a high point then there must be some thing worth-while about the institution besides its name. A great opportunity awaits the students of Penn State acct week. An opportunity to spread its fame and glory to every corner of the state Again, the Rotarians arc coming! TO PHILADELPIA! The annual football game with one of Penn State's foremost rivals, Pennsylvania, looms in the oiling. In n fortnight', State College should have been emptied of almost all of its surplus student population as members of the four classes use every possible means to get to Philadelphia, When the Nittany Lion, yet untried, ,talks forth beta' un Lxpected multitock of Lighiy-fine thousand people to do battle with /I powerful Pennsylvania team there should be almost twf.nty-thousand ardent Penn State rooters to the stands ready, eager to "yell their heads off" for the Lion to r.merge the victor. It is not too early to plan how to get to Franklin Field on October fifteenth. It Is the duty of every student to arrange to be on hand when the referees whistle indicates the start of another Pennsylvania- Penn State motball struggle When these two in stitutions meet in any sport, Phdadelphia sports writers inevitably term the contest, "the best played. most interesting guise of the season " It is a safe prophets. that the tilt will be worth trundling great distances to see The team needs all the possible support Let classes be forgotten for the moment in the fervor of e•citement that always prevails when two nods come I) grips President Vice-President Treasurcl Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Managing Editor Associate Edam Associate Editor IT. I'. Mllehnm '29 L. 111.1tstlfer Plan that Philadelphia trip now' Save all class "cuts" for Octobc^ fifteenth. At all eNents plan to be among the countless thousands seated in the gi gantic douale-decked Franklin Field stadium Be there; Prepaic to gi.c your voice to the team. To Philadelphia' TUTS PROCRASTINATION! When tne grades tor the semester ending last Jane were received during the summer by all those concerned, it is more than probable that there was nitiLli disappointment e• perieneed :s the report card was scanned Disappointment because each one did not receise the grades that he had undoubtedly re sok ed to make months ❑chore when the semester was Just starting The probable immediate effect on each student was a mutteting that he would get off to a flying start in September, and would work hard to order to make up for the pool glades that he had just receiv ed A few minutes later, pernaps, this fresh resolu tion was forgotten under the stress 3F a summer ro mance or %aria:, diversities that accompany every vacation per.od Weeks later, as he made ready to return to College he remembered his resolution to study—he repeltea it again—and soon he was back on the campus attempting to heap afloat amidst the swirling mass of student activities While a myth ical individual case has been cited, the same can be undouotedly couched for by a majority of under graduates. H Mlleham ___L. ..Mntstder Two necks of the semester have elapsed with tne fleetness of a rabbit Although few realize it, or it they do, few fail to take advantage of this period to start studying The advantages of a good start are man)—an early start avoids much last-minute con fusion with the resultant cramming The man who 55 sits until late Januai y to get all his reports in at the ele‘enth hour is the same one who receives little benefit front the education for which someone pays good currency The time for the away-from-home football games will soon arme Numerous other student activities Hill pile up with each succeeding day that will crowd the time of the studnt. A little time now and The Biii/o§opher's Chair "Say Snutbeis, do you believe in signs' Smither,—Sometimes, is hy ' "Well Zion, all tho signs yoti; SEC when taking a stioll about tic campus, iou could not help but believe it some us them. Why the sign-bOaids, and that title is certa,nly coniplimantaly to them, arc loaded down with mgrs ads ertisnrg everything trial an eating club to book ,ale"ioi Sinithers:—Theic ate certauth tco many signs on the Agnbcalds Notices relatite to any other than student letivities Into no placs on these boatels at all 'Tha sign boned;, even when they ate bereft of any .igns, ugl:, enough, but when signs :nivel [ming , places 0 room and board ate tacked up, well, tam s a limit to vet ythm, " Smilhers•—lf the proper authorities take steps to limit the sign-boar.l9 to notices pertaining to the College and student interest they should also vt% estigate the instal latior of new ,gn-board, Surely the campus M ould be cw , more beautiful with the iemoyal of these eye—mmas. vou ate, Smithers.t thelittle,tlnttgs,‘:that tie son et , nie4 and toe; 'of ten,unnoticed: that Oar the beaut'y of the campus mote than tiny- other thing. There is a need fm better and more adequate sign-boards." RENTAL LIBRARY LATEST FICTION RECENT ADDITIONS "The Sentimentalists" by Dale Collins "The Aristocratic Miss Brewster" by Jos. C. Lincoln "Caste" by Cosmo Hamilton "Barberry Bush" by Kathleen Norris "Death Comes for the Archbishop" by Willa Cather "A Good Woman" by Louis Bromfield "Inn of the Hawk and Raven" by Geo Barr McCutcheon "Kingdom of Theopolis" by Wm. J. Locke Books—Added—Fortnightly KEELER'S Cathaum Theatre Building PLl•fif Sllll/31 I Side Lines I There is Slaughter in Gettvsbing's burly line Yet the Lions needs not fear He is only a cute little guard weighing 235 pounds and projecting sis feet one inch into the ether Toots Panaccion, who will play op posite him, can easily make the six feet one inch limit but will have to gimle plenty of water betorc he gains the forty-fine pounds difference' 3liii tv MeAndrems obsencil two tennis fanatics still batting the ball to and fro as the flood lights gave sonic little marinth to a chill evening. "Anybody who'd ph) 'that game nom must be mazy," soliloquized the chop. IA tackle. "You're light," agreed Willie thicugh a split lip, "the nob, thing I'd play right now mould be a tattoo on the dinnerbucket " Things look suspicious when the Phi Dell fret...hie backfield eonsietently Inca} through Brothel Hastings' po sition Los substantial gains against the %%visit). Bezdek has adopted maroon jet seys as .1 tam tesy to opponents whose col ors have something of blue in them. At that rate Laia3ette will hese to don blue and white who, thet parrot hero some three weeks hence Note that tho action was taken as a mattei of couitesy—ln football Imagine! At this late it Nion't be long tit one rna,y be es,pected to hear Rug Mahoney pipe in a galish voice beg your pardon, sir, but mould it halt. your feelings if I ventured Just ono Om little tackle , " (We'll say It mould') According to latest reports, tl e'll be having the blues here nearly e‘eu, so cck-end. Since the new change, no one can safely say Bezdek's U 111111.4 aren't net' rend From the neck down. Girls Organizations To Give Tea For Mothers Tho mothers of both men and no sier students mill be welcomed at a ter given in the Women's Budding Saturday afternoon from foul until live-thirty o'clock Working under Helen F. George, chairman,-the entertainment commit tee is planning a musical program Faculty mites, o omen faculty mem bets and town monies who ale inter ested are ins ited to be present. NINETY PLEBES ANSWER CALL PtIR.LACROSSMEN With ninety freshmen teporting for practice daily &me Paul, Lion la mciase coach, hopes to produce a plebe aggregation capable of giving the sophomores stiff corlipetition in the annual scrap next Spring. A series of interclass games will be held twice weekly to found the tennis into foim, according to the schedule now being completed Although it is Lustomaly to hold the Frosh-Soph to. cross° scrap in the Fall, Coach Paul; is planning to postpone it until next, Spiing unless the fieshmen show Lonsiderable improvement 'CII,P:i' -e,- - Ii 1)0 '': 4%,.t i 4Pir, '74.'"-- Edoworth 10,6 „ „ .. , _ - .--.'- 1%,...i,.... ,&r ., A.:1'4,161 77 ''''''A [ WM 1 . ?, q• ,1.• • -, , ; .-:::: •, •• F;f:, 5, - 4 ' • 11'tI '' ' :41 .: L ;14:6 4 "2,- - , :., *,14 =gooa ,' ,;,,,,', • , -.414 --.. 1 . -._ , ;;•, ,, ,,,i, on the _draw • - 01 - ' ; 1 .. .*"aa ':,,..; i-.., ~ . A __.,... ! , '- . .5-: - COLLEGE STARTS COURSE IN AFRICA Engineering Section Gives Flour Milling Instruction by Cortespondence EXTENSION DEPARTMENT ENROLLS MANY PUPILS The latest tatunmh of the depart- Went of engmeat 105 es.tenmon Is the est thltshment cC a 1011 esponlence cause In flour Dolling englneerlng South Afmett LAO:" no Lorne al ound tile Penn State esmpus, set 511.101} tDram thlougheut the Cr ted States Intl Etneite II the tl - at nallmn care giv en at the college 011.1 the e‘te- sum 0011130 under o'2 10411103 of estrm eet mg e acn,ton In the 110111 nol'lng ocpaltment r mall In oup of stuoents under the dnernon of Pier 13 W Dc ducic pet form some Impel tont e.,.per- Intents and, In set el al case=, P: ales sec Deth.elt 111 , r-self has mode thstos. else oh eh base 1121 olutlonlzed the Indtmtt>. l'oreqzn 12,ogalPon As 1 resu , t thc,e uiscm.e. es stale sptcad notice has boon la. VI to the milling and Vlore,. De thi2l, has I Id se‘cral inqunies flan: foimgn eounta los ^z} - Ing to: inNing tics about the course This is the fillt cot respondence Course of AS 1,11 11 Os or attempted nut it has shoun n marked 311CLC, once its beginning, sevetal turn tesalLing in students mining [rent fat eign !mak that the , , luirn ,'site of the IProfe_sor Dedritk recent') received a letter tram Johrsresburg, South Africa In much the :ram asked to hue an applientien bl tree sent to i or so that he might take the complete course As it renaires a little oser a month ter a letter to go between State College and South Africa, the moose conering the entire course will Le sent in two or tHee in , tallments The staitent h^cl e messed in a for mer letter its Intention to tome to Penn. State to take the regular four year cour,e to mining, but sometime later again wrote that he would be unclrtu to attend becauseel the illness of his father Since tnen he has 'earned et, the correspondence course and is now gong to take athantage of this opportune} and enroll. I=l "Penn Stet° through its nulling de railment is known in eseiy counto, in the woild where there are' stated Prof H G Pyle, of the exten snon department Piofessor Doihick's monk along tins Inc has been mei:4;- 111. d as one of outstanding import ance in Vie indus'iy "Yet so little is known on campus about tine :muse th it it is e,timated that about JACK FROST Insurance and Bonds of Afl Kinds ninety per cent of the studentt arc unal‘are that such a course is ob tainable at Penn State," note... Dedrick ,al,l Statistics show that milling ranks next to agriculture in commercial Sal. ue through its impoitance in the way of cleating a market tot the slain inised on the (alms and the moduc twin of bimidstults and feed The extension depnitment ha, a large number of students cm oiled in the nulling centers of the United St: tes, paiticularly thiough the west Se,eral inquilies about the course lone been received from China Nittany Gridmen Renew Feud With Gettysburg (Continued from first page) ball between the uprights for extra points. Roopke, Wolff Closer Alho Wolff, stocky halfback and Beelike, his running mate, played some at the best football of the day, mak ing substantial gains from reverse off tackle plays and short end runs Foe wind passes with Lesko and Delp re ceiving from Roepke and Pincers, store also instrumental in advancing the pigskin toward the freshman goal E'inetly the same line-up that faced Coach Her manr's proteges will stmt against the Bullet boys tommorw af ternoon Lesko and Delp will take the win= w ith Hastings returned to his old gum .1 post and paned with Rick- Promising sophomore tackle, who liar shown mocked improvement in de ' fc-sive strength sin. the Lebanon Valley triumph Panaccion, another second-year gadder with plenty of football promise, still kneel at the op po,to guard post, flanking Roger Ma horey at center Don Greenshields, our of the steadiest and most aggres e linesmen, completes the person a of the front wall Backfield Unchanged The same quartet of second defense that labored through the first half of the opening game will back the line Toe Miller is still limping and may not sea action for another week Steve Hamas is scheduled for the fullback call Pincura will call signals at quar terback, Captain Roeplte at right half bacl• cull play opposite Aline Wolff The second string backfield, consisting of Lungren, Dangeifield, Harrington and Rulgway will probably replace the varsity gimlet before the close of the Spend Your Idle Houfs at State College Billiard Room Allen Street THE STATE UNIVERSITY SHOE COMPANY Full Line of Students Footwear At Half Price ATHLETIC SHOES SPORT SHOES Endicott-Johnson Army Shoe a Specialty Alt Guaranteed 109 Pugh Street '7:::S. avoid thew-<- Dormitoy Blues THEY are easily con- and legibility of type tracted if you have to written matter. Chances spend most of your time are, that means better in your room grinding marks, too. away at long reports and. Remington Portable is the theses. smallest, lightest, most Speed things up I Get a compact and most depend- Remington Portable to do able standard keyboard your writing. It will effect Portable. Weighs only 834 a remarkable saving of pounds, net; carrying case writing time—to say noth- only 4 inches high. ing of the greater neatness Monthly payments, if desired. emington Portable THE ATHLETIC STORE, Inc College Avenue State College, Pa. Friday, September 30. 1927 game. Klall, Craig, and Stamp .tti.. still lame •toil will volnoss the game from the stiteltne. Visitor, Outweigh Limns Regardless of ',hat ndsantage they may possess in expel once, class and football strategy, the Penn State clev er still enter the hay with a team slightly Irghtet, on an mei age than tho Battlefield combination. Aserag mg a little niece than 180 pounds per capita, the Nittany cohorts are five full pounds underweight as far as COAL] , Breair's team is concerned. Slaughter, veteran _^3s-pound left tackle, and Miller, Ir, little pal at the orrio,,ito tackle position, NS elghlng 214 minds form the bulk of the line and help considerably toward boosting the Gettysburg pound average. According to forecasts front the Orange and Blue institution, Captain Branditi, who will start at fullback, should mate thug.; interesting for the Penn Staters. The leader of the Bul let, stinted early his gambols over the nhta str.ped green when he account ! oil for one of the hie touchdowns that constituted Getty sburg's 31 points against American unit ersrty last Sat urday Etampt, 'former Lewistown lummary, has rece.vcd the left half back assignment and will team with Drauliaugh reputed to be a flash at bro.,,en field runnin7 .Hubicsak, vet erar or two seasons, will direct the tense from quartet ouch (Continued on tintd page) • r INTA72-z-: Nittany Theatre FRIDAY- Buster Kenton Pin "COLLEGE" Hal Rnich Comedy FRlDAY—Nittany Clara Bow in "IRMA" Mack Sennett Comedy SATURDAY— M. C Fields and Mary Brian in "RUNNING WILD" Poe Seas and Fable SATURDAY—Nat-any - "COLLEGE' MONDAY and TUESDAY— Ronald Comma and Vilma Banky in "THE MAGIC FLAME" .e. 7 • - STARK. TiRgS, berdashers JAI) :Z>: Pit