Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 15, 1927, Image 3

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    Tuestiq, ReinudlY i,5, x 27
W. S. Cahall 'l7 Compiles
Experiences of War Unit
A history of Section 530, United
States Army Ambulance Service,
known during the World, War as the
"Penn State Unit," has recently been
compiled by W. S Callan, Special,
'l5-'l7, of Philadelphia, who was n
member of that blanch of the ser
vice. A copy of the histoiy, sent to
President It D. !lotto], will be place.)
in the College Libraly for inference
rid as a record of n group of Penn
State men in the War.
Section 520, as it was christened
when the men reported to Camp
Crane, Allentown, was originally
composed of Penn State students and
a few of their friends who •lined up
ra the Armory Stay thirty-first 191 i,
and seem sworn into service. Though
numerous changes in personnel left
only seven Penn State men is the
.ection nt the time the men were mus
tered out, the group remataed almost
entirely an all-college unit thing}...
out the war Fourteen universities
in addition to those "v.ho graduated
into the section from the university
of held knocks,' as the author• puts
it, were represented in the group,
when it was at full strength
The section sailed for Italy, Stale
twelfth, 1918, and after several sub-1
main scares landed at Genoa where
the men were quartered in an old It
alian fort overlooking the harl4l.
From Genoa the unit drove its am
bulances northward moss the Ital
ian Alps into Fiance and reached is
headquarters at Souilly, a small
loge on the road to Verdun
Working from Somlly as a base
the section got its first taste of light-
ing attached to the 2Gth Division at
the battle of St. Mihiel. After this
salient had been reduced the section
was called to the Meuse-Algonne
front to walk with the First Division
and the Thud Division after the Fu stl
hod been relieved In this battle the
section worked for four days with
out having time to wash up or eat
regularly. After the Meuse-Argonne
battle Section 530 was occupied chief
ly with canymg wounded ham the
field hospitals to Souilly They wets
engaged in this work when the ar
mistice was signed.
After the armistice the section st's
stationed at a :umber of points
Fiance, gradually working its nay
to Brest, from which port it glided
April thirteenth, 1919, landing at rlo
helms April twenty-thud The sec
tion was discharged at Camp Div,
New Jeises , April twenty-sixth,
whole "o ith but handclasps and
quack good-byes, we scattered to oar
rainms homes thioughout the Unit
ed States."
Ali Cahall compiled his history of
the unit chiefly from Ins duny, rely
ing on his memory for porturas of the
narrative The history vividly rec
ords the activities of the section from
its enlistment in the Penn State Ar
mory to the day of mustering rut
nearly two years later.
Sign Decorators For
The Military Formal
(Continued from first page)
drawings will be held tonight in the
Music Room at seven o'clock.
All posters should be submitted to
S H. Torchia '27 in Watts Hall to
night. Bids for checking privileges
must be in the hands of G. L McGin
ness '27 at the Delta Pi house by
po,iop.Have glT?''
New Spring Silks
"You Can Get It At Metzger's"
$2.50 plain dial $3.50 radium dial
Other Alarm Clocks 51.50 to $4,50
We want our store to be of service to you.
We welcome constructive criticism at any time
that will help improve that service to you.
L. K. METZGER 111 Allen
9 ..,
Girls inteiested in taking play- I
mound management (Phys. Ed. I
17) are asked to meet Miss I
Maid', Monday at four-thirty I
I o'clock in the Armory. The ,
course will include the theory 4 1
and practice of a variety of 1:
games to be used on the play- I
ground, from the simplest to i
the most complicated. It is a I
- one credit course and will be I
- given if twenty girls can agree I
- on a tune to meet two hours a i
AleKirschan Chosen President
And Appoints Cabinet
At Lytle Cabin
Final steps were take, toward the
organization of the Freshman Y 31.
C A cabinet at the Andy Lytle cabin
Saturday night.
Unavoidable delay has prevented
curlier organization although the work
of the "Y" has been going on steadily
since the first of the college yew
the ough numerous small discussion
groups which have been created It
I is from these groups that represents
, byes and members at large have been
chosen to form the cabinet which is
the central organization of the fresh
man program
The 'officers who weir elected Sat
eiday night are as follows J. C Me-
Earachan, president.; 3. R Reese, vice
president; E. R. Shirk, secretary-trea
miler. The following are members
of the cabinet, R. J. Porter, R. C.
R SI. Coates, C. AI Thomas,
.1 I Cole, W J. Wood, A R. Lew,
sad Russel Davis.
Religious Worker To
Give Lecture Series
(Continued from first page)
Ourselves and Others." He was also
the opening spealcer at the Milwau
kee conference.
Reverend. Niobuht's first address
will be given at Sunday morning chap
el in the Auditorium. Chinches will
suspend services - on Sunday night in
order to give students a chance to
hear his talk in the Auditorium at
seven-thirty o'clock.
Monday and Tuesday evenings the
Detroit minister will stress humamsm
as opposed to materialism in the Audi
torium at seven o'clock He will also
gn e a talk at a faculty luncheon on
Monday at the University Club Ar
rangements are being made to have
him speak to the Inteihaternity and
Intramural Councils on Sunday after
The New 4.
"BEN HUR" ' ..
Alarm Clock
i .- : - : - Nex-:-:-:-:-:÷:=:;•: , ..?4+ti-sr:::: : :.
Fougeray Is Selected
As Institute Director
Seeking to install more adequate
and practical courses in tomorice lan
guages the Administration of Sum
mer Education has named three for
eign linguists to conduct the S. , C-M,01%.
session this summer.
Suceecibng Prof. 11. P. deVisme,
now at Rutgers, Prof. G. P. Fougeray
will act as director of the Fiends In.
stitute that his predecessor Seneca
rated. Prof. P It Blinchet of the
derailment of romance languages has
been appointed secretary of the Insti
tute head, while M Charles des Gran
ges, highly recommended instructor
from the University of Paris, will as
sist by offering , in addition to his
real lectures, a course in the French
comedy since 1000
Professor Fougeray intends to ern
duct the school in the same manner
as did Professor deVisme but the for
mer will attempt to give the school
even more of a typical French en
vironment than has been applied vs
the past
First Long Letter From Dean of
Ag School Describes
Colorful Views ,
Friends of Dean It. L. Watt. of
the School of Aglicultuie, and now
returning front his agiicultuial mis
sion to Chinn, have just reeened :112
fast lengthy iepoit of his jouinev to
Asia therein he empresses a heel
delight with the change of customs
and gives many vivid descriptions of
the people and countiy he visited.
In a letter to the State College
T imel the Dean says, "Yes, it was
rough most of the tine, though neith
er of us suffered much discomfort"
In spite of unruly seas, they had a
pleasant and Intel esting toyage
across the Pacific.
See Lisestock Show
Leamrg State College Non ember
twenty-eighth Dean and Ms. Watts
stopper , to view the Intonational
Livestock Show in Chicago, then pre
ceded to Victoria, British Columbia,
whence they set sad. Their first
landing was at Yokahoma, 'Japan
With apparent enthusiasm, Deal
Watts describes the scenic beauty of
Do You Have ir
Out Today--Special Release
Geor g e Olson with Berlin's Newest and Greatest
20455 c Blue Skies . t t
? Where's That Rainbow? From ;Peggy Ann" 4 i
Piano Tuner in town no w • i
Real picture bar g ains for Valentines ME i
MUSIC ROOM Allen St. 1
el f t r
4tilii;„////47/11, ;lE4'
A Product of General Motors
Occupies a position of undisputed leadership
in the field of electric refrigeration. '
There are more Frigidaires in use, than all
other electric refrigidaires combined.
This means that more than half the buyers
of electric refrigerators have chosen Frigidaire.
Call for information at
Electric Supply CO.
Peoples Bank Bldg
FamOus Paintings on Exhibit- Here
Car menota
the countiv and the autistic achieve
ments of the Japanese people. lie
has d•scovened sonic unique and dee
o..ated match bo,es uhich he hints
gill he found lutes in Registrar Hoff
' man's collection.
Recounting some of his most inter
esting sights he pictures "beautiful
Japanese villages, mountain slopes
coo es ed m ith green venial e, r °forested
areas at frequent inteivals, set raced
gainless of lice and other clops, tea
plantations. mange trees mith their
golden fruit, little mountain streams
tinning I) , d-fashioned water wheels.
"Groups of children, gashed in ar
tistic highly colored dresses, Japa
nese maidens in their chat ming and
fascinating costumes, peasants entry
mg on bamboo poles great buidens
from the moll kept mountain sides,
oxen hitched singly to carts and low
nagons, pagodas, temples, shrines—
all add pictures for our memory
walls" went on Dean Watts
He states that meryuliere the peo
ple were hind and couiteous to them
and then minds me filled with pleas
ant memoues of Japan that will en
dm e. After spending a short tune in
Japan they proceeded to China front
whole lie promised to mail another
'Georgianna Elliott'
Armory Broadcasting
Heard in Many States
similar broadcasting at an Ohio col
logo where' he Mll5 pm i onsly a stu
The urestling and boxing meets of
last Saturday ',ere announced by D.
M Cresswell, director of the public
information department and of radio
prt,grams. Chief Operator G. L
Croqsle announces tnat recent ad
justments at the operating room are
now sending, out WPSC programs
mole clearly than doer before.,
Kern Speaks
Johnny Buck's orchestra furnished
the musical program for last week's
bioatleast at the studio, with talks be
tweet , numbers by Dean F D. Kola,
Professors A. S. Murrell and F G.
Hechler The Penn State Grange will
plotide the crane program for Mon
dm, night
As an added feature for Monday
night, at the close of the G: ange pro-
Penn State i
Shoe Repair
Across From Posloffice i
i Reasonable Prices i
gram the Cathaum Theatre orchestra I
through the courtesy of Maurice i
Baum, u ill broadcast no extra musical!
program, beginning about nine-thirty I
o'clock •
With the Sunday afternoon concerts
about to start, efforts are being e
nem ed to obtain sufficient cable to ex
tend the remote control hook-up to the
Auditomum. The College band and
Mandolin Club and the Penn State
Players' Orchestra rue sonic of too
studio features booked foi the nekt
sevei al weeks.
Hop Committee Makes
Change in Decorations
(Continued from first nage)
espeets to have hie artists put on se ,
seal no‘elty ants wlth the legulm as
cheatin WOI It bele
Vanity-pocketbooks, of leathet with
an apptopriate desip•i ate being made
up rot loom; by the i .1. IVt ight
company of Philadelphia.
Experienced sales
preferably un
furnish reference.
Apply M. FROMM
The Charter House
Neiv Styles In Four
Piece Suits $35.00
Spring Hats Spring Neckwear
of State College
l'aT,e Th ed
Student Council Backs
College Song Revival
(Continued from first page)
during athletic ee eats, the Council
decided to lime a pamoh , et of
"don't.," in rated and pawed out at
the door Imfot c each game or n•ret.
A committee of ti 11. 'Nubia '27,
chilli man, H. S Duck '27 and 2. 0.
Mat shall '29 cvn •iioomtcd to I Ike.
chat ge of the matt.
Tim appointment of L Feign 'DI
'2B to take D. 0 Lsoe's position as
Limnos. manage! of LA Vie, And 0.
S Pride '2B to all the %an, \ left
try Feigoson as :nisei tisnig n•ariger
woo approved by the CoAntd
Do You Have ITP
For Service, Comfort and
Economy Burn the Genuine
Anita Punxsutawney
Rusty Coal
For Sale at
Phone 11,1-Al