Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 11, 1927, Image 1

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    Try NVPSC
Your Radiator
VOL XXII, No. 2(z
President Hetzel Will Welcome
Engineers from National
Industrial Plants
Power Supply Representatives
Wish To Discuss Rates
For Electricity
The second industaial electric heat
ing conference ever held in the United
States opens this afternoon in Room
200 Engineering D and, according to
R S Kerns, of the department of en
gineering extension, who is arranging
tho details of the foul-day meeting,
niany more company iepiesentatives
than were expected will attend
Three of the largest power supply
concerns in the East, the Philadel
phia Electi ic company, the West Penn
Power company and the Erie Light
ing company are sending special lep
escntatives to Penn State to discuss
the viewpoint of the central station
man in setting rates for users of el
Mr Kerns also announced that J
P Gill, clad metallurgist of the Van
adium-Alloys Steel company, of La
trobe, Pennsylvania, is unable to be
present and that W A. Stumpf 'l7,
new representm.; the Stanley P
Rockwell company, manufacturers of
metal testing machines, will speak in
Dr Ralph D Iletzel, Penn States
new president stun open tins after
noon's meeting with a short address,
followed by Dena It. L Sackett of the
School of Engineering and Prof. J
0. Keller of the department of en
gineering extension.
Wnt S Scott, .aventor of the Scott'
"T" connection ton,formei, and spe
department of the Westinghouse El
ectric and
. Manufacturing company
of Pittsburgh, will then discuss the
development of the use of electric
Among the other speakers will be
II E. Martin, assistant metallurgist
of Dodge Brothers, Inc., Detroit,
Michigan, A II d'Aicambal, chief
metallurgist of Pratt and Whitney
company, Hartford, Connecticut; and
C Adams, engineer of the Aja-c Met
al company, Philadelphia.
All business sessions mill take place
in Room 200 Engineering D whale the
University Club mill be the scene of
dinners and lunches.
Thursday ev.lng the ,sitlng e
(Continued on third page)
Two Decorating Schemed and
Bids Submitted—POster
Contest Arranged
To hasten the plans for the Soph
Hop the committee members inter
',lowed prominent band leaders over
the Christmas recebs, among whom
were George Olson, Fletcher Hender
son, Jan Garber and Dan Murphy but
no selection has yet been made The
puce of admission will likely remora
at five dollars.
Decorating schemes with bids have
been submitted by Wilkes-Barie and
Pittsburgh concerns Jewelry eerie
sentatives will bo asked for bids on
favors within n few days. A prize
poster contest is also being =ranged,
and Chairman E. J. Lockwood is pie
paling a budget to be submitted to the
college finance committee.
Dividing the work among members
of the gi oup Locke ood expects to
complete final am rangements within
two or thence weeks
Dr. Kern Contributes
' To Scientific Survey
Impel tent contributions to the re
cent issue of the Scientific Survey of
Pinto Rico and the Virgin Islands
were niacin by Dr. F. I) Kern, head
of tho botany department and Dean of
the Graduate school, and Dr L. 0.
Overholts, professor in botany. The
papers discussed various fungi and its
con 01.
Doctor Kola's topic tuns related to
rust fungi ahile Professor Overholt's
work Is on the treatment of fleshy
fungi. The former's efforts are re
sults of a study in Porto Rico last
year, when Doctor Kern shipped a
taro collection of plants and herbs to
the botanical department here.
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Yougel Slides on Icy Sidewalk, Grins
And Fings Every Other Landlord $4.50
D'ya see that fella Yougel dashing
around on Ins little motorcycle, with
Al Schroeder in the side-car, taking
down names and numbers? Well,
every number that reaches the book
means $4.50 from someone's pocket
book as a fine for icy sidewalks. Last
year, not one fraternity was among
tho victims; this year you can't count
'em—almost all the lodges except the
D. U.'s, and the only reason they did
n't get a summons is because Yougel
couldn't spell Upsilon.
The trials nre held every Tuesday
and Friday evenings on the second
floor of the Fire House on Frarier
street. After a session with Burgess
W. P. Rothrock, one gets the idea that
State College is not a speed trap—
outsideis arc not fined—State College
is the borough of Speedy Snow Shoo
elms. Last Tuesday night, ten cases
were called to the docket, and when
whispers were heard about there
being more than ten unsuept side
Fortier Penn Sttte Professor
T 6 Speak on `Opportunity
In South America"
With a rich experience in South
American affans and a long training
in languages and economics here, Dr
It. T. Collings, professor of economics
at tho Wharton school, University of
Pennsylvania, will tell Penn State
students of "Opportunities in South
America" tonight at seven o'clock in
the Auditorium under the auspices of
the Phi Sigma lota, romance language
Doctor Collings is not unknown lime
for -ho- wa— Pro.i.teeee. JZ German-at
Penn State from 1913 to 1918. Since
then he has become professor of eco
nomics at Penn and has, also filled
responsible positions with the Na
tional Chamber of Commerce, the
Trade Board and similar oiganizatione
controlling business Intel cats in South
America and Spanish America
While the lecture is especially for
Spanish students it Is intended to be
(Continued on third page)
Mclntyre Added to
Forestry Faculty
To devote his full time to forestry
research, A. C Mclntyre, a go'.ern
meet research specialist joined the
forestry department here a ren days
ago. Mclntyre has been engaged in
similar worls with the United States
forest service, under the duection of
the Southwest Forest Experiment sta
While there he investigated condi
tions in the,western regions from the
Black Hills to California and through
the South, est. Mclntyre is a glade
'ate forester flora the 'Michigan State
Rifle Teams Engage
Maine, West Virginia
In Telegraphic Tilts
Having defeated Williams, Dart
moUth, and Getty shrug, the Varsity
rifle team is turning its attention to
the fourth opponent, the University
of Maine. A. telegraphic contest has
been in progress since the beginning
of the se eels
Penn State's team is composed of
A. S. Burns '27, captain, W. G. Taman
'2B, 21 L Detweiler '27, C. B Prit
chard '29, O. Stouffer "28, J. L.
Stearns '29, J. C Fritz '29, W. S
Yeakel '29, 11. E Sumter '29, J S
James '29, G. T. Blakeslee '2B and
If T. Bnllou '29
The It. 0. T. C team in another tel..
egiaphic contest this weel., has for
its opponent the rifle tenni of the
University of West Virginia.
Four-Day Registration
Will Begin Tomorrow
Registration for the second
semester starts tomorrow and
lasts until Saturday, It has been
announced by Registrar W. S.
Hoffman. Pecs must be paid ut
the time of registration.
The Armory will he open
daily front eight until live
o'clock and the steps to be taken
will be the some followed during
previous registration periods.
walks in the town, the Burgess said•
"We picked out these cases because
we couldn't get fifty poisons in this
little loom." He was light
It was this way The town was be
ing cleaned out by sections, but You
gel got his muds =Nod, and was
guilty of n misdeal After the snow
was heated from the radiator columns
by the temperature of the room, the
whole alTan degenerated into a dis
cussion of the fraternity garbage
Time was one lady who said "New
I ain't one to talk, and I'd hate to tell
on mg neighbor, but " To which
the Burgess responded: "Well, come
on. We can't be too modest in this
world " And there was another lady
who slipped on the little glacier in
front of the Fine House, and she tam
ed particulat blanks with the Bur
gess, but she didn't get anywhete—
"We can't fine the fire engine you
Freshmen Contenders Vie for
Posts—Many Grapplers
Answer Call
Monsontaiily the giappleis have
put aside all thought of the approach
ing match with Lutes ette, hut only to
transfei interest and endealloi to
pi eparation for the Interclass tilts
uhleh ale to be staged on the Amory
mats Satin day.
While Coach Spiedel looked on, the
freshmen battled their hist alumna
tion match la.t. week. This was a
preliminary to the final elimination
which will be held tonight Prom•s
mg material was cvident•ra the rinks
of the plebes, but there no super
abundance of it.
What was lacking in mat exper
ience, howeser, mils well made up in
zeal The yearling.; fought well and
seemed to be in excellent condition
From earl:, appearances, the fit;t
year team will prose a teal contender
Sam day
Sophomore, Junior and senior elim
inations mill probably be completed
by Thur,day. Vaisity aspnants are
eligible fur chi,. bertha All men
will weigh in for the scrap at citron
thiity o'clock Satuiday morning.
Two mats mill be kept bury at the
same time in the class engagements.
One will be used for the sophomore
senior tiffs, whsle on the other the
fieshmen and juniors will wit,tle
The minneis in cinch case mill com
pete again in order to determine the
Interclass champions
Endowment Committee
Receives Offers; Will
Submit One to Class
Having set January tenth as the
final date for companies to submit
plans for financing the senior endow
ment fund, the committee is busy at
present studying offers that have al
lead) been made
The two methods of obtaining the
endowment fund being considm ed
are. first, the establishment of a bust
fund; and second, the taking out of an
insulance policy. The decision of the
committee will be based on the ser
vice offered to secuie the pledge of
class meinbeis and on the nature of
the collection system suggested
Penn State Club Will•
Offer Dancing Lessons
Sponsmed by the Penn State Club,
the first of a series of six dancing les
sons will be given Monday evening nt
Hubbell's dancing school. The coarse
is Mimed to all active oi potential
non-flateinity men The puce will
be too dollnis and fifty cents
Lessons will be continued Los nix
weeks, not including exammatum
wed., and sue pieliminnly to the Penn
State club dances which will be held
at various times throughout the year.
Approximately two hunched stttlems
ary expected to enroll.
Prof. L A Doggett, instructoi of
electtical engineering at Penn Stute,
has been elected gladuate members at
the Humid chapter of Trio Beta Pi,
national honorary engineering fm
temity. Professor Doggett. gladu
ated Boni !lanyard m 1906.
Twenty Report for
Attracting tnenty students alleady
this yeas the art of fencing is gam
ing a foothold at Penn State Twice
a week the increasing squad reports
to Prof. P. H. Seim eitser, coach, at
the Armory for conditioning dull and
instruction in the use of the foils.
Although there is but one experi
enced fencer repel tog the group is
making progress and Coach Schweit
npects to have a team of foil and
maskers capable of competing in in
tercollegiate tourneys within a year.
Because the Armory floor space is
inadequate the band loom is being
sought for practice sessions
Wrestling and Boxing Matches,
Sunday Concert Feature
Week-end Activity
With the acquiring of Dan Gieg.
my's Victor Recording Oichesti, to
furnish the music for the Mlht.}
Ball, preparations ale under way foi
the annual R 0. T. C. function which
Hill be held in the Amory on Feb
ruary twenty-fifth Dancing mill
continue from nine o'clock until ton
Thus is the first yea^ that an out-of
town band h. been .ibtamed lot the
The week-end of the Ball is ieplete
with activity. On Satui day after
noon the Nittany bexeis meet the
Pennsylvania nutmen and that night
the Lion wrestlers compete nith the'
Navy seven On Sunday, February !
tnenty-seyenth, the firit of the sums
of uinter Sunday conceits will he
held in the Auditorium
The committee has beeided to el
iminate favors for the Ball and the
money saved vall-1....1a5ed to -obtain
better music than has hitherto been
furnished at these functions Sample
programs are being considered
A complimentary ticket null be rie
sented for esery lout posters that are
(Continued on third page)
WPSC Arrange Second Program
For Tomorrow After Last
Night's Resumption
Resuming legalar broadcasting of
ten a lapse of two }eats WPSC, tne
College radio station, opened with a
special program last night.
Among the mornment speakers
were Dr. Ralph D Detect, the nen
college president, mho addressed an
informal talk to alumni and friends
of the College. Other speakers on the
program sidle Dean R. L Sackett
who spoke on the actnities of the en
gineering school, and Doan C L
Wendt, who gave the first of a sex les
of lectures concerning the essa% con
test foster ed by the Amen lean Chemi
cal society
The "Penn Mate Collegian" niches
(Continued on third page)
Bill Cox '29, Harrier
King, Leads Nittany
Champions Next Year
W .1 "Bill" Cos, Inteicollegmte
cioss-country king was elected cap
tain of the Penn State haulms for
1927 it was nnnounced vestetiluy
Cox is a sophomore and his election
is an unusual hon.
Since los advent lime Bill has more
than lived up to the reputation that
ho made for himself as the schoolboy
inembei of the 1924 Olynom. team
Running under the calms of Rochebt
ei Tech, he set new interscholastic
records foi the note and two mile
laces lime In addition to winning the
half-mile With the Joie Rny record
for the one-note oval at Roches:el
under his belt, the Blue and White
star is planning a loud campaign on
the boards nest month
Sealed Bids Asked for i i
Senior Ball Orchestra
Fraternities desiring to se
cure the Califon= Rumblers,
Senior Ball oi ehestta, foi Sat
urday night, Fein uary twelfth,
should submit sealed bide to J.
G. Hesse, Chi Phi house, before
Friday, Jannely fourteenth
Marie Tiffany, Popular Soprano,
To Offer Varied Program
Of American Songs
Began American Career With
Philadelphia Orchestra
Twelve Years Ago
A caned musical program v.lll be
offered by Miss Marie Tiffany, so
prano of the Metropolitan Opera
company, and Ilans Kindler, 1,011-
hnov.n Dutch cellist, Fr nlas night at
eight-fifteen o'clock. as the fourth
number of the "Y" Entertainment
Miss Tatin,s's piogiam aill include
a number of songs, both old and new
fasordes, tl, rltten by American corn
posers She is an Ameocan song
stress and fm the past eight .115
she has been connected Mall the Met
ropolitan Opera compan3, her sing
(Continued on last page)
Time Necessary To Make First
Shan Chosen. Presentable
Is Cause of Change
Relectinie the "Aetec Maid" as the
,hoa for their annual production, the
Penn State Thespians accepted a new
three-act 111 w-zeal corned} written by
one of its members at a meeting Sun
day afternoon
Mr Darcy who conies from the Ned
Waybumn studio to act as coach - found
that it mould take considerable time
to rem rite and idconstauct the "A7tec
11.1. d" to make it suitable for staging
The show selected to take As place
is a tin ee-act musical play filled with
humor and comedy and mill require
a cast of tasenty -four intmliers The
Thespian-, mill announce the name
and details of the play Intel.
As soon as the budget is complet
ed the Club mill let the contracts and
begin the actual mocha ton. MI
Darcy will come here on Maich tmen
hall and slant to most the parts on
Monday, Munch tmenty-that The in
itial ',erica mance is scheduled Con
Bellefonte on Apt ii mnetecnth
Department of Public Welfare
Supervises New Course
Which Ends Friday
Fos the fast tore in the history of
Pennvhania an Instutut•onal Farm
, s Week opened at Fenn State yes
terdr.). In attendance me faun mun
ngess and cperatous of charitable,
penal and educational institutions
• Farm ei ops, 4wt coital e, vegetable
gindemng, lo.estock ease and man
agenten,, poultrymg and stooping are
ccheduled to occupy the attention of
the sisitois dumng the reek. This
nee movement m agricultural educa
tion is andel the joint supesmision of
the State Department of Public Wel
fuse at Penn State
Rot ',new isn't +mli a bad place af
ter all At leir,t that was the unani
mous opinion of tuenty-o‘o members
of Pi Lambda Sigma, honorary pre
legal hater city, nho made an 1114/CL
troll tap to the nearby penitentiary
Thai sdny after noun
Within the mas.ive concrete walls
things are cosy, comfm table and
modern and the collates seem quite
content in their free quitters. In the
new main building throe are rows up
on runs of barred cells, all neatly
kept, that include attommodations for
bye hundred pi moiler.
The Rockview roomers are ceitamly
a trustee orthy bet, acculding to Mc-
Catth), the guide, who claims that
I Work Begins Soon on
New Student Handbook
With the announcement of the
members of the staff of the 1927.28
Freshman Handbook, G F. Fisher
'27, editor-in-chief, stated that work
on the composition of the publication
xould begin soon
The editonal staff Is compered of
It M. Atkinson '2B and I' R Small>
'29, editure AV A GI:I,A
29 and L IV Mitstifer '29, C C. Ms.
Elvaine '2B, is the business ntanaget
with IV. S Turner '29. W A Brecht
29, W P. McKnight '29. II E Pfeifer
'29, and 11 G. Kurt, '23, assistants.
Lloyd Major's Orchestra Teamed
With California Ramblers
At February Formal
Imo dance orchestras, the Calico,
ma Rumblers, Columbia lecortling
artist., and Lloyd :11a,ois, of Hams
hung, bate been enraged for the &m
-an Ball, Februait eletentb, in the
Amu!) The too band, mill play
from opposite ends of the armory,
providing continuous muse
The Ca'ammo Ramblers are papa
lar throughout the count* fin their
teem ds, and have been a big attiac
tion %slime+et thet hate plated Tma
of then most minim numbeis ale
"California, lime I Come" and "Sun
.shine of Vitginia"
Lloyd Major's *reheat., noon
law - nu in the East and in central
Pennsylnama. His musicians has:
planed at the Colliseum of Hums
burg and on the Susquehanna risen
dance boats
Announce Poster Contest
The Senior Ball committee has en
gaged the Ca Molina Ramblers for
too nights and any j•atrnitim, de
siring to secure the band for Satur
day night, February twelfth, should
submit ceded bids to J. G. Ilex '27
at the Chi Phi fraternity Pou,e, be
fore Finlay, Januar. fourteenth
poster contest open to alt stud
ents has been announced by the com
mittee One tickct to the dance will
be green for each four mentors accept
ed by the Committee Poster, should
(Continued on last page)
Points Out Comparison Between
Followers of David and
Present-day Ilan
Using D., itl's sefusal of the V. am
tendered him by his epithets as n te,t,
Dr. '1 honms S Baker, pi esident of
Carnegie Institute of Technology
spoke at the chapel service Sundae
morning. PieLident Ralph D Hazel
was present
Accoi ding to Dodos Bakes, this
was title heso,m, since David's fol.
!Duels were [weed to tisk then hymn,
be p•sstng thsough the lines of the
Philistines in on des to obtain the un
let flans the well just outside the
gate. of Bethlehem
This solar was probably !nought
about by the deep lose of the soldiers
for then lead. "Loin," said Doc.
tos Bakes, "is the basis of all acts
of hesoism "
The sistlng pt estdent also empha
sl7.l 'the Idea that selence Innv bt
col ect and not Intel elm e lath a
man's tellgion. He Loncluded law
set mon ulth the stutment,"the eat th
to but 4 speck of dust In God's um
% else "
p ullocks put chased to fasten the cell
doors woo never used, and that only
10C10 used ale those supplied by a few
skeptical inmates nhe fear ins amen
of then cells by then companions.
The eleeti °cotton budding contains
very little fin name In fact there
ale only two chans—a nekety old
barber chair and the aell-known chair
that men sit in only once Students
wcre not admitted into the electro
cution chamber.
Four To Die There
A quaihuple execution NMI be held
Clime on tho last day of January when
four Philadelphia o obbers who mer
cilessly moldered two policemen of
that city will meet then death. The
(Continued on third page)
Says Yougel
Close Defeats by Bucknell and
Lebanon Valley Mar Record
Of Visitors—Penn State
Wins First, 40-32
Lion Leader Tallies Twenty-one
Points—Page Outplays Rival
Pivot and Diops Fire
Field Goals
The e cronents of basketball of Jun
iata college ss ell be Penn State's sec
ond court opponent tomonou m
ing at seven o'clock following the
Lions opening game victory user
Lebanon Valley Saturday, 10-32
Temoilou's contest will he anothei
tough assignment foe the Blue and
White pussees if compaiative Seal
ale indicative, for Juniata was bare
ly, nosed out be Lebanon Valley, 30-28
last reek Saturday the Hunting
ton combination tuts outscored by
Bucknell, 28-26, in another nip and
tuck game after leading at the half,
12-10 Eisenhai t, flashy Juniata Cm
u arcl, pion ed the star of the Blion
tilt, accounting foe six held goals
Lebanon alley Proles Strong
The spectators who tinselled to the
Ai mory expecting an easy tilt for
the home tcum against Lebanon Val
ley had those ideas dispelled soon af
ter the opening whistle. On ill, oc
casions throughout the game the scone
as knotted sshile one feint separated
the teams at 03-32 ssith but four inm
ates to play.
Uncanny. shooting by Colbert, r.ght
lanyard, and a long field goal by
Thela, his running mate, gays the
Rola" an earl} , T That ' - v4i
the only tune during the hams that
the Annerdle passel., core in front
although thsy Wire almoy, saten-
llamas Is Ilto Scorer
Captain Mike llamas mias in his
usual role as the star of the fracas
and non lath seas lone, ',Jill a
total of twenty-one punts is, the re
cult of eight field toss°, and a perfect
mark fiorn the foul line out of fne
atteirpiu Celbeit n ulched Hama:'
marl in the fast halt but xis com
pletely o‘cri , hidoned 1)3 the foinict
Passaic High flash in the final period
Making tau-point m ukeis at slit
mat stages of the gains, Lefts Page
gas e a good account of himself at the
centei berth and in addition to hold
ing 11 heelei, s etelan Lebanon Val
(Continued on last page)
Will Address State Farm Show
Next Week—Gm ernor-eleet
Fisher To Talk
Scoot a 1 notable speaker, including
Dr. Ralph D Hetzd, neall installed
pt e,nlent of Penn State, ale
to ackh ess the various am cultural
Icm esentatn es at their annual State
Farm Week show at Hal rlsbutg nest
Besides Pi esnlent Ilan', erno,
elect John S Fisher and State-sem e
tam. of Agi icalture }lank P Ndhh
sell deli,ei messages that se ill esldam
the sarinus ',remains of the agricul
tural colleges, including that of Penn
1 1 Doctor Iletcel to ill also be a speak
er at the banquet of the Dairyman's
Association on Wednesday night of the
fatal show 'nook
Five ,tudentv in the Agriculture
school base returned from a farm ma
chinery sun ON' held dining the Christ
mas vacation
The :in vey wn, undo' taken in older
to obtain the nocevs.o y data Cm the
fat m equipment i WiCalch pt um um in
augui atm! by the Demn tment of
Fat in Machinery. nice hundred
furmew throughout the state were
inter vieu ed.
The suncy stns in dodge of 11. B.
Josephson, giaduate of Sascatchenan
untversitt, Collude, and M. composed
of P T Wilgley 'lO, L. A Carter '27,
R E Turnet '27, II K. Johnsod '27
and L. 31. Zelbc '27.