Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 25, 1926, Image 3

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    Tuesday. May 25, I !I2G, ,(W
Chimney Sweep Bret
Yodels Way To
“Nigh lint Johnny” Lenney, last of
u long lino of chimnev sweeps, has
swept into State College, vodelmg to
the community at huge that he mn\
he seemed to haul their ashes, clean
their flues, m what not, relieving them
of fire menaces, launch v bills, and sc
foith, and incidentally to entertain
ovoivone with his amusing appeal
.nice, Ins quick wit and his silvery
Lenney is no ouhnaiy chrt-ehasei
and did not always pm sue his gnmy
and dusty occupation. Before the war
lie was a waitei in an immaculate ics
tamnnt, ctoinallv muting out tiny
smudges and eonsideimg a speck of
dust us the banc of his cMstenee.
Seivmg at the fmnt with the Canad
i in expoditionaiv forces, he gruduallj
forgot Ins shining shut fiont and tin*
ghllc'i mg tops of spotless tables
Moieovei, on his discharge Lonnej
found a woman taking care of the po
sition which wns once so familuu to
him and was accordingly left without
a job
Completes Eight-Year Tour
Expencnee soon taught him that
theio were few places foi the cx-sol
diei and he did not (ind wandering
veiy lemuneialive. Thus, piessed fa
necessity, he hit upon the idea of
cleaning chimneys, icalizing that this
w is a gicat unoccupied field which
offeicd plenty of nppoitumty for m
igmahtv. Johnny has just completed
an eight-year tour of the countiv,
making a specialty of fraternity
flues, and he claims he has still to
meet the job which doesn't “soot Jum
to a T ”
Ills tall silk toppci, with his occu
pation icttcicd mound the front in
white, and his lusty vodelmg are Lon
mVs mails of distinction lie never
fails us a ccntei of attraction when
lie wends /ns way about the stieets
of a town explaining to the lieu-.. -
keepcis just whv then flues should
be uncncumbeied with caibon and
fieed fmfn soot. Noi docs the chim
ney sweep go about his unusual duties
as would a common laboiei. lie has
a film background of scientific know
ledge ami is well % cased in the study
of fue pievcntion
Also Poet and Lecturer
As o poet and lectinei, Lenncy bis
added much to his fame. lie has com
posed many w idcly-cnculated bits of
vetse ami more than one chamber of
commence has given attention to h*s
solution of their smoke and soot prob
lems lhs versatility makes him as
much at home m these wlute-collai
duties ns in tinmpmg übout town
with «-oot\ blushes mueasmg the
grimy nppeniuncc of his faded mili-
Laiy tunic Lenney claims he is “lush
wuth a bit of Scotch” and probnbly dc
lives fiom this ougm his pa’ir of
«pii Klmg eyes, his bi oad smile and his
invaluable sense of humoi
The touted chimney swoop is not
tumbled by any lack of volubility and
is not at all bushful in making a pros
pective customer awaie of his tongue
twistmg attainments In the midst of
a long list of lapuily enunciated rea
sons why a chimney should be clean
ed, he will bleak in with, “Everyoi,.
looks up to me foi I'm always m the
an ” And should the customer tim
idly w\un him on his dizzy ascent, his
stock icplv is, “I don't mind the full
ing. itS the sudden stop ”
Entertainers Named
For Next “Y” Course
(Continued from fast page)
pieces, all of the New York Sym
phony; Novembei—Zimbalist, a
tei violinist, Dcccmbei—Roy Chap
man Arnhcws, an Asiatic Exploit*!*
who will gne a lecture with moving
pictures, Januaij—Paul Althouse, a
tenoi of the Metropolitan Opeia com
pany, Febiuaiy—A Night in Mexico,
a play which will be presented by n
company of Mexicans with tjpical
colorful music, Match—Frederick Eu
gene Powell, dean of Amcucan Ma
gicians, Apul—Mane Tiffany and
Ilans Kmdler, the formei a Metropol
itan sopiano ami the latter-a cellist
WANTED—Man to diive lunch wag
on, One who has had expenonee in Student piefeired
Apply M 11. VanZant, Beiksiine
Is the
Penn State
We feci proud of
the NAME and
try to maintain a
jzes Into Town;
Hearts of Customers
Diploma Frames Must 1
Be Ordered Thursday
Seniors who hnve not placed
then ordeis for the W2G dip’o
nin fianio will bo given a fin.d
oppmtunitv Tbuisday evening
at Co-op from seven until nine
Kennedy Brothers Entertain
With Dances—“ Paul Jones”
Adds To Jolhtv
The Fanners’ Hop was instituted
at Penn State Fudav night when
more than 250 danced to the sliains
of Russ Widenoi’s orchcstia in the
Beef Cattle Bain The mfoimalitj
of the occasion wxis augmented bv the
itislic appeal ancc of the dance flom
anti the fnim nccoutiuments whirli
scivcd as decoiatiors
Manv of those who attended the
dance vveie attued in full class ic
galia. Lion Suits and junmi Ida -
eis weie much in evidence while lin
en kmckcis pioved popul.u among
the late sophomoics The ordinal y
paititions around the sides of the
flooi lost then estate when
they vvete piessed into sciucc a
booths In each of the«e seven al
bales of hav'were placed to sent thos v
who wished to “sit one out ”
Anothei novel fe.itine or the dance
was the band tucked away in one
cornci, leadj to supplv all tliustv
Miuls with lefteslung punch. The
Kennedy btotheia an«l Philip Failoy,
of Thespian fame, atldetl a few song
and dance numbeis to the affan,
while n Paul Jones was attempted fa
the committee to add a touch ot v.n
icty. A icfreshment stand wis
maintained by the local Ginnge
The Faimeis’ Nop was planned as
a climax to All-Ag week but was in
evciy lespect an All-College n(Tan.
Four Thousand Dollars Is Goal
Of Body—College Groups
, . .To Use Memorial . .
In order to raise additional funds
foi the building of the Andy Lytle
Cabin, a campaign will be conducted i
among faculty menibeis and student-*
dunng the piesent week
The Y M. C A cabinet approb
ated five bundled dollnis to the fund
foi constructing the cabin last fall
To obtain additional funds, a canvass
of the students by the finance commit
tee w 111 bo made tilts week Each
man will be asked to contribute fifty
cents Seveial student orgimzations
have also given 01 pledged viuious
amounts The total expected fiom
these thico souices amounts to ap
proximately two thousand dollnis The
estimajed tost ot the cabin is four
thousand dollnis.
R L Watts, dean of the School of
Agueulturo and chairman of the
abm Finance committee, has appoint
:l W. B MacMillan, mstiuctor in the
chool of Forestry, as tlum man of
it* Faculty Finance committee This
roup will canvass membeis of the
faulty for funds to aid in completing
he Lvtle struettne'* -The campaign
, ill give Penn State instructors an
ppoitumtj to participate m the fi-
lancing of this College pioject.
The cabin is not to be foi the ex
iress use of any club or oiganizatio
if the College but will be for the us
if all faculty ami student oigam/a
1 he new humorous best-seller
$2 00
“One of the most dis
tinctive and promising
contributions to Amer
ican humor of recent
years. The illustra
tions ... arc altogether
HAVtv York
by Milt Gross
Board Will Decide
Sorority Question
(Continued fiom fust page)
unding campus and town gills and
then co-opeintion with the Women’-*
Student Government Association, Wo
men’s Athletic Association nnd Y. W.
C. A. was lerjiiestc'd in a plan for the
enlistment of all gnls in activities foi
next yeni. The piesent lushing sys
tem was commended as a means of
maintaining the highest standaids and
it was tnged that the piesent system
be continued if soioritics should entei
the College.
The outst imlmg accomplishments of
the dubs have been the impiovenient
of scholaiship, of social conduct, and
of interest in .utivitms, according to
the Dean of Women She pointed out
two tasks aliuad of the dubs’ the sub
jugation of poisonal and gioup intei -
esls in elections and a mme distant
pioblem, the* adjustment of College
and fraternity policies
Expedition To Seek Specimens In
Untrodden Territory On
Island Of Jamaica
Prof P Acquaiono ’2 5, insliuctoi
m Rolan} heie has lecentlv been ap
pointed to membeiship in an expedi
tion foi geogiapbical and botanical
exploration in the Blue mountains of
Jamaica The paitv will sail fiom
New Ymk citv June sixteenth
In quest of scientific knowledge and
new specimens, the expedition, led
by Di. D. S Johnson of Johns Hop
kins, will ventine ovei leiritouos nov
el before tiod bv white men v.lien
thev set foot on trails leading ovei
the highest peaks of the middle At-
I intic islands.
Piofossoi Acquaiono v ill lemn.n m
Janinca a few weeks longei than hi*.
colleagues The United Fiuit com
pnnj, which opeiates extensive plan
tations tlnoughout tlic tiopics nnd
which impoits most of the bananas
consumed in this countiy, has assign
ed the Penn State professoi to inves
tigate the anatomy of the banana
Fom g imos to be pi lycd tonionow
complete the list of contests in the
second lound of the Intcrfiateinitv
baseball championship Alpha Tau
Omega will meet Thctn Xi on Holmes
field where Beta Sigma Itho and Phi
Kappa Sigma will also dash On the
imlitmy drill field Kappa Delta Rho
and Tau Sigma Phi will cioss bats
as will the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Alpha Pin Sigma nines
Last night the Alpha Zrtn team
played off its tie with the Alpha Chi
Sigma batsmen ns did the Omega Ep
silon ami Chi Phi tossois Results of
these contests weie icceivcd too late
late for publication in todiy’s COL
| Will Distribute Senior j
j Guest Tickets Tonijjht j
| Final distubution of ticket, j
I 3 foi semoi guests will be held I
tonight at Co-op fiom six-tlm- I
| ty to eight o'clock j
Y ! ’
. * ’•
:> for |
*:* X
* Reserve your car now £
% 116 McAllister Street %
' *.*
Industrial Engineering Department
CEDAR CHESTS - - - - $3.50 lo 521.00
Student Desks and Chairs, Student Tables
TYPEWRITER TABLES - - 54.00 lo $8.50
CHAIRS $3.50
DESKS $12.50 (o $25.00
TABLES $5 00
DRAWING BOARDS - - $1.25 (o $3.00
SWINGS $5.00 (o $lO.OO
PICTURE MOULDING - 3c lo 20c per foot
Place Two On Athletic Advisory
Committee—Ballots Are
Stint Out By Mail
Ballots foi the annual election of
office:*! of the* Penn State Alumni as
sociation and the Athletic Advison
committee weie mailed to membeis
of the oigani*/\tion from the office of
the \lnnmi societal'/ last week
The candidates selected bv tin
committees on nomination aie as fol
lows foi piesidcnt, lames Milhol
land ’ll and P J. Moiussey 'O-1, foi
vice-ptesuicnt, L. H Dennis M 2 and
C. N. Fleming ’00; foi secrelaiv
tieasuiei, E N Sullivan M-l, foi di
icetois, B A Mussci ’’M. Flank
Nicholson ’O'), E. W Nick 'O7 and K
L Watts “JO, two of whom will be
elected; and foi membeis of the Ath
letic. Advismv committee, U F Bud.
M.l, 11. A Claik ’l7;, J L Mautbe M.i,
II C. Mcllveen ’O7 and A V Shnff
still 'OO, of whom two aic to he el
ected. -- 1
The ballots me to bo maiked and
uturned bv mail to the Alumni soc
ietal v befoie the date of the unnuhl
mooting of the Alumni association
which will be hold m the Auditouum
at ten o’clock Monday morning, June
fouitoenth, at which tupe the com
mittee of teller-, will count the votes
and announce* the results of the el
ection Provision is made to allow
any membei piesent at the annuil
mooting to deposit his ballot in pei
son with tlic Alumni setielaiv hefoie
the votes me counted.
Cindermen Prepare
For I. C. A. A. A. A,
(Continued fiom fust page)
olomcvv’s best time this season is 10
seconds flat 5
Tlnvvevoi, m a half centuiv of on
slaughts onlv ,111118 men have succeed
ed in doing It)’seconds oi bettor Al
I.oConcv of Laf.ivctte established the
Intercollegiate iccord of 1) and 7-10
■Moore Attempting Comeback
Captain Clip Moore's attempt to
ietuin to Ins 1021 form will bo watch
ed v ith intei cst The Penn State
leadoi is the only Nittan} lunner who
i& conceded even an outside* chance of
winning his event Mooie has im
piovod steadily sincdthe Navy meet
and will line up against a select field
led fa Dye, Wolf and Giumbles. Eg
gels, Penn State, will compete in the
120 vaid high hurdles and Loich will
lun in the low hurdle .event
While Taylor is r.;.t expected to
plate in the lulf-nn7«i‘‘t’he wiry Nit
tany runner has flashed spurts of
powci that makes hnq‘ an opponent to
be fcaud Ton once, Karbach and
Sands aic enleied in the quarter-mile
while Filkuis who is only a step be
hind B utholomevv is to compete in the
100 ami 220
Leather Wallets
Will outwear any other
Leather in existence.
Allen Street
Penn State Netmen
Bow Twice On Trip
(Continued fiom first page)
the finesse of their opponents. The
seme of 8-1 is deceptive, all the mat
ches being hotlv contested
After dropping the first set, 2-fi,
Ileilmich tied Lvman with foui games
o ich but lost his sei vice nnd the en
suing game to foi feit the* set, 1-'!
Howaiil, Nnvv second singles pinvei,
polished off Malpass, (5-1, G-2, wlii’c*
J Young h ended Eggleston a (5-1, G-5
level sc*.
Shut out in the fust set, G-0, Gm
ninn made a mightv bid foi victmv
in the second but lost to Huff, G-S
McCue limmphed over Ban, G-l, G-L
1 ut McCowntl avoited n shut-out nv
dnving his wa> to victoiv over E.
Lvman ami E Young turned bad.
Nellmicli and McCowatt, G-2, G-l.
while Biddle and Snvdci nosed mi: and Gnman Jl-G, G-l, 7-5.
Ban and MacCabe, p.uiod against
llouanl and E Young, succumbed in
straight sets, G-0, G-2
New Student Council
Takes Office Tonight
(Continued fiom hist page)
of the Vai-itv cheer-leadei. This mat
tei will be* ietommended to the new
membei s.
The new code of student govern
ment which has been piepaied with
the aid of the Student Council, under
the diiotUou of Dean C W Stnddad,
will b<* subjected to the approval of
the membei*- This code deals witn
the authority of studcht government
and with niatleis coming undci this
culegoty The code is not a revision
but an ontuelv new idea
LOST—Kev in a leathei holdei at the
Wots.oi Motoi Company Sumlav If
found please icturn to the office of
the Dean of Women
Nittany Motor Co. ,
Camels contain the very choicest tobaccos grown in all the
norld. Camels are blended by the world's most expert
blenders. Nothing ts too good for Camels . In the making
of this one brand »e ctmccn/ra/e the tobacco knowledge and
skill of the largest organization of tobacco experts in the
world . No other cigarette made ts like Camels. They are
the overwhelming choice of experienced smokers.
I £.is detettois, mim l mil Imnlmt ni"d
-/% , , els jiloiik with rn an compie aland
To Give One Month s Practical! n Vlinet v of .lulls will in* used in the
Training In Well-equipped j instruction Pinmr tin* Inst two
‘ 'weeks .1 Bmt'.ui of Mines s.ifit\ i.u
Tunnel Laboratory w,n he on exhibition hm* r.umoi
students .in* si1«o e'jiccted to i.tinn
foi adMineed ciedit m this \,mk
In an effnit to impiovo mini
condition* tin mi;
ighont the stule .uni
to prepare nuncis for fireboss anil
mine foreman positions the School of
Mines ofl'eis a fice slunt com so in
piactical wotk to be j;iven fioin Jiutr
twenU-lnst to .Julv t\\ent\-fomth,
Dean E A Ilolbiook, announced to-
One month of e\pc*iicneo in tin-,
hind of wotk is the onlv icquuement
for eligibility to the course Then*
will lie no tuition chuifres, the ex
penses beiny: onlv for tinnspoiutinn,
loom .md bo,nd All of the instua
tor* li.ive had practical woih in then
respective fields and aie thus enabled
to teach the subject m a piactical
In Kivmir the Instiuction, one ofj
the finest equipped laboiatottes in the
United States will he used A tlnee-)
bandied foot tunnel to which is con-|
noeted thiee steel mine fans uf diifci-1
ent types, a ClifToid lamp testing jral-J
Neatly Done
at Reasonable Prices
Penn State Shoe Repair Co.
Two Shops—loS R. Frn/ier St.,
and Allen Street, under the
Peoples National Hank
The Oldest System of Electric Refrigeration
' SINCE 1914
Keystone Power Corporation
“The Logical Place to Buy Electrical Appliances”
moonlight falls on town and
field —and the long, joyous
tour home is ready to begin
—have a Camel!
WHEN moonlight washes
woodland and hills with
platinum light. And the
tour home is ready to
begin —have a Cornell
For Camel makes
every smooth tour
smoothcr } adds of its
own contentment to
every delightful journey.
Camels never tire your
taste or leave a cigarctty
after-taste. Pay what
you will, you’ll never get
choicer tobaccos than
those in Camels.
So this night as the
forest-topped hills race
by in moonlit proces
sional. As the magic
road curves through the
colonnades of birches—
have then the finest made,
regardless of price.
Hare a Camel!
j lev and the mint complete sot of mini*
[ viifetv lamp* la the » olid t> pait ul
A smoke loom, o\\«en appai.itus
B9 SSI More
H tB for your
Begpk money
BOla m© and
thtf best .Peppermint
Chewing Sweet for
any money CI3
_-V> /
Our hiehtil null, 11 )dm
do no, yet Lite* (am,l
quality, u that >Oll try
thrill ll'i lini/r* you to
foil,/Hire Camel, »i th
any cirarrtte made at
any price
It J r.H.oIJ,