The Road VOL XXI No. 64 NITTANY BATSMEN BOWTOSYRACUSE ONSLAUGHT BY 8-4 Orange Reversal Marks Third Straight Defeat For Blue And While Nine FAIL TO ANNEX WIN ON ANNUAL EASTERN TRIP Inability To Hit Safely In Pinch Costly To Penn State Diamond Hopes A fom run rally in the seventh in ning after the Nittany players evened the count, gave the Syracuse ba.scbn'l team an 8-4 victory over Penn State at Syracuse Friday The Change win put the finishing touches on a disas trous three-game road trip that came to an end with the Blue and White unable to break into the won column Lion Batters Helpless In Pinch Inability to hit in the pinches, apt parent in the Princeton and Pennsyl vania reversals, was again a promi nent factor in the third straight de feat Friday. Penn State was not out hit in any of the three load pcifurm anccs but when bnsciunncis were in a scoring position the necessary safe bingle was lacking. Haines, starting his first Vuisitv game, got off on the wrong foot m the opening innings but settled down to blank the opposition for four per iods until he was removed in the sev enth after the first man up lined u dean triple to deep center Styboishi, who succeeded him, plain!} showed the effects of his remarkable mound per formance against Princeton two da}s before, and was nicked hard and often throughout the remaining two innings Victors Score Three In Opener The Orange offensive swung into action in the first stanza and put over three tallies before the bombardment was checked. Rmgwood opened hos tilities with n single Schlcgel sac rificed the lcnd*o£f--mua-to 4 Second * When Lungrcn foozled Hanson’s hard hit chance Ringfoot scored Ilaincs then dished one up that was too much to Uen7in’s liking and the Syracuse slugger smacked the horscludc into the left-field stands for a toui of the bases, scoring Ilanson ahead of him. The circuit duve was one of the long est ever made on the Salt City dia mond. ’ One more run was the result of an (Continued on last page) ORANGE GOLFERS GIVE LIONS INITIAL SETBACK Canon-Thomson PUy Undecided Until Final Hole—Victors Hold State Crown At the eighteenth hole with the battle raging even, the putting of the Nittany golfcis was unable to cope with the spuit of the Symcuse gieen artists and the Lions tasted defeat for the first time this season, G-0, on the foreign links Fuday. Last week Orange won the New Yoik state championship in competition with live of its principal colleges Although the contest was in doubt up to the last two holes the New Yorkers showed a slight edge because of a familiarity with the course. That Canon, Penn State’s consistent low scorer, lost to Thomas, of the home team, only on the seventeenth and eighteenth holes shows the closeness of the scoring. Roth ended with h 70 tullcy but Thomas won with one up The method of seating was that used m the Intercollegiates. One point was given for the low hall four some ami one point for each individ ual match. Despite llio better genet (Continued on last page) C. M. HUBER ’22, GETS DEGREE FROM ILLINOIS The gradunto school of the Uni versity of Illinois announces that C. M. Huber has completed the woik and passed the final examination i en quired for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He is a Penn State graduate of the cluss of I**22 in the course in Mathematics. Since grad uating he has been a member of the staff in the department of mathemat ics at Illinois whctc he has been do ing more work in mathematics. lie received his A. M degree at that in stitution in 1021 uml the PhD. dc giee will be conferred at the annua! SemPpi/eek frun £>tatr (p STUDENTS TO WORK ON DAILIES DURING SUMMER Continuing its custom of plncmg students of journalism in a real news paper atmosphere during the summer months the College news service laat week sent letters accompanying its news sheets to lending dailies through out Pennsylvania announcing the wil lingness of at least a dozen students to work on daily newspapers for that period. At picscnt theie me 175 students studying journalism under the direc tion of' Pi of. W F. Gibbons. A score of them have expressed then desuc to make ncwspapei wilting their life’s woik ami for this reason the depart ment will distnbutc them tluoughout the state during the vacation. The positions allotted arc not con fined to this state alone but some pobs have been given on papeis m Dela ware stale and as far west as Chi cago, Illinois. OBSERVE ANNUAL FIELD DAY FRIDAY College Allows Half-Holiday For Occasion—Cup Goes To Best Company MILITARY UNITS WILL HOLD PARADE MONDAY A review of all of the R O T. C units will open the Annual Field day piogiam which will take place Fiidav afternoon on New Beaver field at two-thirty o’clock. The entire College R 0 T C. staff has devoted the past two weeks in making piepnrations for that day At the legular drill periods last week the vmtous captains of the staff conduct ed prehminuiy elimination contests for entrants m the manual of arms competition Three men were picked from each company and on Friday af ternoon these men will compete for the title of the best individual dullci in the entire unit. As m othei ycais the winner of this competition will re ceive tho presidcnt's-mcdal jn recogni tion of his achievement * , Companies Drill Another interesting competition will be the companv close oidet dull lormntion The company icceivmg the awaid in this competition will re ceive the Military department banner This banner will be retained by that company for next yoai Each individual of the winning com pany will iceeive a special decoration which will be given by the Scabbard and Blade Ilonoury Military society. Teams have been picked from each company foi the following events, equipment lace, lcscue lace, tent pitching contest and the shoe race Prizes have been donated by the mei chants of the town foi the winncis of each of these contests The staff has also made picpar.i lions foi the obsei vance of day on Monday’ The College aulhoii tics have suspended classes for day In conjunction with all of the p.ituotic oigunirations of the town the entire I’ 0 T C. unit will parade through the town in commemoiation (Continued on thud page) LIBRARY EXEMPTS FINES IN CLEAN-UP TOMORROW Books Oveidue May Bo Relurnoil Without Penalty—Societies Asked To Give Aid Repealing its piaclice of having a spting clean-up day, the circulation department of the Libiaiy has set aside tomorrow as a day on which nil books that have been out over tune may he relumed without fun*. Better lcstills than those ohlnmil last yeai are expected although the ones last spung weie giatifying Many hooks have been tiken from the Libraiy and have never been returned. Some luivc been out for a period as long as ten years It is, the will of the circulation dojiaitnicnt that these be returned rather than be paid for, because if the books me back in the Libraiy it is much easier to make ie polls and keep iccoids The co-operation of the entire stu dent body is solicited to help make this Clean-up day u success. Fi.i- Icuuties and clubs are icquested to go through then libraries and lemove all books that belong on the College shelves. According to the hbraiians, if Clean-up day is propel ly executed, it will be of much benefit both to the students and to the Libiuiy If the books me back in a public place thev will be of use to thiee thousand in- STATE COLLEGE. PA.. TUESDAY. MAY 25. 1926 OFFENSE OF LION STICKMEN DOWNS SWARTHMORE 5-3 Form Of Combination Marks II As Best To Ever Bear Blue and White PENN STATE IMPROVES PASSING AND DEFENSE Visiting Goal-tender Stops Many Nittany Shots—Opponents* Rally Falls Short Displaying form that nuuked them as the gicatest combination to c/ci cany the Blue and White onto tho l.i ciosse field, Penn State’s stickmen downed Sw.uthmorc, 5-3, on New Bcnvei field S.ituidny afternoon. The vietoiy was the fouith out of six stalls foi the Lions. With the except'on of a {.hurt period in the second half the Nittany stick inen outfought and out-played the visitois tluoughout the game In Satuidny’s contest the Penn State aggiegation showed moic nggiessive ncss than m any othei engagement this veai. The attacks took the ball down the field lepeatcdly only to have their shots stopped bv the bwaith moie not-tcndei who saved lus team mates fiom suffeitng a much heavier defeat. Fiom the lust faceolT the Blue and White crosseis displayed a spirit mat was lacking m pievious battles. (Cunlinucd on last page) ENTERTAINERS FOR “Y” COURSE NAMED Novel Attractions Listed For 1926-27 Program—Seven Features Billed MAGICIANS, LECTURERS AND SINGERS INCLUDED That next year’s "Y” entertainment couise will surpass all other pro giaim presented at Penn State in le gal d to prominence of ai lists is the belief of L R Plotts ’27, chairman of the corn sc for the following year. The piogiam includes many world famous artists among whom are Zirn bnlist, Mane Tiffany and Paul Alt house of Mctiopohtan Opera fame The season starts early in October and continuous until the following May The couise includes the pcrfoi mancc. of smgois, instiumcntalists, a magician, a musical company, an oicliostin and a lecturer A sci ics of tickets for the unlit c couise will he sold at puces of thiee foui ami live dollais Admission foi enhance to single performances will he one and two s, I he couise is as follows October—The Baneio Little Sym phony oichestia, composed of fourteen (Continued on thud page) Snakes, Used As Rat Traps, Gorge Selves Upon Pesky Rodents Two Texas bull snakes turned loose in the College natuie study Inborn lory have just finished a loyal feast on rats and mice They have entire- Iv ndded the workroom of the in dents that had been attt acted bv the tood supply foi the many snakes, lu aids, tuillfcs, giound hugs and other wild life spcMinens housed theie As the snakes, each about five feet m length, went about them duty of on the fourth floor ot Old Mam, little utlcntion was given them. Students, cleiks and instiuct ois continued then daily tasks, pav ing no heed to the novel int trap Ihut proved so elhcient But tho tcmpoi niy feast and free dom ptoved too much foi one of tho haimless Texas visitois Pi of. (1 U Gieen, head of the department, found the animal on Fuday with its head ciushcd. The accident occuuod when a dooi closed on the snake. I Summer Sesbion House 1 I Managers Meet Tonight 1 j Dunn Chambers inquests a ! | meeting of all summer session f , I managers of fiateinity houses 2 New Co-ed Dorms Will Be Erected With the announcement that na tional sororities may establish chap ters here still being discussed by the co-eds, comes the information that Penn State is to have a girls’ dormi tory erected within the next two oi throe years, or sooner if the fund i»; iniscd quickly enough At present! $28,000 has been received and the Penn State Giange is carrying on a campaign to incrcase i that amount The erection of the new rooming quarters will help to solve Puin State’s dormitory’ problem by provid ing rooms for 125 co-eds. The s.te Ims not been definitely decided but plans indicate that the new dormitoiv will be situated near McAllister Hull. BOARD TO ACT ON SORORITY QUESTION Dean Ray Approves Action Of Local Clubs—Rushing System Lauded CLUB COUNCIL CONSIDERS ENDOWMENT FUND PLANS Pending the action of the Student Welfare committee on the petition sent them last Thursday requesting that girls’ clubs be allowed to apply for membership in national women’s fraternities, the girls' clubs at Penn State are considering plans for an endowment policy which at the end of fifteen years will bring the College five thousand dollars to be used for the girls in a way specified later. The petition was sent to the committee follow ipg the mass meeting last week at which Dean Ray’s answer to the pe tition sent her was read. According to the plan which is be fore the clubs, each group would take out a thousand-dollai life endowment policy on ono of ij.s members, the policy to be made oyqr to the College to be used for arsjftdfied purpose Nita-Noc Club has already taken out such a policy, omitting the purpose for which it is to be used until all the clubs arc ready to decide this point. Dcon Approves of Clubs In her answer to the petition sent hci by the clubs, Dean Ray comment ed on each of the five propositions and pledged her support “to the consider ation of petitions for women’s national fraternities ” In her opinion clubs have been n very effective means of (Continued on third page) CUB NINE OVERWHELMED BY SYRACUSE AND KISKI Inferior Hurling Responsible For Dual Setback—Four BoMtien Walloped Two more defeats were chalked up on the freshman baseball slate when thev lost to Kiski Friday, I.]-'*, and dropped a second to the Sviacu-e fiosh the following day bv n 17-11 count Only two moie games lem.rn on the plebe caul Thev will wind up in a double lull with the Shippens huig Normal lessens who will tome here Snluiduv, then plav host to the vcallings on Ihetr grounds next Mon day Both of the losses over the week end can be attributed to a poor guide of pitchtng. Four men were sent to the mound in the two engagements ami undoubtedly more could have been used if they had been nvnil.ibl.* Campbell started in Fnday’s affair but was \unkcd after a pair of unfor tunate innings Canan, who was cal led upon for relief so eaily in the game, fed the hall to the keen Kiski stickmen hut was well supported in spile of the dozen hits which were made ngumst him. In the Syracuse engagement, Simci (Continued on last page) CERAMICS DEPARTMENT TESTS CLAYS OF STATE Moic than one hundred samples of eluv fiom all paits of Pennsylvania have been tested within the past few months by the department of ceram ics engineering in the School of Min?* and Metallurgy. Prof. J. B Slum, head of the department, has super vised these investigations involving more than one thousnnd tests. The purpose of the tests is to de termine the quality* and extent of Pennsylvania clays suitable for com- (Eullwjfent THURSDAY NAMED DATE FOR INITIAL 1927 LA VIE SALE Distribution Will Be Continued Friday, Saturday From Montgomery’s * YEAR BOOK IS DEDICATED TO DOCTOR O. F. HOUCK D Volume Is Bound In Black And Bronze—Sixteen Hunched Copies Ordered Copies of the 11)27 La Vie may* uc secuiod at Montgomery's ‘tore Thui i dav afternoon, Fuday afternoon ind S.ituidny frum ten o’clock m tne morning until nine o’clock m the ev ening, according to B C. Wharton '27, cuculatiun manager of the an nual While three bundled copies moic than last year have been punted, ycl the inci caved number of i enervations has left but a small number of citr.i copies to be sold It is advised that those who wish copies and have not made ienervations puichnsc the La Vie on the first day of distribution In spite of the loss of a Inigo amount of material in the flic at the Photo shop, the La Vic* board has us ed cveiy device possible to get repro ductions and have succeeded m re storing evciy thing of consequence Since the initial numbci of the .Junioi’s yeai book thuty-eight yeai, (Continued on second page) VARIED GRADUATION PROGRAM PLANNED Social Events Set For Friday, Saturday—Academic Phase Monday, Tuesday ALUMNI TO MEET WITH DEPARTMENTAL HEADS In contiast to last ycai’s overly academic giaduntion piogiam, this \car's commencement activities will be in a balanced foim, socially and academically The fust two days will be given over to the social phase, with Sundnv, June thntoenth, as a tian»- ition dav to acclimate the students and relatives to the icmaimng periods of stucllv scholastic pc* foi mnnees "The* Booniciang’’ presented by the Penn State Placets will be staged in the Auditorium Friday, June eleventh, !as the event of the pro gram. Marly Saturday afternoon, the ..n meeting and the election of the Boaid of Tiustees will take* place. At live o’clock, rcpicsciiLitives from the dislnct clubs will come togeth-i at the Alumni Council meeting Thu is the* Inst time since I**2o Ihut su h a meeting has been effected and Ihe object i*» to have the vai ions' repre sentatives discuss ami decide upon Penn .State alumni affairs with sug gestions foi the meeting of the gen* (Continued on second page) GREEK TENNIS TEAMS ENTER SECOND ROUND; SCHEDULES ANNOUNCED The sex end lound of the (Jack quet tournament gets under way tin-, afternoon with the playing of three games on the College tennis cuuils at four o’clock Tins afternoon’s games will he as follows Alpha Chi Sigma vs J'hi Signal Kappa, Tail Kappa Lj>s||i,» vs Pi Kappa \lph.i; mid the Alpha Tan Omega vs Tau Upsilon Omega. Tomoiiow afternoon Delta Pi plays Chi Upsilon, Kappa Sigma meets Beta Sigma Uho and the Phi Gamma Delta plays Alpha Sigma Phi Thursday afternoon two games will be played, Sigma Phi Sigma meeting Sigma Chi and the Phi Kappa P o i wielding rntqucU with tho Sigma Tau Phi .1. R Motznci ’2'*, managet of in* lerfrateimtv tennis, (asks that all teams be at the courts at fom o’clock of tho days on which they me sched uled ns games will be forfeited if the teams are not present All games will stait at four o’cloik and will oj played on Ucnvci Field or fmtermty courts. A \ FLECTIONS Lion Cindermen Point Fc Test In Intercollegia Yale, Harvard, Pennsylvania And 1 Pacific Coast Teams Favored In Blue Ribbon Title Meet. May Hop Tickets On Sale Wednesday Night At Co op Fmxl sale of tickets for the J May Hop to he given Friday I night in the Aimory will take I place at seven o’clock Wcdncs.- | dly evening at Co-op. NEWCOUNCILMEN CONVENETONIGHT Governing Body Meets Under Officers-elecl —To Choose Tribunal, Board GROUP WILL ACT UPON ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN Newly-elected members of Student Council will attend their first meeting m the Liberal Arts building tonight when they will elect their of f iecr» for the coming year The president and vice-president of the senior class, S L Reeder and S H. Torchia. will assume the same places in the Coun cil, cx-officio The secretary will he elected from the Council membership and may be of any class. Outgoing officers are D D Ilcnry, president, P M Slucfcr, vice-president and Thomas Cain, secretary. Included in the business to be hi ought up at the meeting are the elections of the Student Board and th * Student Tribunal. The_ former body functions in nil mattcis involving re lations between the faculty and the Council and the latter body regulates student customs and social privileges Thiee seniors, two juniors and one sophomoie are elected to the Student Boaid The Dean of men is also a membei. The student memhers'vp in cludes the picsidenls of the thiee up pci classes. To Elect Tribunal Titbunal members arc elected fiom the student bodv at large and do not have tu he members of Student Coun cil Three seniors, four jumois and five sophomores aie elected to the bodv Heretofore it has been a cus tom to elect the sophomore president to the body but the Council is consid ering a motion to give him this office automatically Another question which is under consideration is the election (Continued on thud page) “Yes, WeHaveSome Bananas”~Botanists Bananas grown in the wilds of the NiUanv mountains, on tin* campus of Penn Stale' You're light, they me. Despite the unfivoiahlc climate and soil hole the* Botanical department lias stuccssfullv nui tuied a specie*, of the famed tropical flint in the gieenlioiiso vvheic* the bananas arc now ncating matuiitv. To prove* that the product is of a! practical natuie and to avoid the ne cessity of waihling the song about the Greek huckster's principal pro duct, the botanists recently sampled .i hit of the lu*-i ions fruit at their an nual (Imnei. They weiu unanimous in then testimony more atten tion should be given this kind of bul imy. Ollier plants growing on tin* i.nn piis arc the Guava tree, originally found m Central America and the Borrgmndtllc.i, a Bia/ilhun speci men. Both of these, with the bun anus and vaiious interesting South ern ctinmtc* flowers, are to be found in the Botany building. SIGMA PI SIGMA HOLDS OPEN MEETING TONIGHT Holding the fii-si open inerting since its mslallaliun last week, Sig ma Pi Sigma, physics so ciety, will convene in the Phvsics building, Koum 28, tonight at seven o'clock As the principal speaker of the ev ening, Di K II Dutteier will upon the subject "Philosophy and the New Physics ’’ lie will discuss the i elutions of space and tune to the Vignettes Dc La Vie PRICE FIVE CEN' “E Athletes from nil over the u *>|arc converging towaid C.iml Massachusetts, for the ftftielli . track ami field Intercollegial Friday and Satuidav. Nate Car! Nittanj Lions, on the crest of ,i ancj, put in a week of haul d preparation for what pi onuses the most bitter battle that tin Uibbon event has evei known Facing the tried stars of Calil Yale, Ilai vard, Pennsylvania Southern Cihfoim.’, who stage most oT the fnevvoiks. State mu it do tin* unexpected : erge near the top Have Chances In Light live In eight events the Lions ha (client chances of plating, but the Fast rallies to bead off 11 Use, Grumbles, Haines, Unnei California’s remarkable quailct is expected to win live event Nittany team has no thante of ing higher than third place Both Yale and Ilaivard are sented by strong tennis In P«: Yale has a finished fjuai ter-mik Haivmd with Tibbetts and \Y in the distance runs and Miller dashes is certain of a numbi of point*. Blue and While Strong To take advantage of even Nate Cartmcll lius entered Mo both the high and low huidlcs, 1 olomcv in ttlic 100 and 22< dashes and Pouraere in the ini two mile Ide in the hammer, art m the mile, Buulny in tin mile nnd Mathins and Bales : hroad jump complete the list of able point-winners So far this season Penn hta displayed gicat competitive ] Imperial)) at the U of P. Kola lomshing icserv si'ength was <• It is with ilie hope’of accompl the unexpected that the Lion hnnkmg on Bartholomew m bo spunt events. The Nittanv sophomore wd perhaps the strongest optional the Intel collcgiates B.uber, foima captnn, is credited with mark, while Glendcnnmg of mouth, Hussey of Boston callcgi ler of Harvard and several < have mn the bundled in !) l-*> ! (Continued on thud page] NETMEN DROP MATCI TO RED AND BLUE, Lose Pennsylvania Engagi G-;i Wlule Midshipm Win Easily, S-J Defeated hv the Univcis l*umsjl\ania nclmen l>v a 0-1 on the Kivei Front couits Fud leinoon, the Blue ami While i. wieldus travelled to Anmpt fall befoio the sticking of tin die comt aitisls hatuiduv, h-1 Cowatt was the sole wiiinu Navy macthes, the Idond sopl tiuimplung aflei thiee thrillin o-i, 8-(< Captain Don M ilpass ind i" att played su]iL'il> tennis dun Fasten! tup, while llcllnnih • Hashes of brilliant fmm r lhi s(|uad of eight plaveis moie th ed up to expectations agatt lied nnd Blue anil Na\) lonli Lose To Penns) Ivimi.i Against the Quakms Fnd.n noon, Hellniuh put up a lot battle against C'ollmut but t two successive '•els, l-(>, MtomJ court, Kicves, Penn at turn! the Inst hriiket fioin < Malpass, H-b, lost the second, rallied in the closing game-, out a G-G viitoiv hetman, placing Ins Hist 1 match of the vum, fell hef< drives of Ellis, o*o, (»-U In the singles, Hggleston tinned back (>•1, 7-5, nftei a tori id bac duel Adler nosed out Gainia and White iau|ueteer, bv vuti f-u, 0-8, 0-1 win uver Muiphv On the doubles couits, II and McCowatt Lopped Kill- Krenl, G-. 5, G-d Cor the third f marker hetman and Ban Adlei and Muiphv to thiee *• fore lusing, 1-0, G-. 5, 1-0, J Lgglcston, pitted against doubles combination, sustain! 1-G icveiaes ugainst Iteeves ai bum. In the matches with Hie fat