Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 18, 1926, Image 1

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    “Just A
At Twilight”
VOL. XXI, No. 62
Lion Suits and Junior Blazers
Add Picturesque Touch
Here Saturday
Class of 1926 Engages In Sing
Following Vine Planting
At Main Building
-Convening at the West lorncr of
Old Mam for the first Iw Day ex
ercises to be observed at Penn State
since 1808, more than six hundicd
seniors gathered yesterday to witness
tho planting of the class vine and to
bear the Ivy Day oiution delivered
by J. F. Provost ’26.
After ft few introducloiv words by
President D D Ilenry, Picvost de
livered a stirring appeal to Penn
State spirit, reviewing the past and
predicting the future He mteipret
ed the revival of Ivy Day as symbolic
of the new bhth of spirit and tia
dition at Penn State.
Movc-up Day and Spirit Week wili i
be of inestimable value in arousing
the College from the lethargy into
which it has lapsed during the past
few years, according to Prevost
Time will heal any ical oi fancied
grievances and give added meaning
to our beloved Alma Mater
Dedicates Class Ivy
“Ivy is ever green and grows for
centuries. Is it not fitting then that
on tins morn of the lcincarnatwn of
leal Tcnn State loyalty and spmt
we should plant ivy? Gradually it
will creep up ovci the walls of Old
Main and gather the old gicy stones
into its gentle grasp, and so hold to
gether the beloved honor of our Col
lege." The Ivy' Day oratoi closed by
quoting the last verse of Alma Mater.
At the conclusion of the exercises the
seniors withdrew to the steps of Old
Main for the first of thulr'classr sings?
Move-up Program Successful
Penn State’s first annual Movc-up
Day waa inaugurated Saturday and
met with striking success Seniors
and juniors donned Lion suits and
class blazers lespcctively at twelve
thirty o’clock, while at one-thirty all
students gathered at Co-op and
marched the band to Old Beaver field,
scene of the fieshman-sophomoic
tug-of-war scrap.
Winning the first and last of
three heats, the ficshmcn omcigcd
on the long end of the lope in the
last underclass scrap of the ycai,
earning the right to select the colors
for their class blnzei Immediately
after the fray, sophomoics pul on
slipover sweaters or jackets to mdi
(Contmucd on second page)
Lions Shut Out liy Cornell In
fl-0 Defeat On Armory
Courts Saturday
Shut out by Cornell on the Ainmry
toiirts by a 0-0 scoie Saturday, the
I,ion netmen will attempt to stage a
comeback against the Michigan State
racquet-'wieldcrs tomouow afternoon
nt two o'clock m their second home
match of the season Little is known
of the strength of the invader*, but
a close buttle ib expected
Displaying unexpected strength, the
Cornell squud made a clean sweep of
both doubles and singles matches Sat
urday. Eggleston, playing on the
fourth court, extended Bat then. Coi
ned!, to tliree sfcta before the lattci
drove his wuv to a 4-6, 6-4, 6-11 win.
Carman, playing sixth singles, was
nosed out by Noble in an extra-game
third set. The Lion repicsentative
won the first bracket 6-1, dropped the
second, 4-C, and lost tho third 8-10.
Barr, lunky sophomore, playing his
first match on the first singles court,
w*us unable to cope with the stiokes of
Eggman, who won 6-1, G-3. Captain
Mulpuss succumbed to Garreston, 2-G,
2-0, while Hollmich fell before Blight,
2-0, G-7. Schustei lost to Stem, Coi
ned fifth singles man, by scores of
8-G, 1-6.
Eggmun and Ganeslou continued
their winning vvuy ut tho expense of
Malpass and Mitchell, Nittany fust
doubles combination, turning in U-l
and G-2 sets. Hcllmich and Eggles
ton, after diopping u ti-8 set to Bur
then and Blight, evened blatters with
a 7-5 win, but lost m the vubbei, 4-6
McCowntt, puued with Barr, lost in
straight sets to Stein und Noble, 4-C,
Mr an §fatg @
While several bundled seniors m
white Lion suits anil a hundred
juniois in purple and silver blazers
looked on as nonchalantly as Move-up
Dav and several hundred co-cds would
pmmit, the membets of the'two low
er clusscs joyously smeared them
selves in the mud and watci of the
nnnunl tug-of-wai Saturday. The
freshmen did most of the cheering
and the sophomoics got most of the
smeunng, so next year 1929 may
choose whatever color combination
they desiie foi their blazers.
It was a spiuted tug all the way
with two heats of sophomores being
enthusiastically dingged through a
choice assoitment of Old Beaver mud
Weak Pusses And Loose Defense
Cause Downfall—Rough
Play Penalized
Pool passing on the attack, coupled
with loose defensive plav, was re
sponsible for the 7-4 defeat admin
istered Penn State's laciosscmen by
the Cornell combination on New
Beaver field Saturday afternoon
Although the Blue and White twelve
displayed spurts of championship
foim they weie unablo to oveicome
the fou; point lead garnered in the
first half by the visitors.
Duting the first period the Ithacans
showed a brand of play that bewil
dered the Lions and scored tlnee
goals hcfoic the Penn State stickmen
were able to tally once The Blue
and White aggregation earned the
ball to the Cornell net seveial limes
but legisteicd no countess until near
the middle of the half.
Although ,th« Lions (Ud~ not Lock
fighting spirit they passed wildly, es
pecially in scrimmages before the cn
cinv goal. Spuits of activity in the
defence formation led to furious stick
checking and well-maneuvered body
checks on the pait of the Nittany
crossers. The spiuted play was ev
idenced when two penalties were in
flicted on each side bv the referee.
Aftei the fust faceoff Cornell car
(Continucd on last page)
Second Floor Of Barn Will Be
Remodeled For Informal
College Affair
Anolhei All-College dance will Lake
place Fndav night when agricultur
ists and other students wend their
way towaid the Hill foi the fust Ag
Hop at Penn State A lunwav to
the second flooi of the new Beef
Cattle Bain lias been constructed,
wheic theie will be found a smooth
dance floor dccoialed bv bales* of
hay and different agiiculluial im
plements. The Hop, made lively by
the haimoni/ing of Buss Widcnoi's
syncopatois, will be the big social
event of the all-ag week-end.
Infoimality of Uiess will mnik the
occasion and it is the hope of the
committee that the seniors appeal in
their Lion suits Bui prise novelties
will also help to make the atmos
phcic moie enticing. The affau will
be held under the auspices of the Col
lege and if well suppoitcd will be
come an annual event.
Tickets foi the bop will be sold on
Wednesday and Thmsdav evenings
at Co-op and will be priced at one
dollai and seventy-five cents.
Another honoiary fraternity' was
added to Penn State’s t oil last night
when the Physics Club became the
local chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma,
national phvsies fraternity The for
mal installation conducted by ProTes
soi W W Wood of Duvidson college
took place at u dinner in the Bouls
buig Inn.
Chattel membeislup consists of
eighteen men of winch the following
me officers Piesulcnt, 11. B DeVore
’26; Viec-picsulcnt, II H. Keielmid
’27, Secietaiy-ticasmer, M.W. White.
All students taking advanced phys
ics arc* eligible* to election rogaidlesu
of the school in which they are en
and a continuous stream of water,
while one heat of freshmen was be
ing «mu!aiily treated The crowd
enjoyed it immensely.
It was a fine day for a tug-of-war.
On the left of the scene of combat
a pitiless mob urged the struggling
gladiators onward. The struggling
gladiators were two long lines of pul
ling, determined underclassmen who
hat] a gicat time adjusting tho rope
around their bodies Finally they
The fust heat was a rout. Before
the sophomores knew what it was all
about they were being doused by an
unerring hose. Those who were pull
icd ovei the line expressed no willing
ness to pull themselves back through
the water and those who were the
exact taigct of the playful hose could
not pay much attention to the rope
The glee of the insurgent plcbes was
positively unholy.
Round two was a pink and blue
dream to the sophomoics and a pink
and bluo nightmare to the freshmen.
Starling fan ly even the sophomores
(Continued on third page)
Mulhicu, Cox And Offenhauscr
Star—Pitt Freshmen Take
Eight First Places
Scoung heavily in second and third
places the Penn Stale freshmen open
ed their season w*ith an 80 1-3 to 51
2-3 victory over the Pitt yearlings
here Satuiday The Panther cubs
won eight of the fifteen first places
Captain Cox was high scorer in
the track events, winning the mile
and two-nulc runs und finishing sec
ond. to _OCfcnhuuper in the. half-milo.
while Mathieu annexed honors on
the field with victoues m the discus
throw* nnd shot put Mathieu also
captured thud place in the mvclin
throw and second place m the pole
Offenhauscr Wins Two Races
Although Pitt excelled in the dash-,
es, Penn State, with Offenhauscr.
winning both the quarter and the
half-mile runs in good time, had lit
tle tioublc in holding u slight lead
throughout tho meet. The Lion
plcbes’ other first place was m the
(Continued on last page)
Obedience Lauded
In Chapel Sermon
“Obedience is the only path to effi
ciency in daily life,’’ said Bishop
•lolin C Ward, of the diocese of
Ei ic, speaking at the chapel Sunday.
“Discipline is the only thing which
gets i csults ”
Bishop Waul *aid that modern
self-expression and individualism are
only* new manifestations of the well
known spirit of the man who will
take no ordeis unless they are his
own. The impracticalitv of this at
titude was deinonstiated by showing
how it weakens society, the develop
ment and lights of which are more
impoilant than the rights of the in
That the ability "to sec life slcad
, ily and sec it whole” comes from o*
bcdiencc to the highest was tin*
speaker’s next point and was fol
lowed by the suggestion that obed
ience in relation to other people re
sults in unselfish service, understand
ing of human nature and faith in the
power and goodness of the ordinary
man. “Bv obedience to the highest
that we know," concluded Bishop
Ward, “wo get a vision of God
which we must have to give direction
and foice to oui lives."
j A. A. Election Tics
I Voted Off Thursday
| Elections for Athletic A.sso
| ciatiou officers conducted on
! Tluusdav morning resulted in
I a tic between C. R. Beigman
i ’27 nnd G. L Setman ’27 for
j piesulcnt, and u second tic be
f tween C. G. Grazier ’2B and P.
| It Page ’27 foi xecretnry.Thcse
I ties will be voted off in unother
election in the respective
sclmuls Thursday morning.
The amendment concerning the
tiansfer of athletes will not be
adopted since it did not secure
a mnjuuty of votes. The a
mcndincnt concerning the eligi
bility of athletes was passed.
College To Display
Walters’ Paintings
During commencement week the
Museum of fine arts will exhibit a
collection of twenty paintings by Em
ile Walters, who was foimcrly in
structor at the summer session hcie
He spends the fall and winter months
in painting at his studio nt Coscob,
Connecticut, and has exhibited many'
of the important pictures recently se
lected for the Tate galleries in Lon
don He will again teach Landscape
Gardening here this'sumnier.
In addition to tnc exhibit of oil
paintings, a group of small punts
will be shown. It is ulso the inten
tion of the department of architecture
to have an informal tea in the galler
ies on a nafternoon dining commence
ment when many alumni are present
Second Songfcst Scheduled For
Tonight—Juniors To Join
Group Tomorrow
Meeting on the front steps of Old
Mam, the senior class held the first
of n scries of tlnee sings at the con
clusion of the Ivy Day excicises at
soven-tlnrty o’clock last evening
More than four hundred participated
in the senior class songfcst, which
was the fust ever to be arranged at
Penn State.
Tonight the wearers of Lion suits
will again gather at seven-thirty o’-
clock for a half hour of College and
popular music, while tomoriow even
ing the juniors to sit on
the steps of Old Main with the sen
iors and paiticipateun the last sing
ing. j
Booklet* Distributed
jfoui-pngc book
vords of tho Al-
AVhite, Victorv,
Niin-Todayj Ctd-~
,ic were printed
he songfost last
jnt page of the
s inscribed “Sc
lnrd page)
Fifteen hundred 1
lets containing the
ma Mater, Blue am
-Nittany Lion, Win ?
lege Medley and St
und distributed at '
evening. On the fi
souvenir booklets w
(Continued on
itlec To Report
one Session
Executive Commij
Progress At Jt
Of Trustee
itchell, president
cs stated Friday
committee was
sc<l zeal in the
u pi evident foi
Judge 11. Walton J
of the board of trust
that tho executive
working with mere;
matter of selecting
Penn State.
“There arc several
ican educators undo
Uio committee but o
for will not allow u
dication as to the i
the College.
“Many important <
vcstigalcd bofuic th
choice may come su
be prolonged. Altli
almost impossible to
by Commencement o
sion, it is the hope
to give a favorable
Board of Trustees m
“If nothing mais
forts, Penn State v
by Fall of this yei
unforsccn happens 1
however, so that tl
lects a man, it wilt
sion of the Trustees
prove or reject the n
irominent Amei
tho scrutiny uf
ir piogress thus
to give anv m
•xt executive of
tails must lie ill
selection The
dcnly or it nmy
ugh it would be
ha\e a president
,the summer ses
f the committee
*cport when the
ets at that tune
oui present ef-
II have a proxy
. If something
cfmc that time,
i committee st
ill a special ses
o hiu c them ap
•mincc at onto.”
e Whets Scythe As Classes
nomptu Move-up Day Pageant
Father Tin
Stage Im
The veteran read
sido pocket of his i
a buttered whetsti
cully honed the cd
Across the tui f on t
mongrel trotted, p
then to enst an ini
ward the idle mowi
The click of lent!
ment aroused the
lethargy. Fne wli
tered up the walk,
et suits in vogue ai
utors and plusteion
brilliant tics, shrit
and bare heuds ga'
artisan attne. Th
us if in painde, bl
BCious of their novc
No sooner hud the
by corner than a b
:t ;xl down into the
t .emits, extracted
< ic and methodi-
I e of Ins scythe
t ic asphalt, a lone
) using now and
.< idling glunce lu-
hcels upon ce
i- tcinn fiom his
i i figures snun
ad in the jack
u ng milk distrib
. Spotless shirts,
Lng suspenders
c the lie to then
) quintet passed
hmgly self-con-
! rounded a neui
i of color drew
'y _ B 'Cojpxss
CRUSH NAVY, 82-53;
Mooio and Bartholomew Win In
Record Time—Penn Stale
Falters In Field
Coach Cuitnicll Disappointed In
Showing—lde, Mathias And
Roberts Triumph
Penn Stale's track team defeated
Navy at Annapolis Satuiday and al
though Moore vet a new dual meet
iccord of 11 1-5 seconds in the 120-
yaid high hurdles and Bartholomew
shattered another old mark with a 10-
second flight m the 100-yard dash,
the Nittany Lions failed to reveal
more than ordinary times According
to Coach Cartmcll the Blue and White
must show a icvcrsnl of their Satur
day’s form to rate in the wteicolleg
lates at Cambridge ne<t Saturday
The victoiy lesulled more fiom
NavyS weakness in the tiack events
than fiom Penn Suite’s strength. The
Lions inmped away with seven of the
eight first places on the cindci paths
and the Blue and White’s score would
have been much larger hail it not been
for Navy’s power on the field.
Crip Moore, 1921 intercollegiate
(Continued on lait page)
Pass Resolution Urging Change
In Present Plan—Group
To Study Situation
Advocates substitution-
“To m oui lives the desne
for the richest way of life and to in
vite others to join us m this attempt
to find life at its best,” uas the obicc
tive stated by the Penn State Y M C
A. cabinet at a meeting at the Fair
brook Countiy club on Sunday. With
this object in view the association will,
conduct its vvoik foi the coming yem.
Til accordance with this statement
the bodv dtsnppiovcd the present sys
tem of compulsory chapel attendance
as superficial and haimful ind a icao
lution uiging the substitution of daih
vvoiship with voluntuiv attendance
was adopted A committee was ap
pointed to make a Ihotough study of
of chapel conditions
The “Y” howevci is emphatic in
(Continued on occuml page)
Itenli/.mg a glowing demand foi
some fmni of Icadcislup training for
agiiuiltuiisls of neaibv counties, the
Club Work depaitmuit of the local
School of Agnuiltuie is sponsoitng
such a coin sc to be m-tituUd lieie
during Funnel’s Week in June
Pioposing to give the students a
cleat conception of possible problems
and detcimined to uige them to be
come community Icadeis ami winkers
for the betterment of local conditions
the Uncut st.iff has nirangcd
.i definite progiam fm thirty or moie
farm lad, ranging between sixteen
and Iwcnty-unc vears in age nnd hav
ing fiom tv’o to foui ycais’ experience
in club work.
Uiu watcher’s cus to a second gump
Two tall blondes flanked a cliubbv
biunette, but all weie clad alike in
puiple and silver bla/cis. No hat
band hindeied the giow-tli of then
luxuiiant locks Like then prede
cessor, they looked to neither right
noi left, pioeeedmg in the genual di
rection of New Beuvoi field.
The wondeting gaze of the statues
que mower encounteied a lluid con
tingent Four pans of lmilli-luied
golf hose lose and fell m unison as
if to emphasize the linen knickers of
which they weie the sub-structuie
The sinking eontmsts in spuili
sweateis was offset by a <|uaitet of
caps a-ln-mode, eoekeil jauntily over
poi t-side eius.
Then Joe appealed, putting to
(Continued on second puge)
Varsity Nine Faces Three
Foes On Eastern Invasion
Meet Princeton Tomorrow—Clash With
Penn, Syracuse On Successive
Days—Vanquish Bethany
Final Opportunity To
Order Caps And Gonns
Special nirnngcmcnUs have
been made with the company
which is supplying caps and
gowns to receive orders this
w eck. Measurements, including
icight, weight and hnt size, must
he sent to It T Kncbcl m Boom
212 Varsitv Jlall before tomor
low evening This is the last
oppoitumty to be outfitted with
a cap and gow n.
Two Hundred Thirty Industrial
Delegates Of Wide Repute
Hold Convention Here
Futuio tiTiling of leaders and em
ployees foi the mdustiici, of the state
and nation were the topics foi dis
cussion at the combined engineenng
extension convention nnd industrial
(onfcience which convened here from
Thursday to Saturday noon Two
hundred and thirty delegates from all
parts of the state aided in establish
ing this conclave as the laigest nnd
most successful in the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, anil helped to de
tciinino methods for helping high
hc’lfctd and college students find the
woik to which they are best suited
Judge II W Mitchell, president
of the Board of Trustees, welcomed
the visitors at the first meeting
Thursday mot mug Following u
luncheon at the University club, the
delegates divided in order to discuss
the various phases of the work in
then own groups Dinner at the.
Centre Hills countiy club was follow
ed bv an addiess by It If Binkud,
vice-chan man of tbc committee on
public relations of tho eastern rail
i ends
Fudav afternoon wns devoted to
(Continued on second page)
Outstanding Editorial Questions
Will Be Discussed And
Policies Adopted
Accomplishments of the Eastern
college piess in the scholastic veai
now ending will be levieved during
i the seventh annual convention <»r the
Eastern Inloicollcgiale Newspaper As
sociation, which will be held at Dait
mouth college, Ilanover, N 11, M.iy
twenty-eighth and tvventv-ninth.
The undugraduate chiefs of the
Eastern college publications are to
be guests oT Thr Ihn hinnilli Out
standing editorial policies notably
concerning overemphasis of football,
abolition of compulsorv chapel and
prohibition, me expected to be crys
tallized m older that a unified pol
ice might be suggested for the col
lege editor's pul in the scholastic
yiai lo come
l'reMdenl E. M Hopkins, of Dart
mouth, will speak lo the convention
concerning the uudergi ulutilc voice
in policy. Othci spenk
eis ate Plot Wilbui Urban, presi
dent of the Ahum ican Philosophical
association, on “Undcrgiaduale Val
(Conlinucd on third page)
President —R. 1). Dundore ’27
First vice-piesidenU-S L Reeder ’27
Second vice-piesident, B T Conrad’27
Secretary— A E Wilson ’2B
Tieusiuoi G L, Setniuu '27
Cabinet Members At Large
.1 C. Belfield ’2B
H R Cair ’27
G F. Kishci ’27
It D. Geoige '27
G M. Hums'27
W. Ilockenbrriy ’2B
T. F Neel ’2B
L. It Plotts ’27
W. S. Seibert ’29
F. E. Ulf '27
Over All
Lion Suits
With tlucc foi midablcy diamond
foes to be met in us many days the
Penn Stntc baseball squa'u will leave
early tonight for Pnncolon to engage
the Tigei tomorrow afternoon Thurs
day the Lions oppose Pennsylvania at
Philadelphia and the following dav
the baLsmen hop to Syracuse for
then final lilt
A glance at the conipm.ilne iec
ords uf Princeton and Pennsylvania
make tlie Oinngc and Diack appear
stionger than the Philadelphia nine.
Columbia and Now umveisity
both hold decisions mer Coach Wal
ter Caws' pupils but two Metropoli
tan teams met defeat at the hands of
the I’nncetomans Kaihor in the
season Washington - ‘ I.ce Lw
and Leo twice
bumbled the Ked ami Blue oni> to ho
beaten in turn I>> Coach Olntke’i New
.ferscj nine I’linelun aNo chalked
lip a win at the expense of Hart
mouth, sole comjucrnis of Hnlv Cross,
while on Finlay'the Gicen defeated
PennsjKama '
Sl>boraki Ma> Face Tigers
Pimccton, captained by Dign.m,
20U-pcumd second baseman, po-aces-us
a <iuailet of reliable* hurleis. Kel
logg, veteran ace, Gticll/, Rankin 01
Hendey, mav draw the mt>un<l ai-
Mgnmcnt. Slybuitki will probably
be Coach Eezduk’s choice to face the
In spite of eight ie\ the
Quakei City batsmen appeal dangei-
The Ited and Blue has
pirt m twentj-twu contests anil holds
decisions o\oi Uiexel, Vitgtnia
(twice), Richmond, Williams and
M-uv (twice), Maivland, Aim},
Fiankhn and Mai shall, Sw iithmoic,
Biown, Yale, and Ilanaid
The Philadelphians 10->t thiec sti .tight
bufoie beating Haivaid at Cambridge
Satan da>, 2-1
Led b\ Zip Long, noted si tb.natw
the Red and Biuc n noted m an tin
ts! tain team, one that is likol\ to
breuk forth at any moment Long
has turned in o\ci thnty victoucs
(Continued on thud page)
Match Opens Season On Home
Links—Best Williamsport
Saturday, 7-B'i
Aftu capturing its thud coiisccu
ti\e win of the season fiom the \\ il
liamsport countij club, 7 to d J-'5, on
the foreign Imks hatuidav, the Vm*
*-»ty golf sipiad 1-, priimd to encounter
the Lafnjettc lmksmen m the lirst
home game of the se.uon tomoriow
aflei noon
Although the foui men who will op
pose tlie Easton college quaitct are
not yet known, it is likelv that Cap
tain Ta\loi and Canon will play the
lust font some with Hewitt and Meeds
following Canon has been a consist
ent low scorer m the previous match
es, his tally .Saturday being 77, and
his game is unpiovmg steadiL
If anv of these men do not Incak
into the lineup Coaili Kuthei foul may
call upon the Futchman luotheis,
(Leer, Ludes and Sickles Othei
promising pelkt-chaseis .u<* wmlciug
with the Varsity and Coach Kuthu
ford ma> put in a daik hoi ,e at tlie
last minute.
'I he sticnglh of the Lafayette ag
gregation is unknown Inleicollegiate
golf at Lufajetle is a luent umoca-
Lion hut theic are several )uomincnt
tec cxpeils competing foi positions on
the squad, and the NilLmv Coach i.
doubtful at. tu the showing of hi,
hcoung one point fm cadi game and
a <|iuiter point Toi each hole won,
Tayloi and Canon tallied three point,
m the.r foursome. Hew ill and Meeds
in the next setlu wuil scoreless with
H V. and Cicer in the
following quai let. Ludes and Sickles
annexed two and one-half points in
their canter and II L Fi itciim.iu ami
Clulev made it seven for tlie Lion goit
ers with one und one-lmlf cuimtets
Commencement honors im the
gnN weie announced aftu then
election at the senmi class meeting
last Tuesday Fust honois go to
Miss R N. Schaeffei, picsiilcnL of
the dnss, who will sene as how gnl,
v ocond honors to Miss E .1 Lcileh as
slipper gnl .uid thud to Miss A M.
Hcmdcl who will he fun gnl Class
donor is Miss I) C Bowen and Liu*
111111*01* oiation will be given to Alias
C E. Coogan.