Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 16, 1926, Image 1

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    New Song Hit
“Sleepy Time
VOL XXI, No. 39
Pop Garrison Clinches Victory
for Penn State With Fall
in Unlimited Class
Score for Closely-contested
Match Is' 18-13—Kaiser
Shows Good Form
* With the score tied at thirteen af
ter the seventy-five pound bout, Pop
Garrison clinched a hard-fought vic
tory for Penn State in the meet with
Syracuse Saturday afternoon by
throwing Patterson in the unlimited
strap. The score for the match was
18-13 in favor of the Nittany grap
By winning over Klein, Orange 175
pounder, Rumbnugh knotted the score
at thirteen. This left the question
tf victory or defeat entirely up to
Garrison. Wrestling against the
runner-up for the Olympic heavy
weight berth in 1021- chances for
a Penn State victory appeared small
Garrison, however, proved himself
equal to the occasion and, much to
the surprise of the Syracuse follow
ers, threw Patterson to the mats
Before three minutes of the bout were
up the Orange grapplcr was pinned
tc the mat for a fall, and Penn State
had added another victory to hci
growing list.
Garrison's Second Fall
In throwing, Patterson, Garrison
used a half Nelson and a bar lock
This fall was the second that Pop
las gained in the last two meets. In
the first tilt with Alfred university,
he was kept out because of injuries.
Captarn Walter Liggett in ms first
bout of the season threw Captain
JelTers in the abbreviated time of J
nvnute CO seconds with an.arm and
body lock. Jeffers m the intcrcol*
legiatcs'Jast year was runner-up in
the twenty-five pound class and is
considered to be one of the best for
that weight in college circles
Kaiser V ins
To open the meet Kalsci in the 115
pound division threw Allen of Syra
cuse in 2 minutes 23 seconds. In
winning this match Kaiser displayed
more power and aggressiveness than
(Continued on last page)
Officers to be selected by Pop
ular Vote—Commencement
Program Accepted
At the Intra-Mural council meet
ing Thursday evening, the proposed
commencement program, as adopted
1 y the College Senate, was accepted
This plan provides for a two-day
party in June, admitting all fout
classes, and a Commencement ball,
open only to members of the junior
and senior classes.
An endeavor is being mndc by the
committee to improve the system now
in operation for receiving student
grades. At prevent many cards arc
Ignored by instructors and the en
tire method is highly unsatislnctory
By adopting a new form of scholar
ship card and improving the method
of submitting the cards to instruc
tors, it ia‘ hoped that the system can
lie made to accomplish its purpose as
'it should.
The method of electing council of
ficers has also been changed Up to
this time officers were chosen through
rotation of houses but m the future
they will be chosen by popular vote.
In this way the presidential ollicc
will not bo restricted to the older
Louses but will be open to any house
enrolled in the council
Prizes aggregating two hundred
dollars and ranging from one hundred
to ten dollars are offered by the Ayr
shire Breeders’ Association in an in
tercollegiate essay contest. The ar
ticles should contuin about 2500 words
on the subject, "The Economic Value
of Production Tests."
All agrciultural students w-ho have
completed work equivalent to that of
the Freshman year and are m good
scholastic standing may enter the
competition. Essays aie due before
June first at the offices of the Associa
tion, 100 Centre street, Brandon ,Ver
Iron £tati> jji
Whitey Kaufman and His band!
What stopping is compelled, what
whispered words, what long-drawn
sighs! If ever a Senior Ball "went
across" at Penn State, the 102 G alfmi
did. It was a "wow!"
No othci orchestra could have been
the same, could have reeled off the
endless appealing numbers which, af
ter causing the dancers to become
foot-wenry, chained the spinning
couples to the gaily-dccorntod Armory
until the last note of the last number
had become an echo.
Kaufman’s crew of instrumentalists
may not have been versed in the art
of public speaking, but collectively
those ten men could have mndc an
orator’s gestures look like a pennant’s
Jones, Landry and Goidkettc
Eligible—Decision Set
for This Week
With the number of orchestras un
der consideration for the Junior Prom
r.ow cut down to three, the commit
tee will announce within the week the
bund that will furnish syncopation
for the uppcrclass function This de
cision was reached at a meeting of
the committee at the Phi Sigma Kap
pa houfcc Thursday evening
Spending the ueeh-ond in Phila
delphia, Chairman A C. Alloway con
ferred with'the booking-agents of the
three prospective bands The first
organization being considered is Gcno
Goldkcttc’s -Victor Recording orchos
lia The no\t group is Art Landrcy
nnd his Victor Recording band. Lan
drey’s latest record is "Swamp Blues "
At the present time his band is play
ing on the} Keith vaudeville circuit.
A Brunswick Recording aggregation,
Ifhnm and Ilia Oichcstrn, is the
third prospect.
Budget Approved
Although the budget for the dance;
has been approved by the Interclass
Budget committee, the Prom commit
tee declares that the allotments foi
several items will be cut considerably.
The financial statement includes all
expenses and prospective receipts foi
the affair.
At Thuisdny’s meeting the com
mittee named the patrons and patron*
o- sos for the Prom ant} also decided
upon issuing complimentary admis
Posters advertising the dance may
he submitted to W I*, ltoed at the
Hu Sigma Kappa house any time be
fere March tenth From those pla
cards submitted forty>-eight vs ill be
selected nnd a complimentary minus,
sion to the Prom will be given to
crch one turning m Tour acceptable
posters. All posters must be done in
three colois, must contain a figure of
seme sort* preferably a girl, and
must include time, place, date, price
nnd orchestra for the dance. The
poster contest is open to all students.
Bids for checking privileges at the
Prom must bo in the hands of B T.
Conrnd ’27, 21G Pugh Street, within
one week
Dr. .1. T. Singcwald Visits Penn
State Under Auspices of
Mining Fraternity
Under the auspices of Sigma Gum
ma Epsilon, honorary mining, metal
lurgy, nnd geology fraternity. Dr. J.
T. Singcwald, Jr, of John’s Hopkins
university, will lecture heie Thursday
afternoon nnd evening His cxploi
ations m South Amcncn, particular
ly among the hend hunters of the up
per Amazon basin, is the subject for
ins discourse
The first lectuie will be m Old Cha
pel in the afternoon at foui-tlmtv
o’clock. It is open to students and
faculty alike. This talk will be of
general interest and will be illustiat
cd by slides made from photographs
taken by Dr. Singcwald dunng his
exploratory expeditions
At eight o’clock in the evening, Dr.
Singewuld will give a special lecture
: on the geology and mineral deposits
of the Andc mountains at a smoker
of the Muting and Metalluigy Society*.
Visitors will be welcome ut this gath
Di Singewuld has made seveial
expeditions to South Amcncu and has
visited and photographed regions ne.’-
oi before invaded bv white men.
idle flappings in the breeze Thov
imidc their instruments tnlk, dance
nnd do tricks.
tV hi toy, himself, waved a magic
wand in a masterful manner, uenvmg
at tunes sinuously into the form of nn
Aztec medicine man nnd at other
limes keeping the baton fluttering in
a pronounced majestic rythm while
l.js loft knee accentuated the magic
heats of an irresistible melody
Kaufman’s sax team was peisonally
tiaincd by the leader m the intricate
art of rythmic manipulation Ihe
brass section is almost perfect m its
ability to create character m orches
trations nnd, according to Wlutcy, “a
person will have to traverse many
rnd many a mile to hunt out a coup
le of trumpet-playing protagonists”
such ns he has in his orchestra.
The outfit is completely dominated
by the forceful personality of the
leader. Whitoy’s eccentric antics and,
ins winning smile keep his boys up
to snuff throughout e\ery engagement
nnd compel them to devastate drag
ging hours with synchronous harmon
ies of sound Kaufman, the man,
rules Kaufman, the musician
Varsity Five Downs Georgetown
by 30-19 Count but Drops
to Navy 31-21
Fighting an uphill battle in both
encounters, the Varsity dribblers
split even on the week-end bill by de
feating Georgetown, JO-19 and drop
ping to the Middies by a 31 to 21
count Captain Chicle Hood starred
u both games
Honors were divided at the end of
the first hnlf on the Georgetown tilt
at eleven-all but the Lions staged a
remarkable rally nnd easily emerged
I cr. top at the close of the engagement,
j Saylor opened the game by scoring
I a double-decker from the tip-olf but
the Blue and White were soon set in
the background when Nork and Ryan
each counted twice from the held.
Kowc\er, baskets by Hood and Von
Ncula and goals from the free-throw
line brought the score to 11 to 9 but
the count was tied at the end of the
first gun by a side shot from the hands
cf Nork
Second Half
In the second half, the Lions tore
loose with a barrage of hold-goals
while holding the Washingtonians to
only three points. Chick Hood led
the scoring for the game totaling four
goals in the second half, two of which
(Continued on third page)
Hostility Between Faith and
Science Causes Confusion,
Says Theologian
Dr 11. F Ward, professor of Clms
l*im Ethics at Union Theological
-ouHnary, based his Sunday chapel
address on a quotation from the book
ot John, “This is the uctorv that ov;-
crcometh the world-—even our faith."
Dr. Ward first spoke of the con
tinual hostility between our liuth
and the world in which we live The
religious person lie said, is trying to
live a bettor lift*, to make a better
world and through this elfort is try
ing to establish some connection with
God. Our greatest fear he said
should be "fear of the loss of an im
perishable ideal,” which is the spirit
of Jesus’ teachings
“Thoic arc times when even the
world itself seems hostile to us,”
said the speuker. "What then 9 ” In
spite of this seeming hostility, “the
universe is on the side of right, nnd
pood \\ll triumph over evil, if men
will only work with God,” continued
Di. Ward
The dissatisfaction of youth with
tin. piescnt-dnv world is really the
t lie old search of the human heurt for
better living and the struggle to make
a better woi Id- lie declared. “The
confusion of our time,” stated the
speaker, “is the antagonism between
faith and science,” in spite of the
fact that ‘science goes forth by faith,
buttresses our faith and shows us
how to work.” “Faith, lie declared
“is the creative attitude,” in doing
things oil the belief that God is be
hind our attitude, and finally- “faith
puts us m co-opeiation with God to
make our lives better and to improve
the universe.”
Student Council Sends
Delegates to Tulane
D D. Jleniy ’2G and I*. M. Schicf
ei ’2G, president and vice-president
of the senior! class and Student Coun
cil, entrained for New Oilcans where
they will attend the annual mid-west
student conference of colleges nnd
universities from the fifteenth to the
twentieth. This body has to do with
student self-government m the insti
tutions represented
The convention will be held at the
I ouisiana metropolis under the aus
pices of Tulane university. The Mar
in Gras will be a feature of the week’s
Prominent Figure at U. of P.
To Advise Local Group
on. Discussions
Meeting with the Y. M. C. A. ad
visory council in the Asesocintion’s
hut on Thursday evening, the Rev.
John llart of Philadelphia discussed
the system to- be used m discussion
groups at Penn State following the
visit of Dr. Gillcoy. Familiarly known
as "Jack” Jlait, the Philadelphian is
active m the work of discussion
groups on the campus of the Univer
sal;. of Fcqnsylvnma.
During 'the conference the Rev.
Hart explained the manner m which
gioup discussion is earned on at
Penn the chuichcs co-operate
with the University in its work, lie
was decidedly m favor of the plan
suggested to request the aid of facul-
ns advisois to the group
lenders and also as active partici
pants in the discussions This ide i,
which is used in Philadelphia and
which was in practice here last yeut,
will be put m force again at Penn
State within the next few weeks.
• Under th*-flrSt part of the plan the
“Y” discussion groups wall talk ov
er questions of paramount importance
brought out by Dr. Gilkey concerning
the college man. After members of
(Continued on last page)
The second of a six-weeks series of
instructions m the work of the COL
LEGIAN managerial stair will be
given to freshmen candidates lor the
business staff by Business Manugci
Thomas Cain tomorrow at seven
o’clock in Room 3 1 Liberal Arts.
Assured by the business staff that
no previous newspaper experience 1-
icquired more than fifty freshmen re
ported last Wednesday. The lectures
are designed to acquaint the fresh
men with the advertising and circu
lation conditions which the business
staff must meet.
Though the lessons me
only propul atuiy to actual work on
the paper they are necessary for the
candidate to Ins efficiency in stalling
on the newspaper details Like the
course for editorial men the lectures
cic a training course for future COL
Musical and Dancing Numbers
Listed for Presentation
in March Session
Undei the direction of Jnsliuclor
Jose Gallardo the Spanish Club him
arranged to present two short play
sometime during the first part of next
month Besides the regular pcifoim
ance, some additional numbers consist
ing of shoit talks in Spanish, and sev
eral musical and dancing exhibitions
will be given dunng the entertain
Although no definite program has
jet been arranged, Mr. Gallardo stated
that D. ‘D. Northrup ’2B and S. C
Runklc ’27 have consented to give an
exhibition of a Spanish dance, follow
ed b\ several vocal selections by the
second Vursity qunitet. Other mus
ical numbers will be given by J. E
Dickson ’2B, Mrs. E. N. Montague,
the Mandolin club and a group of
Porto Rican students.
The cast of the two plays, “El Cri
ado Atuto" and "El Joven Medico In
foitunudo,” is composed of Miss M.
A. McLaughlin ’27, Miss E. M. Gruf
fius ’27, It. W. Huston ’27, Willaul
Putnov ’2B and W. R Fiym ’2(l.
Three Extra-round Bouts and
One Knockout Feature
3-2 Vidorv
Grazier Granted Judas’ A* \trJ
in Bloody Fight in Armed
Canto—Kiel Wins
A knockout and three extra tourd
bouts which included two lderce’s
decisions marked the 5 to 2 victoiv
for the Blue and White boxers when
they defeated the University of Vu
ginia Saturday and avenged the set
back of Inst season Even bout with
the exception of the first and last went
to Penn State.
The bout between Grazier and Yolk
in the forty-five pound class was con
sidmed the best encounter of the
afternoon. Both gave a wondeiful
exhibition of boxing but Giaziei was
declared the winner by the referee at
the end of the extra penod
Grazier proved himself the betlu ,
defensive* man especially in the first
round, dodging the attempts of the
visitor and landing telling blows on
Ins opponent At one time in the
second canto, the curlv beaded mit
mnn tore loose with Ins fists and
pounded York into a cornel opening
a cut above Ins eye.
Bloodj Scrap
Blood flowed freely from both con
testants when Grazier was bumped
on the head gashing his scalp. At
the close of the second round York
backed the Blue and White represen
tative into a corner and almost put
him through the ropes l>ut Gia/iei
staged a comeback as the ball dang
l'd. |
York's stvle of cutting down with
1 is right fist and jabbing with lus!
left caused Grazier considerable woi- 1
rj for a time but he soon was able
to cope with Ins opponent In the
final round Grazier stepped into York
rnd landed both nuts to his head and
face, partlj closing the lattci’s eve
A blow to Grazier’s nose drew blood
He came hack ferociou-ly and with
a straight left followed bv a right
the head sent York reeling. Thai
round ended with both exchanging
blows m a semi-clinch
Drop Fifteen Bout
riantugan and Gans, in the fifteen
round division staged an extra pel -
lot! light that ended m a referee’s de
(Contmued oil last page)
Blue Band. Mandolin Club, Phi
Mu Alpha and College
Orcheslia Slated
; II iv nig alieadv -ihcted both the
Opening the nml-winter conceit sea-! < ditm ini .uni bu-im ,s staff- foi the
son tile Penn State Blue Band will j student Handbook which is published
give the fust oT a seiio> of afternoon [ annualh undei supervision of the
musical entertainments bund.iv at “V,” W .1 Dm bin '2fi, editoi, stales
tlnee-tlmlv o’clock in the Auditoiium t‘i it uoik on the* P*2<>-l'i27 edition
A schedule m which each of the col- will i, e stalled within a few weeks,
."go mu-ical oigam/ations is lepre- The m . wh . n ,p oml ed stall
sontol h.,s alien,!, be™ annn-e/l b, „ r ht ,-1i.1.1c”
I! Grant, dnmtor of Inns,, Uml)1 „ cdll „,, Cl r |.,j ltr
Foi the past twelve ve.ns the music assistant editoi. U W How.nd, ’27,
derailment has offered these Srnulaj p R Small/’2B, I T \ andenbug’2b
afternoon concerts and they have and R P Sivgmdlci ’2B The bu-i
-comc to he* a lcgul.u pail of winter mss stall consists of S L Reeder ’27,
activities at Penn State* In the past, manager ; C f Me ’2B, .Tulin
the primary puiposc* of these entu- Fciguson '2B. W. D Reifsnvdei '2b.
luinincnts has been to help hicak the 0 I* Flmn "2b, It B kilboinu ’2b
monotony of the Sunday afternoons'and Don ild Giav '2B
dm tbc inter months Mtliiiusrli Imls uiuicl
Ono of tlio foatuitM at tins sl „ , ral |,iiblislmii: t oimiamts,
{Continued on last page) ' iis stall" li i. made no stleetion as jet
Tenpins Lure Classroom Artists to
“Heavy” Pastime as Battle Waxes Hot
Pol getting foi a time all sense oi I hough nianv diileiunt sv stems of at
both dignity and duty, many of Penn tack upon the wooden |nns uic* being
State’s class-worn piofcssois have u c*d, the method followed by Dean
turned Horn their profession to the j \ R Wat nock is the most unique* ol
much more btavvnv pastime oi com-! am He* snenkuis and claims
petmg m u tenpin tournament i that aside fiom the tact that he can
Anvone may remove all doubt by ' make a quieter get-away horn his
visiting the Blue and White allevs fnniilv, they .tul him materially m
where these would-be bowlers cun be] stopping on the unpennli/ed side* of
‘■cm “doing their stuff” almost am-the loul I me**’
evening of the week Thou*, accent-j Piof \V. R. Ham uses u ball made
mg to Prof. P. T. Ziegler, they roll jby the* Bntish Rubber Monopoly to
'em hard ami with a punch tlml ! give it giwler elasticity in approach
counts Professoi Ziegler leeoinmendsj n g the* pins fiom the light flank, Pro
this pastime* above* all uthois ns n | ft —oi Ziegler stated when inter view
cute for somnambulance, indigestion, cd on «ome of the outstanding chiuno
ught to ten o’clock p m. blues aiul!luisties of the different tollers. Lt
lald-hcudedncsa. I Colonel McLaughlin was disqualified
Methods of Bowling | fiom making the team because Ins
Commenting on some ol the* con- ' method of attack was too intimate*
toLtants Piofesfeot* Zicglci tav i, "At- 1 (Continued on second page)
Lectures and Conferences To Follow
Convocation Address —Quintet Will
Entertain at Each Meeting
Forceful Speaker
Cub Passers Strike Fast Pace
in Second Half To Win
by -11-22 Score
SU.kmg a pact in the second hall
| that complete!} outdistanced their--op
'ponents, the \ curling passers swamp
ed the California Noimul live with a
:voie of 11-22 on the Aimory Hour
Saturday night
Neither team at the outset ot Uu*
flame was able to penetiate tiie op
posing defense with the result that
the fust quartei ended with a stoic
of 2-1 m favoi of California Nonna!
last placing was in.ide e\tremely
hh/aidous because of the slippciv
u-ndition of the flooi Quick stops
vine impo.jible and fulls weic num-
Monahan was the Inst to btcak in-
Lu tile bcoiing tolunui when ho caged
a fiee shot from the foul line Fol
lowing clo-elv upon tins Captau.
Wolfe placed the Noimn! school fne
(Continued on last page)
Staff To Begin Work
on Student Handbook
Tulnne to
March Gras
1 Endowed with the knack of juesont
mg lus me*sages with a vigoi .md uv
idncss that is lemembtied Di C V.
Gilkov, college trustee and cunpui
pastor aL the University of Chicago,
will be the guest of Penn b1..1c tomm
j row morning at the spctindv anangal
1 convocation in the Auditoiium lion
i (decen-lwcnty to twelve-ton o'clock
'with Dean I* L Watts Is)
j classes will be held that houi
I Di Gil Kev will armo ..t the XiL
j {any institution today pinned to doli
!\cr ut least live loctLrtts a*'d strti il
| informal talks during Int. four-da', stay
| here Special conferences and lunth
!con-i hate a plate on the itinci.uv «,I
'his \ isit At the College ma* >
I mg lomoirow inonm.g Piofc*-ni Gil
kc.» will be foimalh welcomed to Penn
. Stale ami he will dcdivc-i his In .A pub
lic lectme.
Accompanied by Negro QiimUL
The Lincoln univci-ilv Colmtd
Quintet, which won litmendous popu
-11 inly at Silver Day tonfeiente list
sumnici, has been sttuied toenteitain
in contunction with eveiy talk that the
noted speakei dcdivcis This mgto
Ine is especially noted loi itshurmonv
nnd itb senous and humoioa- singing
Although Di Gilkev will begin 1 is
I pioginm of speeches tuda\ at noon at
! u luncheon foi facu'ty membtis at
j the Umveisity Club, the pmcipal lec
tures will be dclivcicd tomoi.ow .norn-
I mg at elevcn-tweiitv o’clock and lo
imoriow, Thuibdav and Fndav nights
j at seven o’clock in Urn A«d touum
■Tk p ’i f I i'o I.«• ■ i -
j nounco 1 the topics upon which he v ill
j speak but tbc entile four dies of .w.-
j tiutv will bo centeied about a ievolu
tion of piactical ithgion foi college
[ students.
Following the luncheon lh Gilke*.
, will hold pnvnU; confeicnccs in_thu Y
(Continued on third page)
Three R. O. T. C. Rifle Squads
Fire in Third Corps Aren
Match Tins Week
Pitted against live teams m tin op
ining tilt of the Appalachian League
: tournament la-.t week, the Penn Slut)
linemen tame out on the top ol th_
list, sconng PJOS points
The Appalachian Uille Le igue is
lomposed of college teams- liom V.’c
luit Pennsvlvania, Mai y land and Vn
f-.m.i In the recent miUh, the moi
.ng was as follows- loluis I lop!,ms
Ih'iS, Pitt IS7U, Cainogic ISdb, WVI
\njrmia ISU'i and WVst-in hi nvl md
I'7(> Don Ficar 2I», tajilun, total
ed the highest seme with I'M po’nl*-
Aitoiding to Liiutcnant MilJcu,
coach, the Vuisitv team is doing lirsl
cluss shooting At the iml ol tin
season, the team storing th. gieate-t
i umbel of wins will be awaiikd i
Unpin, v\mholit ol its .nlnrveimnc
m this bi.mch of college competition
Hit* freshmin team has hem di -
m lved into the It 0 'I C l an, which
niters into the Thud C’oips \ioi
mutch this week 'i’liin Hams viU
lepiesent Penn Stale in this meet
'I he fust team will he composed p* in
upjlly* of Vaisjty R () T (! mem
le'S, while the toimei fiishmau
squail will compose the nmaimug
two teuns Detwilei was Invli sun
rr in tin U 0 T C match last week,
totaling .IS.) points
Hie Intel-class match takes plan
during the last week m Apn! ’to the
five highest sciii ei s oT i .uh tla* s p n -
liciputing, mimeruls will be maided.
With p'ncticull nil of the voteians
of last seal’s squad available, Penn
State’s outlook foi a xucu ssful sea
son in latiosbe is quite chouing
New equipment has been pin chased
with which to equip the hit losses ami
the candidates muy now be seen even
day wot king out m the field behind
the Aimoiy
Coach Leonmd is looking funvaul
to a big turnout when the cal! is issu
ed for material This season the
slickmeii will slack up against some
of the best in the line ol opponents
the schedule being compiled I>\ eight
of the lcadeis in the spoil Among
them me Stephens, Uimoixitv ol
Pennsylvania, Ciesccnt Am.iteui \
A., Coinell, Syincuse, Swuitlimmi
and Union, a new addition to the pio
'toucly announced tehedule.