That’s Dublin Up the Irish VOLXXI.No.37 Upperclassmen Revel to Kaufman’s Music Friday Senior Dance Promises Unusual Programs and Improved Decorations—Orchestra Has . / , National Reputation With every item matured for Penn] State's first big dance of the 'year, upperdass tcrpischorcan revelers will congregate in the ArroUry Friday night and strut to the entrancing melodies issuing from the illustrious brass antj sax teams of Whitey Kauf man's band of Victor recording art ists. Although the Senior Ball is one of the leading class functions of the Col lege, never before has it been played up and so much enthusiasm cen tered around it as this year, since this is the first time that an orches tra of the caliber of Kaufman’s has been secured for the afTair. Even the decorating scheme has undergone a marked improvement, costing sev iral times as t mucb as it has in pre \ions years. Whitey Kaufman has played for similar college functions throughout the East this year and each place vis ited has praised his music. The qual ity of his bond is shown by its latest Victor Tccord, “Paddlin' Madalin’ Home.” Booth and Ticket Sale A further indication of the favor v.ith which the Senior Ball is being looked upon this year is shown by the results of the fraternity booth sale. Although the price of the booth spaces increased from two to fAc dollars, fifteen more booths were sold this year than last. A second ticket sale will be held tomorrow night at seven o’clock at Co-op. The admission is three dol lars. Instead of giving compliment ary tickets G. 11. Cook ’2G, chairman of the committee, states that the in vitations sent out will be used for tins purpose The committee has selected the program submitted by the E A ’•'.’right company of Philadelphia The-cover of it consists of a white background with a Taised gilt em blem upon it, .combining the college seal with the class numerals, and “Penn Slate” embossed above it (Continued on last page) BATTERYMER RECEIVE INITIAL DIAMOND CALL Mound Squad Prospects Appear Promising—Mainstays Are Stjborski and Page Indications that Penn State will re sumo its prestige m intercollegiate baseball are seen in Coach hillinger’s call for battery men this week. As soon as the Stock ravilion is secured for indoor warm-up activities the most promising squad of hurlers in several y’cars will report for prelim inary workouts Although Ilcrb Ilarrclson mainstay ol last year’s mound stalf, was gridu ried last June, the pitching stall, for years the bane of Nittany nines pre sents an encouraging outlook for the sjipng. Styborxkv and Lefty Page, veter ans, will be rc-cnforccd by Harry Plato 1028 star twirler, Claybnugh, Baum and Van Attn, all of whom saw service with the yearling team. Soph* omores who will likely sec service be h.nd Hie bat arc Bus Harrington, Lcsko and Zimmerman While it is too early to make pre di< lions, it seems that Coach Killmgcr will put a well rounded team in the held. Lungren and Jacobson, two heavy hitlers will bolster up the in fit Id, with Eiscnhuth and Harris The outfield presents the greatest prob lem. Styborski may bo placed per manently* m the outfield to secure more batting strength. COACH LEONARD CALLS OUT STICK CANDIDATES Beginning the semester with mote serious workouts, Couch Luonaid bus made unothcr call for la crosse players, especially those who c\pocl to sign up for the defense positions An extra effort is being made to interest basketball men in the spring sport. A field is being picpurcd so that players will not be handicapped by* the snow or crumped for luck of spucc. Nets will be set up in order that the passers muv develop a good attack and Icuiu to handle the ball easilv. Seml-IA/eekly Pettit @ 1 List of Senior Bail 1 Guests Will Be Made 1 Fraternity lists of guests for the Senior Ball will be announc ed in the next issue of the COL LEGIAN. All lists should be turned in by Wednesday night at ten o’clock GRAPPLERS POINT FOR ORANGE MEET Liggctt’s Return Strengthens Team—Several Berths Still Undecided LION WRESTLERS MEET VETERAN COMBINATION Although repulsing the Penn WTcsthng team 19-G in the second meet of the season, *P«.nn State’s Var sity grapplers face stemei oppontion in the orange clad seven fiom Syra cuse Saturday in the Archhold gym nasium. Captain Walt laggett’s re turn has fortified the thirty-five pound class with an inter-collegiate cham pion, but aside fiom Sam Rumbaugh Fterlmg seventy-five pounder, the other men are uncertain quantities Coach Ralph Leonard has made no definite choices for Ins other weights The unlimited, twenty-five and forty - five classes are the greatest problem Dowd and Ace forty-five-pound men have shown a decided improvement the past week, and Long who has won in both the'Alfred and Penn meets is being pressed for ins position Gar rison and Munz aic scrapping for the heavyweight berths Kaiser twice victorious m the pre vious meets is deemed Penn State’s (Continued on thud page) JUDGES SELECT PRIZE FRATERNITY SKETCHES The prirc-winning fiateimty sketch ci chosen fiom those which have boon exhibited by the Scarab society in the Art Museum in Old Main foi the past week, will be selected today by a jury of three men prominent in the depart ment of .uchitocturc. The judges. Prof. A. L Kochot, Prof F C. Disquc and H. E Dickson, will select tiuee drawing-, lrom the entire gioup. The drawings will be ixlubiled for one week at different chapters and will then be returned to their respective abodes. These sketches will be on view again «ome day* m the spring which the so eictv will designate as bcarab day Oil this occasion sketches will be ex hibited, talks will he given t>\ mem bers of the faculty and refreshment-' served The society* expects to use i Old Main Art Museum us its head quarters Comedies and Comedy Dramas Share Popularity of Local Movie Lovers If the success of u moving picture be judged by the box ollice receipts end the applause then Penn State students aio more appreciative or lighter diumas and comedies than ot scuous films is the opinion of Maurice Bnuin, Nittnnv theatre owner. Whether the students seel, mental relaxation instead of inspiration Mr. Bnum would not sjv According to Ins inting “Don Quixote” was the most popular recent film, “The Phan tom ot the Opeia” the second and “The Vumshmg American” and “Lady Windermere’s Fan” next Mr Baum declared that the mnjoi ity ot college students piefer the dramatic action of a Fuirbanks pic ture to the less energetic character appeal of “The Lust Laugh." “Col lege students like action pictures, ’ Mr. Baum nlliinicd, “but they will not accept the manufactured cut nnd dried plot The fin fetched nnd the stimn for dramatic effect have no place in the sympathies of Penn Plate students.” Norma Shearer Favorite “I find that the best di awing card i? Norma Shearer with the Talmndgc sisters and Cormnc Griffith next. The most populai men actors are Douglas Fairbanks, Harold Lloyd and Bustei Keaton It has long been the policy ty lulled masculiue rather STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1926 NITTANY PASSERS DEFEAT BUCKNRL IN LOOSE CONTEST Goals by Barron, MacDonald and Hood Help Raise Lead as Game Ends 39-28 VARSITY WEAKENED BY LOSS OF MIKE HAMAS Listless Struggle Has Exciting Moment Near Close When Bisons Threaten Staving off a last mmute rally by Buckncll, the Blue and White passers Lest out the visitors m a rough ami loosely played game by a y'J-28 score, fsiturday night on the Armory llooi 7he team seemed lost without the services of llamas Penn State held a small leud dur ing the entire game with the excep tion of a few minutes in the first half, v hen the Bisons maintained an ad vantage of one point. The second half was deudcdly loose Both teams were excited and made a number ol miscucs. Play Not Steady On the whole the guarding of Coach Hermann’s men was good but piay in (Continued on last page) 1929 BUSINESS MEN REPORT TOMORROW Candidates for Coliegian Will Be Given Instruction in Freshmen Duties OPPORTUNITY GIVEN TO SECURE HIGHER POSTS Freshmen candidates for the busi ness staff of the COLLEGIAN will meet tomoirow night at seven o’clock in Room 3-1, L A building This op ening meeting will be followed by a period of instiuclion in the vanous duties of the business staff. A preliminary couise of instruction in business, circulation and advertis ing practices will be given the first year men. The senior heads of the icspcctive departments will have charge of the in,truction in their pai ticulai field Following this short ] cnod of training the candidates will -ssume the regulai duties of ftesh roeu business men Spciafired Work After their ficshman year of ap bienticcship m the fundamentals of COLLEGIAN business methods the candidates will advance to sophomoic status and will be given moie spcciul i-cd duties During the spring oi thou second veai elections will be held nnd the three most outstanding men will bo selected as assistant bus-; i) ess managers Th newly-elected junior stall wil l then act in an executive capacity for one year and their abilities will fur nish the basis of judgement for the selection of business, advertising and cn dilution manager. than feminine tastes” said Mr Baum smilingly, “Not that men’s judg ments are moie superior to women’s” he quickly added, “but we must enter to the inajoi ity taste Wlnle the movie desires or the stu dents muv seem fixed thev are by no means unchanging, Mi Baum’s opinion Very often a film that met with no outstanding ac claim elsewheie is pronounced ns “great’ by the Penn State devotee On the other hand many shows hci uhled as successes by metropolitan | audiences aie declared commonpluce by the College critics. In this connection the Ihentic own er mentioned “The Lost Woild” “It seemed too improbable and fan tastic foi a State College audience,” he expalmecl, “blit it ‘went over big’ with the students. The Penn State student generally runs tuic to form m his judgment of pictures, yet in many* vvuys the movie game is a gamble.” The motion pictuio man digiessod to some of his past experiences. “ ‘Greed’ was recognized as one ot the leading pioduclions last year. II vns praised highly m a tluec column review in the Literaly Digest. No sooner hud it completed its first showing lieie when it was ’royally RURAL AG LAW COURSE INSTITUTED BY COLLEGE Tins coming semester a new lecture course m Rural Agricultural ioiw will be taught The course will include six or more lectures dealing directly with the subject nnd given by Dean A R. Warnock. It will be limited to senior i and juniors in the School of Agucul- Uirc, as well as second year men of the Two-year Ag course The new* course will not, however, carry credit. All those desiring to take the course may consult any mem*, her of the Ag Conned or leave name and address in the Penn Stale Farmer box in the liort ’building The time of the first meeting of this class v ill be announced later, j W.W. ELLSWORTH SPEAKS THURSDAY Shakcspcrian > Scholar To Use Two Subjects in Evening and Afternoon Talks Pill KAPPA PRI ACTIVE IN SECURING SPEAKER That William IVebstcr Ellsworth will deliver speeches of particular culuinl importance ( is the promise of Phi Kappa Phi, dionoiary scholastic fraternity, which -lias secured the em inent Shakespeaf'-an scholar for Thursday aftertwon nnd evening Mr. Ellsworth will lecture in the Aud itorium at ly o’clock on “1 he New roetfy" and at eight-iifteer o’clock on "Shakespeare and Old Lon don " • J To give all students taking English courses the benefit of homing the noted speaker, the English depart ment has made attendance at the Vctuies a required part of the semes ter’s schedule. Freshmen will attend the afternoon talk and spohomores and uppcrcktssmcft tiie evening Recent Tendencies in Poetry Mr. Ellsworth’s lecture on poetry vilLact as-im-uTtypduction to recent native verse As an authority on American and English poetry Mr Ellsworth has amply qualified for his preeminent position in modern liter ury* circles llow the couise of poetiy has changed during the past forty years, how periods have swung it from one tendency to another and how in all (Continued on last page) PRE-LEGALITES DEBATE Choosing as a piopositiun, "Resolv ed that the Pennsylvania State Legis lature should adopt Governor Pm ihot’s Giant Power Plans,” Fi Lambda S’gma, honorary Pre-logal fraternity, will meet m Room IC of the Library. Thursday at seven o’clock The men taking port in the discussion are S h .Stevens '2G, E. L Willard ’27, W. A Khrise '27 and G. Shaffei '27 Although discussions have been Juki lcgul.irly before, tins is the lust time that the society has held a meeting, open to the student body. After the debate, there will be a gcncinl discus sion of the topic and n vote will be token A special invitation is extend ed to all Pro-legal students NEW EXTENSION HEAD TAKES ACTIVE CHARGE Keller Aims Increase of Service to Employees of Industrial Firms Broader development of certain hi.meins of s-crvac by Penn Slate to industries of the stale n propostd by Prof J O Keller why ludnv assumes active charge of the college engmeenng extension depart ment, succeeding N 0. Miller, who KMgncd last November The department, now reaching more than seven thousand mdti.strul em ployees in Pennsylvania, through night clusscs, factory study groups und cor itspondcticc courses, will continue the policies developed by Piofessor Millci in the past live years. Foreman train ing and public utility employee scrv ice are at the point where the demand culls for expansion unci advanced in struction and these will receive at tention Professoi Keller is unusually well qualified tu head the industrial ser vice department of the college. Hu was promoted from the position ai bead of the industrial engineering do paitmcnt of the School of Engineer ing, the vacancy there being idled to day by the advancement of Prot. (J. W. Bccse, for the past several yeuis i* member of the industiml engineer ing faeultv. , 2 -COPIES : BOXERS SCORE WIN OVER CATHOLIC U. AS SEASON OPENS Captain McClcrnan, Gans, Kiel and Filcgcr Score Decisions in Scrappy Contest VISITORS AFFORD KEEN COMPETITION—SCORE. 1 Comeback by Grazici FuTl: «r Judges Award 113-Pouiul Bout To LaFondc Clinching honors in the fifth bout, Penn State’s boxing team made its oebut of the season Saturday* aftei uoon with a 1-!J victory over Catholic university m a {.crappy meet De c..,ions were scored by Captain Johnny McClcrnan, Joe Gan 1 -, Filcgcr and hick There was little action in the in itial match between Gans and Lnrgay, fcv. blow > being exchange. The round ended in a draw hot Gam hud the sec«»ml becajse of his aggres siveness The Blue and White man landed telling blows on Largay’s head and face with both fists, knock ing his opponent to the ropes, while m the third round lie put his left to (Continued on third page) THESPIANS SLATED FOR LOCAL DEBUT No Changes Made in Personnel of Cast—Play Usually Precedes Vacation THESPIANS APPEAR IN FIRST LOCAL SHOWING No changes will be made m the Thcspinu musical comedy personnel, “TKe Kiel llnnsclf,” when the organi zation makes its initial appearance of the season here m the Auditorium the night following the Senior Ball It was feared that low scholarship would create an ineligible m the cast lut v\ ithout exception the entire group . suivivcd the finals In formci yenis the Thcspum pro duction has always been shown at the College preceding the Chnstmas iccci-*. Tins year lack of preparation prc.ented the following of the usual custom and the showmen were forced to stmt their holiday trip wihout the LcnefiL of a locul pcifoimancc llow well they succeeded was shown by the enthusiastic niannci in which they weie received at the eight cities (Continued on second page) REV. HART WILL MEET WITH COLLEGE GROUPS U. of P. Minister Will Confer With *‘Y” Advisor} Council at Penn Stale The Rev* .John Hart, fanuliurlv know to Penn sudonls as "Jack’ will come to Penn Slate Thursday to con fer with the utlwsoiy council of the 'i M C \ .Several yeurs ago the Rev. HutL was plated in charge of bunging the churches of the city into a closvi il lation with the umveisitv Y M I' A and tls work. At present he is an associate setreUrv of the Penn “\” and in charge of coin fitting tin ot gaiuiultnu and the chuieln- Co-opiralioa With a view to creating greater co-operation between the Nittnnv “Y” and the Stull* College* (lunches, the advisory bomd united "Jack" HarL to come to Penn State to con fer with it on the best system He will outline the methods used m ui gani/mg the vs oik at the Quukci City institution Tin purpose oT inviting the Phila delphia pastor here was to prepare foi the woik folhving I)i (Jilkey’s (hree-dav institute The ndwsoiy board of the “V with wluih the con fuencu has been arranged is com posed of a number of pi eminent fa culty men mteiexted m promoting the woi k of the Y M C A and all the muustcis of the town. (.RANGE ANNOUNCES SPEAKER A. B Dorcxl, past stale grange lecturer, will be the pimcipal speak er at the annual banquet ot the Penn State Grange, Match twenty-sixth. The committee is now working on plans foi the annual uffnir and will announce complete nimngoments within a short lime 1 DEGREES GRANTED TO FIFTY-THREE TONIGHT New York Pastor To Address Mid-year Graduating Class—Judge Mitchell Will Preside at Exercises Thespian Ticket Sale Scheduled Tomorrow A ticket sale foi the Thes pian Club pioduction “The Kid Hnnsilf” will be held at Co-op tomorrow night at seven o’clock. DR.C.W.GILKEY WILL SPEAK HERE Religion’s Place on Campus To Be Subject Discussed by Noted Ledum* ONE-HOUR RECESS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR TALK “A straightforward and *ol>cr ap peal foi the place of udigiun m life :,nd in the daily experience of thoughtful stuJents as of everybody else," is the summary of bis talk 1 ? a> slated by I)r. C W. Gilkcy of Chicago who conics here ne%t Tuesday to de-| liver a three-day series of intensive religious discussions in the Auditor ium WedncMliy, Thursday and bn day. 'I lie noted leclurci will devote him si If entirely to the college student and icligion m his talks here. Widely known for his direct manner of speech, Dr Gilkoy who was schooled ut Harvard, Oxford and Glasgow, does not evade the issue of religion on the campus That all students may hear him the adirnni'strulioir lias do claicd a convocation next Wednesday* at eleven-twenty o’clock. Although Dr. Gilkcy has not yet announced the exact topics of his talk In* is expected to sound caustic notes on the voots of religious skepticism Dr If. I’. Ward, professor of Chris tian Science at the Union Theological Seminaly, will introduce phases of Dr Gilkcy’s talks m the Sunday chapel sen ice Dr Ward will also speak at the “Y” hut at a four-thn ty o’clock tea and at the Methodist (Contmaed on second page) First Woman Named Penn State Trustee The apnomtment of Mrs William D Phillips, of WituLot Terrace, Washington. Pennsylvania, as a mem ber of the Board of Trustee-* of Penn Slate* has been announced bv Govci nor Pinchol Mis Phillips has the di-tinction of being the fir-*t womai member of the board The nov trustee was verv active m tin* Emergency Building Fund campaign Undei her management, the home economics committees of the (iimigc* m Wahmglon county; were oigatu/cd Through these iom-1 nutters, diricled by Mrs Phillips,] substantial imill ibulmns have been! made to the Building Fund 1 Neptune Calls Nittai To Action on Bri Mu ic mdi'ul li.tlli charms' Mudu l.ifid iii»lodus,is distributed by seven I’enn Slate Lrouhadois so (harmed the auditor/ organs of the Cunaid Line ofliiinls that the .septet was put Hide i (outran to pi ovule moonlight fi.n inoiij foi Hie finer “Berengena” duimg a vacation voyage tin- sum mer The (riant minstrels will touch leria lirmu at Plymouth, London, Havre, Cherbouig—foieign settings will color their artistry as the prow «f the huge floating paradise cleaves alien watcis Alien scenes nnd situugc tongue, will add glanioi und I‘ini.imc to the superficial tour ot Europe. seven son-going syncopator will watch the Statue of Liberty re ((dc in the distance some time in June, sobbing mule farewells to the pusomliculion of the spirit of Amer ica “Ray Shore’s S S. Berengerm Orchestra,” of Penn Slute, will throb the cudence for hundreds of dunetng ieet in the evenings on the polished decks of the great liner. For more than three weeks the foi tuimtc septet will coax terpstchoreun strums fiom then collegiate repui 'toirc to entertain the myriad follow- 1929 Make It Your Business PRICE FIVE CENTS Forty-sever seniors will bid f.u - well to their Alma Mater tonight when they receive the coveted diplo ma at the llmteenth annual mhl* year guduation excieiscs in the Ajd- itorium at *-ev».n-tlm ly o’clock In addition six candidates of the gradu ate school will lecuve the dcgric ol Master of Ails Prcsiding at the foimanties will !»-• Judge H. W’nlUm Mitchell, pnsidcnt of the Board of Ijuslets, while th* Rev*. U F Romig, pasten of the f!"* rile Collegiate church in New Yoil: city, wall delivu the address to tne graduating class. First honor-, awarded to n*>t than fifteen per tent of the* grucLm***, from full four year college emus*, ranking highest in genera! scholar ship, were won by P. A Killg.illoi, Mi>s h. I. Kistler, Miss U 11. and R. J Million Seen id honor*, given to not more than fifteen pci pent of the graduates ranking m I in «-(,l lo )drship. go to Brut" Bull* i Miss A H Edm, I, L Evans .ml T H. Schmidt The following aie expected to i< (pive degrees tonight** nf HiicMur of An-. X.ln-.l . f 1 ib.r.l Arv- Curriculum in nrl. nnU K'lo. Urn-.- Hutl. r Ilruokviin Xri.lrr, I*llll. C.rirtt Mill- Puu.ll. S.|ui A VC Wi» Sin •itiii'lo (Continued on last page) NOTED POULTRY EXPERTS TO GIVE LECTURES HERE Five Prominent Extension Mon To Address Students in Poullrv Course Headed by Dr M A Ju'l of tli** United States department oT agricul ture, live noted cxpiits wi!l lecture to more than tlm ty shoi t poul •iy couise students this week in Koo n 100 Holt building during the lcgulu college hours The course, the fifth annual of its kind, began tin In si of the mouth and will end I'iida. The short poultiv couise i. n* v -.* saiilv an intensive* studv, foi its pu lod is limited to two vccis Th first week, ending Piulay, wa. de signed foi bigmnus m ih- wo*). The second starting ycsteidav is in tended for more advanced ,linhnl Men from Ohio ami New fink ,m< enrolled in nddlion to thna from Pennsylvania Dr Jull will -peak l<* tin Tins l< tbr-s on bieedmg, a sjlijicL of con siderable economic lmpuilamc in th J -using a fowls R 11 Sin* him of (h * ■ Ituicau of M.iiket .it Washington v ill j discus*, the Undid States -tinduds |« ml grade for eggs, C M Dalla.o J New k will describe tin* shipping lof eggs, p I. .Sanford of tin Cni]|.- ! hell Advoi Using Agouv will h 1 it | tin* methods of poultiv adveiii-nig my Troubadours ■iny European Deeps er.s or St \it us gi ,u mg tin \n %n* l.ei li,U Upon tin ii Htum, th** sc* . en sca-suk sums v ill he booked uu del the name of “R.ij Si on . ml [{i, Band.’’ Before tmbaikitig on Ihui tiuise, the musical nnvigtloi, will fii o,td( list a tv jm al collcguk dam program from Station \\U\F, V \ "iork Possibly on then ntum t stmilai card may he wafted mto (Ik ether. D Shorago *2O, munagu ol tin •even, letenlly lueived lomnimm a lions from B. F Keith th« collegians to appear foi a tnal on hi , vaudeville eirunl Although no d. f unto airnngemenls have bon iu.kl ns yet, it is piobnble tint some uii derstundmg will lie leached m tho near future Th personnel of the mailin' ■••tven included P. A kenvon ’2b, l.adu and .sax uiList, David Shorago *2!i, i ger and hussoun-t larmet pl.ivei, D \\. Mosu '27, banjo, W I, Pittei sou '2O, piano; N B. Coiw.ilt ’Js, traps, and C. B. lame ’2!>, ti tnnjx-L and melophone. The seventh mem ber of the septet hus not as vet been selected, although .several po&&ibilitiea arc being considered