HAPHAZARD HAIR HANDLING HOLDS - SECRET OF SCINTILLATING SKULLS Have von even been temporalilv I hinted to intellectual oppoitumties by lays of Old Sol in Ins matitudimil l tugo as ieffected Horn tin* nude pates *1 some ol the mcne learned luimn mies who plav toieadoi m the Hull Pen ' If \ou confess to having experien cerl such niomentuiy loss of vision foi the cause expounded, vou will f“i sooth appiove ol the generous ac tion taken bv the Amei.can Mu,to* J'undiesseis’ Association in cstah 1. hirifc a “College on Hun Uoseuith" Columbia Shines A membei ot the facultv of Colum -1 ia univeiislv will be placed m thaige of the ptoposed laboiatorv, which will be devoted exclusively to le st inch as to the cause of hulduos -I'iul othei ileteiioialions of the hu man thatch It is intei estmg to note that donation-, to Innate the ventu e .’ie pouring in fiom eastern cduca t «mul institutions boasting nioie than | the usual numbci of fauclty members vith bauen beans , Hun is too mipoitant a fitetor m the life, health anti happiness ol hu ,m„mty ty sullci longer the results of l.aplia7anl handling The new and stientihc legime will undoubtedly ! Jj.ov'itle foi some of the downing THIRD TRIP BILLED FOR PLAYER SHOW “The Frst Year** With Revamp ed Cas»l Rooks Two Stands Next Week-end CANTON AND TOWANDA TO VIEW PRODUCTION lukui£ “The First Yeai“ am l the load foi the thud tup this season, the Penn State Pliyers will piesent this comic liugedy in Canton i ebui- ~*y twelfth and m Towanda the foi- It wing night E iccpt foi the sub Mitution of I! M Huston ’27 foi F J Kint/ ’27 m the iolo of Dick Loimg man-about-tovMi, the east will be the ‘.ime as that vvhtch played at Getty s l.iug, llaiiisbuig and Altoona The phry will be given at the high school, n both towns The stoiv of the “The Pint Yeai” mals m a humoiou. Wj wuh the comtship and eailv mained life ol a n-iing coupK plaved b«* Miss >t i) Heed ’2B and 0 \ Am!:isou 2’ ] tom comes the ctiticisio that “in Miss Mable D Reed as Gtau* Livingston and* Olivei A Andcisoii i s Thomas Tucket, State College lavs dumi to two of the best pl..ycts in the Pennsylvania Intel collegiate Di**- matic Association Both played to then usual stardnid anil on mine tli m < ne occasion ‘stopped the show ' Then ]»tntiavals of tile difficult loles assign ed them was undoubtedly the be-L cvei seen heic” The plav is livened into sp.uh.hng ennedy bv cioss-cuiients of ambition and jealotisv The souicc of main I'l.moious situations is the jnoucln futhci of cio , -s-I)iceding and tiansim giation unknown lo ve --uibe, a nev vanety ol cabbage which he slia.ght w.iv named “Penn Stale Ball-head ” Diawing no par did between f tculty hinds and cnbb iges 13 it not obvious that the noinenclatui 0 o e tlie new -pccies is a tiibute to Penn States 1 M fessoi s 7 INTEMPERANCE OF STUDENTS SCORED BY DEAN WARM Tendencies Tow aid Misconduct Deeuetl—To” n UurjfCbs Tines Violatois OFFENDERS WARNED in* COLLEGE AUTHORITIES Campus Sociclicb Requested To Cuib Improper I’eliavior al Social Atlaiis In an elloit to pievert diunkunnos, among Penn State students 01 to emb any such oilcnses that mat now exist A R Wat noth, dean of men, Ims dr licted a special appeal m tlie form of a lettei to lire loader . ot all stu dent orgam/at’ims Such aefon '■he ic«ult ot alleged misconduct at ucent week-end d vices and pailies Although the violations cnumeinted ie '■aid to have leichuf no a'ummg Pioi'oitions vet, it is the desiie ol the I can to chock ai.v such bohavioi in it. infanc*. Seveial time, '•nice toe •ctutn fiom the Christmas vacation Mi W P Unthiocl , giaduatc* of Penn c tate m “t.J, and new buigoss of the Loioogh has im|o-cd lines on seveial students biought betoie him [on Uuuges of intoxication I Similai eases have been dealt wuh jpnvatelv by tne Dean h'm.ell ami I two fiatei miles h*vo been summoned It., appeal befoie the fcen rto Commit- I tee on Student Welluto It is m : t ttempl to dispense with these alleg 'd! conditions that Dean Wattioch ad* messes his special pie 1 'ituough the aiousing of student cntiment bv en lisfng the services < t pioniinciil cam piij leadeis he believes th.it the most cllective mensuies may be taken In concluding the request. Dean V jinoek. s.i’-s, “But ncithei the boi ough olfici t!s noi tlie college ol’icials me tlie custodians ol the lepjtat.on of the student both «> of am stuilep* oigumnition Tint 1 esponsibility icsts with the students aid thou lead- “I am wnting lo a numoci of stu iieut leaders, theiefoie to uige them to become aitiva m the piesent situu- >mi til .uoiisid student sentiment 1 the sfiongest preventive ot student iui»cu»ducl If tlie Itadcis do nothing more Ikon aimne st ll( | cn t sentiment that will be helping tllcmseLes md llicii oig.mi/.itions a lot —Tfjii can nil SEA ISLAND YP U * a "" 01 ills qualil, of .111,M nuilr from Srj I .land Mill, llroadilolli imrrm Mrave »<>llrr m appra-auc nml Imi.li. iliry nr. pwlraly M m,d l» u ill.|!t oc.a.iun i.hrllicr «i«orl, informal orjiut etrryiljy near liimt iipnii * W IttjnJ” dt )ui ir ro//r*r /iu/>rrd.»/irr SI A ISLAND MHLS, Inc New V nrl,' N . .t la VNavifc.f EMRWy. iwonmu 1 pjwu PENN STATE CLUB TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP Dean Holbrook Will Address Non-fiaternity men at Meeting: Monday With a view* to incieasing the mem beiship of the otgumzation, tlie Penn State Club will hold .1 special meeting Mundav night at seven o’clock in Old Chapel foi all non-fi alei mtv men who aic not niiv.uk alliltalcd with the su- ite in II A Holbtuok has been en gaged to give Lbc pnneipal talk ot the evening \\ T Nell ’2B, a tollovv ei of lloutuni am! Thuiston, will dis play Ins w.ues in an exlmhition of magic A vmlin solo by U W. Biews tei ’2B with .!. M Kruno me ’27 ac companying on the piano is the nc,t step in the piogr^m A Saw \I ilh Mumc ’1 he musucal entet tamment w ill tci minate with vnned selections by* Paul Tulenko ’2B, wlio will pcifntm on his own special saw The saw is icputcd lo cont 1111 musical notes which can be bt ought out bv the sophomoic* m a pleasing wav Tulenko is not onlv an l aitist on the saw* but is the oiganizei , and leadei of the Penn State Club ouhcxtia Aftei these entertainments, B T. Com.id ’27 will explain the puiposcs ot the oigani/ation Advance mfoi mation has it that he will lav stiess on the social lunctions which the club ollei 1 lo its membcis and the benefits which have .uciued fiom them Re licshments will be seived as a finale foi the meeting Capt. Liggett Rejoins Penn State Mat Team (Continued fiom hist page) Liggett is in the best of condition and in .ul ]ii obabihtv w ill lead the Nittnny isatmen against the Oinngo giap pleis next Satuld.lv Handicap Meet Coach Lconaid is fiLtnuiiitf to stajro o hanchcni) meet aitei the bo\im; match Satmdn\ afternoon m the Ai nioi\, but as \et no definite ana*' boon made In n'cnts ha\e boon tmuio In case the meet is held jiosteis will be placed on the campus bulletin bnaids Such a handicap match would con v-t in hums; two as nearly equal 1/ mis as can be selected compete To do this Couch Lconnid would place Ki mb.’U'th on the second team and Sciumnhj on the liist, CiJiUson on I OST—A gold decagon-shaped watcl ■with an "S” fob Tavannes Wake between Engmeenng building am Chemist!v Ampbillieatie Retuii to W L Wexlei, Sigma Tau Phi SPECIAL Valentine Boxes OF Johnston's Chocolates REXALL STORE Industrial Engineering Department CEDAR CHESTS .... $l.OO (n $21.00 Student Desks and Chairs, Student Tables CHIFFONIERS ------- $12.30 TYPEWRITER TABLES .... $l.OO CIIAIRS - - - - $.1.30 DESKS $12.50 to $23.00 TABLES $3.00 COSTUMERS $2.00 GATE-LEG TABLES 55.50 IRON BRIDGE LAMPS $l.OO ROOM 106, UNIT B WATCH THIS AD X l : the second and Muni on the fust, hi! thuiule ahead i’k! onh thtough luid **»*4+++*+»r++. Uns wav the Varsit\ lust team will j ste.nl’. pi uti.c iml ti iininir will the ? _ he divided between the two squads, team e«»nie thiough, tateo the muli Z jL I*V" our Fresh Shell Oysters and. the lemuindci of the plates Idled i 'J hen.- is >.on»» ihtnte that Pup 5 *' o„ t »>th ™„„,i t,am jc.,,,,.,,,, „„ t e 11...:.. \ and give yourself a treat after (wills Statement jiic.t -emestLi hut as \i_t the heaw * o %/ In speaking of the Penn meet, 1 \ eight hi. made no decision !’<> > s Lconai.l staled tl, it lVm.s.l ~ , J C-ArfUliJ. Minm is not i.ited m n cl.v < v.ith Co.- 1 , , , s null and Ulugh as tcgalds ...f-tlm", ,l ‘'' inu-untu on till- semad t.ould J and thetelmothe students should not ’ * l big asset to the team jv become o\ei confident |> The team showed n much tin; Red ami Pi, ■ uni the . ..,js hi* 1 V " - 7 - ~- • - - " -- - •'(Idol! but mosL of the me. li.no ,1.11,- ! PpTJMPTJTVC ; | gOOCCCOCOOCOOOCOCraoOCOOOOCOOC.'OOO'JOOOOaeOC.'OIXJCOOOaOCIOO t„ ovonomo UU....8 ton Vjl-'Ui'ltoai; O |d Pastime Building Bell 334-J ? uec'h the uieslleis have* hocti impin'- t TJJvprrirtc n * olii jj/j j g Il.jf then \UMk points Horn m.v } 6 ,X ' TIIC g until the Naw meet, added Llwi.i’ I j Ready Made - $27.50 HR g it is nil u question of gtndual impio\o- | dO.OO is C! P went The to.un should impune .m , / nwmi's jom own We cin lit \uu iiotfcUh—-m i £ smaitlj stjlul, couetth tailoml outfit Ilveij- £ bodj’s doinjr it WHY NOT YOU ! fi Whittington Dross Suit Company si Orders must he in one woA in .uh.mte to insure delneiv Si j. L SHERMAN jj - Beta Sigma Rho—Phone 399 XXSX3C.X*«\\N\'\VNXNNS\\ 1 Yours For The Best Green Vege tables AND Canned Goods For Your Winter Table You will appreciate tbe attractive prices wc offer in our Dry Goods Department : 3QCGOCCOGOOGCOGGCGCOOGOGQGOCOGGGCOOOCCOCOCOGGGCOOGOOO p ™ ,c, i THE UNIVERSAL C\R THE NITTANV MOTOR CO Authorised I’ord Agent STATE COLLEGE, PA. q Bell Phone d J > Keller Garage limltlinj* 8 SALES SERVICE IOOOOOOGOOOOOOOO j; OCOOOOCOOOCOOGOGOCOGCGOOCOCOCCCCOOCOOOOCOOGOOCOOOOOOO | Let’s celebrate the encl of a | I semester with a feed of i >o I I MIKE’S HOLE IN THE WALL 1 | SANDWICHES OUR SPECIALTY 1 io & o y ! OOOOOOCOCCOOCOOOOOCOCCOOOOCOSOOOOOCOOOOCOOGOOOQOOOOOO FYE’S ON TllE AVENUE “METZGER'S HAVE IT” SHAEFFERS LIFE-TIME PEN TEXT BOOHS and SUPPLIES FOR TIIE SECOND SEMESTER Special:—This week-end Chocolate Covered Dates 39c per lb. L. K. IV3ETZGER - Allen Street Ease Your Mind After Exams BY A GAME OF BILLIARDS - AT TIIE State College Billiard Parlor For Your VALENTINE Page and Shaw “The Candy of Excellence” Wrapped for Mailing WAFFLES! WITH THE “TRIMMINS” AT On Allen Street ICNOX’S CAFE SERFAS ’23 13G Allen St.