P.e. 'iv..i Penn State (Collegian Published semi-weekly during the College year by students of the Pcnn dv.ima Suite College, in the interest of Students, Faculty, Alumni and ricmls of the College. EDITOKIAL STAFF . W. Cohen *26 . Editor-in-Chief . T. Kriebel *26 Assistant Editor . K. Smith ‘2O .. . Managing Editor 1 J. Durbin ’2O . .... .. , Assoctntc Editor . L. Kellner *2O . .. Associate Kdiloi ;. A. Shuner ‘2O ... Associate Edito- JUNIOR NEWS EDITORS V. F. Adler ’27 G. E. Fishei ’27 U. W. Howard ’27 ' If Colemnn ’27 W P Iteed ’27 11 G W'omslcv ’27 JUNIOR WOMEN’S NEWS EDITORS Men A. Bullock ’27 Frances I. Forbes '27 Mary E Shanor ’27 BUSINESS STAFF ' Cain Jr. ’26 .. . . . . Business Manager 1. L Guy ‘2O . . Advertising Manager I E Brumfield '2O Cnculation Manager ASSISTANT BUSINESS M WAGERS 5. R. Robb ‘27 F. N Wcidncr, Jr ‘27 B. C Wharton ‘27 REPORTERS l M AUclrwon '2B P I) KHnr *2B H W Mnr.li *2B It It 1 lt_ti li. r *2S VY finril Ja P it Snt.HrMS l Kiijilui ’2, VV s 1 imm-'iii 2S 1 It Kti-Umv. '2B J I \ nmh nl.iirr ‘2S The Penn State COLUEGINN invites communication* on un> subject of :ollege interest. Lctlcis must beni the ntgmtme* of the vvnler* N imes of communicants will be published unless requested to be Kept confidential II nssumos no responsibility, howovci. foi sentiments e\pie«sed in the letter Box and resur\es the right to exclude ativ whose publication woild be palpably mappiopnate All ropv for Tuesdav’s issue must be in the olllce by ten a m on Moiulaj, and foi Fiidav** issue, by ten a m. on Tluusday. Subscription price $2 50 if paid bofoie Docombci 1. 192> Entered at the Postofhce, St ite College, Pa . a* second-class m liter Office: Nittany Punting and Publishing Co Building, State College, Pa Telephone. 292-W, Bell Member of Eastern Intercollegiate Newspaper Association Nows Editor this i-suc FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,102 G THOUGHTS—AND QUESTIONS The close ol a .semestei Inventory taking time What have T accomplished’ What hate I gained 7 Am I doing anything woithwhile’ Is mv college education paying for ilaelt/ And himdiods ot similar thoughts float through the undergraduate’s, biam as he looks back upon the icsults ot the past five months It us the questioner asking himself lie questions evciylhmg and GNCiybody He to outdo the last in assigning costlv text- It seems as though the met it ot the comse rises with the puce ot the books Protessois who aie ciuel by natme lead the list ot thice oi loui dollar volumes in cool, unemotional tones The moie kindly ones hold up a .sample text and vow that no student s librni y w ill .be complete without it. The eia/c foi assigning books hoi.off the presses has takei \W the fun out ol the second hand book tiaific Theic ik no use recommending the com so you took last semcslet because the book his piobablv been icwntlen during the vacation h\ cry college graduate us bound to have a hbiary b.v the time that four yeais have lolled bv because last semesters text goes into discau! w ilh last semester's hat and its maiket value is ml. Being up to dtte is a fine thing but the last woid m cvcrj bianch of learning comes high—The Daily Californian VARSITY SOCCER TEAM INVITED TO .101 N LEAGUE (Contmuad Horn mat page) •i new bodv Lc Conned Although following thu uiles ami legiil itions of the fniinu league to a id tain extent, the new one dittei* frutn the old m tbit a- nmnv college so'.cei teams as cate to join nia.\. V.ovding that thev meet the lequne liunts of qu litigation decided upon h\ the contt oiling hodv Invitation*- vo,e sent to Lehigh At my, Lifnjette New, Colgate, D.utimnith, Penn Mat<‘, Williams, Ainhcns* and Wes le.au < Undei the constitution of the In* td collegiate boccei Poothall Vssou nuon, the idea of attempting to choose a championship combination has been j-ieutb embed In the lututo, each lean, in the association will be fiee 1 i plav anj team it wishes, piovided tlmt sometime dm mg the season it meets at least tom institutions within the Association The uiuleil>mg pur l»u-,e of this move is to subordinate the piesent goal of a soccer eleven,; that of winning the league chumpion shtp The standards ate expected to ]k* miscd thereby," suys* The Penn- Mlvmiian of the Unneisitv ol Ponn- J. E. and R. G. Kennedy Contract Tour on liner G F Fishei gue a resolution was passed which gave Pennsylvania permanent po,- -ession of the League eliampioiishm t*oph>, having won the cup si\ time* OUTING CLUB WALKS TO CHARTER OAK TOMORROW Leaving Co-op tnniouow alter noon the Penn State Outing Club will conduct it’s lust overnight hike oi Iho season when the munbeis set out loi Chmtin OaK at one-fifteen o’clock Chat lei Oak is n village live m.lcs jjom State College south of Pun f.iove Mills in the head of 'lie mmm* lams Piovisions have been made to lake care of the walkers overnight, foi a nominal tost. On the letuin trip it is planned to hike along the mountains ami back tlnough Mussel’s Gap It is esti mated that this mute will fake the gieatei pert of Sundav It was made known bv those tn linage that the tnp is open to anv die who caies to become nilihnted with this oi sanitation. Speaking to the menibeis ol the Outing Club at then lust meeting. (, R Gieene took as his subject “Cou si-ication,” showing how it is futile ■in piuctice conservation in one held land be wasteful in anotliei His lee itue was illustiatcd by the use ol .1 hi Kenncdv ’2i> and R G. Ken ned v ’2*N dancing bmtheis and stun of tins vcai’s Thespian show '‘The Kid Ihnisoll," have been oileied plat c, i.i the Intel imneisitv Oichc.stm w!mh leaves t.u a Mediten.inc.i’i tiimo on the S b Cahtuinia .lull li i Tin' Kennedy biuthei- weie liighlj retiunim’ uled bv Maui iu* D.acv icpie entilive uf the Ned Wav bum t-ludu.s which pioduted * l’h: Kid Iliniier" 'n immediate au-pt uo U.l' Wiled The eliki Kyimed; hi* stmed m ‘The Mugu/mo Co.or Gnl,’’ “Wooden shoes” mu ‘The Kid Himself” In both “Wooden Mines” and “The Kil Hm-.1f," R G ives’iicdv, co-staned x.itli his biothei Le uhng clitics m -tvoral cities m which the Thespians pla.cd dunng the leccnt Chn-tniis tnu c! .lined the d.’iKi *g of the Ken •iulv bmtbets the best evei seen oa i n aniati ui stage It ’s |K,-sjble that both bovs will be •eatuied in sp -cialtv dance numbcis t’l'iing the s» nnnei tunse J E Kennedv is m o'peit tiap and diuin p'avei while his vonnger biothe’ -uttial./e. oi the binio Dean Watts Speaks on Vocation Schools Spelling -t the A.vi.ial Eumcis’ Week oviti-ts Tucmi.iv which weie In Id the fr-l font di\s of this week In the Mailnv buig \ ocation.il lugn -chool. De..n Watts dcliveied addios s* on the subject. “Suuessful Fann ing in Pcnnnh.ima,” and ‘Thu Fai n.t'i s’ Home Gulden ” Two Penn Slate gindnntcs, Mt fluditel "rd Miss Sn.vthe, aie teacii ’is m the high .chool M* Bechtel •caches Vocational Agnculluie, and VJiss Siwthc* teaches Economics Dein Walts commented on the «pid giow Ih of the Vocational high sdiools ni Penubvlvanu, theic hiving been fortv-fm'i of these established •i the past twelve vcais TWO ADDRESSES CARDED FOR NEXT E. E. MEETING Spe.ihcis it the next meeting of the Klectt ic il Engined ing bocietv Feb iuiuv tenth aie Piol E B Stavelv ml Ml K Asm in Pmfessoi Stuvelj lias chosen foi I,is topic “Spect icul n lllunun-tion !oi the Scsqui-Ccntenmal ” The talk \ ill be illubtinted anil will omlcvvoi : to demonstrate the possibilities of colnied lights Mi A un.ni will speak on “Rate M.ihmp’” He* has been emnloved bv ‘be Westmghousc comp in in rlcvcl- I mg meter - and making piep.n.itions ‘oi chaiging moie scientific uites foi elect* ic il powe* FI.OHAL SOCIETY USfS MEETING FOII TUESDAY The I’l-uil Club will moot Tuesdav veiling. Febiuiiv mntn, at seven* Imt.v m Room IHO, Hoit lb*. piogi..m v.ill cons-st of i mun bei of ten minute talks on the dilloi nt pha-os of gaidenn.g and home i namcntation Eich speakei wifi ane timely hints and suggestions v Incn tend tow .lid successful gaiden- Sng A r lei the.shoit talks, the meeting "ill be tluown open lot discussion i lie piomotets of the meeting hope : u foim a g..nlen club to stimulate in tuestm g.'idcits uul moie attiactive homes Pi'MiOND.E OUR UA’ERTISERS WKIBSrK. NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and purse More for your money and the best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money Look for Wrif,ley's P. K. Handy Pack on your Dealer*! Counter o 7 lllis ST.-\ Lb. CuLLh-GiAiC JCW the piogiess of I'ennsvlvamu membeis for the class, ’Bull associations that tho tormei Many inonunent men ,n poult, y' *»■> State man made the tup u'des, have been engaged to s-peaL _li.u—~-La=._ ■ '? m ' vt °". Tu '- 1 “V, Wvluve line ot U.o devest V.,1- 111 following men will speak G M ~ , K1.11..U11, mi "Knity-One Ye.ll-’ t\-: vntme- mui e\ei ■»>». Ako to a j.t'i’c’ite in llnudlmg Live Poultiy 111‘tions anil favois foi Vnlentme and \*cw York Cit\;“ G M Dallas mi \\ ishingtim's birtlula\ jiuties Old •Losses winch Occui in Shipping Mam Ait Shop John P Beeiv, Pm- Cggs bi Expie'-s,’ 1 P.ob R Slocum, mi puetoi —:id\. 4 things your first shave will show 1. Williams instantly gives a BIGGER lather with either hot or cold water. 2. Williams cannot dry on the face. 3. Williams so softens the beard that blades actually last longer! 4. Williams leaves the shin'soothed and cool. Try it! Large-size tube 35c; double-site tube 50c, containing twice as much cream. ALWAYS INSIST ON WILLIAMS —it—r—t— Save the Eggs Special Exhibit of Silhouttes, Old Prints, Framed Tapestries, Antique Glassware on Friday and Sat urday, February 5 and 6. Tea Friday, February, from 2 until 6 o’clock. Students especially invited. Old Main Art Shop ENJOY SKIING ! j I'rid.tj tlio he-nun's «pott, on ck‘|icmlnblo Northland % Skis nntiiNAU) 111 ‘"h.it Happened l<» -Junes NORTHLAND SKI MFG. CO. | Woild’s Latest bl»i Mamifictuieis, * 54 Meumm. P.uk St Paul, Jlmn Best on the lev eh, fastest on the hills, suicst on the jumps See the deei-heml tndoni.uk Booklet, “How to Ski” fioe PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS \ Caterers You have tried the rest £ Try us and get the best \ WINNER’S \ Wholesale and Retail Meat Market \ 111 PUGH ST. CALU-293 £ THE MAN WE WANT j Is about 23 jems of ape ot o\ei, piefctabl> man tod He lias a few £ %ea>s of e\peliencc m selling and has not yet found the line of hiisi ness he 1s willing to make his life’s unite lie i.s pcihap-. a toilet'd £ giaduate but above all a man of thaiaetoi anil «tabilit\, the ambition and encigy to cany through To such a man wo nffei an oppoi- *l* tunity to earn a good income in the iltate College tciutoiy with an *j* institution that has been in successful t,relation foi si\t> Kind- £ K make application by lettei with lefuences, to the Connecticut * Genetal Life Instance Company, Bo\ No 2, Collegian Otfiee 'frank’ brothers Fifth Avenue Boot Shop Between 47th and 18th Streets, New York Exhibit at Fashion Shop, February Bth and 9th Ooooccooocooooooooooccoocccoo* The Penn State Photo Shop l Maintains Daily Service on | Developing and Printing of | Kodak Films. Also a Fresh g Lot of Kodak Films on sale. g 111 EAST BEAVER AVENUE § TEMPORARY LOCATION ‘ALWAYS RELIABLE", Tuxedos Now is the time to get ready for the Senior Ball. Como in and see our new Tux. It’s distinctive and differ ferent. Just the proper combination of athletic ease and that touch of for mality that only faultless cut and tail oring can give. Now selling at $38.00 Tux Vests, White and Black Shirts Ties Florsheim Dancing Shoes FROMM’S OPP. FRONT CAMPUS YW.cjjLm/j y'QmA hf I t idnj mul Saturday Matinee t'rtd.iv at T\wi— - SALIA O’NEIL Mondax and Tuesdaj ,|,L ST\R C \ST in the Great Comedy MTT.YNY CLVIKi: WINDSOR and j CONKW) N\M2I. in ‘ D.iiuf Madness* 'I uc*>(]4> and M odnesdaj BARIJUtV L\ MARK LIAVIS STONi: m ‘The (Jirl From Monlinarle* 'OOOCOOCCOOOOOOOOC SINCE 19I«