Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 11, 1925, Image 1

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    A Lecture
From a
Higher Plane
VOL. X*l, No. 25
11. S. Coekhn ’ll and Lieutenant
13. J. Connell ’lB To Talk
Tomorrow Evening
Pilot of 111-fated PN-9 Plane
Will Describe Thrills of
Drifting on Ocean
Actual account of the huzaidous
flight recently uudei taken from the
Golden Gate to the Hawaiian Islands
and the design ami constiuction ol
the planes employed in the feat will
be Risen in an illustiated lectrne to
the student bodv by II S Cocklin,
designer of the an craft, and Lieu
tenant B J Connell ’lB, pilot under
Commandoi Rodgeis, tomonow
night at se\cn o'clock m the Audi
All the thrill-, that accompanied
the nine days m which the ill-fated
rX-9 No 1 was lost and the cxpei
icnccs of the crow in the flight across
the Pacific will li\e again ns Lieu
tenant Connell explains them with
the aid of slides and films
Honored at Alumni Banquet
Although the Pcnu State club ot
Philadelphia gave a banquet m hon
or of Cocklin and Connell Nocomber
thirtieth and piesented two sihei
trophies to both fliets. the leal re
ception will be given tomonow when
the students will join in rcclum with
*ongs, cheeis and music It will be
Connell’s fust homecoming since Ins
graduation During the morning of
the day of the dimmer at Philadel
phia Connell testified in the Mitchell
Dean Sackclt Lauds Pliers
At this dintiei moic than one hun
dred alumni also piesented a beau
tiful mlvoi pitchei to R L Siekett,
dean of the Engineering School In
commenting on the visit of the nvia
tcra Dedn Sackott - enthusiastically
awaits then appearance He says
“It is .’ppiopuato foi the college
to do honoi to these men who have
made aviation histoiy. Wo must al
(Contmucd on last page)
Fundamental Diill Followed by
Three Minute Bouts Is
Daily Schedule
r.u the fust this seat indi
vidual mutches, of thiee minute-, duia
tum weie nn luded in the daily sched
ule of the candidate-, foi the Vawly
wieslhng team Y/eilnesdnv night
The p.ut of the piactice w is
devoted to limning in the iimdamon
tal holds used fiom the standing and
mat positions This was followed bv
thice-nnni'te bout r , each man bang
icquucd to wicslle No eftoit v\is
miide to pail the men except in ie-
gnid to class
Accoiding to Coach Lconaid the
stvle of wieslhng to he used this ycui
will 1)0 cntnclv diffeient liom that
of last As the -quad is composed
almost cntnely ol me.xpci lenccd men,
the conch feeds that a change will not
he hnid to institute, while at the same
time it will he most adv -ntngeous in
the meets with colleges acquainted
with the old stvle
Aiiangements arc being made foi
the mlei-class wieslhng meet which
will be held lanuatv sixteenth in the
Aimoiy Candidates foi the el.’si
teams should begin piactice immed
iately The ficshnmn squad will stall
active wmk the fust of next week
A Luge squad of appio\inutclv six
ty c indidalcs has been lepoiting
dailv Statistics of the various class
es show that the laigc-t nmabei is
cm oiled in the thntv-hve pound divi
sion with the foitv-tivc pound class a
close second In the unlimited sec
tion hut two candid ites have icpoit
ed while thiee me competing m the
175-pound division
The attitude ot the c utdidnles is
fine and each memboi is putting foith
his utmost to master the fundamen
tals lluvvcvci, the outlook foi a suc
cessful sviihon is still gloomy
iE\am Conflicts To j
Be in by Eighteenth j
!AII conflicting examinations j
must be repoitcd to the pio- I
pel authouties by Dccembei 2
eighteenth j
Hide will be a Cluismns pally foi
the Topinn Club membeis in the
diafting loom of the Iloiticultural
Building Tuesdav evening at eight
o clock Gifts will be piesented to
the membeis
Music, games and a genetal good
tune has been planned by the \aiious
committees At the last meeting of
the Club it was decided to subscribe
to diffeient landscape aiclntectuic
and gardening magazines and to keep
these magazines on hie so as to build
up a
Noted Lecturer Shows Need of
International Body—Three
Plans Discussed
Bunging a message of one wcll
infoioied in international affaiis to
Penn State student-, Mi Ham
Holmes, sec let uy <n the Fedeial
Con cil of Chuiclies and a speakei of
wulc-piead icpute, discussed the
Morld Couit m a foiceful and int
cicsling mannei at the mass meeting
held m the Aud'torium Modne-.lav
evening Aftei showing the need ot
an mtcinational bodv such as the pie
sent couit he piesented each ol the
thiee proposed plans to his audience
Introducing his topic. Mr Holmes
>-.iid that humanity is not , landing
still but is continuallv on the match.
Hov.cvci, people have seen l'tlle light
tluough the ttoublcs of the pa-t '-even
>eais - Hconom.c l*fc has been broken
down, the vvctld m deluge 1 in gloom
with all hope of mtcinational settle
ments lost and the scene of om gical
relat.ons and problems Ivis shitted to
the Pacific and the West Ibe \\ nsh
mgton Disuimament Corfuenu* an!
the meeting in Euiopo of enenr na
tions sitting togethei on a basis ot
equihty have been the only
that tended to bi'ghten the outlook ot
the vvoilJ m the past few yexus
Cost of War
Next impressing upon his audience
the gieit cost, both financal and hum
an, of the past wai, the speaker em
phasized the inconceivable potent.ali
tie. dc-lioved In loss of life in wat
faie He also mentioned how mam
Inline conflicts millions could be kill
ed hi a veiv shoil time
Ml Ilolmes then stated that the
(Continued on thud page)
Coach Henry Holds Eliminations
in Preparation for Coming
Tiiangulai Contest
In o'der to make coitain that the
best possible combinations meet
Bucknell and Dickinson January
tvventv-scventh on the pioposition
“Resolved, That the United States
should outer the League of Nations,”
Coach I) D Homy ’2G has decided
to hold eliminations in which all
candidates me eligible to compete
at seven-tbnty o’clock Wednesday
night m Old Chapel
Although Hem v expressed himself
as fauly well satisfied at the show
ing the new men made against Pitt
and W and J last Friday, he has
tin own all places open to competi
tion not only m piepaiation foi the
tiiangulu debate aftei the holidays
but also with the view of Limning
the inexpci lenccd foiensic candidates
it the niceties of founal aigumont
After the atfiimative team meets
Biicknell’s negative side hole and
Penn Slate’s negative team tiavels
to C.nlisle, thrie will be a lull in the
schedule until the second semostci
i= well advanced In Match, how
even, then* .no thiee debates nn ung
od the lust is with Allegheny col
lege, piobablv on lifth, the
second with Rutgeis on the twelfth,
rnd the thud with Kansas State col-
MacDonald Returns to Ltnc-up
After Illness—Greene To
Start Wednesday
Failure of McVicker To Return
to College' Leaves Quintet
Without Captain
Gicatoi skill ill shooting and handl
ing the ball has maiked the piactice
of the Vtusity cageis in the dailv
workouts held dunng the past week
m piepaiation foi the coming basket
ball .season.
Although Coach Dutch Hcimann i*
not entueh satisfied with the work
of the passeis, the general play of
the whole squad is fasten and shows
evidence of haul and sincere vvoik
llov.ever. the Penn State mentor is
looking fonviud to a considerable n
. mount of improvement bcfoie the op
ening tilt heic next week
MacDonald Reports
MacDonald nftci a piolongcd ill
ness rcpoited foi practice last Wed
nesday and appears to be in great
shape Because of Ins expeiiencc and
superior shooting, he will piobably
leplacc Greene at centci who has
been plaving a snappy game but has
been entitle in caging the ball It is
unhkely that MacDonald will sec
much scmcc in the Juniata contest,
the majouty of the vvoik falling on
Wclkei and Dick Lowe alternating
with Kent have piovcd a fast tuo
on the second team while Bauon and
Roepke with Lefty Page at center
have aided m giving the fust-stung
men stiff competition in piactice
scrimmages Svvcitzei and Buich
field have also been attracting at
tention in the Inst week and thicaten
to push some of the leguhus foi
Because of the failure of McVickct
to leturn to- College, thi-r-jear, the
Blue and White quintet is without a
captain but it is doubtful w bethel a
new Icadci wfll be selected before the
Clnistmas holidavs
BY 3736 TO 3695 COUNT
Coach Miller Will Cut
Freshman Squad To
Thirty Members
Despite the defeat at the hands of
Ihe Johns Hopkins nfle team in a
tclegiaphic contest last week the
Penn State Rifle squad is woiking
with more detcnmnation than evei
to develop a gioup of maiksnien that
will attempt to beat Columbia urn
vcisity this v.eek and Virginia Mili
t..r\ Institute next week
During the past seveial davs ap
piuxinmtelv sixtv-fme fieshmcn un
«weic*d the call for the 102*1 rifle
team which is also being coached by
Lieutenant Miller. Undci piesent
conditions it is impossible to handle
such a large group and the squad
w ill be cut to thu ty men next w eek
Johns Hopkins foiccd the Penn
Stale shmpshootcis to bow in defeat
last week by a J73G to oG9r> count.
Instead of the usual ten men bring,
fifteen entiants shot but only the
ten highest scenes counted
The supreme test foi the ROT
C team will come the first week m
Jumiaiy when it fires m the Thud
Coips Aiea championships hold to
decide which teams will icprescnt
that unit in the National champion
ships Last ycui the aiea marks
men finished seventh in a gioup of
sixteen teams competing, but an ev
en bettei standing is expected this
y cur.
Who’s Dancing
Alpha Zetu
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Lambda Gin Alpha
Phi Kappa Tau
Tau Phi Delta
Literary Publication
Calls More Material
Manuscripts having been called foi
recently, piospeots for an issue of the
Old Mum Hell, Penn State’s litermy
magazine, aio expected to take defi
nite shape soon in dummy form.
11. F Tnyloi ’2G, cditoi of the pub
lication, has made nnotlici icqucst
foi aiticles and 1 stories, humoious,
seiious and otherwise It is not
known yet whoihci caitoons will be
published, but a decision will be hand
ed dovzn by the board aftei its next
meeting. ,
Pcisonal experiences, specul feat
uies and poetry arc asked for b\ the
cditoi ml staff, alung-uith shoit stoi
ics nnd novelettes * These ni.uiu
scnpt-., wiitten bv eithei students 01
faculty, should be in the hands of
Taylo., at the Froth'oftice, as soon
as possible
C. C. Bcrrvhill Receives Second
place—Six Sophomores in
Although all six* of the finalists in
the Sophomoi e extempoiancous
speaking contest were dccl.ucd thoi
nughly capable of honoiably lepic*
senting Penn State at am time, Miss
Doiothy Batdoif w«b awarded the
fust pure of fifty dollars m gold,
and second honors went to C C Bei
lylull who received twenty-five dol
lais in gold
Honorable mention' was nccoided
Miss Marion Ilesslci who finished in
thud position The pnze was
donated bv the College and the sec
ond uwmd was forwarded by the
Foiensic Council Prof \ R Wai
nock, dean of men, presided and in
toispelled the awarding of the puzes
with original humoi/f’Ts a Pcrma
nent- Peace Possible?” tToj* the subject
upon vvh'ch Ahss Batdoif expounded
Bcnyhill chose as Ins subject “Wil
liam Jennings Brvnn” “The Lady
Vanishes" was the title of the speech
dclivcicd by Miss Ilessler The ie
mainmg tlncc of the six final contest
ants and then topics aic as follows
S L Buit, “The League of Nations,”
Adelbui t S Schi oedei, “The Teaching
Piofession and Its Advantages,” Jo
seph Mathcs, “Ait in Vmcuca ”
Each of the addies«es was deßvcicd
with ease and detcnmnation and the
task of selecting the order of the vvm
ncis was a difficult one AH of the
judges .no well-known on the campus
and then decision was a populai vei
dict Di S. W Fletchci, piofcbsoi
of Iloiticultuic, Di V S Hun ell.
School af Education and Mi E. D
Malkei, PiofessoL of Ilvdiaulic and
Sanitation Engineeiing lendered the
Kappa Della Pi Initiates Hear
Dr. Paul Denglcr Outline
Foreign Sj stems
Addressing the members and in
itiates of Kappa Delta Pi, honoraiv
educational fratemitv, at the foimal
initiation held m the foyer of the
Auditoiium on Monday evening, Dr.
Paul Denglcr, piofesbor of Educa
tion at Vienna, Austno. told of the
necessity for co-oporation between
Euiopcan and Amcman schools
Di Denglcr, who is the delegate
of the Austimn Ministry foi Public
Instruction and at present tom mg
the United States studving pumaiv
and seconduiy educational systems,
outlined the system of his eountiv in
a compaiibon with that of the United
States Dean W 0 Chambers of
the School of Education mtiodueed
the noted foicign educator
New .Members
The new membeis of Kappa Delta
Pi aic Miss M C Ambler '2l>, R M
Earlges '2G, Mibb C 0 Bowen ’2O.
Miss A. II Edin ’2G, Mibs B V E&-
teilme '2G, Miss P W Ungei ’27,
Miss E. R. Kitink ’27, R. A. Gentilcs
co ’27. S R Han *2O, A M Kisei
*27, Miss M. M. Lobb ’2G. Miss Gene
vieve Weinberg ’27, S M. Woodhcad
’2O, Miss M. J. Wngbt ’27 and L F
Zerfoss ’2G
Action of Student Board Places
Mailer Before Fraternity I
Representatives j
11. P. Flint. Tau Kappa Epsilon
Officer, Talks—Sigma Tau
Phi Is Admitted
Addie-sing the Intel fiatermtv
Council meeting Wednesday night, W
W Allen ’2G, piesented the Student
Boaid’s iccommcndation to that body,
that the vear-old question of June
House Paitv versus Senior Week be
Aftei admitting that the success of
the Commencement Week plans as
caned out last ycai was not co gioat
as was hoped, Dean Win nock, chan*
man of the committee on Commence
ment Wool, stated that the committee
would formulate no plans until the
consensus of opinion of the student
body be obtained After considcimg
the question, the Student Boaid de
eded to leave the matter to the Intci
fiateroity Council foi discussion.
Quotes Dean Warnock
In speaking of the possibihtv of
having Jane House paitv. Allen quot
ed Dcnn V.ninock as saying that “we
can get June House Paity back again,
but it won’t be the same June House
Paitv as bcfoie” lie gave a> the
posable icason foi the f.ulu’c ot the
plans last \eai the fact that with
only the two uppci clashes participat
ing in the affair, some of the fratci
nitics weie unable to give dances
This could be eliminated b.* allowing
the fieshmcn and sophomores to pai
takc ot the festivities The gicatcst
changes in the plans lie in the fact |
that the house p.utv peuod will be
shoitcncd one dav and that piunus
cuous visiting will be discouiagcd
The plans foi Senior Week present
tv. impossibilities,-a- choice..of- dale ly
ing between April twcntv-sccond,
twentv-tlmd, twcnty-fouith nnd tvveu
itv -fifth, and Max seventh, eighth,
ninth nnd tenth Both of thc’c con
sociations allow foi the Junioi Piom
on Thuisday night, followed by house
danLcs on Tudav and Satuidav even
ings, with a Plaveis’ show and n
Thospmn pioduction scheduled foi
(Continued on third page)
Club Rehearses Regularly fori
Tup That Includes Three
Pennsylvania Cities '
In piepaiation foi a tentative toui
dunng the Chimtmas vacation, on
v.hii.h conceits will bo given at
Giecnsbmg, Altoona and Johnstown,
the Gill’s Glee Club and the Girl’s
Vaisitv Quintet aie holding icgulai
Although the tunc has not been
definitely fixed foi the inad-tup, it
is likeh to oceui dunng the holidays
The gnls aie nov, rehearsing the
•'lndian Love Call," fiom “Rose Ma
ne, ’’ which they expect to sing m
connection with the Choiul Club
Music for the Old English Christ
mas paity which will be held in Mac
II ill some evening next week will
bo furnished bv the Gill’s Glee Club
The Varsitv Quartet will sing car
eb at the children’s Christmas party:
to be held m the Armoiv shortly be
foic vacation and also at the dinner
and dance to be given m the Univer
sity Club on the evening of Dccem
bei eighteenth
Di T T Read, chief of the safety
division of the United States Bureau
of Mines, addressed the members of
the Milling and Mctallui gical Society
at a meeting held m the Old Mining
building on Monday evening.
Di Read brought out the interest
ing point that whereas a few years
ago giaduatcs from Eastern engm-
I coring colleges followed Horace
Greclcv’s advice and went “West" to
gi ow lip vv ith the counti y, today,
owing to the tremendous mining und
industrial development in the Last,
Once again amid the bonking of
Kris Kmgle’s Ford dunng the meriv
Chustmas lush, the biush-nitints nrd
pencTl-pusheis fiom the second flooi
office have been laboring to cheei
the foolish studes on their long tup
to Bellcfunte via the mid-day fiiei
I Their binui-chikl, the icsult ol inair.
[vigilant night watches the cind
b, will be on sale at Giaham’-. Stoic*
[Monday morning at eleven'o’clock.
| Spectaculaih, the covei exhibits
I the skill of the mastei. Kschvnbich
I himself He h*u eleven lv entitled
[his cicntion “The Pealing of the
i Bells ” In place of the double
(spread, Fiotliv blew avvav the must'
.foam to bleak out with an illustrat
ed paiodv on the “Night before
Christmas "
Odd as it may seem, some niembu
ol the staff decided to tell the load
eis ‘How to Install a Family Clnist
mns Tree " In contrast to the usual
line that Fiothy slings, flic foalisb
gentlemen have cndenvoied to make
it an all-Chustinas mmboi Even
the cditoi icspondetl to the spml of
the occasion by pounding out “Y.|
Mistlc Toe” m good old Englisii and I
“Whoops’ It’s licit*" loi the pu.ate-,
advice page |
0 G Kaminski ’29 u.dgelcd lu-i
l.i uns and fmullv pioduccd a con
tiibution on the general topic ot
“Christmas Gifts foi Co-eds ”
National Intercollegiate Press
Congress Confers Office
Upon R. I). Duntlore
Meeting with representatives fiom,
more than fifty colleges and univcu
uties, R D Dundoie ’27, cditoi-m-j
thief of La Vie, attended the Nation- 1
lal Intercollegiate P-ess Ongies
confcience held at the Univoisity of
Vi'-consin la*-t week
The convention embraced cilitoi -
of college publications fiom mstitu-
I t ons all ovc’i the Uuiteil Slates and
I was designed to furnish a dealing
house for questions and problems
ansmg fiom the editing of yeai book'%
and similar projects
Discussion Topics
Among the fcntuies of the pio
giam weie lectuics aad discuvaons,
on staff organization and budget svs-j
tuns Alethods of obtaining indivnl-j
uahtv and of appealing to student:
bodies were coiuideied and new ulcus 1
advanced conceining them The tech- 1
meal side of editing also iccuivcd at
j tuition, many valuable suggestion
being uncovered as to make-up and
page balance
Dunng the piogiam mtnieiims cd
itois ra.sed tn** quest-on pel taming
(Continued on thud page)
“The Goose Hanjjs High*’ Will
Be Gncn in Auditorium on
January Thiitieth
Unice Ingals, a flapper, and hei (
Ivnn biotbei, Biadlev, aie the main
characteis of the plot Thou fathci
and mothei have saciificed eveiv-
Ihmg in oi del that the childien mav
have an education The fnthci gives
up lus hobbies and the mothei a sei -
vant and still they have h.mlly en
ough monev to keep going
Soon the fnthei loses his position
nnd he is left penniless Immediate
ly upon healing of then fnthei s
rnxfoitune, the child*cn leave col
lege and return home to do then be .1
to help the familv out of the Double
The bov gets a job in a theatre shitt
ing scenoiv and the gul a position as
The cast foi the plav i> as follows
Bemaid Ingals—N. D Znnmei
mnn ’27
Eunice Ingals—Miss 1> J Ki.utse
** Noel Dei bv— M T Baitiam ’2"
Leo Dav— R K Eldei ’2‘.)
Rhoda—Miss \ L Bovce ’29
Julia Mindoeh—Miss R L Wm
nei ’27
Alls Rt ldlcv—Miss H S Dotv ’27
Hugh Ingals—F S Neiisbaum ’2G
Ronald Muidoch—ll N Petuleltou
Froth Di’bijins
Mibs Lucile Skinner, of Music
Department. Nanuul .is
Fi.tno Soloist
(oncerl V/iil Be Initial Home
Appeaiance of Nittanv
Mule Ensemble
AfUi scaling s.n uiuiiual succev,
in a combined conceit with the A!-
leglicnv college glee club at Ale ulvill”
this week, the NAlary -ongstei . v ill
g'vc their fust home «1
the *c.u when tl.ev appeal as tlio
fouitli numbei of the "V’ Couisc
this evor'ng in the ~muu at
eij-bt-filtcen o clocl-
Dncctoi H \V Ci ml, li<*’d of Ike
; derailment ot music, hi hem idd
iing tlic finishing torches to a pio
;gr un wmch vil’ contain seli.^tun.”
|of a music illy high mdc- ’Uu* limn
j bcis to be sung xx.l! lie pi actio tlh the
[same as those Used in Lhe M< idville
i conceit anil will be sung with that
idtgiee of finish which has eh nuclei
! i7ed all Penn State oigam iti<»a» ot
j this natuie* in p ist pel fo. u.mcc«
Vnrs’ty ()mrtet
Bv wav of -aii-tion liom the mm
ii'ned vueil numbei-s. the \ i*sit
Qunlit, which aU.aetul u.aih favtu
iblo comment at the lee-nt ,wi>-
f’om-hoiae ptifoimanee, will ippe.i
in u mimhei of spcjiallv .clutvil coai
positions \n i (novation this yen
will he Hie mt'oduetio-i of i
Vnisity Quatet vvlmb will i.ilei
ehangc | 1 ictv.,lh the- icgulni ‘oui
membeis on the puiguim
Alai, ng '-e-t fust publ e app< " mce-,
| Miss Lucille ‘skinnu as- s*,r l piot
jes-ox o r musiL. will be- hc.ud m tv.o
! gioup-. of pianoforte nimbus Hu
j piogiam will include two numbei * by
.Chopin ard one e u-h by L-.-t and
| MaeDowcl! As>-jting the- Club a
| piano accompanist and oignnist will
'be ALs lien.o O Giant, woo a]j
! (Cont.nued on -ccond p.ige)
Woik Divided and Assigned »o
Auxilt.iry Gioups—Dale Is
as Yci Undcudcd
Punaiations >\e*ie nutated liy the
Sophomore Hop committee at its
fust mc-ting held at the Delta Up
silon hm. >e- Alondav n-ghl to stage
a seeond-veai class iffaii tlut vi!t
justif’ the confidetue- oi eveiy mcm
bei of the class of L.ut night
a second gathering vv u held but
lesults lcichcd the GULLLGI \N too
1 .to foi publication
j Little was done on iv n-ght
[othci than to acqu, ml the nnmhen
I with the wink be*mo them ird
, assign the vinous <hus,ons ot the
vvoik to s’lh-commiUees No ddm
j ite decision was kmc bed c meaning
| th.* dale of the allan but :t h ex
pected to com eulv in Much
i Se.eial oichedias wou- sugge.Ud
j anil infonintmn concerning otlui. k
I being sougiH In the meantime, hid'
I b i o been asked from th- dc-snuble
’hands now known Envoi', duo- i-
tions for the Ainniv progianis,
pi ice, lefieslunents time and c-ntei-
Lnnrient will be discloscil la’ei
Oichc’blr.i M.idc up oi Chili's
Solo Pionuscd
Aloio thin ore bundled n.emliei >
np.ut Jio-i visiting eemples, will
i! mce to mti-ie tuiaishwl bv Ur*
nub’s own oielustia al the I’enn
State Club a nice tomonow night m
tlie Odd Fellows U ill
At a meeting ot the oigam/ation
in the Old Chapel Alotidny night Ur
ch.uim.i.i ot the decoiiting commit
tee announceil that the Odd Fellov.-c
linll will be tumniod so as to convey
the Clnistmas sjmit
\ leatuie ol the bop v-ill ho an
exhibition dun lesion dame bv I 1’
Hubboll, of lire Hubbell Stlmol of
Dancing lie will be assisted m llr*