Weston? Tonight Wc Dinha ICen ' VOL. XXI, No. 24 THESPIANS BEGIN REHEARSALS FOR CHRISTMAS TRIP Four Chorus and Three Dance . Numbers Practiced by Selected Cast COACH DARCY FEATURES CHARLESTON IN SHOW Paul Whiteman Lauds Comedy as One of Best—Tour To Start Twenty-first With scarcely two weeks in winch to rehearse for the fust Thespian showing of “The ICuI Himself/' the cast and clioius of the musical com edy production aic lapidlv approach ing the standards set by such plays as "The Magazine Cover Girl” ami "Wooden Shoes” As \et leheaisals have been completed only on the foui choius numbers and the thiee ■ pecia! dances of the fust act In older to inscit the latest dancing cin7C into the choruses, Coach Mnur ice Daicy of the Ned \\ ay burn Stud ios expects to featuie the fmtastic Charleston throughout the entertain ment. Mi Daicy, with the intention of making c\oiy part of the show per fectly original, has also provided the choius with entirely new dance stops fiorn those u«cd in list year's pio duction. Paul Whiteman Lauds Plav Commenting on the Thespuin which this playwught finds • himself and the splendid acting of the, entire case re ceived the most heart acclamation oJ the house Second pnze wa3 offeicd to the Cap and Dagger, of Buckncll umvcisity for the jnescntation of “The Mayoi and the Man.curc,”'M>no of Gcoige Ade’s wittiest comedies The plot of this sketch contcicd /about the at tempted blackmail of, a very wealth} gubernatonal candidate bv .1 most ic sourceful and cunning woman of the world. The comedy piovidcd b} tin*- pan filled cveiy minute with laughter Drew! Wins . Mention ! For the clever acting displayed b, I the Dioxel Diamaticc association, ir ; their picsentation of "Buppiesscd De sues/’ this club honorablr mention. 2 of the most, difficult of the plays and icquucd ex ceptional ability. Judging was done on the basis 0 fifty percent for presentation, foil; per cent foi acting and ten pui cem (Continued on last page) Co-eds Rap Mac Hall 1 Menu in “Lion’s Tale’ ! Featuimg a piotest against the food at McAUislci Hall, a review o' the IP2.> hockey season and an artich bv Miss Maltha Fat ley ’25, tin Clmstmas mmibci of the Lion’s Tah which will be out just bcfoic the va cation, will contain no mntcnnl that has previously appeared in the COL LEGIAN Pot rannv vear* ctiticism of the food at Mac Ilall has been a stundaid topic for complaint In older to nuke the cultcism specific, comparison has been made v ith the pi ices and quality of food at a reasonable tea loom in town and the lesitlts aic U/>ed in a lettei sent to the pnpei b} a woman student In connection with the review of the hockey ‘•enson, the m}lhical vai sit} team wi'l be published The ;u -tiele by Miss Kmlev piesenls the piobleui of the modem v.oman who wishes to be a homc-niakci and a bus iness, woman at the same time Presentation of Farce in Tragedy for Twt If Lon Chaney had been m State! College on the night of Novembei twontv-first he would have icalizcd that his masterpiece, "The Unholy Tliiec," was mild in compauson with the plot stnged bv Messts. Richaids, Rennet and Chcny rs biought out at the meeting of the Penn btate Tn bunal in Old Mam Thuisdav night Mystery, intugue. plot and action with a sniff of onions went fni to out do am thing m the natuie of diama or othctwise that has appealed at the Colegc up to the picsent moment, in cluding the Dinmatic Intercollegiate* But unluckily the episode did not fan out favorably to the honor of the Nit tunv institution. (Eullrgtau. Famous Aviators Will Address Student Body Bunging befoie their Alma Mater lone of the most romantic stones of modern aviation, Lieutenant Connell, ’lB, pilot of the PN-O No. I, which made the atempted (light fiom San Francisco to Hawaii, and II S Cock lin, ’l4. Project Engineer at the Naval Airciaft Fnctoiy, Philadelphia, where the seaplane was built, will describe the plane constiuction, trial flight and flight to Hawn.i, at a mass meeting to be held m the Auditonum Satuidav evening, at seven oclock \\ hile this is one of the tegular lec tuics for cnginecis, it is to be moved fiom Friday afteinoon to Snturday evening m order that the entno Col lege mav do honoi to these giaduatesj and hear the thrilling talc of this I longest flight by seaplane .Moving! pictuies and slides will lllustiate Uic naiiativc3 Dean SackctL ai ranged foi Connell and Cocklm to come to the College as its guests while he was amending the Penn State Club banquet m then hon oi at Philadelphia, November thirti eth FIVE SENIORS TAKE BEAUX ARTS PRIZES Penn Slate Given Five Places in Final Group of Best Fifteen Drawings ARTISTS PLAN TEN-DAY EXHIBIT HERE JANUARY Making an exceptional showing in the annual aichitcctural competition leccntlv conducted bv the Beaux Arts Institute of Design, five of the seven Penn State seniors m the department of architectuie wcie given the highest -lading awarded in the contest A final selection of approximately fifteen diawings of exceptional merit was made from mote than 200 lcn lerings submitted bv colleges and uni versities where architecture is taught This final selected ‘ group 'was given he highest guiding, known as “first mention" and "second mention” In this gmup Penn State won five uvaids as follows H. K. Urffcr, 11. C Uobeits and J. K. Bixlci icccncd list mention, W. J Ward icccivcd 11st place mention and C D Seaman .vas .1 lunner-up and received second nention The contest was restricted to The subject of the Inst competition ins “The Design of a Ccmetoiv Gate way” The problem involved the treatment'of an entrance situated at the end of an nupoitant boulevmd in 1 modem Amenean city The city was presumed to be one of importance and unlike the average citv of leahty, the public buildings, -toioi, monuments and the general at mosphere of the town was one of 10- fmrd cultute with dignified monumen tal uclutcctuie A variety of solu tion* was offeicd but the designs that (Continued on last page) FOOTB \LL ELECTIONS Captain K R Weston ’27 Manager J E Smart 27 First Assistants P P Hess ’2B M. A Hunt ’2B r. S Patton ’23 2-Comedy Results >0 Embryo Dramatists slncudly' thought out It seems that thiee young women fiom out-of-town wete attending a dance at the College on the night in question. Their chap ciones had sccuicd a 100 m fo: them at one of the town lodgings and as fate would have it, 11. S Rchntds, J H. Bonnet and Wilbur Cheuy happened to be in the building aftei the ladie* had left foi the dance So, to work they went. A flash light was sccuicd, hastily composed and hastilv printed signs began to ap peal ; reams of paper weie brought to the scene, onions winpped m wet tow*- els weie deposited snugly between the bed-sheets and a gcncinl icdccointion of the 100 m was undcitukcn lteic a plneuid, theie stioameis of the latest design, a retouching of the room’s decot utions retaliation of an original style of lamp shade, a “sticngthciung" of the beds with Italy’s favorite herb and the curtain mng down upon the (list scene amid the satisfactoiy plaudits ol the actors Awards Made HARRY HOLMES TO SPEAK ON WORLD COURT TOMORROW Penn State Opinion on Question Will Be Sounded in Student Vote Taken Wednesday and Thursday Freshmen Will Meet | Tonight in Bull I’en j There will be a meeting of | the freshman class tonight at I seven o’clock 111 the Bull Pen f TOSSERS PREPARE FOR OPENING TILT Nittany Basketcers Will Engage Juniata Quintet December Sixteenth in Armory COACH HERMANN CUTS SQUAD TO FIVE TEAMS Cutting ins squad do.vn to woikable si/e. Coach Dutch Heimann is contin uing daily practice sessions on the Ai moiv floor v.ith about five teams m ptep.u.ituin f fiont in the late s.ai, Mr Holmes is well able to speak on inteination'll uHans llis eteij talk has met will meat aeda r.at.on and he is m wide demand as a spcakei This subject is to be toted on \\ ed n<*sdat and Thuiadnv moininirs m cliapel 101 those students who do not attend chapel, ballot boxes will be placed in front of tiie Auditorium and in Old Mam The icsulti of tl.a poll will be announced in I'ndat's COL LEGIAN’ T 5 e ote is to b« nation-wide md the losults of the poll 111 inch institu tion will he collected .md the whole compiled lui the \nv S'mlciit, .in in- Uu.olleiri.ite publication Five Choices The h\o choices of \otc me .is fol lows I —For United States pailici p.ition m the V.'oild Comt undei tin* II u tei ms (Tlie United Steles not to 1 e connected v ith tl.e Le.urue of Nations, oi hound to an} undei the Lcariu cov enant, not t> be* bound b\ .uiwioiv onimo’is of the couit on questions rot \oluntml} submitted bv the* United Stale*s) 2 —Fin p liticip'ilion undei the , “Ilai mnn/ Plan'’ <>i thujU Peace le al ii s (Tlie UriiU’tT States"fb~join the Court un lei the* II udincr-llujrhiv.- teimq but to withiiluw <*ftei fne* je.n. unh* ? i code of intei nat’on «J laws has been adopUd outla.vmcr w.u. .nd the Couit tfuen juiuihetinn in the Umte’d States ) •I—For United State*' pa.tic.nation undei the 1 Uoiali Tci m. ” ('1 ho Un ited State, not to ,o.ii the V.’oild Couit until intimation il law uas been codified nut-law intf w.u, and the couit Kite*! jui’.diUmn. the United Stite. not to be F'cteb* with the Leairue of Natio is ) 1 \jr.unst putieipation in the \\ o' Id Co.r L SHORT POULTRY COURSE BEGINS FEBRUARY FIRST Program of Two Weeks Dura tion Contemplated—Promi nent Speakers Engaged Uterinum" picp.u ution. foi the fifth annual potilliv she t ionise to be held at Penn Stite, a tentitne p.otfiam has alie rd\ been an meed ioi i tio v eek\ penod which will becrin Feh i u u.. In .t and last till Ihe twelfth The* fust week’s wu'l. will cm.tst of nioie oi less clenmtaiv i.i-tiuctioii, \ litlo the latlei will be devoted to ad vanced 'lndies Bi'ide. the ienul.il loutine of pioeeduie, er.teitawmont will he piondcd foi e.omnjcs and week-ends. In oulei to make ll.c eo’u .e a tom plete the poulti} husbandly deputment wnl use its entne plant eqmpinc.it, includin': miubatois, poul ti\ imiifcs, bioodei sto\c. md bleed ing pens m these cUomson this ti, Fuithcimole, the entne Collokl* stock consisting of about sixteen bundled fowl-, ot ne..ih even \uiict\ will be tvatlible foi stud\ In the visititur poulti v men l.nrjre List of Speakers Include I anion*; the list ol speaki l - me i mimbei of specialists of nation al icputation in then icspeeluc* field i, and the teaching ind eMension spi>- eiali-ts in poulliv husbindtv at Penn State* I, A CnoUn. m.tnagci ol the Ulantie Coa t Poultij Piodueei.’ as sociation, (5 M Dallas, loss and dam acre mspci’toi of the Vmeiiean l’ail w.n Il\pu*ss mmp.mv, New Voik eitv, P R Ciiildm, A allow Ilmise, Pciinsv hania. one of tlie most success ful poultivmen in the state, M \ •lull, scii’oi poultt \’".m of the United Stutes depaitment ot AiruiulLuie, G M Kial.aiii, who has hud fom-om*