Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 24, 1925, Image 4

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    Page Four
|ThaßiksglvSng Needs!
§ You will surely need new things
| for this vacation. If it is a tie, socks,
8 hat, or a pair of shoes, remember we
8 have the latest and your dollar will go
g much farther here.
Neailj One Hundred Delegates
Attend Student Institute
for Group Leaders
Impaiting to lu.uh one bundled
i eprcsuuati\o' ot eight le iduig Penn
-\l\,un.i colleges tile /eM and x.goi
that is chaiaitu i tu of the nun hnn
t-elf I)i Hi lice Cuii’ . one of \niui
ca’s loicmo-t leadets, con
cluded s.h it t-. biliotcd to be his most
-uccessful -tudent institute lieu* Mm
Along \mlli the twenty delegates
ftom Put, six fiom Wilson, thiee
liom Juni ti, tluei tiom Dickinson,
two tiom Haikni’ll, two fiom .Susque
hanna im one limn the Penn \K uua
College to- Women wj*i icpi e .enta
ti\C' fiom liftcen Penn State fiateim
tic«, twehe bonding houses anil s|\t\
othei deleg itc. and nine tal \ i aloi s
bout of the topics to be ed at
once au I—ls1 —Is eompu’-oix chapel
deMi.'ble’ 2—What ue we in col
lege foi ’ Ale \.c getting it’ s—ls
theie a (iod ’ I—How honest shall
we he’
Banquet l ridav As Opener
Upon the of the confo'ccs
I'liday the\ 11 gistci ed at the ” Hut
anil Wcie nss.g.ied lo lets toi
then t>t ly lisle follow mg the open
ing banquet at six o’clock which was
held in the biscmcnt of the Piesln
tenan chinch othciul college songs
wcie sung, slio't speeches mule and
\anous leuleis wcie piesented to the
\*i!>- tho.e piesented at the Inn
quel weie Plot l L Postei, lie id ot
the dcpaitment ol Romance langu
age,, Mis W .1 Kitchen, Donald
W'mimii ’Jj, piesident ot the M C
\ , Mis-, C Ila iIUmII ’d(). pie ident of
the W C' \ md ••Mioiu” Millei
one of Penn Mite’s Imnei foothill
st us, now -t Pitt
Dui-ng the cwenni"-session Di Cui
i oi 1 1 iik 1 the woi I. ol the institute
He uldie sed tlie assemoly o.i how
piohh‘i”s aie emit Minting students
tluougl out tin count!\ tod n 'lheie
i- a guiual d ish Im liccdmn hut the
students usu. 'l\ stnkt* some hie pim
ciihl and icbmmd agun lie sud
Then thus s« k the nuts of the pi.b
le.u m i new light and ittacl it with
a new imdtisianding
Inspiring Sessions S tlurd.n
Pei naps tlie nio-t maiming session
of the whole cmmntion was tin S it
uidat ’l’oi mng penod Di (’un\ se
lected a his topic tlie tilth ch iptci ot
t!u* Honk of Wuttbev Pi mu tins he
(’omonstiatul the method ot t]ipuacli
to i question o' a hook duclopcd
mam ii.tu csting tmtlis that might
mmiiuiK bine been I'.issed o\e:
In the iKeinoon I>i Cum out
lined tlie pmpn-e ol the discussion
gioup. and -titid the methods ot -e
-loctn.g topic k uiets and coiches
This cun h ot a higl.h piactui l
n »tuie and wisi e i< til\ i ntued upon
b\ ti e contcuiuc
At l!u' c ening meeting i i.imlcl
ih'iUssion gioup of ten dtiegite's w is
mgat’i.ed .md the question ol “What
"ie .ii‘ in college tin was discus .ed
vithl'i < an \ a. li .uiei ?! ow intei -
< ting pout weie learned, ihicth
that i Oimild b» di\ ided I ~ :
into t’llce gc uin' pails md i cei- lif ' t,l^J^niH * w ' wtafP ' fftg!ii;rilll1 -*‘*
tun poition o| the turn be allotted to'S Order YOUE*
e u li r 9
(Ju ililies ol Discussion Header f ENGRAVED
turn with this model gmup Piotessoi &
( um showed how the leadei should g NOW
stile the r]m dio'is, keep the discus- | 1.. tin immt .it i-ur. ltd .ill the I (T* 8? AIR TRF F ’ Q
•.till!.,it l U„ till,, , u]lll h ! B BXE.I& sj
■til 1.,c.. „■ <ithii ,1..,, n.ll M.J .md 1 ALLEN STREET
smnmaurc the points mad<* .is the H hmihim.hi—
Mufflers, Half Hose and Golf Hose will
help add distinction to your outfit
when you are home over Thanksgiving.
‘Clolhiei to the College Man”
(i'ormvrb Mate blurt Shop)
! .............. ...
'anous stages of tin* discussion pto-
Sitndav mommy the entile confer
ence n.otoiud to the counin dub m
husscs and completed the institute
with t\u> sessions md a dinner Op
poitumte was given the student*
themsehes Sui'da\ morning to con
duct an actual gioup In llu- ultcr
noon a "Uiiipuii of the v hole conlcr
enco was made
—Plaster Pitt—
(Continued ftom fust page)
but Ins heaee lolled to the foot of
Kiadd, N.'u center toiwaid who sent
the hall lolling into the net befoie
the Nittair goal-tender was bach ri
Scores \gain
The second countei s<.omi h\ the
Middies was the lesult of a beautiful
comm hide that scut the leatliei
spheie winding to the goal Abelei.
Blue and Gold toiwaid headed the
speeding ball past the waiting aims ot
Ilellmieh into the net
Tluoughout the second quaitei the
laon cleeon louglit h ud hut filled to
put foith the jHineh tint was m un
tested m so man\ nl the eailiei games
ot the \cat Seveial tunes dining this
heetie period the home te im tlueaten
ed to score but the Penn state defense
tightened m tune to piewent am
Attei Ilellmieh hit! pio\cnUd a
penaltj kick fiom lodging behind the
goal-posts the Penn State team began
an uphill light tint might ln.-e tied
the seme if it had'continued Al
though the lalh did not accomplish
its intended lomlt it was tesponsible
• toi the sole tall\ of the Xittanv boot-
Jn the lemaining minutes of the
thud p'Uiod the Middies ictnliated In
canving the* nail soveial times within
k coung distance and endangering the
'Penn State god All then efToits
pioied 1 utile howeici and the quaito
ended with the si on*.} to 1 m the ‘Mid
shipmen’s ta\oi.
Mining to e\on the count m the*
1 qu.utu the Xittain team put
loith a h utl liktM bill \Wlc‘ stopped tin* Xn\ team unleashed an
ctjuilh The suite would
piobahh hue leinauud as it w is hat
| toi Nuw\ tall* in the hut leu inm
ates ot the contest. Yotmj? sconnjr on
a |» tss fiom Dunlip
’lhe lineup
lla”‘m in
Inin Ini•
1 riuM
si. In, r
\li. 1 i
I’rnn Matr
t. ft rullliiu k Carbon
rmht fullkn k Cln rri
!, ft hnlfbnk H. II
n„lit la n.k Hilu.M
>i nit r !i tlflinik I i|ip|ni.iit
• >u( riklit htin
111 Kit It ift lit nhuili
mi .r ft.rn .r.l (.11
"’i'ihuV ruhl (.rii'lai
•N i'll \t mlt mj I rmi.i M.« 1. 1 \,.im
I', mi s iii. l.r'il', sil.Milmi.m-.- mu. il
At ■•!<»«> I’rm fVr \iuiii- i rumm fur Dun
lap for I'm. llu.Uo fnr Ilr.u.r
Duiii!ii> fur tr< i man I'< an Mix’.* MijiJ. r fur
M.Uinnk r., ( un llnllim.iti d'.li
Pl.lstCT E'ltt
l’Ror s\\ \ ivy/. \\urn:s paper
Pi of F M buait/ ot Hit; };eolo£>
depat tmont lias loconth \uitten a
pnpu on “l)c\onia*i Pauni ot Boln
: i” winch will apjuai m .in oeilv edi
tion ol the .John- Hopkins’ pcimdtcal.
“Studies m (icolng\ ” Ptotossoi
Suait/ utide deils with lessei
t\jies of animals t.iuml ab losals in
ancient deposits ot bcclimentaii
(Continued from first page)
nut them to be lulled iiiUMi, l\ml
White-man recognized something of
the ieul Amenum spint in the new
st>k- With the uidt\ulualit\ foi
dame music w'hieh distinguishes
numbeis Uom those of othei oiehes
tiu's he modified the ladual chair
tei of the mmnation until todnj
hus set a new stumliud which coi
bines with the otigmal ,l jtu7
smooth tonal etlect
It lias not boon the M.\lc of hi
music and the talent of tile plavei
alone that lias made Mi Whiteman'
Land so popuhu One of the gloat
*i>t factois conti ibuting to ins sue
.css is his own sinking peisonahti
His cheerful countenance and poi:
lei ous fonn aie familial to all mu
ic-lo\eis, not onh in this countn
but also in Einope where lie conduct
ed one of his most outstanding tours
Because of the picwous ciowds to
which Paul Whiteman’s orchestia has
phnetl, it is e\pected that the scat
dcaiaml ioi the Penn State conceit
on Peiemboi Inst will be gicatoi than
that for ony othei “Y” numbei this
\cai. The ticket sale, begun at the
1 V' hut yosteidaj, will continue un
til all '-eats aie sold the puce being
one dotlai and a half
Following is the piogiam to b.
1. Mississippi tone journej)
Ferdic Giofe
( t) Fethei of the Waters
(b) Hucklebenj Finn
(c) Old Creole Da>s
(d) Match Gius
12 Adaption of standard selections
to dance ihvthm
(a) ll.uiin to the Sun
(b) Capi ice Viennois-Walt'
J'lit/ Krcislei
(c) Indian Dawn Zamomtk
Nadine • B Hinton
I Populai compositions with mod
em stoic
(a) Chai lestonettc Rose
(b) Ukelele>
W luting and Regan
(c) Manhattan
Loien/ Halt and I> Rogers
(d) Pal of M\ Cradle Da\s
Montgomeiy and Pmntadosi
(e> Meet the Bovs
."> Huoipts ft om “Rhapsod\ in
Bine Ceoigc* Geishwi
<- “ \ tattle Bit of Jazz”
John Alden Caipent<
Neatly Done
at Reasonable Prices
Penn State Shoe Repair Co.
Iwo Shons—loS S Frazier St,
and Allen Street, under the
Peoples Bank
Metal Christmas and Initial Seals.
Our store is full of articles for
Order your Electro Engraved
Cards now.
| Editorial Class for j
j 1929 Collegian Men j
STlu* class for freshman COL- I
LEGIAN editoiml men awH j
meet m Room 14 Liberal Arts j
I Building at se\en o’eloeh to- |
j mght J
s •
(Continued from fust page)
which will consist of seven comedies
to be given bv the diamatic oigamza
lions of as many Pennsylvania col
Consisting of thiec shows, the hist
bill of pla\s will be piosentcd in the
following oidei “Suppressed Do
snes" given bv the Diamatic Associ
ation of Dio\el Institute, Philadel
phia, “Wm/cl-Flummoij” enacted b>
tl.u Cap and Bells dub of Hu\cifoid
college, and “The Twelve-Pound
Look 1 ' the Gieen Room
club of Franklin and Mmshnll college
“Plavgoeis” staged bv the Diamatic
club ot Glove City college, “Follow
ois“ peifoied by the Diamatic Society
club ofGioveCitj college, “Followeis”
and the Manicure” offeied b\ the Cap
and Daggei of Bucknell university
and “Potbo’leis” presented by the Owl
and Nightingale club of GctUsbuig
college will make up the bill of pinjs
to be given the second evening of the
Duoctoi Cloetmgh, who is acting as
piesident of the association, and D D.
M ison, societalv-tieasuiei, have al
leadv ananged the piogiam foi the
entile convention
Roland Holt Speaks
Opening the piogiam, Mi Roland
Holt of Xevv Yoik cit* will talk on
“The Great Little Theater” at the
Uiuveisitj Club on Thursday night,
December thud, at eight-hftcen
o’clock The ne\t morning at mne
thut> o’clock the boaid of ducctois
of the inteicoJloginte'nssociation will
hold a meeting at the Umveisitv Club,
followed by a luncheon and round
table discussion on “Raising the Stan
dard of Amateui Diamatics” which
The Old Mi
£ Open for business in room j
:j: now occupied by Montgom- j
* ery Clothing Store on No- |
vember 30.
Do Your Chrisfm|as Shopping in j
State College |
Industrial Engineering Department
For Quick Service
CHIFFONIERS . . 512.50
Student Desks and Chairs
Student Tables
CHAIRS .... 53.50
DESKS . 512.50 to 525.00
TABLES .... 55.00
COSTUMERS . . . 52.00
will be lead by Mr Holt
The tjiree dramatic clubs which
stage then pioductions Friday even
ing will hold rehearsals in the Audi*
touum that afternoon. Dinnei will
be served at the University Club,
uftei which Professor Cloetmgh will
lead a discussion on the subject of
“Sceneiv”. Following this the lust
gioup of plavs will be givun in the
Hold Short Discussion
On Saluiduy morning at ten o’clock
the student repicsentative3 fiom the
seveiul colleges will have a conference
at the University Club Mi. Bariett
Claik of New Yoik eitv will conduct
a shoit discussion on “Choosing the
Plu>”, aftei the noon luncheon Re
hcaisnls will again be held from one
o’clock till five o’clock bj the foui ro
maining college pln>er oigamzations,
which will give their entoitammcnts
at eight-fifteen o’clock in the evening
Messis Claik and Holt will act as
judges foi the tournament and will
announce the pu/e winncis aftei the
last play has been given. Instead of
otTcung cash piues the boaid of di
lectois of the Intercollegiate Dra
matic Association have decided to give
two engtaved cups to the winners of
lust ami second places
Aftei the piesentntion of pnzes the
tournament will close with the meet
ing ot the board of ducctois to be
held at the Univeisity Club nt eleven
o’clock Satuidny night
—Plaster Pitt—
(Continued from first page)
the double-quartet will entertain the
hstcneis-m with their arrangements
of the latest musical hits
Hairy W Montz of Wilkcs-Bairc,
inesidcnt of the Penn State Alumni
Association will next give an addicss
ot welcome to Penn State alumni and
former students.
The Penn State Thespian Club, fa*
’ mous for its vaudeville acts, will
; come to the foi c w ith a specialty song
bv Robci t Graham and John 11
• Vance. One is a lenoi but the ques
tion is whcthei the other is a man
■ 01 a woman Sixth on the program
will be a short talk on the football
in Art Shop |
Proprietor %
Allen Street
game to be held the next day.
J. E Kennedy, famed for lus tal
ents with the wooden slippers, will
give a special Sailoi Clog dance, ac
companied on the piano by Lew
“Niltjny Lion*
“The Nittanv Lion,” Penn Stnte’i
football song, will be sung bv the
double quaitet and will complete the
first half of the program; a short
intermission of five minutes being
allowed for the airnngement ot the
Military Band.
A feature number of the second
half will be selections by the Band,
“Victory” and “The Nittany Lion”
being sung by band mcntbeis The
Penn State Thespmn orchestra, di
rected by “Rusty” Widcnoi, will en
tertain with fifteen minutes of col
legiate dance music and selections
from “The Kid Himself”, 1020 Thes
pian show Following several sel
ections by the Band, the “Alma Ma
ter” will be sung completing the ev
ening’s entertainment
Will the person who picked up thi
wiong hat by mistake at the Ch
Phi dance Friday night please cal
Butcher 223
117 Frazier Street
$l.OO MENU $l.OO
Roast Turkey with Nut Filling
Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes
Buttered Peas Celery and Olives
Mince Pie a la mode
Rolls and Butter Coffee, Milk or Tea
. "NETS" AM) "Din S’* AGREE
\ Moie surprising still, Soph and
\ Ficshman aie unanimous on one
*“ thing—that a Ftog Brand Slicker
is THE thing for lanw weather
No need to run for the nearest
dooiwnj, no occasion to borrow
umbreUns with broken ribs; the
best policy is—get inside a Frog
Biand Shekel and grin at the lain
Too, A Fiog Biund Slicker n
worth tons of cough and cold rem
edies foi ltfoiestalla inmimeiable
miroi ailments attendant to wet
riuzrly weather Dad will never
ciiticise expenditures when he
lecogm-es the wisdom displayed
in the puicnusc of a Frog Brand
Shekel The puce is low, and
you should ha\c one
Most of voui classmates have
Fiog Brand Shekels
I ror I’raml ’ nro u-emiine oit
r>l i I'cki r* the prixlm t of ss jui-h < \|n n
trier lihit ntnl <<i-nl ri *
All iireer—Kne collci;.. I’otlilin tar-y
I ro. Ilnnd Slltl«T< If
\.mr »li uli r li not ><t
Kiipiilieil «• uH lil, nnnn
t.i II M Snujer A 5.,r..
1 nst Cmil.rl.l t Mlm
Credit Extension
For YOUR Subscription
1925-23 CoiSegian
December Ist
Make checks payable to
Tuesday, November 24, 1925