Page Four 900000000. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCGOOOGCCOOOOOQOCI Established 1896 J QRmAM & SONS § HOME OF BETTER CANDY 8 We have sold candy for 20 years and know that no 8 one line of chocolates will please everybody. 8 LOOK AT THESE § APOLLO, NORRIS, SAMOSET, LOVELL & COVEL § Bulletin, November 17 100 p m—Cngmeeiing lecUno— Mi Howell Van Bal aam—Old Chapel 7 00 p in—Cosmopolitan Club meet »«<»■ —Hoorn 11*1 Old Main b 13 p m—“ The Collet's batuidaj Night"—Auditoiium Suturd.’V, November II 1 00 p m—Luctosse setup—Annoiv Field 12.10 p m—l ootball leluiits—\ut sitv vs West \iigunu —Auditoiium JOO p m—Soceei game—\aisitv vs Ftcshmcn Old Bouvet Field Suiuki}. November 17 II 00 a m—Chapel some? l)i Itav mon M ktsUot— Auditoi mm. Mondnv, November Hi S 13 p til —Thespian tiv-outs—Vu- Notices The Penn blate Chib will meet Monday night at o'clock in Old Chapel Tbcip will he i t cheat sd ol the Mandolin Club M.indaj night at eight o’cloA m the Bind umn The Outing Club will linld an all aav lube on buudn*., leaving the Bot inv Budding at mne-tlmu o clock On Mondav evening at seven o’clock, Prof G It Giecn of the Natuio Study department will speak to the club in Room dll Old Mam INTERCOLLEGIATE PLAY TOURNAMENT WILL BE HELD AT PENN STATE Soon Ponnstlvania Institutions: Entei Shows —Two Winncis 1 Will Receive Cups Follov e» i ol the footlights in this pait of the State will be given «’» e.- peciol neat when .even comedies poi foimed In as m uiv cl ibs liom vatioiis colleges in Penttsvlvun'u stage then productions m the lust Intctcollegi Ue Tournament on lttcenibei lor'th and lilth at Penn blate Tluec of the s t vi"i show, will he pioduced on the hi A night m the Au “Suppies'-ed I)esnos,” hv Glaspell and Cook i, tu A and w.ll b" given bv the Di imatic Association of IJie\ol institute. Plnlndelpliia Second on the list is ‘Vui-d Flummeiv” In Milne which ts to be enacted b> the Cap and Bells Club ot lluvoifmd college Concluding the onteilammenl ol the tlist evening i “The Twelve round Book” bv Buie given bv the Ciocn Room club ol Fiankim and M u&l all college •Plavgoeis" b, Pmcio will be staged hist on the 'econd evening ol the tournament This i, p.C'ented bv the Dtnm.tlii club ol Grove Citv col lage, while the I Hamate, tuuieU ot Wavncsbmg c dlege o'leis “Follow ei»” bv B. Nest in olden in'mis "Iho Ma\oi •* and the ■'.[.imuii o’’ Ia CJimijic Al Ci'ttvdui.R L‘)tk*Ri. to:*'.luik'> [*s* the pioßtam of the tmunament )•!* I 'l* I 1 ollowinjr the lasi plav tomes the, auaidiuj; ot two tn>]ili\ tups lot the!.?, tust .inti s-ta uul houm . '1 in* awaids y uc to be decided in Iluiiett Olaik and 1$ Kohmd Holt, both uf \c\\ Yoik cit\ *J* Inasmuch as this is the* Imi attempt £ of its> Kind to staire .1 tautest state * wide in nope theie is much mleiest X being taken bv folhmeis of all llic *j* 01 ganuations tn the outcome of the all m Whitmans State Seal Chocolates For Thanksgiving One, two, three pound packages % j RAY D. GILLILAND, Druggist ± Routes Leading to Morgantown Listed By Club \\ ith tin* view of mloiming Petri State as to the best loules tc Mmgautown West Yiiguua, the Mono ol the ne't Lion invasion, the Uniontown .Motoi club has .amounted a list of the best highvavs leading to the college town Foui lollies, inngmg m thstanee fiom 185 miles to 1117 offei ease ac-i ecssibihtv to the gunc ami ate all l o\et hud siufnco toads with the er uption of .i lom ami one-half mile drlout between llollulajsbuig and Cmou Cieek This mn be avoided In travelling over the lloiso'hoe Tiail dueel to Altooni and fiom theie to llollidavsbmg striking the William l'enn Highway Route One Best Route mtmbei one is lecommeiuled b\ the* club became' of it-, shoitaess end the fact tli it it avoids ill moun tain gtades I-tom State College the highway passes thiough the* follow ing town Tvionc, \Uoom, llolli aovsbuig Cbensbuig. Wtimlv’s Cm nei, Blmisville New Alevmdiia, Greciisbui g. Seottd. le, Lbnuellsv die, Uniontown and 3lo;gantown Route liumbci two is the' sane as munhci one* up until Mundj’b Coiner is j cached when the molon.t can turn oir to go thiough Johnstown. Jenni'istown, Somei .et, Ml Pleasant, Conncllsv lile, Unontown ami Moi gantown Still anothei i ovte is alTou’ed bv tol lowmg number two to Jonneistown tlen to Ciieensbuig. Sioltilale, Con nelKville, Uniontown and Moigati towti Bv tinning at Jenneistown and i’eadmg foi horvtait. Beilm, Me>eis dale. Gimtwllc, Uniontown and Moig.mtown the follower of the ♦earn hi-, still aaothei totd liom which to elioose The club warns motoiibis of a ‘peed tiap at MevciMlale and Fan- Who’s Dancing Pridaj Phi Camilla Bella Chi Upsdon Niti-Nco and Li Camaiadene— ilpha Zeta Satunlav MacAlhstei Hall PLEBE ELEVEN TO FACE KISKI SQUAD TOMORROW (Continued fiom rust page) given piotnise ol developing into .1 g od tackle and Coaih itennann ex pects to use him in the gune tomoi mw The big foiwaid stands ovei six loci and tops the -c .let, at 183 pounds Changes a( End Pi muling Help’s lnjui’ peimiL, him lo suitt at left end West will piobablv icmam on the bench, but it i likeh tint West will be Jlei mnun’s choice toi tint beith \t the light teiminal beith land will bj usid to halt the Kmki hick* Schultz will covei the atea at left !.Oh'l —The wilting half of a gold She.dlei fount tin pen Lost be tween Aiiamv and Postolluc In itials K 1! Findi’i letuin to Col- I legi.m Olhu Varsity f Billiard Parlor i Pocket Billiards Carom Billiards Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy Soft Drinks, and Tobacco 11. G. MORRELL, Prop. R. L. SACKETT BOOKED FOR MANY ADDRESSES Engineennj; Will Speak al Philadelphia. New Yoik and Chicago Gatherings With many impoitant addiesscs on his piugiam vluch will include units to Chicago, New Yoik and Philadel phia, Dean R L Sackett will time! neuilv m\ thousand miles within the nest few weeks * At tile animal convention ol the Land Ciant College association in Chicago Novembei seventeenth to nineteenth, De m .Sackett will lead .. papei befoie the engiiieenng sec tion on “The Value to Industries ot rngmceiing RooO.iuh at Pennsjl vama State College’ The papei v ill desciibe the scope ard the eco nomic value ot tile investigations c..nied Phone IGO-J > VV>»VVVV\VV^\XN»^V|.'\.V JOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC! I DON'T YOU THINK | It would be wise to buy your Xmas presents early R and in » § State College at The Fenway Because they would then be different Advance showing of •S 3 . XMAS CARDS Suitable for Name Engraving THE ATHLETIC STORE On Co-Op. Corner THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN GLEEMEN PREPARE FOR DECEMBER ENGAGEMENTS (Continued from first page) .laicma ’2B, 51 W Ixnerr ’29, E C Jlatheson ’2B, L J Nelson ’27, W Peek ’2B, C F Stetter ’29 and F E W. Nichols ’2B, II I Nutt ’2B, E M. Ulf ’27 In the bantonc section K G. Allebach ’29, P. D Beltz ’29, E. W Bish ’2«i, J E Dickson ’2B, E F. Duke ’2C, C 11. llmtoii ’2B, C E Megmgle ’2C, W L Shetlei ’2B and : J II Vance ’27 In the bass section C II Bruce ’2B, Biuce Butler '25 Vj, C M Davis '2S, D M Dowd ’2S, E T Eggeis '2B, R J Gallaghei '2B. N H Gotwalt, '2B, S D Ileniv ’2B, D D Jenkins '27, P J Sturgeon ’2B, II S Unangst ’27. II D Uplingev ’2O and G A Williams ’27 GRIDDEUS DEDICATE NEW WEST VIRGINIA STADIUM (Continued fiom first page) lineman, capable ol putting lorth his best woik when up against a stiong team, and since ho has been working out with the Vaisitv ior live da>s, it i c not likely that the hue will be slowed up Four Mountaineers Out J Art Smith, ti.nnei of the West jVugimu eleven, vesteiday made the I statement that foui icgulnis on tiie , Moigantown team stood but a slight j chance of getting into the game to ! nun low The men aie Captain 51a h in, guaid,‘ Alomson. qu.uteiback, Jam! F.ulov and Glenn, halfbacks ’i he quai tet mentioned wet s found to be piotty well battered after the tussle with Boston college last Sat uid.ij, and have had only light work a,i this week's practice Stiong substitutes me not at “a jPicimum, accoiding to Coach Iru | r.odgei s, and Straight, Keefer, 'll.udv and Gieene will piobably till the positions left vacant bj the rc liicmcnt of the Yaisity men The Alountameer lineup will prob abiv be as follows Jlunis and Ohkcr, ends, Davis and Dilchoi, tackles, sicHeniy and Stiaight, guards, Latlnm, centei, Isiornson, quaiter back, Ilaidv and Glenn, halfbacks; .nil Bat mini, fullback Rodgcts has a vctcian eleven at the slouiUaineci uimeisiti, and most of the plaveis have buttled side |bi side foi at least two jeais A ariegrAed Passing Attack Togethei with a vvcll-iunnmg back neld, Rodgcts has manufactured a veisatile passing game His half backs usually aie the lcceiveis and the ball is hea.ctl many vards past the line of scijmmage. Long passes, Going to Mac Hall Saturday ? Proceed Yourself with a “Mum” Corsage $1.50 | State College | Floral Shoppe f 117 E. Beaver Ave. * Just Phcns 26-M *!; howe.ei, aie not the only ones used bv the Southei ners, the shoi t, snappy pass oven the line continually being m evidence Fake passes and mils, togethei with the overheads and line pla>s of Penn State’s opponents, have been used bv the Lion “foioign team” thioughout the week, and have not gained consistently Accoiding to the sentiment e.xpiessed on thu pi notice held, the Blue and White should have no tioubic in spilling the otTcnsive of the woodsmen and the turning point of the fiucns will be the ability of the Lion backs to knife then way through the opposing line Nittanj Offense Perfected Michalske’s ball-cunving duung , pKiclicc scummages against the sec ond Varsity and the yemlmgs since the Notie Dame game has been es peunllv giatifying, and because of his tlnce-fold accomplishments, Bcz has built the attack aiound the builv fullback seem to be the stiong ioite of the Lion gnddets, and with the foiwaids placing the same bang up ball that they have of late, there should be numeious sinking gains thiough the West Vuginny foiwaid defense Giceno, Pntcliaid and Lungien, howevei, me not to be forgotten Anv one of this tno may be called upon to tote the pigskin and add up thiee oi foui jaids tow’aid a first down Line-play has been going gieat guns and with Captain Giay at cen tei, House and Filnk at gunids, and AlcCann and Mun/ stationed at the tackles, West Viiginiu is piomtsed a stiff flight in ti>ing to make advnncea thiough the “internal quintet” of the Nittanj defense Ends Doing Good Work A fast passing attack with the tei minals at the ictiievmg end should net manj gams foi the Bezdekians if the skies aie blight and the day cusp and cool Weston and Wilson, by dint of dailv cffoit, have blossomed into a pan of well-trained wings, and on defense, then cutting in to stop plays aiound then ends has been a featuie of the nightly wosk-out. GERNERD, The Tailor Boy’s Sheepskins, Slick ers, Trousers, and A full line of Men’s Sport Trousers Cleaning Pressing Have a COLD? Use REXALL Cold Tablets Special 25c Box “METZGER’S HAVE IT” Wards Club Parchment Papers 1 lb. Boxes 75 cents 25 Envelopes 35 cents Boxes containing 48 Sheets and 48 Envelopes $1.50 Dove Tone Club Parchment In 1 lb. Boxes 85 cents, Quire Boxes 85 cents Deckle Edge Club Parchment $l.OO per Quire Box NEW WAHL SIGNATURE PEN $4.00 New Eversharp Pencil with large barrel $l.OO L. K. METZGER - - - Alien Street COLLEGE WILL ENTERTAIN STATE HORTICULTURISTS (Continued from first page) Wednesday morning and the demon stintion in the afternoon at tiio Belle fonte Central aiding Students specializing in hoiticultuie will entcitnin the visitors Wednesday evening in Room 100 Hort with a senes of six five-nunute speeches deal ing with various phases of fruit grow tng and market gardening and a group el humoious sketches. Prominent among the enteitainment Uatuies of the week are the banquet mid hoisc-shoc pitching contest which vull be held Thursday afternoon and evening The contest is open to all except professionals and will be held jm fi out of the green-house at four thirty o’clock- The banquet to be solved at fivc-thnty o’clock in Room 100 Hort will be novel m that ail the food will have come from the college fmms and will have been cooked and served by horticultuie students Dur ing the dinner the etymologically in clined visitors will have an oppor tunity to display their erudition in an I old-fashioned spelling bee, in which horticultural teims will be used Poitei R. Taylor, duector of the State Bureau of Markets, will lead p discussion which will try to analyze the tcason vvhv Pennsylvania fiuit glowers me not holding Pennsyl vania market All classes in horticultuie will be excused during the week in ordci that the students may attend the dis cussions and profit by the program | Make Your Appointment TODAY | For Your Christmas Portraits i "IT’S NOT TOO EARLY" I The PENN STATE PHOTO SHOP | 212 E. College Ave., State College t • W. L. FOSTER, President DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier ASAD and solemn-sounding phrase it is—that line _ from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” Yet there are men’s efforts of which that might be said. No progress! Doomed to stay in one place as long as they live. They are men who have no financial program—no place for saving—no hope of getting ahead. Make Your Efforts Count. Your Sav ings Account Will Be Welcomed Here . The First National Bank STATE COLLEGE, PA. Capital $125,000 Industrial Engineering Department For Quick Service CHIFFONIERS Student Desks and Chairs Student Tables CHAIRS DESKS TABLES COSTUMERS GATE-LEG TABLES ROOM 106, UNIT B Frida), November 13, 1923 PATRONIZE OLR ADVERTISERS Ask taf Flea More £or Your Money Surplus $125,000 . $3.50 $12.50 to $25.00 $5.00 $2.00 $7.50 *********