Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 06, 1925, Image 1

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    Lodge Your
Convictions or
Be Borah-cd
VOL. XXI, No. 17
Undergraduates Welcome
Returning Nittany Alumni
Grid Classic With Notre Dame Is Feature of
Homecoming—Mass Meeting Will
Be Held Tonight
With “Welcome BacL” .it the tip of!
cvciy student’s tongue, Penn State is
prepared to meet the influx of
ahinmi which will tike place today
and tomonow. Many forms ot enter
tainment have been devised aid many
events will take place so that no
alumnus will have a single instant of
idleness •
Athletic events am peihaps first in
oidci of importance. The clash with.
Notic Dame is being anxiously l
awaited by both alumni and students,
and will in all probability attract a
record aowd Tin freshman game
with Buchnell is nLo a big attraction
and, with'the Lafaveltc-Pcnn Stats
soccer match, will make a full pro
gram foi S.rtuidny morning
Masi Meeting
A huge r rass meeting is scheduled
for Friday night, which includes talks
and musical selections Seieral ad
dresses will be given by alumni, while
the Ilambonc quartet, an alumni or
ganization, will oiler a few nambeis
The lust team is slated foi talks also
and Be c himself is to produce the
climnx for the whole affair It is ex
pected that Dean Ilolbiook vill also
speak In addition to the band, tlrcie
is to he a musical spcci rlty which
should surprise e.ery mcmboi of the
The various departments of the
College htnc not been idle cither m
preparing foi the celebrated week-end
A poultry show' is to be held on the
“Hill;” while the Engineering depait
ment has piep.ued many mechanical
oddities to show on Satuiday morning.
As a feature of this schedule, alt
shops will hr. open so that the visitor
may see how Penn State students
woik. In scioral of the shops, sou
\enii3 have been made up bv the
Coach Leonard Comments on
Essential Requisites of
Prospective Player
“Regular practice and an cainc-A
desire to impiovc arc the essential
requisites for the prospectne lacrosse
player" was the statement stressed
bv Coach Leonard in his mtioductorv
talk to the lacrosse candidates last
luesduy afternoon
A largo turnout listened attentively
as the Nittany mentor deploied the
piesent status of lacrosse as a spoit
at Penn State He stated that the
gi cutest detriment to the success of
the teams in past years was the list
less attitude of the participants and
that if such u condition continues to
exist, he will recommend the abolish
ment of laciosse as a recognized
sport here
Leonard also remarked that tin*
Blue and White btick-wiclders sched
ule teams of a much higher ranking
mid are therefore unable to develop
the fundamentals ot the game He
ccmpnrcd this pinctice with “the kid
m the primary school who tries to
mister the principles of ps/chology”,
and stated that in both instances the
preliminary training is lacking
In order to make it possible to hoi 1
daily practices duimg inclement win
ter weather, a huge board wall is
being constructed on the field This
structure will enable the men to
piactico passing and catching
Nad Notre Dame
Twenty-four pie-medical students,
accompanied by Dean G L Wendt of
the School of Chemtstiv and Physics,
returned Sundny ftom the annual trip
for the inspection of hospitals of Phil
Jlahnomtm Surgical institute, JcT
ferxon Medical college and the Medi
cal School of the University ot Penn
sylvania with their laboratories, clin
ics and hospitals constituted the visit
ing card of the Penn State men. In
addition to the regular uchcdule the
gioup attended one of the meetings
of the Nntionul Suigienl Congiess
which has been holding sessions in the
Quaker City duung the past month
A dinnci with the president of the
liuhnoman school was the entertain*,
ment provided fot Wednesday ope
ning after the first day of inspection.
Arrangements for tickets foi the
Penn-lilinois gndnon clush were
made m advance for the usitois from
the Nittany Institution.
Prim §>tatc ®
classes, and these will be distimuted
ns the different groups make their
way about.
Hold Reunion
Satuiday night is set aside for the
reunions The women will meet m
the Women’s building, while the men
will make the Armoiv the scene of
their convocation. All seniors, fac
ulty and alumni are invited to these
alTnns Both the men’s and the
women’s reunions will be replete with
refreshments and entertainment,'
which will be offered by different stu
dent organizations
A cafeteria luncheo.r wll 1 be served
Satuiday by’ women members of the
Puionts and Teachers association of
State College, the proceeds of which
will go to the organisation
Nail Notre Dame
Yearling Eleven Handicapped
by Injuries on Eve of Clash
With Lewisburgians
Clashing with the Buckneil plcbes
on home soil after an unsuccessful
foreign invasion, and playing before
many alumni who have never wit
nessed this year’s team in action, the
yearling grid eleven will lode horns
with the Bisons on the New Beaver
practice field at ten o’clock tomorrow
Despite the badly-battered condi
tion of the eleven that journeyed
home from the Smoky City last week
Ccach Dutch Hermann expects that
few men will be handicapped by in
juries by tomonow morning With
tlu outcome, of the battle depending
laigcly on tiie morale of the eleven
the Nittany mentor is striving to de
velop a fighting spirit that will not
admit defeat.
During the past week ot practice
the upset received last week has
proved on the minds of the plebes
nnd has weakened their power m the
daily scrimmages against the Var
pitv However, this feeling of gloom
is being giadually dispelled and it.
will pxobablv be a rejuvenated eleven
that will face the Bisons tomorrow
Although the Buckncll eleven‘that
vill meet the yearlings tomorrow
has had but a mediocre season it will
pi obably prov ide hard competition
foi the ficshmcn The Lewisburg
aggregation faced its hardest test m.
its battle with Bellefonte academy,
but the score docs not do justice to
the strength of the losers.
Signals Improve
With the freshmen collection of
plays complete the team is rncrcas
(Continucd on fast page)
—Nail Notre Dame
Noted Harrisburg Pastor Will
Address Chapel-goers
for Second Year
Bringing a peisonnl message to
Penn State the Rev. Robcit Bagnell
D D, of Harrisburg, will speak to
the students at cluipcl Sunday morn
ing. Doctor Bagnell is widely known
not only ni » mmistei but ns un au
thor of considerable note His book,
“Economic and Moial Aspects of the
Liquor Business,” has achieved much
fuvoiablc cuticism its u clear and un
prejudiced account of this mooted
Revciend Bagnell who for the last
eight years has been pastor of the
Grace chmch m Hamsburg, bus cn
joved t\ long and vnuod caicci after
being oidtuncd in the Methodist Epis
copalian muustiy* in 1888. He re
ceived the degrees of Mastci of Arts
and Doctor of Philosophy at Columbia
university, and served ns pastoi in
the Metiopolitnn Temple, New York,
fiom IDO 1 to IHO7 and in the James
chutLh of Biouklyn until HIM.
Returning to Philadelphia, the
city of his birth, he assumed his
duties in the Park Avenue church for
three yeais nnd then left for Harris
bii’g vvncie he has lived evei since.
Leading American Institutions
Discuss Plans for Ballot
at Recent Gathering
Nation-wide Convention To Be
Held at Princeton To Find
General Sentiment
Anticipating the desire of Penn
State students to make their influ
ence felt in the present nation-wide
Woild Court poll among the students
oi C5O of the leading American col
leges the COLLEGIAN will conduct
a stiau vote on the question within
the next few weeks.
Along with this national student
poll, an intercollegiate convention,
will be held at Princeton on Satur
day, December twelfth, drawing rep
lescntatives from colleges distributed
fiom New Hampshire to Florida and
from Texas to Oregon
The World Couit of International
Justice is a permanent court whose
purpose it is to hand down advisory
opinions and judgment on interna
tional and interstate questions and
the interpretation of treaties It is
an international organization that
aims at maintaining harmony among
nations of the world
Before Senate in December
Although the entering of the
World Court does not mean that it is;
necessary to join the League of Na
tions, the eleven judges composing
ic arc elected by the League Council
and Assembly At piesent there aie
fifty-one members of the Court
Each member pays about thirty-five
thousand dollars as its share of the
With the United States Senate
scheduled to debate the problem
which is to come befoie it under the
name of the Svvanson-Wilhs resolu
tions on December seventeenth, col
lege papers, college and umvcisitv
presidents, student governments and
feverishly to have the student straw
vote complete by Saturday, Decem
ber twelfth
Action Taken Here
Immediate action will be taken by’
similar organizations working m
conjunction with the COLLEGIAN
on the campus to make the student
poll heic complete Every precau
tion has been taken to render the
decision impartial The ballot will
(Continued on last page)
Nail Notre Dame
Moving picture films of a theoret
ical nature and of actual wnifurc
will be shown during the vvintci sea
son as a phase of the courses outlined
in R. O. T. C this year.
Mr Miiuncc Baum, pioprictm of
the Pastime theater has again offered
the use of this budding to the depart
ment of Mihtmv Science and Tactics
These moving pictures which will be
icceived fiom the thud corps men
headquarters at Baltimore, will illus
trate the most important unit move
ments and will depict some scenes of
actual battles taken (luting the late
L. E.
Wilson (10)
L. H. B. L T
Fritcliard (9) McCann’(29)
H 6u. vv i.o ji n u , w Jbs
L. G.
Filak (3)
JI fi.ll W ISJ
Michalskc (12) C.
a o,w i'jo (C) Gray (1)
ii i. w nio
11. G.
House (2)
]{ r. y. w its
R. T.
Hastings (4)
II G. \V tSO
R. E.
Weston (5)
H u. W lao
Q. B.
Helbig (10)
H SO. W 105
R. H. B.
Greene (27)
II 5 It, W IbU
Substitutes—Penn State —Slamp, Pmcur.i, Dangorheld, Lungren, Rocpkc, Bcigman, Wat
son, Mahoney, Muiu, Kosebeuy, Fellowes, Hayes, McPhic. Hartman
Substitutes—Notre Dame—Benda, Hanousck, Smith, Dehman. White, liigeii, Whelan, Po
hsky, Roach, Wynne, E. Crowe, Prelli, Cody, Riley; McNally, Doarn, Scharer, Walsl\
Froth Editor-in-Chief
Undergoes Operation
< R B Smith ’2G, editor-in-chief of
Fioth and co-author of this jear’s
Thespian production, uncleivvent a
serious operation on ‘his right lei; at
the Scranton Pil.ate Hospital
The diseased limb had tioublcd
Smith for some time but he was im
mate of the cause until an X-iny pic
tuie icvotded a growth on Ins leg
The operation will probably cause his
absence from school fot the rcnmindui
of the semester. ,
—Nail Notre Dame—
Front Entrance of Old Alain
To Be Used by Freshmen
Beginning Next Week
Student Council a'dopted a i ew tul
mg, to go into effect Mondav morning
at eight o’clock, on the use by Jiesh
men of tlic Old Main enti antes and
stauways in an effort to lelieve the
congest.on between at these
places m a meeting Tuoddav n'ght
I Reliacting the custom that ycal
lings shall not use the f r ont entrance
to the building, the council specifics
that the first-year men will entci by
the front, cast and “Y”
only A second alteration has limited
the east and middle stanways foi the
conven.enbc of the Ireshmen while
those of the west end will be limited
to the upperclassmen
Another measure passe I states that
Student Council after a picscntution
oi the case by C 11. Moo.e ’2(>, pi ev
ident of Student' Tribunal, decided
that Tribunal should ~ intei pi ct the
conflictions which msvyrise in the
elifoicement of ‘trie elaas
100m. "It was brought oubthut it had
been customary for all lulings, both
foi sophomoics and ficshinen, to be
in foicc m the clussrooms as well as
The issue atose v hen Barnaul
(Continued on last page)
Nail Notre I)amc
Schedules fot the R 0 T C and
the gills’ ufle leant 1 - aie being ,n
-langed bv Lieutenant Millet, who will
coach these '-quads Tlmty inatchc*-.
aie expected to be scheduled foi the
foi met team
Thus fat, onl\ a contest with the
Univeisily of Oklahoma has been def
initely airunged but challenges fot
other matches have been issued this
week and Cotch Miller is certain that
Iti3 slate will be completed within a
icw days Tunis foi the team will
oegm nc ct moat 1 * The definite date
will be announced latei
The co-ed shnipshootcis will natch
then skill with some of the best col
legiate ufle icpiesenlatnes m the
countiy Diesel, Geotge Washington,
and the state unncisities of Nevada,
01 iahoma and Michigan have nltr.idy
been scheduled All matches will be
telegiaphie contests The season ex
tends from Janaaiy sixteenth to
March tlmfccnth I’i ictice will stait
duung the last week of this month
and will bo held thica nfteinoons of
each week
R. E.
Wallace (81)
n G 11, W lfi>
r T R- H. B.
it m * * f-\ Flannigan (.‘III)
m o’Boyicd 1)
R. G.
Mayer (!(*)
H 10 W 103 • jj. g
C. Enright (4)
Boeringer (.*11) n sn>. w i‘-i
or Maxweli(S)
L. G.
Marclli (12)
n «. w iso I H B
Boland (28) or J' !>
McMullen (51) '
L. E.
(C) Ciowe (5)
II GO. M |7<
[ E.eiyone is icquested to be at j
| the gxn.o tomo. low afternoon at I
! two o'clock so that congestion i
I may be avoided j
Society To Stage Two One-act
Plays—lnitiation Slated
tor Saturday Night
In an efiort to excel the reception*
given to alumni mcmbeis of the Plac
ets in the last two ycais the picscnt
Penn State aggregation of lootliglit
ait'sls has completed airangemenU
foi tin th id annual luncheon to be
held tomouow at eleven forty-five
o’clock in the Univeisily Club, the
picscntution ot two one-act p'ays at
c*ght fifteen o’clock in the Audi
tonum and the formal initiation im
mediately following tills
Both of these pljys, "Hie Noble
Loi d” ducctcl bv \ C Cloetingh
ard “The Mai in the Bow lei Hat"
coached by D 1) Mason, are per
foimed by giaduatc playeis and will
be staged befoie the gioun of foimer
dunnatists and undet graduates to
niouow night About loitv uiumm |
playeis aie expected foi the occrs-i
mod \ltei the pnvate enteitam-l
mo’it theie x.ill be an initiation oil
the neoplnte players
Former Plaver Production
As is row custoueiv, Professoi
C'oelingh and his wife will be host-,
to the Pluvei guests at the lnfotnml
meal tomouow noon. It is also ex
pected that vauous members of the
cigan’7ation will be ca'lcd upon to
voice then e -.pericnces duung tlu
p ist ve.u at this tune Alumni,
piesent members and pledges aio also
welcome at this function
"The Noble Luul" was one oi the
first melodrmias to bo taken on tn *
(Continued on last page)
Q. B.
Edwards (18)
It 5 11, W 151
Helbig, Greene and Wilson To Start
for Lions—Rockne’s Eleven
Also Shaken Up
Dctcimmod Lo wipe out the slain left by the los. to Georj’a
Tech, convinced that the defeat by Syracuse last week was a
break of the game. Penn State’s 1025 griduou combination,
expectedly switched on the eve of battle, clashes tomonov, wuh
Rockne’s powciiui Notie Dame ele\en on New Bca\ct Field h *-
loie an anticipated ciov.d of thirty thousand people celebiatmg
Penn Stile’s greatest Alumni Homecoming Day.
Returning “old grads,” confident m the Lion’s ability to slave
off oveipowering odds, await the opportunity to witness a light
ing Blue and White team thiow back the onrushing offensive of
the Wcstemeis and avenge that defeat in 1013, when Notre
Dame, captained then by this same Knutc Rockne, suipu->od the
Nittany gi.ddeis witn an oveihcad bariage and administer I 1
14-7 defeat to the Lions—their lust loss on New Beavci Field’
Notwithstanding the fa>.t that tit-*
Each, of Fite Depaiments To
Place Models and Special
Devices in Display
Opening its labo: atones tot the in
spection ot the Penn State alumni the
Lngineenng units ha.e auanged ar
unusual and varied c-dubition foi to
uuy anu tontot tow Each of the tiv ’
departments picpaicd special devices
to gain the of the icturning
cngtnceis Student committees and
faculty mombeis hare'been voikmg to pel feet mechanical and
electrical models displrv
Tlu Mechanical Ergineeiing de
paitment nude a model of the an lift
well used it the Powct Home and
w.ll show othc* aimanlu* m opet i
tion. As an additional irrtuic the
mechanical engineets have maoe icp
licas of the cat bust o 'g’nal tuih.ncs
and the contiasting modem mteipie
tations of tl ent.
While most of the dep.u tnient', v ill
have students’ wo.k as fcatuies the
Aichitectuial engmceis have a mote
(Continued on last page)
Nail Notre Dame
Six-man Team To Be Selected
by Elimination—Triangular
Meet Listed Fiist
Meeting tegukulv fot the past ie' ,
v.eel «, the l’eii.t State dobelets, un- 1
dei the guidance ot D D lieny ’2i>,
have been v orking hind in piepara
t'oa fot the coming sotson On at-,
count ot the slant penod before the,
epenmg contest, the squad is now 1
piacticing thicc times wccklv
Although onh three mcmbeis ot
last vent's Vaisttv have tetuined,
thcie ate loitv men now out lot the
I tuun, mrtiv of whom dt&plav consul-'
I tiable übilitv Despite the lack ot
[ < \poi letice among the new matenai.
j haul wotk and keen inteiesl shown
;in the tints piomtsc a sutccssti.l
In the s c >bions (luting the next two
weeks, a team of six ntc.i will be
ihostii bv cliniination to tepiesei.t
the Blue and While in the lust de
bate, a tn.uigulni meet with Pitt
and Washington and .Jelleison < u
Fiulnv c* cning, Decembei tourtli
The pioposition loi mgumeit "Ke
• (lived, That the United States sliotil i
contiol and opeiate coal mines” is
one of timelv impoi lance The speik
cis on the negative side lot Penn
State will jouiiicv to Washington,
the W ami J. negative side v ill go
to Pittsbuigh and the Pitt ictutcis
will come lo State College
Because there is no iioshman de
bating team this season, v cat lings
.no eligible for the Vaisttv squad In
addition to this pnvilcgc, the (list
veni men who practice tluougliout
the season will have an oppoituiutv
to p.uticipatc in sevcial debates to
be scheduled Into.
Besides the Pitt-W. and .1 debate
In Decembei, the Vaisitv schedule
will include eight ot nine otlnu
meets D itca with Kansas, Alle
gheny, Wyoming, Bucknell, Uicku
son and tunnel on- otliei college i are
now pending j
Altmini Day-
Nol’cr Dame
on the Campus
“Fighting Irish" have been defeated,
Coach Hugo Cczdck fears the engigo
i.ient with Kocknc’b men 'J lie lads
iiom South Band line proved tiieni
selvcs baltleis manv times and the
fiacas tomonov/ should be a
test foi both elevens It was onlv
rrnn State’s great lighting sjnnt
winch kept it on an cvei level with
Tcte HevnoMs’ sttong Oistige aggie*
gallon last week and if the iccovei /
oi a fumble is tabulated „s n link.-,
the giound-gaimng capacities ot t.u
Lions late on a par with tho.e or
their opponents m Archbold Slndium
Changes in Bxcldukl
“The greatest icasoti loi a switJi
m the backheltl combination is the
picssing want foi speed,” ile/dek in
form* ns Gtetne, now at light liali
lutk, has an overflow ot action and
is one of the quickest men on t.w
«quad Helbig. who will run the
; lflue and Wnite and act as »afetv
| man, i« anolher fn‘t bacK nnd ha,
gieat abilitv'in loouing ovei in*' oo
- posing defense a~d calling the light
Mitlialske, lmc-tiackei,
i- about due foi In-, tuin to slim*
gainst a gieat tevn Ciedited with
being one ot the f.i*lcst-ch ugir;
tickles in the game when he was a
hncrian, Mika has been going “gicat
guns” „t the fullback post .ml r a
towel of stiength behind the k’i3
on defense.
Pntch.ird. left half, will be s t eu
u. act'oii as anothei fail-mov mg Ine
plungu The Buffalo lad ln„ lutel,
made known the fact that he the fight and v pn.t needed m
tlie Lion combmition
ead v,ithout do. Lt will raid up co i
udciublo yaidage duung the con-
Wilson .xt Loll Lad
With the injui v to Stamp conn 'g
m it did in a" impoitant genie, Wil
son snatched up his chince to c'nch
r wing position with a bang, and
s-’ice his vvoik in jiact.cj suimmig,»
duung the week has been of \aisitr
cxlibei, he v.ill stait agam.t tlu
Bockmcn at left end
On tlu otliei end We ton i-. a
aiel. Al'entovvn’s
(Co’ituu'ed on thud p. ge)
Nail Notre
Philadelphia Alumni VUiii Hold
Banquet for Well-Known
Fliers in December
Conluiung fitting honm < on H T
Cocklin ’ll, B J Connell ’l3 and
llanv Wet/cl ’ll. the th.ue Penn
State (liens vho have ucentlv Keen
in the limelight, tin* Penn Statu Club
of Philadelphia v ill ituge a banquet
on Decembei second in tubule to these
men Dean Sackctl will act as toust
Lieutenant Connell plnvcd a piom
nicnl puit in the lin'radmii. tup
acioin the Pacific When the tv* o
naval hex pieties left the Golden Gate
loi Hawaii on August tlmty-hrt-t h*
was m the same plane that contained
Conunandei Rogeis anti thice otlieis.
Lieutenant Connell was pilot for
.iioai lt IvrcntT-lwo horns bel.ue the
uaft was compelled to alight hoe.uuo
it had c liausted its gasoline snipplv.
II N. Cccklm xv iU be ie»ieml>eiuil
bv manv ol the lacultv having acted
in the cipacitv ot instmctoi hcie foi
bcveial vo/u- Mi Cocklin has been
with the Naval Auciult in
Phihulcdphix ns pioject cngmeei on
plane design and coitaliuction Mi.
Cocklin designed tho nuvx! plane
PN-D in winch Lieutenant Cocklin
flew nonilv to Hawaii.
Ilnny Wetzel, an imlu'-tn.d cn
gineei, is Mce-pitbuleiit and geneial
nuinagci of the Douglass Auplinc
company at ‘imnea, Califr.i
tnx ,