Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 03, 1925, Image 1

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    Etiquette Hinlb—
Don’t Fumble
With an Orange
VOL. XXI, No. 16
Nittany Gridders Fall
Before Syracuse, 7-0
Fumble Again Aids Orangemen in Scoring Decid
ing Touchdown —Foley Stars for Onondagan
Eleven—Gray Outpunts Carr
Battling the speedy and aggressive)
Syracuse eleven to a standstill
throughout the entile mst half of
Saturday’s struggle m Aichbold
Stadium, Penn State’s unshakable
jinx allowed itself at the stait of the
third quarter long enough to permit
the Orangemen to administer a 7-0
defeat to the Lions and thus keep the
Onondagan slate clean, Bai buti’s
touchdown and Carr’s successful tiy
for point following Fiicdman’s le
coveiy of a Nittany fumble on the
Blue and White’s twenty-yard line.
Twice during the first two periods
placement kicks were attempted by
the invaders, only to have one fail
slioit and the other blocked On the
latter play, Archosha, who recovered
the loose pigskin, dazzled the stands
with hts thrilling gallop to Penn
State’s tbiity-two y mis vvheie he was
brought to earth by the fast-stepping
Dangci field’s beautiful tackle o
Although clearly outplaved and
outsmmted in the thud and fourth
penods Bczdek’s pioteges on two
cccasions held the strong offensive
of Syiacusc for downs when the
lattei combination was within scor
ing distance Poor field generalship
or the part of the Nittany signal
cnllei in not making use of his
speodiei backs was an important lac
toi m the defeat, but the power and
punch of the Syracuse attack could
not be denied, Pete Reynolds’ gnd
nien noticeably outgaramg the visi
Fumble Permits Score
Bavlev kicked over Penn State’s
goal line s,t the beginning of the
final half, the lull being bioughl out
to the tuenly-yaid line On the fust
plav, Michulske hurdled the ball
clumsily and lost it, Friedman,
Orange pivot man, falling on the
evasive leather almost on the Blu"
and White’s twcutv-yard ’marker
Two plays failed to advance the* ova l
hut on n fake pass Fo’ev inn to the
Lion’s elev en y ards. In tw o tries,
Barbuti tallied a fir„t dov.n
Anothet oveihead, Can to 1-oloy,
can led the elongated pigskin to a
point about tv o yards from the goal
line Baibuti plugged thiough foi
a fust down on the one-lout mark
and on the ne\t pl**v, the buily full
back ciossed the whitest line oi them
all foi the deciding scoie Can
booted the ball between the u,nights
for the seventh point
Orange* Shows Strong Offensive
Already acknowledged as a potent
offensive machine, the Onotulagans
went into the game to prove that
then goal line was moie than a nicie
stupe at one end of the held To
the Oiangc-clad unuicis on the lull,
the paosing of that chalknuuk bv an
opposing eleven might spell uttei
ii,in; at all events, it will taka a
(Continued on last page)
Unusual Devices Perfected as
Five Departments Vie m
Annual Competition
Preparing for one thousand visit
ois, the vnnous depat tnients m the
School of Engineering will stage then
annual exhibition en Satmdnv morn
ing stinting at eight-tlin tv o’clock
Five depiutments imve been busv
planning exhibits and coniidentlv as
xitic those who cntei the Engineering
buildings on Ahimm Dav more than
a few suipuses and innovations
Theie is intense m.rliy among the
depni tments and m oidei to get ahead
oT one another Ihev have resorted to
a policy of deep seciecv Those pai
ticipatmg ate civil engineetmg, lre
thamril engmeoi ing, industrial en
gineering, electiical engineering and
aiclulcctutnl engineering
Last vear the C Hi constructed a
waterfall that was perfect to the The futuie mechan
ical engineers line puzzled m.itiv vis
itors in foimer vcais with hatlling
“pcipotual motion” devices and other
cimilai •‘tucks’’ of ilieu tuule Some
mvsLcitous lighting effects mav be ex
pected fiom tlie C. E s, while the \ E
squad is suie to spring something
unique in the way of designs, and
diavvings. The induotiiul enginccimg
depaitment will demonstrate v.uioiis
pioccsscs connected with its wotk
and will distnbutc npiiropimte sou
venns to the spectator*
The exhibition will get umlei way
ijjfcnn Sfarif A
Freshman class meeting will |
be held m the Bull Pen tonight j
at seven o’Jock for the purpose j
ot electing five tnal presidents I
Society Will Have Luncheon for
Old Grads—To Give Plays
at University Club
With the return of many ginduate
members the Penn State Plavcis wnll
have an active Alumni Day. A Play
ers luncheon at the Umveisitv Club
nt noon, the piesentation ot two one
act plays and the formal imti ition of
rew meinbcis in the Auditorium in
the evening make up the day’s pio
giam *
Continuing the custom winch was
st’iited Inst year, dnectoi and Mis ;
Cloctingh will be host and hostess to
active Plaveis, alumni members of
tire organization and pledges at the
Playeis’ luncheon Infoimal speeches
x.ill follow tne luncheon
Two one-act plavs, ‘The Man in the
Bowie: Hat,” by A A Milne, and
“The Noble Loid,” by Percival Wilde,
i will ho plavc’l by alumni to whom the
parts have been sent-out They will
lehenrse togelhei Satuidoy morning
and present the plavs pnvatelv foi
active and associate Plaveis and then
invited guests at eight-fifteen Satur
day evening
“The Noble Lord” picscntod heie
in ID2O-21 and one of the fust play:,
to be taken o*i the road by the Penn
State dramatists, will be revived un
der the direction of D. D Mason with
the ouginal cast, as follows
He R C Adams ’2l
She Miss S E Koc*iper’22
Peleis T C McCollom ’24
Thta coincslv deals with a gnl vv l *o
wishes to imuiy for title She jumps
m tl e lake so that the young loid may
icscue hei Jumping m aftoi her, the
loid finds th it the pond i& only thiee
feet deep, bift just foi spoil he ea»-
(Contmued on last page)
More Than Five Hundred Birds
Entered Fiom All Paris
of Pennsyh ania
Making final ai inngemonts for the
gioatest show ot its kind in the
United States, students in poultry
husbandly at Penn State* will open the
tli’id annual State Production Show*
Tlu.isduv I'lo.umg at eight o’clock in
the Stool Pavilion
Entnes foi the show, which are be
ing conducted undoi the direction of
R. 11. Stiait ’2G and B W Ilcywang
’2G, numbei more than live hundred
buds. The exhibitors aie not con
fined to Centie county but come fiom
even section of the State The show
is unique in th it it is the only one of
its Kind iluected bv students in poul
tiv* husbandiv and i.inks fust among
all poultiy shows of Pe.msvKama
Placing of Ribbons
Judging will begin Thursday morn
ing and the nhbons will be placed by
monibeis ot the dcpai tment and the
extension specialists. This system of
placing the wuincis will enable visit
oi i to see for themselves what points
constitute a high-producing chicken
In connection with the logulur ex
hibits the poultiv depaitment will
display pens*of the well-known
bleeds of bud*-
Winner. will be amply lewatded
foi then elToits Beside nine siKei
lining cups., theio will be many cash
pnrci and medals Tbc Poultiv Club,
the Poultiy depiutmcnt, the Quake:
Oats compam, Dean Watts and oth
ets on the “IIill” me the donois of
the loung cups
The exhibits will leimnn in place
. hum Thursday morning until ten
.h [ o’clock Satmday night The doors
The fieshman-sophomoie Sand Bag
scrap will be held cn the field back of
the Armor} Thuisdny night .it foui
tlnrty o’clock
All bags must be dragged behind
the goal before qoutnmg, but when
the> have been placed theie the big
is declared dead, counting one point
for the side. All gym classes foi the
Inst hour w ill be excused. The
penods for contest will be thico in
number and five minutes in length
The class of 1928 is the best oigan
i/cd of sophomore classes in a nunibei
of ycais and should have .1 stiong:
representation on the field, according
to D D lleni} ’2G, president of Stu
dent Council
Rooney Leads Team To Check
Fiist Lion Invasion of
New Pitt Stadium
A fighting squad of Panther cubs
checked the fiist invasion of the Nit-
Liny Lion into their new lair Satui
day aftcinoon, by defeating the fiesh
man eleven 20 to 0 in a inudd} grid
fiacas in Pitt Stadium In spite of
the fact that the field was coated
seveial inches deep with mud, fum
•f*3 and “bleaks” weie r,otnpaiativelv
few, but proved to be disastrous in
the first defeat the plebes have sui
fricd this season
Thiee times in three successive
qnaiters a Pitt ycatlmg forced his
way acioss the coveted line to bung
up the Panther score The Penn State
Jicshmcn weie almost hclnlcss on
account of the poweiful punting of
Koono}, quartei-back of the opposing
eleven, who kicked the oval consist
ently for fift} or si\tv-}ard inter
vals The first quarter of the fracas
v.ns niaml} a punting duel between
P.r.oney and Neil, captain of the Lion
Neal received the initial kick-off
ion the ftve-}ard line, but the play
was recalled. Neal again icceivel,
this time on the 25-}md maik, and
returned it seven vards befoie he
could be stopped Seveial line bucks
piovcd futile and the yearling pilot
punted the oval to Pitt’s 22-yaul line
Pitt Scores
The Panthci cubs failed to gam
fiist down and Rooney's punt of
fifl}-five yaids biought the bell
again mlo Penn State temtoiy. Neal
attempted a leturn punt after sev
eial pla}s netted only a small gain,
but Gctto, tackle, blocked the kick
and iccoveicd the ball on the Penn
(Continued on last page)
Denounces Hei editary Tcmcli
injjs Based on Iron-bound
Laws of Biological Origin
Gicat life n high puipose dedicated
to sacrificial service to humanitv, stud
the Rev Vincent Bums, pastoi of the
South Congiegationni Chuich of
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and a Penn
State alumnus, v/hen he spoke at the
chapel semcc Sunday morning.
The leason so many men and
women aie leaving college without
pledging then lives to a great pmpose
and without leccivmg a deep and
seaiilung vision of God is because of
the doctiinc of biological determinism
Icing spicad ovei the countiv by so
called scientists, said the speaker.
They tiy to show that heioditv deter
mines even thing and that the great
life is not open to eveiyone
No Limit to Growth
This not onlv violates Chustian
tiuth, deelaied the Rev Euins, but it
.Iso violates all that we know about
science and histoi} Jesus taught
that cvoiy man and woman his in
finite possibilities to glow moialiy,
intellectual!} anil spiutiiall} Men at
humble even of lo.v ihuentnge have
become universal!} famous Shake
spc.uc, Beethoven and Lincoln aie t\-
amplcs Ohvei Wendell Holmes
knew* this when he wiotc, 'Build thee
move state!} mansions, 0 inv soul, as
the swift seasons loll'” Anil Paul
was light when he said, “I can do all
things Uuough Chusl ”
; The reason so nuinv people in our
world aie missing the great life, con
tinued the Rev. Bums, is that folks
aie riding the meii}-go-iound of guv
plensuic, loose living, base thinking
and low desne. They suy„ “What’o
the use 7”
The ship of our dav is ne.uly sink
ing under its load of sin and hate, c.-
clnimcd the speaker in conclusion
Penn State Sends Delegation to
Harrisburg: Convention of
College Students
Member of Parliament Presents
European View—Time Given
To Discuss Question
In conjunction with the nation-wide
movement among colleges for pio
moling thought _ upon international
pioblcms, paiticul.ulv as applied t.
the World Court, the delegation
from Penn State and seveial othei
Central Pennsylvania colleges met m
Harrisburg Finhi}, Satuid.i} end
Lieutenant Alio}, membe: of t l 'o
r.on-partisan committee of the League
of Nations, presented the ke.note oi
the conference m a talk before the
representatives Fiida} evening lie
considciod the nations «„ a wcild
community and as such it should have.
an active and effective oigam/ation
Anv oigam/ntion have three!
governing parts, the legislatee, iu-i
dicnil and executive, of which the i
Woild CouiL constituted the judicial J
for the community of nations, he said I
Lieutenant Alley outlined the h’-toiv
of the mo.cment lor world co-opuui
tion, showing that it had fiist been
urged by the Uutcd State-’ tcpie ~t tbe meeting of the
Hague Tribunal in jB8 ( i
Machinery and the piopei spun
weie essential to the success of inv
movement, he continued The equiv
alents of these essentials are the
World Couit and Public Opinion, he
said ,n closing his talk Terminating
the evening session. Goiotnoi bwoct
ot Colorado pointed out Umt it vvu»
now time foi the College students to
get behind this international move
ment lie sa.d ,thnt the under grad
uates should shake off therr lethargy
and meet the demands ot the cla>
Moigan Jones member of Parlia
ment, outlined the attitude ot the
Europeans towaid the Woild Couit.
He evplaircd the diplomatic lclat’ons
and political mtngues in oHed n tl.c
woikings of this bodv.
(Continued on third page)
Dr. Pattee Talks to
Freshmen at “Y” Hut
Fo. tiio pmpose of having ilia
freshmen bcomc bettei acqu tinted
with each othei and to Irid pros
pective material foi this \cu’- fiosh
man "1 ” Cabinet, the V M C -\ eli
te! Inured the me i of IP2‘I it Lire* Hut
Weunesda} night Dr Ficd L Pat
tee, head of the Engh-h depat tment.
featured the meeting with hi- fatheih
talk and tinieh .invite to the student
cntenng upon their college caieer
W C Calhoun *2f), ncwlv appointed
Vtaihng sec.etaiv, lu*d charge of the
evening’s progi.m Aftei the va
hou- talks and umaiks b\ men coa
j.tcted with the “V,” roiie-hnieiits
veie -eived It is the* j lan of the
fiedunan leaden to continue the
meeting- on Wednesdav nights
throughout the }c n Another specirl
program has been ail ringed for to
morrow night and all In-t ver.i men
interested in the Young Men’s Chit—
turn ■A-sociation aie uiged to ittend
Alma Mater To Enl
at Gala Celebrai
With heart} handclasps an 1 gen
uine welcomes resounding from Co-op
to New Beaver Field, Penn State will
Hy aside all routine duties Situulav
to enlei tain those ot liet son- and
daughters who letuin on lint di> to
visit the campus
Without doubt,, the most atliactive
fcatuie of the week-end will be the between the touted Notre Dime
eleven and the Varsilv V. ith this
g„me as a di swing cm d it is pi edictcd
that n iccoid uovvd will make tl i
the gi cutest alumni cclebrat’on in the
hictorv of the College In viev, of the
fact that thousands will be seeling
rooms, it is requested that nil frater
nities and clubs keep open house over
the week-end.
Mass Meeting
Cmrc.dtnt with this "nokoi, tlu*
alumnae will hold i pailv in the
Women's Building, to be run on the plan as the men’s mnokei Cn«
teitainment will ho ofleied b\ tlie
Kills’ musical ormumutions and a
Kioup of junioi co-eds will staj;o a
|>la> It la planned to unite the men
to tlie Women's Building and the
women to the Aunoiy s 0 that each
pnitv mav dome the lull pleasiue of
both ontci Uinmenta
At noon Saturday a cafcteiia lunch
eon "ill he sei\ed in the Aimoiv \in
dci the auspices of the Puicnts and
Teacheis’ Association ot State Col
lege The morning: "ill be de\otod to
the fiebhninn football (fame wita
Budviicll and tin inspection torn ot tlie
campus In Me" of thn inspection,
The Varsity Quaitot will be picient tlie eiurinceunt: units have prepaied a
Fiulav night will be devoted to a
•football mass meeting m the \udi
tonum, which all alumni aie uiged to
attend On the toilovving evening tin*
tcal reunion in the form of n smoker
will Like place in the Armoiv In
addition to the usual cidei and
smokes, thin event will he tcntuiod bv
a quartet and several outstanding
Thespian stai i
j \t the invitation of the |
!* Alumni Association, nil scmois |
.110 requested to bo piesent at t
f the Alumni smoker in the Ar- ?
| mot> Saturday nil'll. I
Niltanj Soccer Team Conquers
Orange by 1-0 Score on
Mud-eovcrcti Field
j Plajing on a rouckh field with a
soggy ball that defied the efiorts ol
both teams to handle, the Nittany
«occcr team presen cd its remarkable
lecord by administering a 1 to 0 de
feat to the Syiacuse university
bootcis last Sntuiday
Eefoic the contest was well undei
way the Lion bootcis scored the lone
t,.!h that was responsible for the
victoiv After advancing the sphere
to v ithm scoring distance a vvell
placcd shot from GuJhn’s toe found
,i testing place m one coinei of the
i et
Passing Difficult
"With the field covered with sev
eial inches of mud aue to the thaw
passing and accurate Kicking wn*
difficult aftei the ball bad become
” atet-logged Several t'mes duimg
.ha fray Nittany outside forwaids
sent the ball hutting towards the
goal but the wet field handicapped
the othci foiwaids and prevented
them liom reaching the ball in time
to ‘•coie
Ei cubing thiough the Penn State
defense m the second quaiter, th°
Oiange linemen threatened to tie
the stole on several occasion l - Th"
aleitne-sj of Ilclmith, L’on goal
tender prevented tallie.s at this tuna
The Clue and White forwards were
I also .menacing the opponent gold
[ dui mg the period
i Orange Defense flood
Ii the thud period the work ot
Schligel, Svtacuse goal-tender was
i< sponsible for the failure of the
\ittinv hooters to add to their scoi
mg column The heavy ball alter
nated between Penn State and Sjra
ii'O temtoiy thioughout the period
bat the final punch seemed to be
kicking on both sides when opportu
nities were the best
Sevciu! tunes m the fnal period
Nittanv foivvards attempted to sco.e
but vere lepulsed bv the enemy
back-, Piobabh the high-water
mail; was reached when Lippmcott
directed a long ‘hot to the goal and
although the Orange gorl-tendci
(Continued on last page)
Thud in I Fouith De„»ocs will be
ionrenud at a icguhu meeting of the
Penn State (hinge this evening in
Room 300 lloit Building nt se.en
thutv o'clock
A- thcic will be nomination of adi
eus ini the coming veai, all incmbcis
aie uigcd to attend Tne speaker of
the evening v. ill be Pi of P G Biess
ler. ol the School ol Agiicufiu.e
Luncheon will be -oi.ed uttei the
:ertain Graduates
:ion of Homecoming
nedv ’2O will give one of Ins mimitabcl
clog dancer while d A Lev den ’ll,
compn >ei of “\ ictoiv” and ‘'The Nit
tany Lion," vvdl load the llumbone
Quintet Each alumnus will be dev
iated with u blue and v. lute lug tell
ing bis name md cl iss, while the
venims and faculty will wcai coloied
\lumnac I’arty
jDr. W. H. S. Demari
of New Brunsw:
“ Mould \ou c.tll a person who
is natuiallj and callously cruel to ani
malsis the question winch insti
tuted a state-wide campaign to find a
precise and desciiptnc* answer in one
word Lv the Ponr.sjhan.a Society fin
the Pievcntion of Crueltj to. Animals
this jej**
The organization olTeia a pu/e of
tun dollars for the best suggestion
sent to the S P C A Building, 021
Ninth Bioad rtieet, Philadelphia, be
foie Decembc-nfteenth The won!
must be manufactured, not too long,
be easih ptonounced and be pcifccth
desci iptive
That some Gieek in Latin loot ma\
furnish the bans fin such i word
though a combination of two English
wo.ds is j.oisiole, is the suggestion
offcied b. the soeictv
“Colter's Saturday Night” Will
Re Piesenlcd by Scots
on Thirteenth
Hcnilded as the finest musicale oi :
its tvpe e\et hc«ud “The Cotter's
Saturd ij, Night” will be pioscntcd to
ila fust IV*m St ite audienCL Fridav,
No- umbei (huteenlh. in the Aiali
tonum as the second numbei of the
“Y" ertu ti’inmt nt iouise Coached,
staged anil produced undei the pci
sonal dnection of John Daniels, the
well-Iviiown Scotch tenoi, the -ketch
bids well to equal nn\ such pteduction
olluied at tne College
Although Haiold Bauei, m iste’
pianist, plavcd to a full holise list
month the.e a.e still about two nun
died season tickets unsold and those
mi be p.ocuicd at the “Y" Hut
Because the fu -t numbei of the
couis las Ik. i pun tlioie is a
piopoilmnil 1 eduction ni juices.!
Pi\u dollai sea on seats m..v nov be!
puichased loi Slot), foui dollai j
chans s C .u for $» 10, and the thiee
dollai s L . lMin pa-«es go at 52 00 I
Taken ftom the famous poem b\ I
Robeil Bums, “The CnlteiV Satui
da\ Night” is i musical plav enacted l
b. si \ of the le uhiig blotch singois in I
the E ist Then have made it a mas-1
tcipiece of acting and a triumph of!
song The pi w is i poitiajal of an j
evening spent at .* peasant cot in the t
lowlands of Scotland llumoi, senti- j
ment, pathos and plulosopln that is i
refreshing to modem eve* abound j
(Continued on thid page) i
fcctics of Entertainments Will
be Produced During Year
Resinnin" Saturday
Undei the guidance ot Instiuctoi
Jose Galindo of the Spanish derail
ment, the executive committee ot the
Spanish Club met last \\ ednesdav
evening, elected olliceis, and made
plans fin a senes of ptogiams to be
given ilinmg the veai
The following tempo]a:\ olhceis
weie elected A C Nlrllct ’2O, presi
dent; L C Mullen *25, vice-picsident,
and Miss K. M Gi iHius '27, secietan
The inaftei ot drawing tip a consti
tution loi the club was discussed but
nothin" dehmte was done because of
the absence of Preuilcnt Millui
The club will piesent its lust pio
giam on Novcmbei seventh. A com
imltee composed ot Mis E Montague
-b, .1 E Dickson ’27, ,»nd Ralph
Ba.vlield '2B has charge of the detail.
The club plans to present m\ cntei
tanimenls during the college >eur, the
last of which will be the picscntution
of one of the host Spanish plavs that
cun be secured.
The executive hoaid of the Spanish
Club consists of tlie following* Miss
GirJhus, Miller, W R. Fever ’2G, Miss
E k. Hinges, Bavheld, C« R Clingcr
'2S, Dickson, Mis Montague, E C
Mathcnon ’2B. WiU.ud Pulnej '2B,
.Miss H \\ Biys„n ’27, Mullen', Miss
11 Will Woalhei
Many a Gale—
Tire Scholar Ship
■est, Now President
r ick Theological
is Speaker
I Everything is m leadings foi
Scholarship Day which will In ob
served Thutsdav morning will, peci il
exercise-, .n the Auditorium .a Un
thutv o’clock. In oidei tlmt .til stu
dents may .ittend the there will
be no classes during tl.o la,l tv u
houis of the morrrng
Besides the pnncipal u'die • of the
da\ by Di. II S. Denial Col, who w t.
succeeded to the ptcndenc*. of Rut
gers by Penn State’s foimci ‘Tie\.. ”
Di Thomas, and who is now pie-alcut
of the New- Biunswick Theologic tl
seminaiy of the Dutch Refunncd
church, then- will be musical
number -, b.* Bruce Butler '2d . nil Don
ald Bush ’2(3.
Dean Watt** to Preside
Because of the absence of a Co'lcge
president Dean R L Watts, of the
School of Agi.cultuie and senna dc m
of Penn State, will ofllc.ate JledaN,
cupi and pmes will l e awnded,
honor society election, w.U bj an
nounced, ami scho'arhip avv.nds to
individual studuits will be uadi
Abandoning the custom of puvioir
veai-,, there will be no scat-, <*i - „-
tioiu iLsct\ed foi special fiaiernlii
or other bodies
Follow ng the opening of the pio
guuv hv an oigan prelude lue inden
tion addiess will he given bv hi hied
L Pattee, head of the IZn*-l sii d*'p t'(.-
Imcnt Biuce Butlei, me noci ef lo-
Aarsitv Quaitca will fol'o.v with two
j vocal selections, “Bells of the Re..” b’
'Aidmont, and "Mighty Lak a Uo,t ’
,b\ Ncv m
Di Demaiest will then audio s t' -•
student bodv, Donald Bush, also i
raunber of the Varsity Quartet, mil
Cive two solos, “Mellisande" b" Gouts,
and “TalKho” by Leon l Ph '"ii-.-
tion of medals, caps and pri'cs, in
cluding the Piexy Spar's pipe foi
the student having the Vghe.t 'aim
of the four classes, is next m oide.
Along with this w.U be Iho
Inter-fiatcinit., Council cup, tile I i
tia-Muial Council clip, an 1 the Gills'
Canipu-, Club cup, foi the highest n *-
ticinil fiateimtv, the highest lot. tl
l.nteumtv ami the lushed gul,’ club,
Aftu th.s the Honoi Socct, Co in
jci! pursuits a numbci of medal-, Lo
: sophomoies -nd juno*-, m.nntainn*:
' an avciage of two and onc-hah hono.
paint.-, lo each unit of ciedit A». n
bei of cash pir-es dong with the mps
will be distributed to the students
moi iting the i
j As the final mimbei the annource
, mont of student scliolm sjup av.aid,,
I will follow The vvinne’s of the-*
award', will not be known until the
; morning of then presentation Chief
among the '■cholmship pn/us a o the
John V,' White and Louise Carnegie
aw aids to member, of -.oohomoie,
juniDi anil senior classes ~itn*g in the
upper qu.ii ter of then da>e, and
chosen bv vote of these boi'io- Theie
is aKo a John W. White pti/e for the
student excelling m Spanish \n o>-
gan pielude conclude-, tl c piogtam
Mote Than Fifty Couples Visit
Non-fraternUx Hop—Next
Social in December
Fullv lit tv couples tm.mgh
the entiancc of the \\ omen's Budding
to dunce at the Inst non-fiatc’ mtv
social function of the sea on 1 cl.l bv*
the Penn Staate chili on Fnda, ca
lling Olhceis of the club lepoitc 1
fair financial ietui n in view o! lh
tact that tickets vve*e onl, on- doll.u
At the* meeting of the o.guui/ation
Inst evening in Old Chapel the unit
maps weic distnbuted \nvom* do
sning copies of tln„ levised n* ip u n*.
quested to see lus unit leulei oi, be
ing unable* to locate him, niav not,on
the same fiom Pi undent Hill at IJJ
MeAlhstci sheet.
The Lhanman then outlined a plait
wherein the active niomhcis ot the
eluh, those who had paid the veail.*
dues ot llfty cents, couhl be distin
guished fiom the lnaclnc* gioup bv
giving iliem a punted caul ol act*vo
membership. 'Plus was agreed iijmir
and nirangements mule lor its exe
It is the intention ot tin* in gain'i-