? .*Sa Ttto Pertn-State (Collegian Published semi-7. ceUy during the College year by student*? oi the Pcnn rylvama State College, in the interest of Students, Faculty, Alumni and I'l lends of the College. EDITORIVL STAFF IT. W. Cohen ‘26 . . rditor-in-Chief It. T Kitebel ‘26 Assistant Editor A. K Smith *26 . Managing Editor W. J Durbm ’26 Associate Editor If. L Kellner '26 . . Associate Editor Jt. A Shnncr ‘2O .. . Assocato Editor JUNIOR NEWS EDITORS W. F. Adler ‘27 G. F. Fisher ‘27 W. P Reed *27 E. 11. Coleman ‘27 U W. Hov.nnl‘27 11. G Womsley‘27 JUNIOR WOMEN’S NEMS EDITORS Ellen A Bullock‘27 Trancis T. Forbes‘27 Mary E Shancr ‘27 BUSINESS STAFF T. Cam Jr ’2G Bii'-’ness Manager G. L Guy ‘26 Advertis ng Manager G II Brumfield ‘26 Cucidation Manager ASSISTANT BUSINESS M \NAGERS S Pv Robb‘27 F. N Weldner, Jr ‘27 13 C Whailon ‘27 REPORTERS K '1 Aik iron ’Js U 1' I lone ’2S tt Lord ’Js \. <’ Hi IN ‘27 II I Horn. Js II W Mrrdi ”s I I'lHinm II Kaplan M-t (. Nurid Js •I V < rn Kline J select those oppoilumties which bring the largest and the most direct letuins. It is true that the “Y” does offer laige and (iiroct icturns—the Andy Lytle cabin, the freshman handbook, tl.c comeniences of the Hut, fiee employment and lost-anri-found service, the freshman reception and so on Purely as a business 1 reposition “Y” subscriptions aic eroocl imestmeiits. It is not on the basis of material \alue loi money received, however, that the oigamzations make then stiongesl appeal to the student body. There is .mother aspect. Afte; 1 even a cursory survey, eveiy thinking student will be impiessed with*the fact that\ practically fall of the orgnizations and activities at Penn State arc concerned'with the practical, ma tenal side of campus life To the “Y” falls the entne burden of carrying on the othei, less material, moic spiwlual side This, for any one oi sanitation, would be a slaggeiing load. Handi capped by the lack of a suitable building, it is rcmaikable that the “Y” has accomplished as much as it actually has m bunging religious speakeis befoie the student body, in extension and mis sionary woik, m the conduct of Christian confcienccs and discus sions L°ss than two thousand dollar will be spent this veai for cm vying oil this woik For that sum, the “stockholcleis” will le ceive no direct, mateiial leturn. But there will be another return —the satisfaction of haurg done something, however slight, for the ad\ancement of the finer, if less obvious, side of college life Y M. C. A. and Y. W C A. shaies are good imestmcnls They pay double dividends. YEARLINGS PLEASE NOTE The fi eshman’s letter .appearing in the Letter Box of this issue doses with the following sentence* “I daio you to pi hit this.” The COLLEGIAN would fust call tlm attention of the freshman to the fact that his letter has been printed; second, wo wish lo clear up the misunderstanding e\idently existing in the mind of at least one man of ; ’29 and probably many moie In the masthead above the editorial column theic is a clear statement of the policy of this paper in rcgaul to the publishing of communications from readeis. The statement means v hat it savs—“The COLLEGIAN invites communications on any subject of col’egc inteicsl”—and there is no mention of anv class whose contributions we do not particulaily desire The Letter Eox is one place wheic class distinction is not in foice. THIS AND THAT At the football returns on Saturday theie was an exhibition that would have been tolerated only by the most piovmcial cow college in the woild—whistling at the enhance of a gioun of women students. The whistling of the five or six was effectively drowned by indignant “sh-h-h’s” fi om the rest of the Auditorium; it was not tolerated at Penn State. But the outrage ncveitheless cccun cd. The contemptible handful of nit-wits who are guilty should i ccognize, if possible, the just indignation of their classmates and decide cither to assume at least the outwaid bean.ig of gentle men or to return to the sties from which they came. Gentlemanly courtesy, on the part of every undergraduate and on everv occa sion, is v ital to the life and reputation of Penn State. AG SCHOOL GETS FARM MACHINERY AS REWARD FOR POWER RESEARCH Rewarding the School of Agucul tme foi its c.ticful icscnich on the subject of powci nml lnboi invoked in agncultuml pioduction, several of the InigeU mnmifactuung firms m i’”* tinted States have donated many nii.i h-nceded faim implements to the rlepmlmcnt of Fnim Machinery. '1 lie Intel national Haivcstcr com* pinv lias given the following to Penn Mato One general puiposc tinctor, the Mandolin Club on its tups to Bellefonte, Low istmvn, Huntingdon, and Roekview * HOME MADE Butterscotch O Of 6 LCMDftMD! The "Prof” may not admit it —but ids true HE probably will not tell you that clean, neat, typewritten work brings better marks—but it docs—and the reason is obvious It rehoves hint cf that tedious task cf dicip l * mi; longhand, and keeps him n poriect “reading 1 lhoi'' then too, you'll 'find tho New Remington Portable's great time ssvir in compiling notes and keeping up v ith yoar eo-rcspoinlei m. Students prefer tho New Rumingtcn Portable because it u the l.ghtcst, smallest, end most compact of all standard 1 ej board portables. It fits in a only four *rchcs 1 igli end can be tucked away in a desk drawer or bookcase w! tn not n use. You wit bo interested to seo the many advantages of lira Indispensable helper and hear about olt easy payment plan. THE ATHLETIC STORE, INC. , College Ave, State College, Ha, THE MUSIC ROOM, State College, Pa. HARRY K. METZGER 217 South Atherton St. State College, Pa. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO, 347 Pint.- St., Williamsport. Pa. v,ac, confide jgfeKSji cJVew Remington (Portable 8 ]f‘Always Reliable”\ STORE CLOSED THURSDAY FOR ; . INSTALLATION OF c 1 , GRAND RAPIDS FIXTURES Of The Clothes Thai FROMM’S •Tuesday, October I'l, 11)25 STfellifaijT&afreQo. "RictTLyS s^Owiy* Tuesday— betty compson, ricardo cor- TKZ, ERNEST TORRENCE and WALLACE BEERY In'“The Ponv E.press" News WeeKl) W ednesda> WILLIAM DE MILLE Production “New Brooms" Hal Roach Corned). “Smewhere in Somcw here” Thursday and Frida}— • All-Star Cast In Rex Beach's "Winds of Chance' Mack Scimett Cuniedj, “Butter . Fingers" Tuesday— Return Showing of ] MARIE PREVOST and MONTE | BLUE I In “Kiss Me Again" IOH6 ¥>, Cennts $4O to sg§ $45 to $5O s@o ; to $45 - - $lO s@.so to $9.00 Since