Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 02, 1925, Image 1

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    Lei Pinchot
The Way
VOL. XXI. No. 7
Saturday. October Seventeenth,
Is Date Selected —Invita-
tions Will Be Sent Out
Women Members of Committee
Begin Preparations for
Afternoon Tea
Notwithstanding the fact that this
•\ ear will mark the inauguration of
Mother’s Day at Penn State, indica
tions already point to a capacity
gathering when the mothers of the
sons and daughters of the Nittany
Valley institution arrive to be fit
tingly honored on Satuiday, October
seveteenth Arrangements aie rap
idly being completed in older that a
full program may occupy the entire
Working in conjunction with all
the student organizations, Ruth
Schaeffer ’2G and Mary Chambers ’2G
of the student committee are com
pleting plans for the tea scheduled
for Saturday afternoon of the sev
enteenth m the Women’s Building
Even* mothei is cordially invited to
attend this social gathcimg which
will last from three until five o’clock
Because of the coming of Harold
Bauer, who will appear in the first
number of the “Y” entertainent
course in the Auditorium, final ar
ragements have not yet been com
pleted for on official gathering of
mothei s on the night of the seven
teenth. H. D Fritchman ’2G, D F
Groff '2G and G E. Hill ’2G. are work
ing m co-opciotion with the Inter
fiatcrmty council, the Intra-mural
council and the Penn State Club in
order to work up a suitable program
for that evening
Invitations To Be Sent
H W. Cohen ’26, publicity chair
man, and Pior. A. H Espenshade,
i eprcsenting the parents association,
are sending letters in the foini of
invitations' to -the mother of-each
student now enrolled in college
In an attempt to work up under
graduate interest for the affair D. D
Hcnrv ’2G, chairman of the student
committee, will bring the matter of
Mother’s Dav bcfoie the student
council when that body con\encs
next Tuesday night
While nothing definite has been
decided upon ns vet, it is planned to
have each student wear an emblem
in honor of the mothers who are here
that dnv The exnct nature of the
decoiation lias not been revealed but
will be announced by the undergrad
uate committee at a later date
Chapel Service
A unusual Chupel service in which
Rabbi Moms S. La/aion, of Balti
more, is expected to deliver an ad
(Contniucd on last page)
Three Under/jruduaJc Stickmen
Drill Squad of Fifty Men
in Daily Practice
With the loss of but two men fiom
last year’s combination and aug- |
mented by the expencnce gamed m
the autumn practices, prospects for a
winning laciosse team next spring
loom blight.
Coached bv Captain UackclL with
Shanks and Edmunds, both vetcians,
as assistants, fifty men ha\c been
drilling daily m an efToit to attain
peifection in stickwoik No senm
mnge will be staged for some weeks
as it is the chief ami of the coaches
to give a thoiough mstiuction in the
fundamentals of this ancient Indian
An excellent chance is afforded
fieshmen to cam their numerals, m
addition to learning impoitant phases
of the sport in piepaiation for the
annual sophomoi e-y earling sci np
which will be held late in November.
Plans ha\e piactically been completed
for the foimation of a icgulni plebe
combination. Negoti itions for a pos
sible game with the S\incuse fiesh
mcn ut Syiacuse this fall aie pending
Although Coach Ralph Leonaul at
piescnt is busily engaged as tutor of
the Nittany soccer squad, it is lus
desne to continue lacrosse piactice
throughout the winter. In Uns way
it is hoped that a bettei laciosse
spmt can be eieatcd among the fol
loweis of the spoit at tins institution.
In the eight years that laciosse has
been fosteicd at Fenn State a win
ning team has never existed, chiefly
because the play on never had the
game at heait Fiom the tlioiough
ncs3 of Coach Leonard’s plans ns evi
denced in the fall practice innovation
it uppcius that a leal move is under
Molasses and Sawdi
As Freshmen Repi
The whistle didn't blow, but the
Old Mam bell rang and Stunt Night
came off just the same and as smooth
ly ns ever. Suddenly, as soon as
the tolling of the bell was heuid, ovei
nine bundled freshmen poured forth
from then lespective lodgings to get
their shaie of Stunt Night
If Penn State should ever decide
to have a crew, there is no doubt (in
the minds of the sophs) that eveiy
member of the class of 1921) would
at least qualify Those who did not
wish to row and who failed to keep
in time weie greatly encouiaged to
do so by then guardians—the soph
Swimming was one of the major
spoils of the evening and all partici
pated Any who sunk were bi ought
back to life by the use of paddles
After such intensive exercise, the,
first year men were allowed to rest
their weary bones for a few seconds,
The freshmen were kept in high
spirits as was shown by the way m
which they sang then class song, “We
ain’t gonna work no more,” which the
sophs agioe is all bunk. Soon Holmes
Field came into view and the plebes
began singing “There goes our wood."
Brand and Gauntlet
“Slow down fiosh,” yelled the
sophs in order that each freshman
might be branded. This was done so
that he may be distinguished from
Society Elects J. K. Thornton
Secretary—Arrange for
Social Affairs
For the puipose of leoigamzing
and foimulating a progiam of activ
ity for the coming season the Clover
Club convened for the first time this
year in the Ag Building on Tuesday
night. Committees weie appointed to
look aftei the vaiious phases of the
j>duqationa,l. - and _ entertainment 'pro-,
giams and "definite announcement of
the arrangements will be published
after the club’s next meeting
Because of the vacancy in the office
of societ.uv, J K. Thornton ’2G was
elected to fill that role and he will
assist in admimstcimg the affairs of
the society along with F. II Calkins,
’26. piesident, II P. Ulrich ’26, vicc
picsidcnt, and C D. Uibel ’27, trens
urci These men with the co-opeia
tion of the faculty aie endeavoring to
make this tcim a bannei period for
the c’ub
Besides the regular smokeis and
socials planned to be held at the dif
ferent ‘fraternities, there will be a
special cffoit made to hold a state
wide giain show heie This will be
staged shortly after the Christmas
vacation Students, farmers, and
otlicis inteiested will be in.’iled to at
tend the show and if possible enter
exhibits of their own
When the next meeting will be
held, has not been announced, but it
is expected Piesident Calkins will
call it within the next two weeks
The Clover Club is an organization
of students to promote Agionomv,
and all freshmen and older men intei
ested aie urged to attend the next
Governor Pinchot
To Speak Monday
The Ilonoiable Giffoid Pinchot,
Governor of Pennsylvania, will be the
guest of the College Monday after
noon, when he will address the stu
dents and faculty in the Auditonum
at onc-forty-fivc o'clock at a special
mass meeting.
Immediately preceding the mass
meeting, he will tout the College ns
pait of Ins inspection tup through
State institutions. Fiom noon till one
o’clock, he w ill be the guest of the
Kiwnnis and Rotaiy clubs at a lunch
The Govoinor, m a letter to the
College, icquestcd the oppoitunity
to addicss the students ami faculty,
and fui this icnson, all classes for the
fust horn Hint afternoon will be dis
missed in oidci that a huge attend
ance may he had ut the* mass meeting.
The Blue Key society will take charge
of the seating airnngements in the
Following lus short visit at Penn
State, the Governor will leave to in
spect the State Fish Hatcheries,
Rockwcvv Penitentiary and the Belle
fonlc Hospital.
H. W. Cohen ’2O
D. M Cook '2G
D. D Henry ’2O
lg | \V. B. Houhe ’2G
<ist Supply Climax
lace Gloom With Joy
those of his comrades who failed to
heed the ciy, “All fiosh out.” A lun
through the gauntlet kept the year
lings from catching cold and after
that came the longest wait of the en
tile evening except for those who
were amusing the audience by fairy
and esthetic dancing, climbing a
gieased pole, 01 participating in a
flour fight
As the climax of the evening, the
fust }ear men weie given the usual
feed of molasses, sawdust and ice
water from a fne hose Eveiy frosh
was warned to go home immediately
after he got his sliaic.
“The flying squadron,” a select
body of huskies, was not pressed into
seivice during the evening because
the uppei classmen did not attempt to
interfere with the actions of Stunt
Carlmell Will Hold Yearling
Tryouts on New Course—
-1929 Meet Soon
With a view to obtaining a definite
line on the material for a freshman
cross-countiy team, Coach Natq Cart
mell will hold tiials for the yeailmg
liarrieis over the new four mile
course today at one o’clock on New
Beaver Field
Not many >earling hill-and-dalers
have reported so fai, and Cartmoll
urges all new men who did any dis
tance lunning in preparatory schools
to be present at the fall term of con
ditioning Cox, of Mcrcersburg and
Rochester Tech, and winner of the
distance events in the Scholastic meet
here last spung, seems the outstand
ing contender among the freshmen
Convcr, 0 Helfltrich, Bass and OfTcn
liauscr, the last-named a product of
West Philadelphia -high school, make
up the remainder of the known quan
tities of the yearling squad
Meet October Tenth
A legulaily contested fieshniun
trial meet will be held on New Beaver
Field October tenth, all fifteen inter
collegiate events being scheduled
In the dashes, Bowie, formerly ot
Totomac State, seems to be about the
only contender for first honors Hash
men are very few and Bowie is out
standing among them.
Matlueu, of Springfield, Massa
chusetts, seems to be the only promi
nent weight man of the 11)29 outfit
He is a discus-thrower and shot
putter of ability and should be able
(Continued on second page)
On the Gridiron
Saturda), October 3, 1923
Penn State vs Fianklin and Mar-
Pennsylvania vs Swarthmore.
Princeton vs Amheist
Yale vs Middlcbury.
Harvaid vs Rensselaer.
Cornell vs. Niagara.
Lafayette vs. Pittsbuigh.
Columbia vs Johns Hopkins
Aimy vs Detroit.
Navy vs William and Mai}.
F. B.
Substitutes: Penn State—Munz (6), Rosebcrry (7), Lungicn (8), Rcrgman (11), W«it
son (16), Light (17), Krall (18). Fclloucs )19), Hnyes (22), Greene (27), Mcl’hio (JO).
Substitutes: Franklin and Marshall—Boyd (79), Danker (36), Evans (J 3), Huphcs (oJ),
Hanson (46), Johnson (63), Vollmer (55), Chapel (37), Marsolli (48), Mellott (57), bchu
macker (43), Barr (74).
Guests, Unattended by Ladies,
Will Now ‘,‘Cul In” With
Consent of Couple
Fraternities Asked To Provide
Stag Entertainment for
Alumpi Homecoming
Attempting to''discourage promis
cuous visiting, -.the Interfraternity
Council adopted .a new s} stem of
“cutting in” withi permission of danc
ing patties, which will replace the
custom of givmg*dances to visitors
that has grown up in the last few
years Blue Kcj members
who are entertaining guests of the
College should receive every couitesy
according to the Council In order to
distinguish those of the societv, the
organization wuß'Sc asked to provide
some form of rnsignn
Another measure passed bv the
Council at the meeting Tuesday night
asks all houses desiring closed dunces
to announce them as formal. Conse
quently all students attending must
be dressed accordingly. Within the
past tlnee or four-oars, the habit of
stirgging bos become an incioasing
burden ’to the host, besides causing
considerable emban assment to out-of
town girls, as developed duiing the
discussion of the question
Action precipitated in following
the policj, of the organization to im
prove relations between fiateimties
and fraternity men Although visit
ing among the Greek-lettei societies
is forbidden at many colleges and uni
versities, the Interfrnternity Council
docs not want tO'discouiage the cus
(Contmued on third page)
_ ----MK
Professor Keller Asks Men To
Receive Visitors in True
Penn Stale Style
Members of the Blue Key souet:
decided to lav aside the matter of so
cietv hats until a lata* date at a
meeting at the Beta Theta Pi house
on Tuesday evening. The advisi
bility of piocuung a hut which
would be allowed to be wmn onh at
authorized functions was voted
against, the reason advanced being
that Blae Key is primarily an organ
ization foi the entertainment of vis
ltois and that a hat convevs the idea
of an lionoiaiv campus organization.
President Canon *26 appointed a
committee of five mbn as the activ
ities committee foi the week-end, anti
rncmbcis of the society v.eic urged to
secure co-opeiation fiom the various
fraternities in securing enteitain
mont foi the visiting Fianklin and
Marshall football team Canon stated
further that all fiateimties would ic
ceive a form letter requesting such
help as neccssai}.
A nomination committee consisting
of tlnee men was appointed and asked
to piescnt names to be voted upon at
the next meeting Pi of. J. 0 Keller,
of the School of Engineenng, and an
honoiury mcmbei of Blue Key, ex
plained the meaning of Uue Penn
(State spmt to the men and asked
thou assistance in making all visitors
at home while at the College
R. E.
R. T.
R. G.
L. G.
L. T.
Kunkle (C.)
(J 8)
L. E.
Do Haven
L. E.
L. T.
L. G.
R. G.
R. T.
(A. C ) (12)
R. E.
•‘Daddy” Groff To Be
Next Chapel Speaker
Taking for Ins subject the work
that he has been doing in China as
head of the Agricultural School of
Canton Christian college, C W. Groff
*O7 will speak at the Penn State
Chapel service Sunday morning, Oc
tohci fouith.
As “Daddy” Groff pointed out be
fol e, Canton is Penn State’s “child
in China ” Last}oar n large numbei
of students pledged money in vnrving
amounts to be used in aiding tins
work which began fourteen years ago
when Mr Groff tool: charge of the
agricultural department’ of that insti
tution. Since that time his work lias
gained lecognilion from both the Chi
nese and American governments.
This opportunity to hear “Daddy”
Groff tell of his experiences in China
and of the conditions existing theie is
likely to be the onlv one that will offer
itself to many of the Penn State stu
Plebe Backfield Gains Ground
Consistently Against Rival
Team in Scrimmage
Matching their speed and strength
daily against the Varsity eleven the
freshman guddeis are making thor
ough picparat'ons for the stiff sched
ule that will open for them with the
Wjommg seminary clash.
While changes among the linemen
m a common occurrence, the person
nel of the backfield remains intact
The ground-gaining abilities of the
piescnt quaitct has been demon
strated lepoatcdly against both the
Varsity and yearling scrub teams,
and the secondary defensive work of
tbe backs is promising
Ends Improve
Stemming the fiequent eml-iuns of
the Varsity backs, Delp and Muicus,
the yearling wings, dcmonstiated a
marked ability as defensive plajers
Both men are comparatively light
but arc fast and are clean tacklcrs
Deckel was substituted for Marcus
several times in the scrimmage and
occupied the tcimmal beitlr in good
The tackle ami guard positions
seem to give Dutch the most trouble
at present and it is there That the
changes are most common, feonder
hurg and McAndrews are doing sat
isfactory work at the tackle positions
hut their work lacks the polish of
finished plajers Moore, another
candidate for the inside position,
should give both pla}crs a hard light
Mathieu, Hillen, Willy and Freney
are the outstanding aspirants for the
gua*d berths with the fust two men
tioned having a slight edge in the
scrinniges thus far At center the
(Continued on third page)
I All fieshman and sophomore
| cadets who have been enrolled
I in the College Band are re
i quested to repoit with instiu
| ments and m uniform to the
] band room Mondav evening at
| four-thirty o’clock
F. and M.
L. H. B.
Lancaster College
by Strong Coml
Changes Nit
The t.cket wile for the
Georgia Tech football game at
New York will be held at the
Athlet’e Association office on
Mondav and Tuesdnv, Octobci
fifth and sixth, dm mg logular
office hours The puces of ad
mission are grand stand re
served teats, 82 50, box seats
Long Scrimmage Sessions Be
gun by Niltany Coach as
First Game Approaches
Preliminary dull followed by a
gi tiding sci mintage lasting until
after dark will be the prescribed rou
tine foi the Nittany booting in an
effort to bring the team to the best of
cor.d'tion for the Lelngli clash on
September tenth
Although the hooters handle the
ball well m midfield and advance the
ball repeatedly to witlun scoring dis
tance the final punch seems to be
lacking m the daily games. Coach
Ralph Leonard hopes to overcome
this handicap"m the week of practice
remaining before the opening game
and is dulling the line in goal shoot
ing for this purpose.
Defensive Work Lacking
One other outstanding defect is ap
parent in the vvoik of the Lion eleven
thus far, that is the weakness of the
backs in defending the goal against
onslaughts from the opposing for
wards Several changes have been
made in the halfback and fullback
positions to rented v this condition by
the Nittanv mentor
On the temporary first learn the
center forward berth rs occupied at
present b} Bcnry Schwartz, a vet
eran of two seasons, and a strudj
kicker Erscnhuth, another letter
man, and Miguel Gil are covering
the adjoining positions. Brier ly and
Musscr me two of the second-string
men whose plaung is of promise.
Coach Leonard's choice for the
outside line berths are Pccon, a mem
ber of last }ear’s aggregation, and
Keen, a senior. Both men are fast
ami have direction to their punts.
One h tndicap tnat the outside men
have m common with the other for
wards is the inability to score a good
percentage of their possible shots
With Captain Raymond Oil hold
ing down the center halfback, Bell
(Continued on last page)
Issuing a second call fot candi
dates, the Mandolin Club will bold its
second tivouts m the new bunihoom
on the fouith floor of Old Main at
seven o’clock Mondav night. All
freshman and uppcuclass prospects
aic uigenii} loouestcd to turn out at
this time.
A meic handful turned out for the
fust trials last week and this necessi
tated i second call Freshmen aie
especially uiged to show up Mondav
night. If unv man is taken on bv the
club and stavs with the organization
for at least three }eais, he is given
an attiactive gold churm as a reward
fot lu> vvoik Besides this charm, he
is assured of at least fne tups to
ncarb} towns where conceits will be
According to Picsulent S II Tor
clna ’27 thoie is a need foi nil
stringed instrument phi}ors, tin
most piominent of which ate thr
hanjo, ’cello, mandolin, guitar anc
violin. Mi W O. Thompson is ad
visor of the organization and Toichu
ib the active director.
PAKMI JvOUS elections
II R. Gilbeit '2(3
Hugh Jones '2(5
B. V Roberts ’2G
P M bchiefei ’JG
J F ’27
M’s an Old
To Be Represem
;any Line-up
3 Following its victory ovet Lclr
Valley last Satin day, the Penn t
gi idiion machine will enter the cl
lined arena tomorrow to cncount
stiong aggregation fiom Franklin
Marshall m a contest which pror
thrills and surpnses loi the sp'
The lineup which gees against
Lancaster combination tomorrow
einoon on New Bcavci Field vvi.
changed in seveial reipecL fiom
winch stnited against the* Ann
Collegians a week ago New men
be seen m the line and injuries
made necessaiy switches in the I.
Although Bez is undecided as L
complete eleven winch will answei
initial whistle and although he is
satisfied with the showing ol
Varsitv against the freshman
second teams for tire, part week,
sme that the men who stack
aguinst the main-hncis v.ill iq
tbe reputation of the Nittan} Liu
the gridiron
Franklin and Marshall Stror
Coach Chailie Maysei’s F. an
team journo}s to State College w
win fiom Albught undei its
Against Albught, the Blue and V
of the Lancaster institution L
fifteen points—two touchdowns,
ti}-for-point ann a safelv Tc
row’s opponents tallied all then <
teis in the first half, and, aTth
unable to tin eaten the Mevcis
team's goal line in the third
fourth quaitcrs, the} have dove
an offense which will beni
watching m tomorrow’s affra}
Maiselh and Stchman, F ami
full back and left halfback, sco'c
touchdowns against Albright
Malcolm, left end, nailed Wiss’o
] Mc}crstovvn fullback, behind tin
’> foi a two-pointer. At the pi
time, Coach Mn>sc*r n not altoy
sure as to the men who will be c
field at the opening kick-off, sin
Ins stiong tracks in Zcvaeck, 1
Evans, Lehman and Child*', a
vhoni saw seivice m the 1
against Albught
Wednesday's scrimmage again;
1929 team saw Mahonej, under
to Captain Grnv at center, take:
of the game after the } callings
scored a srx-pointei against
Varsitv The substitute center
fered an injur} which will
some time in healing, and 1
also gives On}' his opportum
make a first-team berth.
House has been returned to lr*
love” at guntd with Hasting-, o
other side of the pivot post Mid
and McCann have clinched Lire 1
positions on the ollcnsc, II:i;
changing places with Michalsl
the defense. Clark AVihon, vc
end of the 1921 campaign, is
at the light vmg, while \\ esloi
(Continued on last page)
First Section of La Vie
Photo Appointments
Gioup picluies foi the first
of the fraternities will be ti
fumt of the steps of the Ci
Libiaiv Sutuh} afternoon 1
itinl photogiaph will be snap
one-fifteen o’clock.
It is impetalive that cadi
mt.v be on band at the time al!
it tu all the pictures must be
on two afternoons Thciemni
the fraternities will be photon
two weeks later, Sunduv, <
Tins novel idea of taking the
pictures out of doors has been
ns it will give dearer and bettt
on account of the natural light
feet The time appointments
fist gtoup of fraternities aic
Sigma Phi Sigma, 1.00.
Theta Pi, 1 15; Phi Kappa
1.25; Sigma Chi, 1 33, Kappa
1*15; Kappa Delta Rho, 2.C
Sigma Kappa, 2 13;.Phi Dclt.i
2 23, Theta \i, 2.d0, Sign
2-15, Acaci l, 3 00, Delta big
d 15, Phi Kappa Psi, 3 25,
Chi Alpha, 3 d 5. Delta Tac
3 13, S.gma Pi, 1 00; Pi Kir
pin, \ 10; Sigma Phi Epsiloi
Alpha Tail Onrcgu, 1 23; Phi
Pi, I .15; Beta Sigma Rho, 1
Kappa, 5.00, Alpha Chi Kin
Alpha Sigma Pin, 5.20, The