Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, September 25, 1925, Image 2

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    Pn£,e T\~o
Penn State (Eollegian
Published scnn-'.vceUy dming the College yeat by students of the Penn
sylvania State College, in the interest of Students - , Faculty, Alftr.uu anil
Friends of the College.
11. W. Cohen ‘2(l
11. T. Knebel ‘2G
A. K. Smith ‘2G
W. J. Dmbin ’2G
II L. Kellner ’2O
It. A. Shaner *2G
CJ. F. JVbcr ‘27
U W llo\.nni ‘27
W. F. Adler ‘27
E. 11. Coleman ‘27
Franc** L Forbe* ‘27
Ellen A. Bullock ‘27
T Cain Jr ’26
G. L Guy ‘2G
G. E. Brumfield ‘2G
Athcitf'inp Mainpoi
Cuculation Manager
S R. Robb *27 F. N Weidncr, Jr ‘27 B C. Wliai ton ‘27
The Penn State COLLECT VN invites comnninications on an\ subject of
college intercut Letters must bear the signatuies of the writer* Names of
communicants will be published unless requested to be Kept confidential It
assumes no responsibility, howc\er, foi sentiments e\]»ersod m the Lettei
Bo\ and resenes the light to exclude an} whose publication would be
palpablj inappropnate. All copy for Tuesdays issue must be in the office
by ten n m on Monday, and for Fnda}’s issue, bv ten a m onTliuisday
Subscription puce $2 50 if paid before December 1, 1020
Entered at the Postoffice, State College, P.i, as second-class matter
Office Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Budding, State College, Pa
Telephone • 292-IV, Bell.
Member of Eastern Intercollegiate Newspaper Association
News Editor this issue ..
“East is East and West is West and ne\ci the twain shall
meet.” Pei haps no othei single e\ent has cau c ed more doubt in
the truth of Kipling's classic aphorism among Penn State men
than the visit of “Daddy” Groff and the message which he car
ries to the Nittany Valley fiom the Orient.
Ever since Sir. Groff has earned on the woik of the College
in China, Penn State students have been pioud both of their man
and their outpost of Amcncan thought across the Pacific The
enterprise was woithy in every sense of the word and the tact
that the original spnit which sponsored it has not fallen off din
ing the years was comincingly shown last spung by the agitation
•for an increase in financial aid for. the Canton Christian College
duiing the planning of the Spaiks Memonal. The use of the
funds foi another purpose, also of impeccable worth, was agteed
upon only after the student committee came to an undei standing
that a very substantial increase m Support should be piovidcd
for the Ling Nam institution this year.
The visit of “Daddy” Groff has been paiticulaily oppcilune,
for an active student committee can now decide upon the definite
puipose to which this support will be put All of the pioposcd
plans are far-reaching. It is well, foi whatever the final decision,
there can be no possible doubt that it will meet the uri\ci\«il and
spontaneous lesponse of the student body.
The woik of the Canton Christian College is much moie than
a sign of Penn State’s good will toward China, much moie than
an offering of progressive methods m agriculture and industry,
it is a real bond between two continents, a bond that is proung
mutually valuable both m practical affans and m the mtei change
of the finest developments of two eiviii7atious
There are few members ot the student bodv who will deny
the tact that the ireshmen arc “getting away with it” It has
been many years since fust-year customs were held m such low
icgiu cl, many jears since the yearlings have pioudly exhibited
gross misconduct and disrespect of upperclassmen The sopho
moies aic lax, the juniors seem mdiffeient, the seniors have
washed their hands of the matter, and the freshmen —the fresh
men arc gloiymg in a new-found fieedom.
The class of 1928 has been responsible for this conduct on the
part of the first-ycai men, for its membeis have failed m the art
of pnmaiy discipline. On Wednesday night, the sophomores dis
played their fust signs of life, and then it was the amlicial icac
tion of a class meeting, not nccessai lly an innate desire to uphold
their tiaditional honor, that urgec] them on. 1
Within the next few days,*l929 will be initiated into the trials
and tabulations ot Stunt Night. When Poster Night was abol
ished four yeais ago, Stunt Night pioved a suitable substitute,
for it iurmshed the sophomores with a means wheieby the first
year men could be taught then place without the u*c of “iough
house” tactics. Many innovations each year ha\c added to the
success of Stunt Night and this year, moie than c\ei before, it
is necessary for the class of 1928 to mtioducc new ideas which
will cairy the fieshmen thiough a safe and sifne, \cl highly m
structne, initiation.
Penn State looks to the sophomoies foi the enfoi cement of
freshmen customs Thus far, they have failed. Stunt Night will
furnish an excellent opportunity for the second-yeai men to
“wash away their sms.”
Although the puty of twelve that
niotoicd to Tioul Run last SntuuUiy
was primuilv a botanical expedition,
Piof L 0 Oveibolts who had ciuuge
of the part}, made it a pioneering
expedition .is well.
Piofessoi Oveibolts very efficiently
plated the pail of Daniel Boone, and
while the scouts, Profchsois llill and
Kelly, sttpei intended the collection of
many unusual plant specimens, ho
selected a camping site. To lend at
mosphere to the .situation, the students
and piofesaois decided to tent on the
camp giound.
Duiing the night it rained unmer
ciful!}, but the splendid exhibition
of tent pitching, fortunately dn»-
pln}cd by the staff, averted a (bench
ing. The twchc leturncd to State
College Sunday afternoon, happy, and
tuumphnntly loaded down with speci
mens which will be added to the col
lection in the Botany building
AecouhnK to 11, C Knumlol, liciul
of the poultiy depaUment and piesi
dent or this association two years
apo, a definite pi outrun will be
mapped out by seveinl of our leading
faculty members Meetings, cntei
iturc are I tnimnents, automobile trips, election
Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editoi
W. r Reed ‘27
II G Wosndcy ‘27
Mary E Slianei ‘27
H. G. WomMey
National Organization
To Hold Meeting Here
Foi the fit hi time m the history of
Penn Stale a national organization
will convene m State College when
the Ainciican Association of Poultiy
Husbandly Instructors and Invostiga
tois will hold then annual meeting
the thud week in August ot nc\t
yem This organization i.> composed
of all the foiemost scientists and in
vestigators of the country and will
.«ld much to the prestige of Penn
State by its assemblage hole.
Representatives fiom every state
in the union and the provinces of
Canada will attend tins cet-togethci
of learned instructors It is expected
that between one bundled and fifty
and two bundled mcmbeis will be
| Grid Gossip
JSez e x poets c\ cry’ man to do his
be-t—and Ins opponent
Lebanon Valiev is making the trip
in automobiles They didn’t sn\ what
kind, but wo soita think they’ll be the
land hoi ns and with gongs
There is an epidemic of injuied
ankles making itself known—and felt
—among the Varsity grid candid ites
Someone must be conducting a
Chat lesion class at the Hall
If there nfe tnanv off-side pemltic"
chalked up against the Lion forwards
tomoriow, it'll be because the linemen
me anxious to catch up with the
baekfield man earning the ball.
In piactice Wednesday afternoon,
Eezdek. seeing a linemnn fail to take
out his man, shouted, “Hey, you*
Dubs miss ’em; champions don’t'”
Which piovos that with Bcz the cle
ment of hope is always piesent.
Riegle, the Lebanon Valley qunrter
bnck who diopkicked the Annville
college’s throe pointer last veni, will
be seen in action again Dollnis to
doughnuts he kept the same pair of
shoes for use m tomoirow’s game
That’s not supcistititon—it’s foolisli
In the rush for the water-bucket
last Saluiday aftemoon, Kilak was
ciuglit in a jam and had two bones
bioken is his light hand. Killy says
after this the team will line up and
each man will hn\e a chance to wiap
his mouth around the nozde of a hose
Then they can’t be hurt
One of the backs made a biokcn
field run of about sixtv yards on
Wednesday aftemoon. lie ie\ei«ed
his field and kept on going until fi\e
sciubs hauled him to eaith The len
son was that Killmger was light be
hind him all the time and the back
was nfinid of having Killy cilch up
This guv Red Grange has t\u
marks at which to shoot and he can’t
hit cither Truxton Hme, of Penn,
made Camp’s ail-Amcnctm team foui
year-. m succession. That’s one The
other is that Charlie Rernhait, of
L.if.ncttc, beat the Illinois captain to
the “icc-v.agon” by twenty-seven
Some people think the football men
have it easy In oidci to collect that
omnion, listen closely to Bez’s bellow
at the close of practice at seven-fif
teen each evening, lie cues, “You
fellows that don’t scrimmage can jog
around the track about twelve times
before you go in. The boys who
plavcd only have about four laps to
do.” Easy!
Surprise the fojOks/
Phi Beta
maybe you think the profs
don’t give an exra io
for neatness. They don’t -write it
out, but it’s in their dispc sition
just the same. So for recuired
readings, lecture notes and 1 heses,
let us suggest the neat, clear work
of the good Wahl Pen. I s big
ink capacity won’t fail yen; its
fluent easiness will improve
your hand and boost your marks;
its slim, trim shapeliness will
match that golden key.
Si to Si in silver
S 7 and then some in gold
\ _
Several Freshmen Latc-comers
Itemain for Dr. llilenour
and His Assistants
With a corps of throe town ph\si
ciirns and several other assistants
aiding him. Di .1 P. Ritrnoui, head of
the College Health Sen ice. is non: mg
the completion of the task of cjmr
iniw each ircmbci of the cln i s of
3929 Except foi a few lale-comeis,
the wo lie is complete, and attertion is
now being directed to the collection
of all ailments.
.At the present time thoic ate nioie
infirmary calls being made than were
made at any time dining the rush
seasons of last join, according to the
College physician. A noted increase
of calls was pciceptible dining the
1921-25 period over the 192.1-21 teim,
and at the rate visits aie now being
made to the dispensaiy, this season
wall exceed all previous xoais.
Better un'dcislnnding of this f ict
mm be had from the following data.
1923-21 1921-25
Dupensrrx Calls—ol73 82GG
New Diagnoses 2‘119 34 p >‘i
ITospiti'l Patients 95 101
Almost onc-frftli of the last year's
work N.’as taken care of in the month
of March when there were 1522 dis
pense v calls, 02G new conditions. 197
old conditions, 39G excuses lecom
mended, 1250 school horns missed
and twenty-fixc hospital bed patients
Also worthy of note is the fact that
theic were 1702 excuses lecom
mendod during 192 5-25 and a total of
10,075 school liouis missed.
Competing against some of the best
cattle in the country, the held fiom
Penn State annexed several high hon
ors at the Syracuse Pan this week.
Fust prize on a senior ye.tiling
steer, third on & junior yearling, and
thud pnze on a c ilf constituted the
class pi res The College had the
unique distinction of showing the
champion steel and the champion
herd of beef cattle The cattle we\e
of tiie Aberdeen-Angus breed and
were fitted by the department of an
imal husbandly.
Neatly Done
Penn State oeßepair Co.
Tuft —t»-i—tsB_ S.-Praa’jpr St.,
and Alien Street, under the
Peoples National Bank
I'm pledged t
Regular Gt
(Mcinml Emi
Supreme Wrn
at any Evers/im
H'ahl Pen con
(Continued from drat page)
same medicine at Lehigh university
Drexel. One semester's suffer in"- at
Penn State and three months of the
entitled Cai! Dirneatth to exemption
fioni further xvonv dt Christmas
Custom*? Inefficient
T W Morse, who carried
“matches, watei, flunks and every
thing” at Georgia Tech, xxill take one
semester's woik of the hrst ycai
treatment here Alfert' umxersity
did not get J R Wagner out of the
regular fiist .ear “assignment"
Geoigc Ilnllci, tnking a four-xeai
course in thiee xears was not gixen
the Kiting of a junior because oi that
fact, but must continue his second
-5 ear social standing.
Excuses fiom the first x*eav pnva
tions xvcie also granted Arman Willy
and R L Smith, Willy taking one
jeai at Carnegie Tech and Smith one
mid one-half x*eais at Tech and one
half xear at Pitt New Yoik univer
sity Inst xem requirements did not
srcuie foi B Nerrctoh the coveted
ficcdom for the lust semester.
Because oi a serious injury re
ceived while going to the Penn game
hrst yeni, C. Shtmer is crippled and
will not be required to continue
lurlher in the strait aril nanovv
path D Erkens, having taken a
semester’s punishment will take an
other semester’s “course” and he ex
empted from stunt night. One year’s
experience at Lehigh entitled A Lin
densmith to the social standing of a
R 8
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Open 7A.M.t011 P. M. |
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That’s rule one when you buy a suit or topcoat.
Get a good one. Get the best that can be had in cut
and an honest fabric to go with it. It’s the only way to
get your money’s worth in wear and good appearance.
Society Brand Suits
Statler Brand Suits
August Bros. Suits
Phil-Knit Topcoats . . . $27
An Exceptional Value
Society Brand Topcoats . $4O to 50
M. K. S. Topcoats .... 30
Schoble and Campus Hats $4.50 to $7.50
Caps . . . . 1.75 to 3.00
“B'd Like To Be In Your Shoes”
You’ve often heard that expression. Say it to
us and have your wish fulfilled.
Florsheim Shoes $lO
Crawford Shoes . . sg„§o to SOJO
Edmonds Foot-fitter .... g D SO
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Store Closed Monday
WANTED—A lady to picptue deli
catessens at hoi home A libetnl
commission. If interested leave
name ami address at COLEKUIAN
othce. It
ACMn\T of ours—u large,
‘.iibsUintinl ((Hiiirn —
wants one «» 11-l.noun stu
<h nt in eat h sciiool to nit as its
lulusnu ripresudntoe 'llns
is no ordinal y uun losing job,
hut u proposition whe*un tin*
right joimi! ft How mu makegood
titoniy bimpl> out of co.itmt
uilh Jus fellow students i.t lih
legular si liool life
The young man seleded in
cm h'sclieol v. ill he n junior or
Mui.or. of good blending among
Ins fillou h, more or le-s promin
ent in uliool nUtsilies. either
ftlhlelic or social JU'willnot he
nshul to tic tip Ins time in any
wi’j, hut simply to at ail ImiiMlf
of certain opportunities that
lomcup inCMr>-ila\ school life
If >ou think you are the man
for the opportunity, write and
till us frankly about >ourself
mid >our pnrtiitilur standing in
school aitiMtu* Stcucrman
Ser\ ire, Advertising Agent
15 East 26th S licit, New lore.
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