Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, June 10, 1925, Image 2

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    Penn State Collegian
Published centl-weekly during the College year by students cf tho Penn
sylvania State College, in the Interest of Students, Faculty, Alumni und Friends
of the College.
H. W. Cohen '2O - J
H T Krlebel ‘2Q
A. K. Smith '2O ................. ......
W J. Durbin '2O
H. L. Kellner '2O ...... .........
R A Shaner '2O .......... .......
W F. Adler '27
E 11 Coleman '27
C F Fisher '27
U W\ How ud ’27
Ell«n A. Bullock ‘27
Fi uu-fs L Foi boa '27
T Cain, Jr ’2O
O 1* Guy ’2*l
O. E Biumlleld '2G
8. R Robb '27
F X Wcldner, Jr ’27
The Penn State COLLFUIAV in\!tc« communications on any subject of
college Intel eat. Tc'teis must bear the slgiiilutts of the wiiteis Nimos of
communicants will bo published tinhss regiusled tu bo Kept (onlldomiD It
assumes no responsibility, hoxxexor, for scntlnitnlx exine-sed in the Letter
Box and rreerves the right to exclude in\ whose prihlh Hum would be pUpihlx
Inappropriate All copx for Tuesdtx'x inure must be In the otllce by ten a m
on Monday, and for Frldtys Issue, b> ten a m on Thutsdiv
Subscription price. $2 (10. If paid before January 1, 112*
1, 1925, $2 75
Entered at the PostofTlco, State College, Pa , as second class mat or
Office: Jslttany Printing and Fnhlhhing Co Building, Stite Cnl'c/c, Pi
Telephone l 292-XV, Bell.
Member of rnalern Intercollegiate Newspaper Assncialhm
Wttlnn a few davs, the Class of 1925 will bid adieu to Penn State
More than five hundred men and women will leave the Old Mam por
tals never to return again as undergraduates, and another milestone
will have been passed in the colorful history of thd’Nittany Valiev To
them, Commencement has a double meaning, end and beginning—the
end of carefree undergraduate days and the beginning ol a great ad
After the diplomas have been presented ne\t Monday, these men
and women will owe Penn State a debt that can never be icpaid m a
lifetime. Perhaps our College has not given the Class of 1925 as much
as the seniors would have desired, but she has given her all. Penn
State has offered all she has to oifer, and though some have taken ad
vantage of the generosity while others have not, the debt still remains
Penn State needs advice. Penn State needs orcstigc Penn
State needs inspiration. All these things the Class of 1925 can give
with but little effort At present, the College is at the crossroads,
waiting to be led either here or there Let the Class of 1925 go otP
into the world and sing Penn State’s glory Let it send Penn State
men who will make loyal sons of Alma Mater The Blue and White
has given its all—it expects something m return
Penn State has given the Class of 1925 friendships and memories
than can never be obliterated Former classes have been presented
with similar generosities and they have not forgotten their debt For
four years that have gone too quickly—“the sweetest of life ’ as they
have been aptly described—some five hundrcJ men and women arc in
Every age, every civilization and even individual is accused o'*
certain weaknesses This age is censored as hypocrites hold the mod
ern American undergraduate up to scorn. Now, as never before, has
the graduate a hard road to travel May the Class of 1925 do much
to change the world's general opinion of the college student
In his address at the opening of College last September, President
Thomas gave Penn State a slogan “Higher Up". Let the seniors car
ry this motto into the parts of the globe that will find them many jears
from now. And as Commencement draws near, \ic bid 1925 adieu
May it help make Penn State history
With this, issue, the efforts of the board arc completed for the
year Examinations hail the coming of summer with its inactivity
and tjhe COLLEGIAN will depart until September, when it will again
make its appearance on the campus, to be ignored, contested or agreed
vhih.‘ With/a feeling of satisfaction, we lay aside our pens, for since
taking over the reins of office m-April.'it'is felt that our'efforts have
not been in vain
Feeling the responsibility that is placed with it, the COLLEGIAN
has endeavored to present to the Penn State student body a genuine
news medium, an open forum and an unprejudiced editorial policy
Perhaps inexperienced, the 1925-26 board has laid Us foundation for
next year with the hope that the COLLEGIAN wi’l be an important
Inctor in shaping undergraduate opinion foi the betterment of Penn
The board realizes that it is not infallible and criticism of every
kind from every source has been and always will be welcome. Time
and again, the COLLEGIAN has been accused oi mechanical errors,
“slip-ups” tn tacts and unjust editorial accusations Often the ciin
usm is warranted, but it must be taken into consideration that for a
group of students to issue a newspaper twice a week, and at the same
time attend to their academic interests, is no easy assignment And
as for the editorial policy, the COLLEGIAN is attempting to relate
truths to the student body and will continue to criticize, constructively
and not destructively, regardless of the object at which the criticism
is directed
And for the remainder of the year 1925-2 G, this paper will serve
Penn State students with the truth, suppi essing only those items which
detract from the high ideals of Penn State. It will serve the students
as they should be served, with justice, sympathy and idealism It will
serve-the student body dependably and accurately. Mav the undci
graduates oknext year assist in making the task of the COLLEGIAN
a light one.
With the m looting of the Rills’ v.u-,
XU u.irk u«im, the rxxaid of ills*
numerals mi ixil\ Ss and the tennis
ni|) at tho mass meeting in Oltl Chain-!
Monday, tin* Minus atlilUUs for Perm
Stall- women 'win* brought to a clone
/Tho \ unity liaok loam is honmuy
anil is iliosi.n I>\ the picxldent of tho
W A A, the i-oich, the spoil man-
Aget arul tho class minium. This
sinnon all meniheis of Du- trim an
sophomores Miss V it .Slu-rld hi,
.. Editor-In-Chief
..................... Anal-rant Editor
Managing Editor
... ........... Associate Editor
............. Associate Editor
..... Associate Edltoi
W P. Iteed ’27
If G. WomsUy ’27
Mir>. E. Shiner ’2l
„ Business Manager
Ad\i-i Using XI in ig-r
Flu ul .t.oit V mm i
E C Wharton -7
After January
Miss I U ltoboiwnn, Mis-, I 31
XVmtiei and Miss It A Thilhirk
Mins II It Slog 'Ji, and Miss C M.
C-gnlbene 27 Into ouneil fottx points
in alhh-ths and wne nxx ndid Hit- last
two tlguns uf their clhs mum-iils
Tbosi (lining sexentx-llxe point* ml
th<- whale (lass mnncial an- the* M'®ses
M C Amblet '2O \ T -1. Shtiidin '27,
L 11. Itoheiunit ’27 uni it It Ft,ml.
’27 A. white swc.itot wilh n blue S
v is aw.udid to each of Die following
Miss B .1 liutllnlnk Xir.. MKs f F
ILihm.iti ’2l>, Miss A. M«tl Ja and
Mins H P Mums *2l Tin iiipnwaid
tjd nmm.ilh -to the* tennis <lnmplmi
m-ih wan h\ Miss M I) I Iced ‘2S.
ft qTHX -Flairs
1 LIOW9 v 1
itaw " by • Danieu.
v «/2S.
Well so long <>!d (b ip, .and ill Dint ciap,” *a>* my roomie as he goes,
1 M it min snmim i be the gun test spieo tii it a kepi you an x niu toes "
Quit Mdd a’ Ia 1, 1 I inswi-ii-tl link, ‘Mu’ drop n line oi two
• Llki llie di-ia e I will 1 sn\ s Hie good old -pill, " ’cause I won't be feclln' ldne
Mm st rin ii the so nhme whole the noeni hreeres blow
\nd Du w Id w t\i-x sing i wtknme as up tile boards 1 go;
111 be ditin' with m\ ewer-tie mil r-ne< kin* twite ns mmli ' • i
As I e\u did .u tolbxc siiuo I*\e b-.und the rule* of such”
X.hi nut* 1 be i XI tpie Lodgo. oi i Womens’ Building bound,
I unhid. < iuse Im fimilin with the College huntin’ ground
•\*o vouii-* m\ liiiddv mswois, then 1 tumbled with a fill—
’ll-e lit a ilnp w i* Just e’lited president of Old Mac Tin 11.
Den Binie]
It wa- «-o sweet <f \ou to like an interest in my ennsclenee when I lost
i* -liu 7 in imhng i suggestion which max be useful to \ou and ill of xotit
teid<*is wlm will be going borne tills week
Wbrnixn 1,0 <>n the ti iin mx mother make* me pin a fixe doliir bill
in lib mx dn-ss lit < i*o I should he k'dnn-ppod She thinks'that if mx mm
in <<ibd hi < nixing me o r f he ought to hive something xxoitli white foi the
v-fiut ivpimlid iml Du tumble vet .o rome
Allot he- nl\ mt ige I* tbit it Isn't *o pasx* to spenj) monex ax hen li'x
p'nnrd 'n-dde iml when urn get home \<m Mill haxe it Then >ott can glxe it
bill, to xoiu molliei, i»r wui father. If he needs it xxorse—and they’re so gird
X\ l ,’x Dux |p<*ii(» of Die piper xxe ito foieed to sling the pen
With t couple little comments on the stuff In Linns Ben.
i.,,'. fm- hi- snffi red might'!* though some thingx-cnuld hive been nnre
I'tom Du- outline iks of theaiudents in attempts at-prose and verse
We still Junk hx ill tint’s Unix lint tl
I* In Dmxels h.De tolxum and di
Xian 1 t'mes -,he slaff his muttered wh
1 1.'ons Den Is for the student*—hut
~n we’d wilte the stuff md use it xvllh
Fiom the pens c/f nimble students v
Fm we s-'itod mlxti-n w'th lh
Tint unsought-foi » unit .hutlons nei
7 B Holme i g-tdu.ate of the TTnl
xdsjtv of Toronto, Ins lecentlv Ireen
ippo'ntrd rs-isuint professor nf archi
ve tu il dtsign 'at Penn State-
iM. lhitne gidduited from Ihe Cn
i id'm institution in 1922 ind dixotid
i u ii to thesiudj of mhitoeture and
f'.x pluming in Cut ope Dining 1924-
1 2" lie hi* been tgi idmte student it
1 1 - 1 - Mill i Xioter ittd he xxiVl receive-hls
•‘"after every meal ’
Take care of your teeth!
Use Wrigley’s regularly.
It removes food particles
from the crevices. Strength
ens the gums. Combats
acid mouth.
-I—l—l-;- -I—l- -M—l—b -I-^*^ 1 *5- •b-W-i
To those who |
don’t care ¥
to cook these 1 I
hot days |
;j; We arc in position to i
* supply you with the J
* very best cooked meats v
and salads. ::
J Roast Beef, Pork, |
:j: Ham, and Veal x
| Potato and Chicken J
£ Salads •>.
The Purity Tea Room ?
i and Delicatessen Shop
315 Allen St. f
he place for atudent stuff
«t on the golf cour«? “lotirh'
ten hut few oontrihn on me In.
r their stuff I<r trite and ’-thin
i the hope that more wtyuld come
with a wit that wrm“t’jitimh
ho idea in our hrain ’
•oil not aentfh foi «mnce In \nin
maatei'a decree this month at Toi
firowth of the work in orihitoetmo
and the increased niimhot of student l *
electing courses in Indium itl tit
ptoinpted the College nuthnrities to
make the appointment.
Handmade Porto Rican Drones of
an’len and hrondelnth fiom s•* 00 to
ST *.O Also ladles pjuui Pana
ma hut a at a reawm lhle pi ice—iirs
JI O natter, 13S push Stioot
, <xx~x-*x~x**x~x , *x~x"x*-x"x~x'vx-x
| The Hiland Shop
“Service with Courtesy”
R. W. EDMISTON, Proprietor
| Cleaning, All Kinds
Laundry Service Extraordinary
'■V/''! Oilt Telephone Number-is 264 -f ■
| ' I
V*/E WANT to thank all
’ * the Fraternities and
Clubs for their patronage,
during the past year. Know
ing that our associations
have been of mutual benefit,
and wishing each member a
very pleasant summer.
| I
Use of Damage Fund
Explained in Letter
According to an opinion prevalent
h the studuit btidv, the College will
lilmhmsc nil citizens of State CidUge
fin' damage i Inllli tetl I>\ tindetgi
ite« 1! Smith Crmiptinllet.
■ inuoits this hupiessinn lit llte follow
ing h t tot to the ( 01.1,1 («l\>:
"Iheie seems to In a t itbn wide
hrl'ef in the student Innlv tint tl.t
(ullige "HI lelnUilt'-e «ili/otis of the
Uoiuugh nid snti onmllng lonntij foi
Insets 111(1 dimities to l>in|>ei!\ la'll* t
la etnd* nts o' tin ( (dltue. I would
ippieihtc It if \ou would nuke sum
si Moment In the next N-tie of the
(OM.I (HAN to rotted this iinpres-
*Tho d image denoslt nf one doll it
l»et \cn titld lij euh sttidmt is to
n \et losses in College pmpcm nnh
'the on)\ leuanw i i Iti/i n of Hie com
tnnnitv his foi ]ns*is Infliitcd In «lit
d<,nt« Is ilumikh tegulu pio.ess of
liw lis the pimuimloii of the indlvld-
U i's ■ Oil. lined
•J hrl'ove lint if students generill\_
ui.dustood this ionite) lh< v would le
ft iln finin h’lllrtlng looses itpm prt
sons who *n nil pi oh tbllitv are theli
“It might he well ilsn to irfiosh the
sunlint mind is to the use of the Col
lide dtmi go fund A mimhei of mus
ago the student linilv took 111 ion w'th
the ippioval of the Uottd of Tntsues
of the Cnllegi to |iumll the gt idiiiting
e ns vear to use anv urn \pendod
bill nor* In the 0 tm ige fund foi C! is;t
Memoild tmi|ios<s Cull cli-a slnee
tint time his taken ad\ int ige of this
privilege As n i on«(i|Uenee oltidenis
woo ne infoimcil hno ’protec tod foi
lege piopulj to the l.e-t o' Ihdi ohil
itv so th it the Cl iss Uemnilil Fund
e.nli %eu might he is luge is pns-
FOR lII. NT —Pom room ipaitmcnt
tulvite Intli fmn's'ttd in unfm n
iehed Abu Tea Room Id< il lo
tion 2.‘k \\*. College Ave. * Plume
Repairing I
(Continued rrom llrat Paso.)
■SH. Hauls following close ‘with an
avet ige of 1,11, The eotnptlitlon l« as
\ll 11. Avg
Conk i 1 *Oll
Mv hat ski "A 11 -lit
Kelli v 10 1 4HO
11 it tis - (.2 21 111
lhak i i nn
Vigo 21 1 111
Mi\nkfi f.n 11 ‘'uo
‘Wilson ',? 17 219
Milts 11 <i ."id
K. ist. net u r. .vi
Coin•« 7 2 2SO
Ice Cream and Ices
Fresh Fruits and Drinks
Cupid Chocolates
“The Coolest Place In Town”
George Washington and His Commission
On July 3, 1775, Gen. George This commission the first
\v eshmgton took command of historic document signed t /
the colonial forces at Cam- John Hancock and next to the
brk'pe.Mass .withlnthe'ihadow Declaration of Independence,
ofHarxard College. Thiscvent signed by him the next year, 13
\. ill be appropriately celebrated the most Important,
on July 3, 1925. 1 The original engrossed copy of
The commission, which mads the Washington commission
George Washington “General can be seen m the Library of
end Commandcr-m-Chief of Congress. A photographic cop,
the Army of the United of this commission, n r *vell os a
Colonies*’ by vote of the Con- facsimile of the Declaration of
mental Congress at Philadel- Independence, has been repro
phla, is dated June 19,1775, and duccd by the John Hancock
issigned by John Hancock, who Mutual Life Insurance Cucr.-
wns then President of Congress, pany of Boston.
The Jnhn Hnncc-t. h (ximffulctfy hitrated In fniunng eolfeje mm enj
(.oncn«.nJ In elrciniiytfollcje far the JietiLmnelc/ tfie field tut'.f.
Over Surry Years m Busi*
ness Nou» Insuring Over
Two Billion Dollars in /Or T*
Policies on 3,500,000 lives
To you we extend our best
wishes and we sincerely hope that
success and good fortune will be
yours in all the worldly tasks that
you will now be called upon to
To the “Undergrads” we wish
a very pleasant vacation and we
hope you will be with us again in
• f
State Shirt Shop \
Tbt Garirmt Centtr BmUmut
"Towering Masses” walter m mason! Arcim
O Drawn by Hindi Terns*
pJCRE the new architecture expresses itself in great vig
*" orous masses w Inch climb upu ard into the shy with a
pyramidal profile— gigantic, irregular, arresting An earlier,
com cntional building on the near corner is overshadowed,
engulfed in towering masses of the newer building which
arc prophetic of an architecture of the future which is
vividly stimulating to the imagination
Certainly modern invention —modern engineering shill
and organization, will prove more chan equal to the dc*
mands of the architecture of the future.
Oflhei in all Principal Cities of the WoiK!
Wednesday, June 10,19!i5
I'lsonhuth iiO 14 *in I
Seim in/ HI 14 -I'* "»1 > 111 .211.
Jl ii lflsnn 12 2 li>7
©TfipTlillfiruiTfrpafre do.
1 ’Riofaplm/syOualiy'
ffal* CAO» Ik.
vvr.DNnsrp w & Thursday—
Arum: rumosr and aiovit. uuir
111 “Kin Are Attain"
rninw mil svrtrtnw—
non.r,vs ir.Ki.rvv
In “liitmiliKe Hi ’
.1011YV \ lIIM.S
In "Tin* Crac kerlneU"
\\ niACSDAI--
1 Irsf I’ennn. Shimlnir of
In "Tile U title,ej H
TtlUltStJU ami FIJinVY—
THOHAS Mllllltl W
In “Old Home Ureh*
inym roirvsov
In “The Afanli'iire OliT