Friday. June b, 1920 Y” Secretar Annual A A complete resume of the At oik , Utn V M. C A i« Pot fmth In n pot t fuilmilltod h\* AV. .T Kllrlion, ■Motuv of tlio Penn Suite Chtlxtlnn A numhet of suggestiona i the ptogiim of the m\t u* tie 'o included In the «ui\pv, AVoik with the beshmen begin oar tn the 1(1)001 ton. stalling with ~ eeptlon and continuing with cabinet eetlnus mil audita However, ik. Is It tint the ptogi ini wis ttc ik in inti iml it Is hoped tit it Fipalntin ’ode will otTot the Inglinl time for .|tnn«lon With the eliculition o' a question* lie thiough which students chose e foui Jivcst questions on the enmp , (list psejon imnng ftntet nltt and n-fntoinltv gioups followed Twen ■‘•'‘ton fictiltt men took jnrt In esc ilispiivs'nns limit i the genet il ill ition of Profo'i'-oi r.ittei m,l Dr etdter Included in the list of outside spcak i who leetiiied on pinhlenis of the nth wet>• Dt Walter ludd Di Hdilh ile Swift. Archibald rnnphell, 011- it l’o!\oi, AV AN* AVond, Ifeminn itn. A’lmcnt O Hums mill Tlitmi'i.i I It i r'^on Conferences Dili teen ' students attended the In tute on Life it Its Host conducted Pi ISruro Ctri't at Gqttdiuig 's w is the beginning of pren nation discussion gimips fhiilt-tun nun 1 v amen attend* d the Student Afl«- nn\ Conference held at Iltteknell He five men weie pi (sent it the An il Oiiueis' tt lining ronfeience at, ink'in and Alai shall College The wi Pat dclegitlon will he somewhat nlet thin nsuil this tear on ae tho fiet th ii the College l« one week p In (los'ntr and eontllets occur iSmio of the best 11011* lu« dotelop d lit the ttoelc-cnd or t1)-d n panics i the mounts.ns Here, through the out .o~\ of Colonel Poll In the use o' Is cali'n, oppmtunlti w is giten foi bought, detrition and discussion The ’omth Older Pots* Confeienee was a tting (lo«e to a deputation ptogi nn fm ;ie tei nightt-seten lints of high cluiid tge fiom all parts of Centie fiuntt jjath"iens t»i tlic tiislty mile rpiaiteUe The ndtaneed ticket sale will he held co-op Coiner Tuesday and Thurs- i Tune ninth ind eletenth. fiom .eit till nine oeloik in the etening OST —Yollntt slicker in or around Armoit Fiida> afternoon Design of gill painted on hack Xante on Ittngei Finder please letnrn to Xewquist, Alpha Gamma Ilhn, *2t „r ; ;acquit —i ; s \v.. lons list of satisfied ;V;£< patrons. PURITY TEA ROOM Bell Phone 314 Presents tivity Report itv for sertlrp In some \ncatlnn wn« pie«cntod lit Pinfessnr Milhous, Dor lor P.ittce nnd Doan Sachett The ns- KOciatiim has lioon able to pirn lust hooks with a dealers' discount mil his established a lihratv of hooks on icl'g- Imjs and social subjects’ 1- iiiertnbiincnl Course The onteilalnment coin sc tills tear was mote e\ponsl\e thin pte\ l«u*d\, ifprosoiillng a cost of s'"»nn Time uw t minimum of entett ilmnent u tinetlons and a. ptednininnncc of ownci it 1.10 Hicstei stioct »lt FOR SALE—We have two very deslr- : able balldlng lota with w-nlks pu* 1 down, on Prospect a- enuo and Lqcust : Lane that can be bought at this : time. Will sell one or both. Terms : cash or payments can be arranged : for. Call Bell 252 tf ; Capital $125,000 Surplus 5125,000 The First. National Bank State College , Pa. The secret of the very satisfactory progress of the First National Bank is to be discovered in the principles which have characterized the activities of the institution throughout its existence. Security, Stability and Service DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier W. F. FOSTER, President Princess See Our New The latest style with ruffles in all colors ■ Rayon Silk Vests, Step- | ins and Bloomers i AT POPULAR PRICES SENIOR PROGRAMS READY ON MONDAY On account rtf an accident In linn«lt. tho neninr ptogt mis will' lint tm leiih fm (list!Mnitinn un -111 Mnndn, insieid nf Utkin, is mlgliinlli imiouneecl. Those «t*nlnts who mo lotting College hefnic Mmitlav tn isketl (o lute someone got tlinlr ptogrtms for them DR. WENDT DEPARTS FOR INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Dr O L |\Vondt, dean of tho School of Choniistn and phvsha, left foi Hut h nest, Uumml.i. list Tuomlii Ittlinio lin Wtlt itlin.l lho Cnngtess of’ ihn lii'u-: national Union of Pure iml •Applied Cheinlsui Drill \V« mlt goes to tho cnngicss is i doingtto of the Nitloni] Itnsnm.h Council Uo will also tisit Const mtinopln nnd «tml\ tlu* modem developments in Ihn oil Indus tt\ in tlin D ilk ms. Dmn Wend., wlio is linked .tmnng titn if iding chemists of the United Stiles, ilso jntends to spend t month in Cinmim oht lining liUorm itlou on the tnoduillon of substitute motor funis so ah it i o*c mil tun lie wlu’cd in the school line When Intel viewed 'the De in ipronted out tint the woilds oil siipplv fmm which gi«olinn is >r imed, Mlil lie o\h lusted within tvvnntv m ns it tlte pi (sent md inueisod fu tuio l itn of ioiiMimpJi’l Di Wnndt is voi\ much InteloMted In svnthol, i now sulistiiuto fuel, mule fiom other .iloohols Upon ids iilmn fiom Cei jn.anv* th<* ilein e\pects ter open to* ‘•tilth f.iflllties of the Penn St ite SJiool nf Chemical* and Phvs'es to in Intensive studv of tile futuio mnl.n -fut 1 pt obit m FOUR FRATERNITY TEAMS REMAIN IN NET TOURNEY Ulndoifd fiom completing the semi fltnl lounl o' ihe inteiftitoinitv ten nis matches In tmn\ eonllieting edits. *t=. the fom tom lining Ciietic lottet tmiit outllts me sthednietl to dceidi the finalists this week end The fia tei nines who ire still in the running foi the enp ire Phi Dil. i Thet i. U jhi Chi Sign) i Phi Tiipju Sigma md (imegi llpsilon Di°pliviiig i blind of tennis tint was mulling but mcd’ofio. these fom tc uns advanced with vletoiies met Phi Dpsibin Pi, Phi K ippi T.m. Chi Till md Then Xi The two finalists will tie deeitled when Phi .Delta Theti cneounteis llie Atpha Clil 'Jigrn t onuit nic-n ind Phi Kappa Sigma will at ti nipt to stop the Omegi Dpsilon ag giegition All these teims have shown imus uallv fine fmm nnd ONreHent tenn's is looked for in both the semi-final ind final bracket/* •-* An inleresting isurvej of rumpus so pieties and their rhistorj Jn 'Hie Old Main Hell. Spring Styles tor Men and Women State University Sboe Co. S. Pugh St. Slips | i EGQLF’S 7**l2 FSTvN STATE COLLEGIAN PENN STATE LACROSSE BEGINS UPWARD TREND Bc7. Stales That Stickmen Show Great Improvement Over ..previous Seasons . . Tn nccnjdnn'*i“ with pre‘cnt pirns t*e\t voir gfseison in Incros »• pwmls. t- to In* ope nf Hie gicitesi tint Penn f.tte mme Hi’* epmt jv.ih tbolivhnl il_ tho In of the Woild W'.u "Hi ufigoi-ektt C H Cook :•(. •ml Mimgtr W* !• Uorruvnin '2*. me r.pldlv shilling up i tentitive «t i edub fo 1921. "Wiiile no definite nurfiei of games will he gti'nttd mill] it tonics b.fnu* tii“ ith’ctit committee, Couh Leon ml i, eMicctfng tn hive the o'd s-'licdule Ineie i*o«l ihv Corn or live game* and it. institution of tlueo oi fout g.iuns fm the eirling «tickmen Tlte tot il nutubei of ginies fm tilt* vmsitv will dt pend upon tig* finances while it Ls highlv )n oi aide tint the fri-dmion will. ; 1 iv i* it li is; i tv o if nut i time t on- . teu cud I Her Sees Improvement iWhmi ijipi e lrlutl is t» whit he thought ibout the pin pens of the twelve foi nc\t \cn tv. wit i little* win s* iting that It would HI di - pend on the Intllvidttil wok of the v.ith tlie *-lit )v lie eonluled fm the I tint the hid pie sen ed u irmth sliongn ind bottni <•<». 111(111111111, gioiip til's \r ir thin eve! hefotc Pern c **ite lieio««e began about the vcti of 1911 In i 11her i liiphir.ud r isiilinj l.ut the pliveis fm the moat i'll, vveie ilde to til.' the it sVuo of ti'e iktiuie*- is sluwn bv Hie term.l* The spmt though not pomil u net it* fli .t sftlnek nt the lieginning of the wit when it wis abnlMiod ho i iu*-e of I ink of m it* m! Re-cstabludic’d After Mar Con 4 billing the game in UOO with i two tilt seluduie. Hie Xittmv pliveis d'lidod the bill A total iivoim* e-tnie in tlte fo’iovving season when He nine ind White *-;iok vv letters vicio wot sled In f"Ui contests With in oipiil m.m licr m gums ended fm die 1922 c pung tlie tijinel mule i sl'gh; enme- Inek bv liking one of ‘hem The mo*! smeesvful *ci'on was 'n the nc\t von when the Xitt.tnv Vd'ev 1 ids raptured il'toe and tied one of m tight game e < in dtile Foieetl to i educe Hie number of ginies in 1921. wnen the institution fiet ame i mendiei of the Xortiurn Di vj*-ion IntcicoHng’atP Lacrosse Teague, the teini ins; font tilts To- tlie iceent erntests in number the linns have t iken one. lost The last after two e\ti t peiioi’s and suffetel clem defeats fm the othe:•- The htmie team S'*oted twontj-nine points timing the tilts STATE COLLEGE BAKERY Now doing business at rear of 139 Allen Street. JUST PHONE YOUR ORDERS Bell 53-J Are you going to be in State College this summer? Do you intend to go to a nearby summer camp? Will you be home or away from the college ? In any case you’ll be interested in whats doing on the State campus during the summer. Get the dope thru the columns of THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN. $.35 for seven issues— mailed anywhere. have regNteml for* while opponents t \-tvv r> t lilies. Snri>rlsccl At Comment When Informed nf. the* giwtt in clease In skill-in- Inntlllng the lacrosse bv the until." Conch Ixmnfrl said thin he was suipilsed .{it jbe* numhei ,V>f ml-sses in the Pennsvv mla- ohsli. He i cinnnoiued that if half the ehm* in Hie laet gupie had been pi iced necuf itch, the Quaker Clt>- pof«eis vroutt hive been eieilv oveiwhelmed l TUllidrtvm* Stnienieut , ‘III have tn take had* the state ment tint the twelve is ,i f.dr weath er t< ini' vv is another comment “The ei'domed fight in the list content hen Hu* hms came from behind tube showed th it thev vveie working hmV was Coath LeniiJiiVs cloeing remirk* Fiom the futuad which he his Just finished grooming thoee who will be lost vli the diphsni i route ate Wit land Shiner, eapt , Clopser Aah and pei haps Shinks Tlie veterans wito wiP be back foi the spring ut 192* an* Harkins. House. Pucklev. Cook Edmonds UcNc-hlu Wendell, ind Ilatkett c-ipt llrt-eleei Yearling Diamond Season Reviewed ' Ciputring five gunea out of tlu* rcv o! ht dultsl on'its eatd tlie yearling' b ist-lta]] v/(.uul t losp.l a upccessful mold season Hut his kept it In action timing the calico month of Miv Pi ic-' tu illv ill of Hu* opposing nines vveie •trong < oinbinatloiis p irtly evttenccji in the fait that thiee of the tilts vvertj ciptmul hi one-tun margins Aftc** i preliminutv t>rictic*e season Urdu the diieuion of Condi JJouck to which approsim itolv one bundled candidates loportejl, th* sc lectid cnmhln ition engaged the Duck-' ncll lb scives on Fjtlu*r« Di> and handed them an S to 2 s**tbick. Cu- 1 ii'ii" cm tlit ii winning stride into the* Hit pi iv ed on Mu ninth with tin Wvoniing Seminirv batsmen, th'* plebe sluggers ei.v«cd the hopes of the v.-Itoii bv handing them a 1 to t» shutout lit the closest game nf the prison . Northern. Trijv On Vav fifteenth tho .veirllng wn>td Knickers and Flannel Trousers*for summer wear. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Suits made to order GERNERD, The Tailor began an invasion into the mu tin. m lan of ih« elite uni New Ymk tor contest!* with Mansfield Nnimii and the 55vrncusp plehcn The M insfielti oombin.itlnh u.ih e.tallj subilued tm Urldiv .afternoon when thev vine fotc ed to tike the sntHl end of n 12 to 1 count hut the first-iem men jeitlvtsl their fim sethnelt on Jin slMeeirth .at tlu* hands of tlie Hi mge vent lings, I who handed them n 7 to 1 defeit The entire contest proved to be a much of skill from the mound and IkiHi t vv I i 1 - ers received good suppotl fiom Htrir Plates Two of the baldest fought tilts wen pii veil the following weik-tnd. when both the Potomac St ite school nine ami the Kiski ptepitraloiv arhool aluggct* fell uiulei tlu* vvailing ntt n*k In i margins of one iun Van Att i tvv ii lid against the West Virginia who vveie able tn secure nnh a citiliuet of iuiis igilnst the plela* h ilf-thr/eTi t H’Jes S 1 ijte look th. mound ig-iinst Kiski cm Siuu di\. M.av twenlv-thiid. and fmced Hie oppoHing batmen to necept i *• to -t defeit. tm.inwhile finning slue on of the slugger* who ficed him IClsl.l possessed one of the stiongvst com b nntiona that the plcbes eneounteied {it’d It vvae oniv in the tin ii Inning tint tlie winning tnHy vv is acoie.t ' In response to i rcciuest fiaiiii Xeivsh I>nt/ *22. tjptaln of the Vusliv foot l«ull t«un in 1922 Mintger Mithiis OtWled an eati.i tilt to th' >cail!ug m.u.ul hv stlietluling the Flilpiu nsbm g sc-hewd nine, which iunl been | DISTRIBUTION OF j CAPS AND GOWNS | Seniors' (fips mil row ns win ! in* uisiiUnit'd, upon (In il IM\- j imnt s,itii| ( H> twrnmtr him* | ilili tpontli u KnKimetinjr A | nnh * The row ns imi«t lip returned | t<> ilio lommlttio it Un-rlnootln-r | A cithoi Alnnil i\ irtornonn hr i motliuih f «llo\\lnff the f nm s mi'in I'mi‘iH i \ori Wes. oi on t lit* | following mmniiitf PATROXIZC OUR ADVERTISERS ] —■— -t-tt C'ku h*sl l»t the former IVnn Slit, foothill leulet Foiling to show theh vmijl fomi. tho fresbmin sluvßers fell under tho all ick of a haid-hittinß nine College Ice Cream SERFAS An Important Message to Ambitious College Men The S S Kioesro Ci.mivim non operates 27i> stoies Incit ed i» the Ki-t nut Middle Wo»r and N . ontiiiuillt iddm,; non "totes to tho < h iln Foi iiherto non stoics md otliot \ icatn Ii s urn tin ’hr iii> loiimio ni in i;i i- 'tin onh wit to obi iJn Mdtt'J'ictoi\ nnwiKus is to oiißiße tounß men I»'H semhtß tin* itouiir imn Is pi too nnios moie \ ilu tMo Successful applictnts are placed umUi tho illiciHi.n of competent minimus, md loun nut monhmdlso mil *tme methods In a prutical w tv h\ arm ill> ihdiiß "imo woik Tho u dninß titno loiiithod hofoto it»jiointnionr to suno niiniM'inpiu depends luk tt|ion tin ibllin ibmniisti itfd. JVo hnto to offoi in tho boßinnlnj; 11 ml wmk. lons houis and sm ill litltiß wmo I’hi* i wo it mint tinios. dot’s not n|i]ioil to tho noi irc college Ri idtiito hut If ho shown in int lin iUmt to spend sufficient time in train- Injr i tu> hiiKhl fiitme awaits him M mastm * no I'iid on i commission hisis mid oam fioin in flVHtfl mil 'jlhi\i> |ioi >om Wo tuomiso no nno i stmo mimaoi's position hi .loss than rhioo tons, md It mm t ike Imißoi Tho posslhlltu of holdlna i Rood position within four m fhc toms should ho mnsidiKil mote seiimish tli in tho nb tilnhiß of one pitittß n lit Rot mint In tho hoßlnnliiß with lillle or no fntiite tiossjl.llllios If lntoiested and oonfldont that ton oan citialifr, pond for ipplicatlnn lilink Vo will wtllo ton fmiliot o.imein- Im; n poi son i| Intoitlow, o prnfei mon hotwoen tlio ifos of .*.* ind 3« Sumo students mat of nooes.sftt ho omnpoltod to nm pi foi iheh jiiisltloiis aril i Riiduiliim those pititiß tin hißliest poMsdilo «iltriort If. iftoi ti'lnr out such positions, \ott do trot fool h ithifiod .we sh ill he «1 id to h it o vou w i lie us S. S. Kresge Company Personnel Department Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Michigan. in d woio tout’ll to hike tne Ir.sitiß cm! of till’ ~ to 2 I’ontost s«j |tr> pm\od to ho tho sftr mounds* nun fm the tonlitifn dntitiß the w>a rt.ui eMahllsiiitiß -j leeoiil of flflt-two stiike-otits in tlm llto lilt« In which hr took tint Poth Vin Atta and I'mm who ippciii’il in the lm\ nßains' the l’ototnio Stile nine tnd tin Mans jfold sfhoul -fiuail twilled the plilie comhlnatlrm to tio tr 11. Jfanlnßton rap* tin of tho 1 *>2*s dli niond w|u id, was stitimnd at tho to rcitniß .nil in tho fnntfsts phtod and r.unjnon, Jufihson ind Hewitt lotot f» tin* s.ii.ks In rndu Stnilt? r.l slnnt stop oomphUnß tho inhdd Fletiliei. (,i eone ini Hun loitmd the mo id* ows AtiiHumir l.isknaud Kent weto is sulMituti s in sitfiil of tin? The, I'rtt or ton liners who w'll ir ooiti’ nnmei i! iwuds has not ‘non completed as tet. hut will ,11k* It In mrouiuid in the llnil Issue ..f tin ( Ol.ld't.l Vk, Tlu phhe lutstnen nu it pi (seat Kpoit'nj- with tin \nsltt